4 Ductility & Malleability

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June 7, 2019

Content: Properties of Useful and Harmful Materials
Content Standard: Properties of materials to determine whether they are useful or harmful.
Performance Standard: Uses local, recyclables solid and or liquid materials in making useful product.
Learning Competency: Use the properties of materials whether they are useful or harmful.
Code: S5MT – Ia-b – 1

I. Objective:
Identify the different properties of solid materials.

II. Subject Matter: Properties of Solid

A. Science Concept/Ideas
Malleable is a characteristic of solid materials able to be hammered or pressed
permanently out of shape without breaking or cracking.
Malleability is the property of a material to be hammered or shaped into thin sheets.
Ductile are materials that resist breaking when drawn into fine wires.
Ductility is a the property of a material to be drawn into fine wires without breaking

B. Materials: piece of coal, pencil lead, aluminium wire, small nail, hammer, clay, grater
(ir-iran), activity card
C. Reference:
Elementary Science Explorer 121-125
D. Process Skills:
Observing, experimenting, analysing, comparing, communicating, inferring
E. Values:
Cooperation, Work harmoniously with others
Perform an activity with care

III. Learning Tasks:

A. Engagement:
1. Singing a song (Let’s Study Science)
2. Drill
The teacher will show pictures from the projector. Then the pupils will tell if the
objects show elasticity and porosity through the use of meta cards
3. Motivation
Show pictures of gold

Ask pupils what other things can be made out of gold.
Ask them why they think it can be shaped into different forms.
Call on pupils to solve the jigsaw puzzle of the characteristics of gold.

B. Exploration:
a. What to do
1. Present the different materials that the class will use for their activity.
Ask them things that they know about the objects. Have them also infer the
things that they will do these materials.
the answers of the class on the board.
2. Tell the pupils that they are going to perform an activity to test their
3. Recall the standards to be followed while doing the activity.

b. Activity Proper
1. Pupils will be grouped into five and they will be given an activity cards.
2. Please see LM Activity 4, Hit Me and Mold Me
3. Teacher supervision.

C. Explanation:
1. Presentation of output
Ask the pupils to present their output.
Discuss and analyse the result.

2. Finding out

a. Questions
What happened to the shape of the wire and nail as you beat them with
Did the shape of the aluminum wire and nail changed its shape?
Does it broke into smaller pieces?
What was formed in the hammer and nail after hitting it with hammer?
How about the coal and lead of pencil, what happened when you hit it with a
Does it change its shape?
Does it broke into small pieces?
What was formed in the lead of pencil and charcoal after hitting it with a
What happened to the clay after pushing it to the iron grater?
Does it change its shape?
What happened to the shape of the clay when it pass through the garter?

D. Elaboration:
1. Deepening Process
Which material is better to be used in making roof? Why?

2. Generalization
What is the property of solid materials that has the ability of to be hammered or
shaped into thin sheets?
What is the property of a material to be drawn into fine wires without breaking?

3. Application:
A. Identify the properties of solid each picture shown. Write malleability or ductility

1. 2.

3. 4. 5.

B. Ask the pupils where the materials in the pictures are used.

4. Valuing
What do you think will happen if materials that you are going to use in building
houses and bridges are not malleable and ductile?

E. Evaluation:
Directions: Identify the property of solid material does each object possessed. Write M for
Malleability, D for Ductility, MD if the materials are malleable and ductile.
1. Steel
2. Spoon
3. Foil
4. copper wire
5. nail

IV. Assignment:
Identify three materials at home which are malleable and ductile.

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