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Round 4 September 18, 2018

This house rejects the RH Law.

Opening Government Opening Opposition

Prime Minister: Leader of the Opposition:
Castro Villaflor
 Parameters  Challenge
 Religious beliefs  RH Law – conscious updates to
 RH law is defined those who want to control birth
 Arguments  Arguments
 Right to live  Prevents unwanted pregnancy
 Everyone should have the freedom  For those couple who don’t want a
to live and not being controlled by child. Because of the rh law,
someone unwanted pregnancy is minimized.
 57 seconds The couple does not want a family
 The parameter is not even a or a child.
parameter  Minimizes early pregnancies. There
 After he gave the parameter, he was are teenagers who commit to pms.
about to take his seat and end his We need to learn from these
turn. Later on, he remained mistakes.
standing and did a long pause,  We can minimize this early
eventually, he gave an argument pregnancy because of the rh law
 Minimizes the increase of
population. If the population
increases, it might lead to poverty.
 It will lead to babies being thrown
 It helps teenagers to control birth
 2:03
 Did not accept points from the PM
and W of the Gov
Deputy Prime Minister: Deputy Leader of the Opposition:
Mansueto Doria
 Children should be given the  It prevents unwanted pregnancy.
chance to experience the struggles All of us make mistakes. Usually
and benefits of life teenagers, usually couples tend to
 No one is allowed to take do something rather risky. If they
someone’s life want to do something unique to
 Contraceptives can have bad effects spice up their life, it helps them
to the body of the person prevent stupid things like teenage
 It can add diseases from the pills pregnancy and the chances of
that are being taken making mistakes.
 New argument  Montemayor: if they are not ready
 Thou shall not kill – is used to pregnant yet, they should not
 1:15 commit that intimate act especially
 Not all arguments were thoroughly that it is outside of marriage—they
explained know it is wrong, but they still do
 Montemayor: People nowadays are
not that religious and they are not
committing a sin, what can you say
about that failure of them to follow
God’s order—it depends on the
person and his moral codes
 It helps minimize the chances of
 It helps in keeping young curious
individuals from making grave
mistakes that will have adverse
effects on them in the long run
 It could minimize the risk of the
said task
 Rebuttals
 DPM: how can contraceptives add
diseases when in the first place it
helps prevent diseases
 4:26
Closing Government Closing Opposition
Member: Member:
Adanza Flores
 Argument  Rh law provides condoms, pills,
 5th commandment has been used and other forms of contraceptives in
(not a new argument, but she said order to prevent unwanted
that it is) pregnancies.
 The life we have today is not ours  This is exceptionally helpful to
 We should not stop giving life to a overpopulated countries, boosting
person. their environment for the people.
 We should multiply and continue  Teenage pregnancy, as one issue in
producing life the country, will be stopped.
 Long pause  When one becomes a teenager,
 Longer pause there is an excessive production of
 She ended her speech at around 34 hormones in the body.
seconds  This leads to them being intimate
 Rebuttal was then shared after the and doing quite touchy things
first bell  Rebuttals
 Rh law is for those who don’t have  5th commandment—how can we kill
a child—if they did not want to someone that isn’t even born yet?
have a child, they should have not  DPM: contraceptives add to
done an intimate act which gives diseases—how can this be when
birth to a child. They should be contraceptives rather prevent
responsible as a couple diseases
 1:59  3:01
 Did not accept points from the DLO
and M of the Opp
Whip: Whip:
Montemayor Crisostomo
 Summary  Summary
 Arguments came out but the  Arguments are explained
explanations are missing  By part summary, he did it per role
 Rebuttals of a person
 How can you kill someone who is  Castro: it is not rh law that
not yet born—what is inside the minimizes population. It is the
woman is already alive choice of the people to control
 Flores—we are talking about population—we are talking about
contraceptives, when someone is the rh law
using condoms, the semen cannot  Rebuttals
push through the vaginal opening  Rh law gives freedom, yet it avoids
—I am focusing on the rebuttal teenage and unwanted pregnancies
against the 5th commandment  5th commandment—rh law does not
 2:20 kill,
 Rh law is designed to help
 “I would like to give my rebut”
 4:00

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