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 The Sunday School/Catechism classes’ (beginners – 7 grade) Psalter


of the month is #233: 1, 2, 3. Please review with your children.

January 16, 2011  Dear Congregation: Cathie and I want to thank you most sincerely for
the collection taken for Mediterranean missions to help in the work we are
MORNING: Jesus Declares the Greatest Love doing in Greece. We are very encouraged at the moment with things that
Scripture: John 3: 1 - 21 are happening and new opportunities that are opening for us. We are so
Text: John 3: 16 thankful that the Lord is giving us health and strength even in this time of
our old age. We are certainly finding out the truth of the scripture,
"As thy days so shall thy strength be." We ask that you will continue to
remember us in your prayers & may God bless you abundantly in this new
year of 2011. With warmest Christian regards, Terry & Cathie Atkinson
 Plymouth Christian School pre-registration for kindergarten and pre-
kindergarten and young 5’s for 2011/2012 is now being taken. Please call
PCS at 458-4367 to arrange a visit or to pre-register your child(ren). The
consistory commends our parents with school-age children to the Lord’s
guidance as decisions are made for their biblical nurturing.
EVENING: What We Believe about the Day of Judgment
Scripture: 1 Cor. 15:50-58; 1 Thess. 4:13-18; Rev.20:11-15; 22:17-21
~ Calendar ~
Text: Belgic Confession Article 37

“The Lord willing...” James 4:15

Tonight (Sunday)Young Peoples meeting after the evening service.

Snack: Moerdyk
January 19 (Wednesday) 7:30 PM Elders meeting.

SONG SERVICE (5:50 PM) – Psalter 116: 1,2,3 & Psalter 293 :1,2 January 25 (Tuesday) 9:30 AM Ladies Bible Study. Coffee is at 9.30.
Lesson starts at 10. Nursery is provided. Women of all ages are welcome.

“Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy January 26 (Wednesday) 7 PM Fellowship meeting led by Dr. David
heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.” Murray. He plans to speak on “Christ in Leviticus”.
January 26 (Wednesday) 7 PM Boys & Girls club. Regular meeting for all.
Matthew 22: 37
We are collecting food items for Mel Trotter Ministries, if you would like
to help us out there are two large boxes in the basement that we hope to fill.
~ From The Consistory ~ February 5 (Saturday) 7 AM Men’s Breakfast Bible Study at church.
Visitors, welcome.
We hope you are blessed through worshiping with us today. Dorcas Guild: Our project for January is to help the Pregnancy Resource
 Today, Pastor Schouls from our Brantford FRC will lead our services. Center. The entire congregation is encouraged to put donations in the crib.
Donations may be placed in it for the entire month. Thank you!!
 Allendale Outreach Services - 3:00 PM at St. John’s Lutheran, 9628
48 Ave. Puritan Reformed seminary student Zach Hall will lead the Advanced Notice for Speaker Evening: February 26 (Saturday) 7:30 PM
service today. at Dundas FRC meeting room. Rev. B. Elshout plans to speak on “Is God
willing to forgive also my sins?” This is a journey through scripture to
 Pastor C. Pronk plans to serve our congregation for the next two Lord’s demonstrate that from Genesis to Revelation, God is a God who is ready to
Days, January 23 and 30. forgive. We welcome young people in the workforce, college, and university
to attend our meetings. A collection will be taken to defray the costs.
~ Church Family ~
New Address: Theo & Rachel Mol & family (Phone has not changed)
3060 Prairie St. Grandville, MI 49418
Please Remember in Our Prayers: Misty Huckstead, Mrs. Jen Klaasen,
and Mrs. Gertrude VanderGraaf.
 Please remember Pastor Vander Meyden and our Vineland congregation
before the Lord as he is taking an extended health rest.
Shut-ins: Mr. Rokus DeBlaay, Mr. Vincent Faasse, Mrs. Dorothy
Hitchcock, Mrs. Kay Kwekel, Mrs. Winifred Nordyke, Miss Henrietta
Sikkema and Mrs. Mina Wierenga.
Servicemen: Dan Arnoudse, Jacob Hubach and Tyler Prince.

~ Nursery ~
Mother In Charge – January: Heather Engelsma
Today: AM A: Melanie VanderBoon, Annelise Moerdyk
B: Renee Langerak, Julie Timmer
PM A: Mary Cogbill, Lydia Karel
B: Kimberly Kleyn, Marieke Ude
Next Week: AM A: Jeanette DeBlaay, Chiko Likhoozi
B: Jane Bilkes, Heidi Pronk
PM A: Cora Beute, Madilyne Prince
B: Suzanne Kleyn, Aileen Rittner

~ Ushers ~
Today AM Eric Wielhouwer PM Henry Boven
Next Week AM Chris Engelsma PM Bill Moerdyk

~ Offerings ~
Today 1 collection: General
2 collection: Building
Box at Exits: Come Over & Help
Next Week 1 collection: General
2 collection: Denominational
Box at Exits: Word & Deed
LITURGY January 16, 2011
January 16, 2011 Evening Service
Morning Service
Votum & Salutation
Votum & Salutation
Psalter: 256
Psalter: 58
Scripture Reading: 1 Cor. 15:50-58; 1 Thess.
4:13-18; Rev.20:11-15; 22:17-21
Scripture Reading: John 3: 1 -21
Text: Belgic Confession Article 37
Text: John 3: 16
Apostles’ Creed
Psalter: 265
Psalter: 208
Pastoral Prayer
Pastoral Prayer
Psalter: 183
Psalter: 261
Sermon: Jesus Declares the Greatest Love
Sermon: What We believe about the Day of
Offertory Prayer
Psalter: 407 Offertory
Benediction Psalter: 416: 3, 5
Doxology: Praise God from Whom All Benediction
Doxology: 416: 7

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