Explanation Worksheet: Indicator

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Nama : Sang Putu Windayani

No : 32
Kelas :XI MIPA 6


Indicator: 3.8.4 Membandingkan struktur teks, fungsi sosial, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa
teks explanation dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait gejala alam atau sosial sesuai
dengan konteks penggunaannya (C4)

Read the following text.

Text A
Landslides happen when dirt, rock, or mud suddenly fails or slides down a slope.
Mudslides are the most common type of landslides. Thousands of landslides happen around the
world every year. Many landslides occur in mountain areas when no people live. These
landslides often go unnoticed. But a landslide that hits a town or city can cause deaths and
millions of dollars in damage.
The ground is made of several layers. The surface layer is soil and rock. Tress and plants
grow in this layers below the surface are made of clay, limestone, sandstone, or other types of
rock and soil. The bottom layer is usually solid rock. In some coastal areas, the bottom layer is
made up of soil and other loose material called fill. Layers of the ground usually hold together
well, but sometimes, the surface layer becomes unstable. If unstable surface layer rests on a
slope, gravity may pull it down and begin a landslide.
Many landslides happen during heavy rain. Water soaks the surface layer. The soil turns
to mud. Mud is heavier and more slippery than dry soil. On a steep slope, mud may flow
downward to begin a mudslide.
All of the material carried down a slope during a landslide is called debris. Mud and
rocks are the main types of debris. Other landslide debris can include trees that have been torn
out of the ground, crushed buildings, and even cars. On steep slopes, debris can travel at speeds
of more than 130 miles (210 kilometers) per hour. At the speeds, landslides can crush buildings
and bury entire towns in second.

Taken from: Landslides, page: 7 – 12

Answer these questions based on information in text.
1. What kind of explanation text is it?
Answer : The text is a kind of text which tells natural disasters. It’s about landslide
2. What is the first paragraph about?
Answer : The first paragraph is about why landslides happen
3. What is the last paragraph about?
Answer : The last paragraph is about the material was brought down the slope when the
landslides that can destroy buildings
4. When does landslides happen?
Answer : Landslides happen when dirt, rock, or mud suddenly fails or slides down a
slope. Landslides also happen during heavy rain
5. What should people do to avoid landslide?
Answer : People should be careful and avoid areas that are prone to landslides

Text B
Individuals migrate because they think that they can improve their own lives or those of
their families by doing so.
Factors such as poverty, lack of economic opportunity, land shortage and low living
standards at home functions as push factors, while prosperity, opportunity, available employment
and higher living standards in the place of destination are pull factors. Migrants have to consider
general factors such as the cost of travel and accomodation, the chances of finding work and the
prevailing wage rates in the destination area compared with those in the home area. They will
also be swayed by individual factors such as contacts with relatives or friends in the destination
areas, or potential effect of their absence of the household left behind. Knowledge of conditions
elsewhere is important in migration decisions and therefore modern communications play a
significant role. Potential migrants may learn of opportunities from the media, television images
or returnees.
Taken from: link.springer.com
Answer these questions based on information in text.
1. What kind of explanation text is it?
Answer : The text is a kind of text which tells and explain about individuals migrate
2. What is the first paragraph about?
Answer : The first paragraph is about the cause of individuals migrate
3. What is the last paragraph about?
Answer : The last paragraph is about the factors that cause individuals migrate
4. Why do people migrate?
Answer : People migrate because they think they can improve their own lives or those of
their families by doing so and there some push and pull factors too
5. What should migrants do if they want to survive in new place ?
Answer : Migrants have to consider general factors such as the cost of travel and
accomodation, the chances of finding work and the prevailing wage rates in the
destination area compared with those in the home area. . Knowledge of conditions
elsewhere is important in migration decisions and therefore modern communications
play a significant role.

Compare text A and B by answering the following questions.

1. What are the problems stated in text A and text B?

Answer : The problem stated in text A is about landslides and the problem stated in
text B is about individuals migrate
2. Is there any solution stated in text?
Answer : Text A is not contain solution, but text B is contain
3. From the texts that you have analized, please find the example of passive voice
Answer :
 Potential migrants may learn opportunities from the media.
 Knowledge of conditions elsewhere is important in migration decisions.

Indicator: 4.8.2 Menafsirkan informasi dalam teks dalam bentuk percakapan terkait fungsi
sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks explanation lisan dan tulis, terkait gejala alam
atau sosial. (P1)

You will perform a dialog in pair. The topics of the dialogue are landslide and migration.
Write down a short dialogue about the topics. (at least 6 turn takings)

Doni : Hi Mila…
Mila : Hello Doni, what are you doing ?
Doni : Ohh.. I’m watching a news about landslides. Look, that’s very terrible
Mila : Is that happen in city x ???
Doni : Yess, There’s so many victim
Mila : Oh my god, I hope the disaster is fleeting and dealt with
Doni : We really have to avoid landslides prone areas. We should be careful when we go to the
city right now.
Mila : You are right.



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