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Culture Fit Checklist

Applicant Name: Meet & Greet Date:

Position: Attendees:

This interview is conducted over a meal or in a casual setting with the entire department or with the hiring
manager, their spouse, the candidate, and their spouse (if applicable). This culture fit checklist is intended to assist
in the screening of the candidate as it pertains to their ability to thrive in our work environment. Cultural fit does
not mean hiring people you like or making assessments based on an individual’s age, sex, race, religion or other
protected classes. Please use the following checklist of 5 items to generate conversation and return this completed
Culture Fit Checklist to Human Resources within 24 hours of your interview with a summary of your observations in
each area.

NOTE: Here’s some illegal interview questions not to ask - click here

Infectious Enthusiasm for The Role

❏ Does this person express infectious enthusiasm for this role? An employee that seeks quick career
advancement is hard to retain if there’s not immediate opportunity for promotion but someone who’s
passionate about the role they are hired for long term finds ways for continuous growth and
❏ Summarize Observations Here:

Prioritizing People During Social Interactions

❏ Does this person interact positively with others including, but not limited to, how they treat restaurant
staff, interact with others (including their spouse, if present), address conflict in the workplace, etc.? We
believe that people are our most valuable asset and they should be treated with respect.
❏ Summarize Observations Here:

Attitude of Continuous Growth

❏ Does the candidate show a desire to pursue continuous growth or display a “know-it-all” attitude? New
employees should balance adapting to the team's work habits with offering new ideas of how to do
things. It’s a red flag if they show signs of arrogance and have a “know-it-all” attitude.
❏ Summarize Observations Here:

Relentless Wow In Communication & Presentation

❏ Is the candidate’s communication articulate, thoughtful, and decisive? Is their physical presentation neat
and professional, giving you confidence they would represent our brand well?
❏ Summarize Observations Here:
❏ Does the candidate show a desire to delight their supervisor, co-workers, customers, and leaders by
providing exceptional experiences, creative solutions, and project work? The right candidate, whether
primarily introverted or extroverted, possess the emotional intelligence to provide relentless wow within
our department and work environment.
❏ Summarize Observations Here:

After this meet and greet do you:

● See this person working well with our overall team, the department they’re in and their direct supervisor?
● Have any concerns about hiring this person?
● Recommend that we proceed in hiring this person?

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