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102090 Secondary Curriculum 2A – Assignment 2

The process of assessing students reflects on the importance of providing quality feedback on
their assessments. This can improve the students’ weaknesses and recognises their strengths
in the subject. Such aspect enhances the satisfaction and determination in learning and adopts
more productive approaches (Brown, 2012). This reinforces that incorporating feedback can
result in supporting their learning outcome and performance. Here, students should also
understand the nature of the assessment process, as their feedback can be considered as also
“reliable and valid” like the teacher’s feedback (Brown, 2012). In this case, feedback is not
only achieved by the teacher, but students can reflect on their own and others’ work.
Effectively, the learning outcome can improve through students’ understanding of how
feedback is constructed and presented. This is achieved by unpacking the assessment criteria
and reflecting on their feedback. Here, the students’ broad understanding of the criteria helps
them to recognise aspects of assessment. This allows students to form an opinion or recognise
their performance level (Sendziuk, 2010). In this way, they would have good knowledge of
the criteria features, such as, ‘sound’, ‘basic’, ‘well-developed’ features. This enables them to
reflect on the feedback provided for them and discuss with the teacher when an aspect of
feedback does not seem clear enough.

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