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Contractor/Supplier Name: LTHE

Client Document No:

2340-F-TNK-GEN-DL-H-E-001 Rev. No: R0 Document Title: Safeguarding Philosophy DSN: S130

S. No. PMC Comments Contractor/Supplier Reply PMC / OWNER Reply Contractor/Supplier Reply

Abbreviations are provided to assist the reader in reviewing the

document and prevent ambiguity. They are unnecessary for common Abbreviations appearing only once in the document have been defined at the point of use (therefore
The section-2 shall be updated based abbreviation used in this acronyms that are generally understood and both reviewer and Noted. Some of the abbreviation used in this it is clear).
1 philosophy. contractor are familiar with. document are not detailed in section-2.Example
VRV,EDP etc. However, to avoid unnecessary return comment, they have now been added in the Section 2.
Abbreviations will not be added for codes and standards such as
NFPA, EN, OISD etc. Only relevant abbreviations will be added.

Reference to SMPV 2016 has been added in the document to prevent return comment. However,
WEL maintains that Schedule IV, Section 1, Paragraph B is not applicable to refrigerated storage tank.
See the defination of cryogenic pressure vessel from SMPV 2016 below. Note that the two LNG tank
Reference to OISD-113 will be included in the next revision. on Dhamra project are 180,000m3 each.
The section-3 shall also include the local code/regulation Contractors could refer the Schedule-IV,section-
2 (India).Example Area classification OISD-113,SMPV 2016 etc.. The LNG storage tank is not a pressure vessel and so SMPV 2016 is 1,Paragraph B of SMPV 2016.
“cryogenic pressure vessel” means a pressure vessel intended for storage or transportation of
not applicable to the tank scope.
cryogenic liquid and includes cold converters, vacuum insulated evaporators, vacuum insulated
storage or transport tanks and thermosyphon tanks and includes a permanently installed cryogenic
pressure vessel of 1000 litre water capacity or less for storage of cryogenic liquid;

Emergency response shall be included in the Section-4 under

3 mitigation. Noted. Emergency response will be added under Item 3 in Section 4. Noted

4 Cross reference also be included for the BPCS related Noted. Reference will be made to the Control and Operating
documents. Philosophy 2340-E-TNK-GEN-DP-H-E-007 in the next revision.

Thermal Stresses shall be considered as one of the hazard and Noted. Use of bellows expansion joints should be
5 impact shall be detailed in the section 6.0.Since it is applicable Noted. Thermal stress to be discussed in the next revision.
for the LNG tank as well as associated piping's.

In Section 6.1 the cause shall be rearranged like LNG tank

Comment not implemented. As long as all potential causes are listed,
5 specific shall be listed on top and general items at bottom Noted.Since it is a philosophy document.
the order is irrelevant.
Example Roll over on top and external pool fire at bottom.

In Section 6.3 the following paragraphs shall be added in line

6 with OISD-194 paragraph 6.3.9 Noted. To be included in the next revision. Noted
"The tank shall not be provided with overflow arrangement"

In section 6.3 the pressure raise in annular space shall be Not implemented. This is a safeguarding philosophy and will not Unnecessary comment. The overpressure of the tank is already discussed in the document and
7 discuss in details the design of relief devices or effect of liquid leak Cross reference could be added
mentioned. reference made to OISD 194. However, to avoid return comment, the sentence has been added.
into outer tank.

This is a preferential comment and unnecessary. The document already makes reference to OISD
194, where the comments are taken. However, the list has now been expanded in the document to
avoid PMC return comment.
Liquid retention (Material of construction), added
Gas tightness, added
In Section 7.1, following Design safe guards shall be elaborated. thermal insulation, added
Liquid retention (Material of construction),Gas tightness,
thermal insulation, Nozzle location (from the top, No side Not implemented. This is a safeguarding philosophy and will not Nozzle location (from the top, No side penetration), added
penetration),Extended bonnet valves, bellows expansion joints discuss in details the tank specifications and internal components Extended bonnet valves, added
8 design. Most of the comment will be done as part of the design of a Cross reference could be added bellows expansion joints should be avoided, added
should be avoided, Roll over avoiding mechanishm,Soil Roll over avoiding mechanishm, added
full containment tank, providing an inherently safer design or good
protection, leak detection in annular space, Over fill of inner
tank, Density meters, Linear and rotational inner tank movement engineering practice. Soil protection, added
indicator, endoscopic inspection provision etc. leak detection in annular space, added in Section 6.3
Over fill of inner tank, already discussed in Section 6.3
Density meters, already discussed as part of rollover prevention.
Linear and rotational inner tank movement indicator, added
endoscopic inspection provision added

Only the interface of the ESD system for the purpose of safeguarding
is discussed within this philosophy.
In the section 7.2, fail safe design shall be considered for ESD
9 system and also uninterruptible power supply for the all critical The design of the ESD system is discussed in the ESD protection Noted UPS requirement for critical instrument is discussed in section 7.1
instrumentation control and fire and gas system. philosophy which is already referenced in Section 7.2.

Reference will be added to OISD 194.

Only the interface of the PSV/VRV system for the purpose of

safeguarding is discussed in this philosophy.

The Section 7.3 shall be updated in line with OISD-194 paragraph The design of the relief system is discussed in the over/under
10 6.3.7 Noted
pressure protection philosophy which is already referenced in
Section 7.3.

Reference will be added to OISD 194.

The section 8.1 shall be updated considering OISD-194 Agree. The spacing requirement specified in OISD 118 and OISD194
11 paragraph 5.9.1.(Most stringent requirement shall be followed) will be included in this philosophy. Noted

12 The section 8.3 shall be updated inline with OISD-194 Paragraph Reference will be made to OISD-113 and OISD- 194 for design of Noted
5.9.7 and 8.2 (ignition source control) hazardous area classification.

Only the interface of the FGS system for the purpose of safeguarding
is discussed in this philosophy. The design of the fire, gas and spill
The section 8.4 shall be elaborated in line with OISD-194 detection system is discussed in the FSGDS philosophy which is
13 paragraph 8.4 (flammable limit/audio-visual alram,vooting etc. Noted
already referenced in Section 8.4.

Reference will be added to OISD 194.

The content of OISD 194 Section 6.3.7 is already implied in Section

9.3 of this document, ensuring safe dispersion. For clarity, the
second paragraph will be revised as below:

14 The section 9.3 shall be updated in line with OISD-194 Paragraph Noted
The PSV valve should be sized to relief the worst case emergency
6.3.7 point No:3
flow. The PSV tailpipe height should be located to ensure safe
dispersion of LNG vapour for unignited discharges and to prevent
thermal radiation from exceeding acceptable limits for an ignited

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