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Read discussion material (in groups).

Read case: ‘When Employees Steal’, page 16, Fundamentals of Human

Resource Management, Noe,, 2013, 5th edition, McGraw-Hill/Irwin,
New York.

When Employees Steal

Every year retailers lose billions of dollars to theft. A lot of
attention focuses on shoplifters; but while a shoplifter steals
$114 worth of merchandise on average, employees who steal
take over $900 worth of merchandise.
Strangely, retailers seem almost reluctant to tackle this
problem. Measures that help are easy to identify: surveillance
cameras near cash registers, active supervision in stores and
back rooms, routine background screening of job applicants
before they are hired, and database programs that mine sales
data for suspicious patterns.

1. Please prepare an anti-theft policy for the retailers.

2. What ethical considerations do retailers need to consider in

implementing the anti-theft measures described in the case?
Answers of the Quiz (1) questions
Submitted by- Khurshid Alam, EMBA-602.1, ID-1935044090

1. Anti-theft policy for retailers :

Employee Steal or shoplifting is a common issue in each kind of retailers.

There isn't one basic technique that will keep employees from taking from retailers. There a
few moves retailers can make, and when utilized related, will significantly diminish the measure
of misrepresentation that is submitted by retailers own staff.

 Surveillance cameras near cash register

 Active supervision in store and back room

 Make a Zero-Tolerance Policy

 Routine background screening of applicants before they are hired

 Database programs that mine sales data for suspicious patterns

 Create Solid Relationships with employees

 Structure a system of checks and balances

 Put resources into a point of sale system

 It is imperative to design store approaches and strategies for shoplifting right off the bat
in the business arranging process.

 Is any employees or shoplifter approach to stand up to a suspect, and if so how would

you go up against them?

 Who does retailer call or contact after an occurrence?

 What documentation does retailers need after an incident and what data will it contain?
Retailers are continually struck by outside impacts out of their control. Furthermore, truly, the
lion's share of shoplifters are not experts. However, retailers can control his strategies for
misfortune counteraction.

2. Ethical consideration do retailers need to consider in

implementing the anti-theft measures described in that case:

Punishment criteria should be fixed before implement

Retailers should maintain confidentiality if found any theft
Retailer should take decision that is it necessary to take legal action
Punishment according to types of product theft
Actual reason to shoplifting or employee theft
Before taking any action retailers should know his/her profile
Cameras steal should not viral
Before checking any suspect retailers should approach sincerely
Before challenge any assumed theft retailers should collect all proof

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