JPT August 2016 180017

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Innovative Concepts

in Wireline Continuous Coring

C oring in unconventional reservoirs

with typical unconsolidated
formations has introduced additional
ventional coring, approximately 90 ft be-
fore reaching the bottom (off-bottom),
mud circulation is started, still without
challenges requiring more-innovative string rotation. This is because the mud
concepts to be developed. These circulation that passes within inner tubes
requirements have recently led to contributes to conditioning and flushing
widespread attention to wireline the inner tubes to ensure that the inner
continuous coring (WCC), which was tube is free of debris/fill. The most prob-
modified from the mining industry lematic issue with debris/fill is the high
for petroleum-industry applications. risk of jamming off in the core bit, core
This paper is aimed at identifying and catcher, or inner tube. Following tagging
addressing complications experienced of the formation to be cored, immediately
in the use of WCC. In addition to the before beginning the coring, the ball is ei-
challenges and solutions discussed in ther dropped from surface or hydraulical-
this summary, others are covered in the ly actuated by virtue of a drop-ball sub in
complete paper. order to change the mud path from with-
in the inner tube to the annulus between
Basic Bottom-Coring Methods inner and outer tubes so that mud does
These methods, in the context of petro- not flush the core while entering the inner
leum exploration, comprise convention- tube. After cutting enough cores or reach-
al and WCC methods. Conventional cor- ing coring termination, the drop ball en-
ing is a method of rotary coring by which ables any gas and trapped pressure to be
the inner tube containing the core is re- released through the top of the inner as-
trieved along with the outer-tube assem- sembly. It is noted that, for coring systems
bly to the surface following a convention- with closed inner-tube systems, there is
al drillstring trip. no possibility for drop balls to be used; in-
WCC is a method of coring or drill- stead, an enclosed ball and seat are used.
ing by which the same outer assembly is In WCC, an enclosed ball in place is also
used as the bottomhole assembly and the commonly used in the inner coring as-
same core bit is applied for both drilling sembly (above the inner tubes) instead of
and coring modes; however, changing the dropping a ball from surface or hydraulic
inner assembly can be performed easily actuation using a drop-ball sub. There-
by wireline in order to switch to the de- fore, before beginning the coring, the
sired mode. WCC has been identified re- mud never passes through the inner tube
cently as a less-time-consuming coring and thus never flushes the inner tube.
method to replace conventional coring in Solution (Hydraulic Inner-Tube
certain circumstances. Ball and Seat). A hydraulically actuat-
ed internal drop-ball sub to be devel-
WCC Challenges and Solutions oped as part of the inner-tube assembly
Flushed Inner Tube While Run in Hole. is highly recommended (Figs. 1a and
Problem. As a common practice in con- 2). This ensures that debris is flushed

(a) (b)
This article, written by JPT Technology Editor Chris Carpenter, contains highlights
of paper SPE 180017, “Innovative Concepts in Wireline Continuous Coring,” by Fig. 1—WCC with hydraulically
Rahman Ashena, Walter Vortisch, Michael Prohaska, and Gerhard Thonhauser, activated internal drop-ball sub
University of Leoben, prepared for the 2016 SPE Bergen One Day Seminar, Bergen, (a) and an already-enclosed ball
in place (b).
Norway, 20 April. The paper has not been peer reviewed.

For a limited time, the complete paper is free to SPE members at

60 JPT • AUGUST 2016

pseudo­pressure coring is currently one detection, two options are suggested: log-
Spring of the most costly coring techniques. ging while drilling or seismic while drill-
Solution. Downhole measurement of ing. Moreover, detailed cuttings analysis
core rock and fluid properties is pro- and surface gas chromatography can be
posed. Several properties can be mea- replaced, although this may result in a
sured in real time. A time-based log also lag-time negative effect on swift decision
can be provided. This provides a better making. For this hole section, it is also a
idea of how the fluids inside the core are good idea to apply microcoring (which
being extracted because of pressure de- is indeed a drilling method) in place of
Spring pletion while being retrieved to surface using a normal drilling bit, to obtain mi-
compared with having only normal can- crocores of, for instance, 1-in. diameter
Drop Ball isters on top of the core barrel. The mea- while maintaining proper cuttings and
suring sensors and meters between the microcore analysis to track the geolo-
Wall core barrel and canisters can be a com- gy. If the core point is missed because of
Fig. 2—Drop-ball sub. This includes
plementary concept to the pressure cor- the lag-time issue, with microcoring it
a ball kept in place in front of a ing. If only metering is used without the should be pointed out that at least some
restored spring behind a wall canisters, the coring can be performed microcores, though contaminated with
that can be removed by pressure with no pressure-safety concerns. Also, mud, have already been obtained that
surge. downhole fluid samplers deployed while possess some basic core-analysis value.
drilling can be used to obtain fluid-­ In the case of complex critical geology, it
out of the inner tube before the initia- property analysis instead of using fluids is recommended to use only basic resis-
tion of core cutting. Thus, the risk of de- obtained by pressure coring. As for ma- tivity gamma ray sensors with the core
bris entering the inner tube while cor- trix properties, the core obtained from a barrel in order to log the formation along
ing (and its corresponding jamming in nonpressure coring method can be suffi- with the core in real time.
the bit throat, catcher, or inner tube) is cient to obtain formation rock and geo-
greatly diminished. mechanical properties. Optimized Coring/Drilling. Problem.
Coring optimization is considered to be
Alleviating Pressure-Coring Hazards. Core-Point Detection and Timely Deci- one of three basic elements of success-
Problem. When pressure coring (or it sion Making. Problem. One major prob- ful coring. While core cutting, or coring
might be better to refer to it as “pseudo- lem in coring operations is failure to and drilling by virtue of the WCC system,
pressure/in-situ coring”) is applied, the identify the core point accurately in time, vibrations incurred because of, for in-
inner-tube assembly containing the core and thus the core point may be drilled stance, excessive weight on bit and rate
may be raised to the rig floor with pres- past by several meters. Logging while of penetration (ROP) can cause induced
sure as great as 1,000 psi. Main functions coring has not yet been practiced in the fractures ahead of the core bit, leading
of pseudopressure coring include the pos- field seriously, although it was developed to the core jamming off and to low and
sibility of obtaining initial gas volume in years ago and was subsequently modified nonoptimized coring ROP. Core jamming
place, gas/fluid composition, gas deliver- further and even field tested. Logging is the most critical issue, causing pre-
ability, and fluid samples. In addition, a while coring has been shown to great- mature termination of coring jobs and
semipressured core is provided, which is ly enhance decision-making capability low coring efficiency. At the same time,
suitable for some geomechanical studies. concerning whether to proceed to taking coring ROP should not be too low, be-
One of the advantages of this system core or not. The main drawback of log- cause the lower the core-cutting ROP, the
is improved safety compared with tra- ging while coring is extra costs incurred. greater the mud invasion. The greater the
ditional pressure-coring tools; how­ever, Modification of logging while coring for magnitude of the mud invasion and resul-
some safety concerns still exist (e.g., slimholes faces the challenge of limited tant core damage, the slower the possible
pressure up to 1,000 psi). There is a com- space for downhole electronics. Because tripping speed.
plex pressure sealing used in the system no downhole dynamic drilling param- Solution (Coring Optimization).
wherein there may be some possibility eters are recorded in normal practice, It is recommended that downhole dy-
of pressure-seal failure. Pressure coring undesirable vibration and rather low namic drilling sensors be installed in the
requires special core-handling and rig- core-cutting and drilling speed result, WCC system to record downhole drill-
site techniques and laboratory-­analysis and these factors have influence on core ing parameters so that coring can be
techniques, along with skilled person- quality (mechanical- or mud-­invasion- optimized in a real-time manner, par-
nel. Still, information about individual related) and on jamming. ticularly in order to reduce vibrations
fluid phases (gas and oil at downhole Solution (Logging While Drilling/ incurred and to maximize the possible
conditions) cannot be provided. In other Seismic While Drilling). In the hole sec- ROP. Installing downhole sensors con-
words, the exact volume and composi- tion in which proceeding to coring might tributes to enhanced coring optimiza-
tion of fluids released from the core at a take place, use of data telemetry to sur- tion. Coring optimization is of great im-
particular depth cannot be discriminat- face is recommended for core-point de- portance in ensuring coring efficiency
ed from those at other depths. Finally, tection. Therefore, for proper core-point and core ­quality. JPT

JPT • AUGUST 2016 61

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