Jonalyn - Narrative

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I am a student of Manila Montessori College International as an on-the-job trainee of Hotel Consuelo &

Resort and I was assigned to Housekeeping Department.

What I have learned at Hotel Consuelo & Resort is how to clean a room every time the customer checks

out. I also learned how to do the beddings, pillow cover, towels and other variety of fabrics used in every

event. I experienced cleaning the bathroom and I found it as foul because I'm only a trainee and I am not

working there, so any dirt or stink I need to clean because it's Housekeeping. I experienced if stricken,

injured or reproached by hurtful words from my companions but all those things that I showed them were

more solid or hard-working but in all my experiences I did this much more than I did because it was time

for a man in Housekeeping to do everything I could to prepare only Five rooms because it was there at

Checks Inn. And I do not know that there was a garbage left under bed because as trainee, I just made the

easy task and I did not fix or sweep the floor, therefore made the customer angry. When I finish the bed or

clean the room you have a job when I was in the room of Housekeeping, I was so tired to go off even

when I was tired, I still need to finish my work before I rest.

The on-the-job training gave me hands on experience working and dealing with other people. It taught me

several things such as managing time during work, pushing myself and to be more independent. Keeping

issues in life out of work so I can be positive during the training, and it was also a big lesson. Lastly, be

passionate, presentable, professional and most importantly, be cooperative with coworkers.

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