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MOOC – “Mechanics of Materials III”

Section Three Quiz Solution

Problem 1) An I-beam shown below is made of steel. The beam may treated as perfectly
elastoplastic with a yield stress (equal to the proportional limit) of 36 ksi.
Determine the maximum elastic moment and the maximum plastic moment that the beam
can support.
Problem 2) An I-beam is made of A36 Standard Structural Steel with a cross section
shown below, and may be treated as an elastoplastic material.
A strain gage on the top of the beam measures the strain in the x-direction to be
ε = 3000µ mm/mm. Determine the applied moment for this situation.
Problem 3) An I-beam is made of A36 Standard Structural Steel with a cross section
shown below, and may be treated as an elastoplastic material.
Determine the maximum moment that the beam can support just before it reaches a fully
plastic condition.

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