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Financial Today

Page 13

experts in
Personal Finance,
Real Estate,
and more

"The pandemic could

Call for the create long-term
country's top opportunities for real
estate investors."
5,000 finance
& real estate Richard Thaddeus Carvajal
Chief Executive Officer,
professionals PHILGEMS Realty Corp.

20 Interview with a
Real Estate Executive,
Richard Thaddeus Carvajal

4 Chief's Letter
Bouncing Back

6 Time-Tested 13 Money Management

Wealth Lessons
PH's top finance
From a 94-year- professionals on how to
old book. manage your money amid
the pandemic.

11 Success Habits of 24 Five Business Ideas

Financial Services Clients
That will thrive during and
Four success habits of after the pandemic.
clients of financial advisory

1 The Financial Today July-September 2020


Be a part of an elite group of Wealth Managers who walk the talk for
our clients. Be a Babylon Financial Wealth Manager today.

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Chief's Letter


That is the question most
of us are asking ourselves

ne of the things That is why we went ahead

I admire the most and asked the country's
about us Filipinos top money managers as
How, then, can everyday
well as business leaders to
is our capability to Filipinos safely navigate
and manage their finances help us make informed
bounce back from any challenges during these trying times decisions about the way
amid the pandemic? we handle our money and
we face in our lives. Every obstacle
businesses amid the
we overcome makes us stronger. health crisis the whole world is facing today.

And now that the whole world is We also understand the increasing need for more
personalized guidance coming from professionals
facing a health crisis, economies
to help us secure our financial freedom in the
around the globe are gravely hit by future. That is why we are launching the TFT 5000, a
the negative effects of the prestigious list of the top financial advisors, wealth
coronavirus—affecting millions of managers, and real estate professionals in the
lives through unemployment,
market crashes, and global unrest. This way, you'll get your hands to a free database of
experts in the field of money and property
How, then, can everyday Filipinos management with peace of mind.

safely navigate and manage their

In today's unstable and trying times, we need to
finances during these trying times stick together more than ever—for the sake of our
amid the pandemic? financial security and business success.

The Financial Today

04 The Financial Today July-September 2020 CEO & Founder




Apply for this year's TFT 5000, a prestigious list of the Apply Now
country's top 5,000 finance & real estate professionals and
get discovered by hundreds of thousands of The Financial
Today Magazine subscribers nationwide.
TFT Feature

The Richest Man in Babylon

George S. Clason's 1926 personal finance
classic contains seven lessons about building
wealth that is still relevant today. By TFT Staff

T he secret to building
wealth is so simple and
practical that it eludes
understanding and the
imagination of many who
have heard it.

George S. Clason's
collection of parables,
based in the ancient city
of Babylon, starts with the
story of Arkad.

He is the son of a humble

merchant with no hope
of inheritance from his family but still managed to become the richest man in Image by Wikimedia
the city. Arkad was able to build his wealth thanks to the wisdom he sought out
from a rich moneylender named Algamish.

The King of Babylon hoped of transforming his city to become the wealthiest in
the world. Because of this desire, he asked Arkad if he can share the "secret to
wealth" with the rest of the city. Arkad accepted the wishes of his king, and for
seven days, he taught a class of one hundred men what he calls the "seven
cures for a lean purse."

07 The Financial Today July-September 2020

TFT Feature

1 Start thy purse "What each of us calls our 'necessary

expenses' will always grow to equal our
to fattening. incomes unless we protest to the Saving Filipinos
contrary," Arkad explains. "Confuse not
the necessary expenses with thy desires."
Building wealth all starts by paying
yourself first. It doesn't mean treating
To develop the habit of controlling
yourself with a nice, expensive cup of
your expenditures, start by learning
coffee. It means setting aside a
how to track all of your earnings and
minimum of 10% of your earnings.
expenses. You can do this by writing
down each transaction you are making
According to Arkad: "For every ten coins According to the 2017
to a piece of paper or by using budget
thou placest within thy purse take out for Bangko Sentral report
apps or spreadsheets.
use but nine. Thy purse will start to on the State of
fatten at once and its increasing weight Financial Inclusion in
Regardless of your financial situation
will feel good in thy hand and bring the Philippines, 62
—whether you're on your way to a
satisfaction to thy soul."
huge fortune or just getting started percent of all deposit
building your wealth—learning how to account holders in the
Anyone, whether rich or poor, can set
control your expenses is a must. country only keep
aside at least 10% of her income
"Study thoughtfully thy accustomed P5,000 or less in their
according to Arkad. You just have to
habits of living," Arkad says. "Let thy bank balances.
commit to paying yourself first and
motto be one hundred per cent of
learning how to live without it.
appreciated value demanded for each The number of deposit
coin spent." account holders also
Nowadays, thanks to technology and
rose to 57.1 million in
modern savings accounts, setting

2017 from 53.5 million
aside at least 10% of your income is
easier than ever. Enrolling your bank
Make thy gold in 2016. Only 13.8
account to an automated savings multiply. percent of depositors
feature will help you develop this habit have savings of P40,000
of saving money with ease. to P500,000 while 3.7%
Setting aside part of your income and have over P500,000 on
"I, too, carried a lean purse and cursed it being able to control your their accounts.
because there was naught within to expenditures should leave you with a
satisfy my desires," the richest man in surplus of money. The next step in The number of account
Babylon explains to his students. "But building wealth is to grow your savings holders, depositors,
when I began to take out from my purse through wise and proper investing. and total deposit
but nine parts of ten I put in, it began to amounts has grown
fatten. So will thine." "The gold we may retain from our throughout the years
earnings is but the start," says Arkad. as well. The total
"The earnings it will make shall build our

deposit amount grew
Control thy fortunes ... Learn to make your treasure to 11.7 trillion in 2017,
work for you. Make it your slave. Make more than double the
expenditures. its children and its children's children 2011 amount of 5.4
work for you." trillion.
The next step is to simply spend less
Making your money work for you The growth could
than you make, which is easier said
simply means investing it so it could indicate the Filipinos'
than done. Our consumer-driven
grow. The trick in maximizing your better attitude towards
society makes it incredibly easy to
money's growth through investments
overspend. People also tend to fall banking and a slightly
is taking advantage of compound
into "lifestyle inflation" or increasing more inclusive
interest and to start as early as
their spending as their income grows. financial system in the

08 The Financial Today July-September 2020

TFT Feature

5 7 Increase thy
"Behold, from my humble earnings I had Make of thy dwelling a
begotten a hoard of golden slaves, each
laboring and earning more gold,"
profitable investment. ability to earn.
explains Arkad. "As they labored for me,
so their children also labored and their
"I recommend that every man own the "The more of wisdom we know, the more
children's children until great was the
roof that sheltereth him and his," Arkad we may earn," preaches Arkad. "That
income from their combined efforts."
tells his class on the fifth day. "Nor is it man who seeks to learn more of his craft
beyond the ability of any well-intentioned shall be richly rewarded."

4 Guard thy treasures man to own his home."

Financially successful individuals
from loss. Although the topic of renting or choose to constantly increase their
owning a house is still being debated skills and knowledge about their
by experts, Arkad argues that, "to own chosen craft. They prefer to be
There will always be an element of risk
his own domicile and to have it a place educated than entertained. The
in every kind of investment. Which is
he is proud to care for, putteth opposite could be said about their
why it is vital to make smart decisions
confidence in his heart and greater effort counterparts. The people who are
when trying to grow your hard-earned
behind all his endeavors." struggling financially are those who
are not familiar with how money works
Arkad believes that having your own and how they can make it grow.
"The first sound principle of investment is
home will give you a sense of security Instead of learning more about their
security for thy principal," says Arkad. "Is
in life that will lead you to achieve your craft and the responsible
it wise to be intrigued by larger earnings
plans and dreams with more management of their finances, they
when thy principal may be lost? I say
confidence. choose to be entertained instead.
not. The penalty of risk is probable loss.

Study carefully, before parting with thy
"Cultivate thy own powers, to study and
treasure, each assurance that it may be Insure a future become wiser, to become more skillful, to
safely reclaimed. Be not misled by thine
own romantic desires to make wealth
income. so act as to respect thyself," says Arkad.
"Thereby shalt thou acquire confidence
in thyself to achieve thy carefully
"The life of every man proceedeth from considered desires."
Investing your money in an instrument his childhood to his old age," says
you don't understand will increase Arkad. "Therefore do I say that it
your chances of incurring unnecessary behooves a man to make preparations
losses. You don't have to do it alone. for a suitable income in the days to
Seek advice from finance come, when he is no longer young, and
professionals so you can get expert to make preparations for his family
guidance on how you could grow your should he be no longer with them to Did You Know?
money while minimizing the risk of comfort and support them."
losing it. That is why The Financial The Philippine Stock Exchange
Today is launching the TFT 5000 so we Preparing for your retirement through was established in 1927, making
could give you a prestigious list of the investments while ensuring your it the oldest stock exchange in
top 5,000 finance and real estate family's future through insurance is a Southeast Asia.
professionals in the country. must according to Arkad.
Despite having the first equities
"Consult with wise men," advises Arkad.
We will all retire someday and we can't market in the region, only less
"Secure the advice of those experienced
simply disregard the fact that sickness, than 1% of the Philippine
in the profitable handling of gold. Let
death, and disability could put our population invest in stocks
their wisdom protect thy treasure from
family and their future at risk. today. On the other hand,
unsafe investments."
Singapore has roughly 33% of its
population participate in its
stock market, while Malaysia is
at 18% and Hong Kong is at 17%.

09 The Financial Today July-September 2020

100% stocks, 0% commission.

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Wealth Management / Success Habits

1 They love to

Successful clients love to

strategize because they
realize there's more than
one path to achieve a goal.
During their financial
planning meetings, they
discuss strategy with their
financial advisors. They
have all of their available
resources and goals
written down so that they
consider all of their
options to achieve their
goals. When everything is
agreed on and put in
place, everyone knows the
part they will have to play
4 SUCCESS HABITS OF CLIENTS OF in their financial strategy.
The job of a wealth manager is to turn clients'
needs and goals into an actionable plan to
achieve what they want in life.
2 They trust the

Many Filipinos keep

money a secret. We feel
shame and guilt, and we

don't want to be judged
based on how much or
ealth managers Too many people feel little we make and how we
help their clients create confused about what it spend our money. So we
strategies for eliminating takes to develop healthy keep it a secret and we
financial risk, building financial habits, but it can face the consequences in
long-term wealth, and give be better to take a step- silence. Successful clients
them a game plan that by-step approach. are open about their
puts them on track to finances and the goals
achieve their financial Here are the four most they want to achieve in
goals. The more you common habits that life. They may have an
strategize, the better your successful clients of unhealthy relationship
chances of saving, financial advisory services with money, but placing
investing, and attaining have: their trust in professionals
financial independence. to guide them will lead to
an improved relationship
with their finances.
11 The Financial Today July-September 2020
Wealth Management / Success Habits

3 They are
incredibly patient.

Most successful clients of

financial advisory and
management services are
incredibly patient. They
understand that there's no
such thing as getting rich
quickly. They also accept
the fact that building
wealth is a long-term
game and this makes it
easier for them to delay
instant gratification for
them to have a
comfortable and worry-
free financial life in the

They are aware of their life achieve their life goals. plans and strategies in a
goals and the action plans This belief that they can timely manner will only
they need to take to get achieve financial security produce mediocre results
there. If they need to set inspires them to improve in the future.
aside 10% of their income what they know about
for savings and 10% for money and building If you haven't already,
investments, they will not wealth. They don't simply start meeting with
hesitate to create a life sit and listen to their professionals who you can
centered on the remaining advisor, they contribute to potentially work with.
80% of their income. They the conversation by Choose someone who
are more excited and bringing their ideas to the practices what they preach
grateful for what they table, and by being and will genuinely help
have today and what they completely transparent you achieve your financial
are about to achieve years with the professional they goals, not those who only
from now. chose to work with. sees you as a commission
check. You need to make

4 They're learning
and improving.

Having financial plans and

And since they are aware
that they are the only one
who can influence the
results of their financial
sure that you will choose
one that speaks the same
language and can educate
you with everything you
strategies in place gives plans and strategies, they need to know about your
successful clients the have the understanding money.
confidence they need to that not acting upon their

12 The Financial Today July-September 2020

Ask the Experts

Money Management in the

Age of Pandemic
When it comes to money management, the coronavirus pandemic
brought new challenges to everyday Filipinos—from finding new
sources of income, budgeting what's left on our savings, to finding
ways to make our money grow.

T he current global
health crisis doesn't only
put our lives in danger, it is
also affecting our financial
lives in daunting new ways.
For most of us, we are
experiencing our very first
recession. This makes
money management
trickier to navigate than
ever. If done right, we can
withstand the financial
pressures of this pandemic.
If handled poorly, this crisis
could be the start of a
financially challenging

That's why we interviewed

four experts in money
management to help you
overcome the challenges of
managing your finances
during this pandemic age.

14 The Financial Today July-September 2020

Ask the Experts

Garry De Castro
A Personal Finance advocate, Financial Advisor, Certified Investment Solicitor, investor,
stock trader, blogger, and IT practitioner. Garry started sharing and writing financial
articles in 2008 simply to share his financial learnings with friends, relatives, and anyone
who wishes to be financially independent.

What do you think are the Every peso counts especially

effects of the pandemic on to those whose jobs were put
Filipinos' finances? to a halt and are now relying
on their savings and
This pandemic had major emergency funds.
financial effects on many
Filipinos, both negatively and For those whose jobs were not
positively. affected by the recent
shutdowns, this is a great
On the negative side, many opportunity to increase their
were caught without savings, savings and investments
emergency funds, and income considering their expenses
protection. Before the were significantly reduced.
pandemic, people were
focused on spending and
What are the opportunities
growing money. Suddenly,
Filipinos can take advantage
most jobs were put to a halt
of financially during the Garry De Castro, Financial Advisor for 12 years.
forcing people to rely heavily
pandemic age?
on their savings and stimulus What's your advice when it
packages from the As the saying goes, "In every comes to the successful and
government. difficulty, lies great responsible management of
opportunity." money during and after the
On the positive side, this pandemic?
pandemic made us realize that For one, investing in the stock
we have to be aware of our market, once the vaccine Go back to basics. Start by
spending habits. We need to comes out, can potentially monitoring your cash flows
go back to basics in which one yield high returns. and following the 50/30/20
would have ample savings, rule. Half of your income
emergency funds, and It's also a favorable time for should go to needs, 30% to
insurance coverage. those with talents like cooking, wants, and 20% should go to
baking, making crafts to savings.
What are the things Filipinos showcase their products and
need to watch out for when make a profit out of them. Second, build enough
it comes to their finances emergency funds—at least
amid the pandemic? three months' worth of your
living expenses to start. Lastly,
During this period of ensure that you have enough
Every peso counts
quarantine when everything is insurance coverage to protect
especially to those whose
back to basics—food, shelter, your income.
jobs were put to a halt.
health—we all need to be
cautious with our spending

15 The Financial Today July-September 2020

Ask the Experts

Lester Raymond Laluces

An Executive Financial Adviser in the Philippines and an advocate of the
importance of financial literacy and financial freedom. Lester is also a
promoter of health and wellness focusing on life and critical illness insurance
products for Filipinos.

What do you think are the supplies. If your finances can

effects of the pandemic on handle it, then you can stick
Filipinos' finances? with how you typically spend
your money. But if not, or if
The current global health crisis you recognize that times are
we are enduring today unpredictable nowadays, then
showed how important having it would be wise to stick with
a safety net is in a person's the essentials and start saving
financial life. As we keep more money instead.
hearing from the news, a lot of
our fellow countrymen are What are the opportunities
getting laid off and many Filipinos can take advantage
establishments are now of financially during the
closing because of the pandemic age?
economic effects of the
quarantine. Since only a few of If there is one financial lesson
us have safety nets, most this pandemic taught us, it is Zandra De Leon Magsino, Financial Advisor for 6 years.
Filipinos today are heavily this: financial preparedness
relying on government relief pays during rainy days. That What's your advice when it
programs. being said, Filipinos should comes to the successful and
take this opportunity to responsible management of
Because of this, it affected a change our behavior and money during and after the
lot of Filipino families who mindset towards our money. pandemic?
were caught financially off We should start by improving
guard by the pandemic. The our knowledge about personal Responsible handling of our
effects on a person's financial finance and the wise finances does not happen
life could be massive since management of money. Then, overnight. Taking control over
most of us don't have we should start putting this our finances should start with
emergency funds as well as knowledge to work by slowly a tremendous amount of
life insurance coverage. but surely getting our financial discipline, commitment, and
affairs in order. perseverance. As with any
What are the things Filipinos other skill, we need to work on
need to watch out for when it consistently. The more we
it comes to their finances get comfortable with saving
amid the pandemic? and investing, the more it
Responsible handling becomes easier and natural
We should start being mindful of our finances does for us. The key point here is
of how we spend our money. not happen overnight. that you have to start
During this time of crisis, it somewhere first. Take baby
would be wise to focus more steps if you are having a hard
on life's essentials like food, time altering your money
medicine, and other important behavior.

16 The Financial Today July-September 2020

Ask the Experts

Zandra De Leon Magsino

Aside from being an Associate Unit Manager and Financial Advisor, Zandra is also an event
host, a Disc Jockey, a Life Coach, a beauty queen, and a yogi. She received her Bachelor’s
Degree from De La Salle Lipa as a Cum Laude, ranking 1st among all the Tourism
Management students of Batch 2012.

What do you think are the Because of the health crisis,

effects of the pandemic on the economy is experiencing a
Filipinos' finances? downturn which is why it is a
must for Filipinos to track their
The pandemic had huge income and expenses while
financial impact on Filipinos. prioritizing their needs over
Others reported lower their wants.
expenses because they
couldn't leave the house and What are the opportunities
spend money on travel, Filipinos can take advantage
recreation, and entertainment. of financially during the
pandemic age?
Some saved a considerable
amount of money on This is an ideal time for
transportation costs. Instead Filipinos to think about their
of going to our offices to work, finances. The pandemic
some of us were able to work revealed many holes in the Zandra De Leon Magsino, Financial Advisor for 2 years.
from home that saved us time, way we manage our money.
energy, and money. This is also the perfect time to What's your advice when it
increase our personal finance comes to the successful and
Unfortunately, others have knowledge through books, responsible management of
seen their income reduced courses, and seminars. money during and after the
because their companies and pandemic?
businesses have been put on It's also smart to work with a
hold or even faced bankruptcy financial adviser who can help To make the Filipinos more
because of the recent you analyze your current successful and accountable in
shutdowns. This shows that financial positions and help managing their finances
the pandemic has had positive you develop a strong and during and after the
as well as negative effects on realistic financial strategy that pandemic, it is best to start
the finances of everyday you can implement during and budgeting their money. They
Filipinos. after the pandemic. also need to be more aware of
the difference between needs
What are the things Filipinos and desires—focusing more
need to watch out for when on meeting their basic needs
it comes to their finances first, while minimizing their
amid the pandemic? spending on their urges.
Focus more on meeting
Filipinos should begin to
your basic needs first,
Filipinos need to be cautious prepare and save for their
while minimizing your
about their cash flow during future while maintaining a
spending on your urges.
the pandemic. The cash inflow financial plan with the help of
must be able to adequately financial experts.
cover their cash outflow.

17 The Financial Today July-September 2020

Ask the Experts

Louie Colonia
A 4-Year Unit Manager and Licensed Financial Advisor. Louie helps develop,
coach, train, monitor incoming as well as existing team members, and
execute strategic plans to achieve sales targets within their agency force.
Outside of work, he enjoys online gaming and playing basketball.

What do you think are the important for individuals and

effects of the pandemic on families to re-evaluate their
Filipinos' finances? budgets during and even after
the pandemic.
The ongoing quarantine
forced a lot of establishments We should also consider all
to temporarily or permanently possible sources of income
close. This resulted in that we can take advantage of
thousands of laid-off workers while having a list of all of our
nationwide. These workers will essential expenses focused on
now have to rely on their the most basic things we need
savings or emergency funds to right now. During these trying
survive unemployment until times, it really pays to be
the economy resumes. If these practical.
workers have no savings or
rainy day funds, they will have What are the opportunities
no choice but to rely on Filipinos can take advantage Louie Colonia, Financial Advisor for 4 years.
government assistance of financially during the
programs or with the help of pandemic age? What's your advice when it
their family until they can get comes to the successful and
back on their own feet. For those people who can still responsible management of
work from home, it is money during and after the
On the bright side, this series important that you recognize pandemic?
of unfortunate events should this opportunity to save more
teach all of us the value of money and prepare for a When you are the one
being wise when it comes to potentially prolonged series of responsible for handling your
our money. It is easy to spend rainy days that might be own or your family's finances,
money during good times, ahead of us. Since most of us it is important to avoid any
thinking that it will last are forced to stay at home, we kind of emotions like fear and
forever. As this pandemic can save money from anxiety when doing so. As we
showed the whole world, it's transportation, dining out, and are all navigating the ever-
always not the case. other things we are spending changing economy, it is
on when we are outside. We important that you sit down
What are the things Filipinos can use this money to and revisit your finances and
need to watch out for when increase our savings or to be focus on what's essential.
it comes to their finances put to work through During these trying times, we
amid the pandemic? investments. should avoid spending money
we don't have. Instead, focus
For most of us, the pandemic more on what will help you
could mean making significant It's important that you survive until things get back to
changes in our everyday recognize this opportunity normal again. And once it
routines including how we to save more money. does, start making the
manage our finances. It is necessary changes in the way
you handle your finances.

18 The Financial Today July-September 2020



Be a part of the prestigious list of top 5,000 finance &

real estate professionals in the country.

Apply Now
Ask The Expert:
After living his
prestigious job,
Richard Thaddeus
Carvajal decided to
enter the world of real
estate thinking he
would be making "easy
money". He was wrong.
Richard Thaddeus Carvajal / PHILGEMS Realty Corp.



COVID-19 is a social challenge that will have profound effects on how people
live, work, and play. By taking actions in a timely and efficient manner, real
estate leaders and professionals can better serve their clients while real
estate investors can ensure their own viability.

O ur lives changed in
ways we never imagined in
just a matter of weeks. We
are no longer able to
socialize, work, dine, and
shop outside our homes as
we used to before the
pandemic hit the world.

Companies transitioned
from a business-as-usual
setting to a work-from-
home and skeletal
workforce set up.

And instead of thinking

about where to travel or
which gadgets or purse to
buy, our focus as
consumers shifted on
essentials—food, medicine,
and other important
supplies—and have most of
these things delivered right
on our doorstep.

21 The Financial Today July-September 2020

Richard Thaddeus Carvajal / PHILGEMS Realty Corp.


Since most industries, including real estate, are affected by the global health
crisis, we sat down and had an interesting chat with Richard Thaddeus
Carvajal, Chief Executive Officer of PHILGEMS Realty Corp, about the state of
the industry in the age of COVID-19.

Richard, please share with This strategy allows real estate

us how you started your investors and landlords to
career in real estate. mitigate risk while producing
high returns on their
I had a prestigious corporate investments.
job before I entered the
industry. Nevertheless, I What do you think are the
decided to leave everything possible implications of this
behind and start a new global health crisis in
chapter in my career as a real Commercial Real Estate?
estate agent. My decision was
questioned by many of the Commercial real estate has
people around me. I originally been impacted by the health
thought I would earn "easy crisis we are experiencing
money" as a real estate agent. today. Vacancy rates increased
I genuinely believed that the in most commercial
bulk of my first commission properties, occupancy rates in
check as an agent would come hotels went down, and there's
from account referrals, from been a lot of termination of
my network. I was proven lease contracts due to the
wrong. As any other career downsizing of the majority of
worth pursuing, I realized that businesses impacted by the
I need to work hard for me to COVID-19 pandemic.
become successful and there's Companies in the new normal
no such thing as an easy buck prefer to have highly efficient What do you think are the
in this industry. and flexible employees who effects of the coronavirus
can work anywhere rather for homebuyers and other
What makes real estate than having and maintaining a residential real estate
more appealing to you than nice office. investors?
other asset classes?
Commercial real estate I would say it depends on the
What's appealing about real investors should be agile in investment strategy of the
estate is that anyone can use terms of converting their investor. If it was to buy and
debt as an instrument to earn properties into spaces that flip, then they will have a hard
millions through value might be needed during and time flipping their properties
appreciation or cash out a after the pandemic if they due to the pandemic since
small but regular sum of want to stay relevant in the most are focused now on
money through rental income. age of COVID-19. preserving their capital and
purchasing only what is

22 The Financial Today July-September 2020

Richard Thaddeus Carvajal / PHILGEMS Realty Corp.

If they bought a property for issues with the property and

rental income, they could be that could be the reason why
facing some rental collection they are at a bargain. The
challenges since the majority property could have an unpaid
of the workforce today were estate tax or some other
either laid off or their jobs are issues that you need to watch
put to a halt. out for. Not all real estate
assets are performing equally
If you are planning to put your during the pandemic. Think
money in real estate in the twice before liquidating. Keep
pandemic age, you should in mind that real estate
invest in capital appreciation follows a cycle.
and not cash flow.
What are the things real
Do you think property prices estate investors should take
in the Philippines will fall advantage of during the
due to the pandemic? coronavirus pandemic?

No, I would not call it a price The pandemic could create

fall. However, I think it will long-term opportunities for
correct the real estate market. real estate investors. The
The prices of properties in the chance to acquire properties
Philippines are currently at an at a discount means higher
all-time high and it's far more yields and returns because
affordable from what an returns are inversely
average Filipino can earn. correlated with property
Developers have taken prices. It could be a good
advantage of speculating real opportunity for investors to
estate prices for some foreign ride the market as the
markets. The quarantine industry tries to recover from
promotion and discounts are the negative effects of the
temporary. COVID-19 crisis. down payments, and longer
payment terms.
What are the things real What is your advice to real
estate investors should estate investors in the age What tips could you give
watch out for when it comes of pandemic? Filipinos who are thinking of
to their investments amid building a career in the
the pandemic? My advice for real estate industry amid the
investors and property owners pandemic?
Investors shouldn't predict is not to panic. Real estate
property prices during the investments can produce Real estate is a complex
pandemic. For example, returns that are not directly industry. You have to learn
waiting for the price to hit dependent on our country's certain things such as
bottom before purchasing a GDP. It offers various income economics, finance, global
property. By doing so, you as streams and there is no need trends, and even legal
an investor might miss an to start liquidating your real regulations. An additional
opportunity to acquire a great estate assets out of panic. subject I would recommend
property. for all incoming and current
Property markets will bounce real estate practitioners is
Also, beware of some cheap back. In the meantime, interior design. Know the basic
properties. Not all cheap investors can take advantage finish and materials used in a
properties are a good buy of opportunities such as low- property for virtual tours to
because there are potential interest rates, lower equity or become effective.

23 The Financial Today July-September 2020

Cloud Kitchen / Pandemic Business Ideas



A cloud kitchen is a place where food is prepared and delivered by taking

orders through calls and online ordering portals. They don't do dine-in and
takeaway like other restaurants. They invest solely in food preparation and
distribution or link up with food ordering portals such as GrabFood, Food
Panda, and other food delivery apps out there.

T he key benefit of having

a cloud kitchen is that one
can launch several brands
under one roof, thus
significantly reducing costs.

Cloud kitchens are easier to

operate than conventional
restaurants. To get started
and to maintain the
operations, they need less
capital and manpower.

The only aspect to keep in

mind when choosing a cloud
kitchen location is its
functionality. Unlike other
restaurants, a cloud kitchen outlet is not required to satisfy customers as only the delivery
agents will need to visit your location to pick up your customers' food orders. It helps the
cloud kitchens to concentrate solely on cooking and preparing the best food they can offer
to their clients.

To increase the chances of your success, diversify the brands your cloud kitchen can offer.
This will enable you to cater to different tastes and customers. And since you don't need to
worry about table management or interior design, you have all the time you need to ensure
the quality of your food and its packaging. If you have your own website or app, collecting
customer data that will help you refine your menu and service would be much easier.

25 The Financial Today July-September 2020

Last-Mile Logistics / Pandemic Business Ideas



In the journey of a product from the warehouse shelf to the customer's

door, the last mile of delivery is the final step of the process—the point at
which the package finally reaches the door of the buyer. In addition to
being a gateway to customer satisfaction, the most costly and time-
consuming aspect of the shipping process is the last-mile delivery.

W hen you have

monitored a package online
before and seen that it was
"out for delivery" for
something that feels like
forever, you now realize that
the last mile issue is
inefficiency. That's because
there are usually several
stops with small drop sizes in
the final leg of shipping.

The costs and inefficiencies of

the last mile issue were only
further amplified by the
continuous growth of e-
commerce in the Philippines
due to the impact of the coronavirus, which has significantly increased the number of parcels
delivered per day, as well as raised consumer standards to include not just fast, but also free
delivery services.

This is a great opportunity for people who have vehicles they can use to deliver parcels by
partnering with leading e-commerce companies to help them deliver parcels directly to their
consumers. The only thing that you need to do is to apply as one of these e-commerce
companies' last-mile delivery partners.

Your income as a delivery partner will depend on the number of parcels you can carry on
your vehicle and your knowledge with the ins and outs of your preferred delivery area.

26 The Financial Today July-September 2020

Online Retail / Pandemic Business Ideas



With the increasing trend of e-commerce in the Philippines, thanks to the

push that came from the impact of coronavirus in the country, selling
products that you are passionate about online is another business you can
start that will not just make sense during the pandemic, but even thrive in
the post-coronavirus age.

T hanks to e-commerce
platforms like Shopify,
BigCommerce, and even
Facebook Shops, it is now
easier to build an online retail
business that you can run and
manage from anywhere.
However, since the barrier for
entry isn't that high, anyone
can start their own online
retail venture that will require
you to be creative in order for
you to differentiate yourself
from the rest of your

Before starting your own

venture in the online retailing world, you need to first focus on what product you are
planning to sell. You can either find products from wholesalers locally and abroad or you can
sell products you build on your own. Regardless of which path you want to take, it is
important to make sure that the product that you want to sell is unique and that there's a
demand for it.

Lastly, it is also important to choose where you want to sell your products online wisely. You
can either host your own e-commerce site, sell your products through leading e-commerce
companies, or you could do both. Another important skill to have is your ability to create and
promote your brand that will help you stand out from the crowded market.

27 The Financial Today July-September 2020

Online Wholesale / Pandemic Business Ideas



Another way to take advantage of the booming e-commerce industry in the

Philippines is through online wholesaling. Instead of purchasing products
and selling them directly to consumers, wholesaling is simply supplying
different kinds of products to retailers. This changes the strategy as you are
serving businesses instead of consumers.

T he main difference with

wholesaling is that instead of
selling products directly to
consumers, you are supplying
different kinds of products to
retailers that they can sell
directly to their customers.

Your business strategy will

focus on finding
manufacturers of products
you want to supply to your
clients, finding different
retailers in your target
market, and creating a way to
build and grow your brand so
you can reach more retailers
who can buy products they can sell from you.

Although wholesaling will require more capital than retailing, the fast-paced improvement of
technology makes the barrier for entry still low in this business. You have Alibaba where you
can find manufacturers where you can source the products that you want to wholesale to
your retailers. You can use the same e-commerce platform retailers are using to promote
and sell your bulk products. On the other hand, you need to have a location where you can
store your products safely. You also need to work with different logistics companies so you
can safely deliver your goods bought by your retailers. As a wholesaler, it will also be a great
advantage if you have the capability to spot product trends ahead of time so that you and
your retailers can stay ahead of the competition.

28 The Financial Today July-September 2020

Online Learning / Pandemic Business Ideas



If you are an expert in a particular significant field, providing e-learning can

be the right business for you. During social distancing or work-from-home
setup, people use the internet more often than on regular days. The need
for online learning is on the rise, especially since schools and educational
institutions are temporarily closed.

Y ou can choose topics

that fit your expertise and
that will provide value to your
potential learners.

One of the potential

challenges of this business
venture is identifying the main
reason why people should
learn from you. However, if
you have the expertise and
the credibility to teach the
things you are planning to
share with your learners, then
you have this side covered.

The next thing you need to

focus on would be the content of the lessons you would be sharing. The key thing here is
creating both engaging and informative learning materials that will keep your students
interested and wanting more from your e-learning website.

Once you've created engaging and informative learning materials for your e-learning site, it is
time to choose the e-learning platform where you will host your courses. There are a
number of e-learning websites and apps that you can use to host your courses. Most of
them offer different features like hosting both written, audio, and video course formats,
testing your students' progress through quizzes and providing certificates to your students.

29 The Financial Today July-September 2020


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