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Round 3 September 17, 2018

This house stops the commercialization of religious icons and figures.

Opening Government Opening Opposition

Prime Minister: Leader of the Opposition:
Maglajos Lacea
 Definition  Challenge: icons-symbol or image
 Commercialization-selling of someone
 Icons-sacred image  Figures- (she defined this but there
 Parameters is no need for it)
 In all stores or malls  Believed to be miraculous, even in
 Can be bought from the Church and other religions
be paid in the form of donations  Statue of Mama Mary or the Black
 Religious icons will not be the basis Nazarene are believed to be
of faith miraculous
 Arguments  Pause
 Will not reflect who you are as a  To reach other religions as well
Christian  Rebuttals
 There are those who have it but are  It is not in the items where we can
not practicing the lives of real test your faith—this rebuttal was
Christians not presented with
 The explanations could have been counterarguments. She just
further elaborated mentioned the claim of the PM but
 1:25 did not destroy it
 1:20
Deputy Prime Minister: Deputy Leader of the Opposition:
Descallar Pajo
 Religious icons are not the bases of  Rebuttal
faith and they are not reflections of  PM Easily accessible—wouldn’t it
the life of the Christian be more accessible if these items are
 She reiterated the parameter placed in malls? Than to have
 29 seconds people crowd in one church
 I am not sure if she gave an (Challenge of a parameter)
argument or a mere reiteration of  DPM- the statues sold are not
the statements of the PM blessed. When you bring to the
Church and have them blessed,
then they will become blessed.
 Argument
 One way to promote religion. You
need to spread the word of God.
One way to do so is to
commercialize it.
 It is a way to share knowledge of
the religion that they do not know
 Maglajos: do you think every
municipality has a mall? Not all
municipalities have malls.
However, there are mall stores like
convenient stores.
 2:54
Closing Government Closing Opposition
Member: Member:
Angam Penido
 Many religious icons and figures  Argument
are present since the old times.  These figures are part of the
These influence the people. They religious belief of people
can be found in the malls these  These are acceptable because they
days. (against the parameters) are to be blessed in the church.
 These items do not say that the  If it is not accessible in the church,
more you have them, the more then he can buy one in the mall.
faithful you are. Or that more faith  54 seconds
is what the person has with the
presence of more religious items.
 45 seconds
 Explanations are missing.
Whip: Whip:
Ignalan Palaca
 Summary  Summary
 Arguments are mentioned with no  Explanations and examples are
explanation there
 Words are ambiguous and vague;  Building a church influenced us
quite unclear (from her sharing) (sounded new)
 50 seconds  Reiterated the idea of reaching
other religions
 Inserted rebuttals in her turn
 You will not believe on it without
knowing the background of it
 “It is important for us to be
preserved here in the Philippines“
 She showed her tongue
 3:54

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