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STID3074 CONFIDENTIAL FINAL EXAMINATION FIRST SEMESTER SESSION 2018/2019 COURSE CODE/ NAME : STID3074/1T PROJECT MANAGEMENT DATE : 30 DECEMBER 2018 (SUNDAY) TIME 1 9,00 A.M. ~ 11.30 A.M, (2 % HOURS) VENUE : TE INSTRUCTIONS: This examination paper has FOURTEEN (14) questions in TWELVE (12) printed pages excluding the cover page. Answer ALL questions in the space provided. You are NOT ALLOWED to remove the examination paper from the examination hall MATRICNO; — [ (in words) (in numbers) IDENTIFICATION CARD NO. : [ LETT Il ] LL] LECTURER : GROUP : | TABLE NO. : DO NOT OPEN THIS EXAMINATION PAPER UNTIL INSTRUCTED CONFIDENTIAL STID3074 IT Project Management INSTRUCTION: Answer ALL questions in the space provided. 1. Projects can be large or small involving one person or thousands of people, and can be accomplished in a day or take years to complete, a) Define the term ‘project’ by including TWO (2) important related key words. (4 marks) b) Explain the meaning of ONE (1) of the key words in 1(a) (2 marks) ¢) Give ONE (1) example of an IT project. (2 marks) d) Identify ONE (2) of the common reasons of IT project failure. (2 marks) €) Name a unit that is responsible of managing projects for an organization. (1mark) ‘S7103074 IT Project Management 2. Project governance provides a framework that will be used to guide all project decisions. a) List TWO (2) elements that the project governance defined. (2 marks) b) Briefly explain on how the project governance helps in ensuring the alignment between project's values with the organization's values. (3 marks) 3. Information Technology projects involve both the project fife cycle (PLC) and system development life cycle (SDLC) a) Explain ONE (1) difference between project life cycle (PLC) and system development life cvele. (a marks) ‘$T103074 IT Project Management b) How does project life cycle (PLC) and system development life cycle (SDLC) relate to each other? (2 marks} 4. Information technology project management (ITPM) methodology recommends phases, processes, tools, and techniques to support the management of an IT project, and this includes “best practices” learned from experiences over time, a) List THREE (3) of the ITPM methodology phases, (3 marks) b) Name ONE (1) of the deliverables for each phase stated in question 4(a}, (3 marks) STID3074 IT Project Management 5. Pre-initiation tasks are among several activities that need to be accomplished towards attaining the approval of a project. a) Name and describe the document that needs to be submitted for project approval (3 marks) b) Measurable organization value (MOV) is an important component in a business case that needs to be determined before the commencement of a project. Assuming that you are assigned to work on the development of the UUM Online Learning System project, complete the following table by stating the output of the corresponding activities in formulating an appropriate MOV for the project. Aetivity Output 1. | Identify the desired area of impact 2. | identify the desired value of the project 3. | Identify the appropriate metric(s) 4, | Set the time frame 5. | Formulate the MOV statement (10 marks) 57103074 IT Project Management 6. Project initiation is a phase whereby a project team is ready to officially start off an approved project a) List the TWO (2) main tasks that need to be undertaken during the initiation phase. (2 marks) b) Describe ONE (1) of the assumptions in performing the following activity: [Activity ~:~ Sintok Forest Exploration | Time = pm Assembly point Golf Academy Coffee House (3 marks) $T103074 IT Project Management 7. Project charter serves as a formal contract between the organization and the project team. a) State ONE (1) of the reasons for getting an approval on a project charter, (2 marks) b) Ifa project charter were not approved, describe ONE (Z} impact on the following: i. Organization (2 marks) ii, Project (2 marks) ©) In the project charter, it is important to define the project infrastructure. Describe ONE (1) purpose of defining the project infrastructure (3 marks) $T1D3074 IT Project Management 8. Project plan is a document that guides project execution, and is unique for a project. a) Name ONE (1) of the ways in which a project plan is used to guide an execution of a project. (2 marks) b) Explain the following statement about project plan: “Project plan should be dynamic. (3 marks) ©) In planning for a project, one of the important tasks is to determine the scope of a project. What is the basis for determining a project’s scope? (a mark) d) Name the TWO (2) elements that a project's scope defined (2 marks) STID3074 IT Project Management 9. A Food Service Delivery Unit (FSDU) of a fast food restaurant is hiring free lancers as Despatchers in fulfilling food delivery service requests for the restaurant's customers. The top management of the restaurant has suggested that the FSD develops a mobile application to keep track the locations of its Despatchers. Figure 1 represents the relationships of the activities in the project. Figure 1 a) Name the diagram depicted in Figure 1. (1 mark) T1D3074 IT Project Management b) Table 1 contains the list of activities that the team needs to accomplish during the project’s implementation. Complete the table with the right answers. Table 1 Duration (Days) | Predecessor h 8 c D E mt F G 4 1 J kK (6 marks) ©) Determine the critical path for the project. (5 marks) 4d} How long can the activities “C” and "H” be delayed? (4 marks) STID3074 IT Project Management e) Explain your answer in 9(d). (4 marks) 10. in project management, it is important to create a realistic project schedule and budget. a) Name ONE (1) of the elements of the Project Planning Framework that forms the basis for creating a realistic schedule and budget. {1 mark) b) Explain in brief how of the element mentioned in 10(a) will impact a project's schedule and budget. (2 marks) 11. Having had a project schedule in place, there are situations in which a project goes behind schedule. Give ONE (1) of the reasons for a late delivery of a project. (1 marks) 10 STID3074 IT Project Management 12. When a new computer-based system is developed or introduced in an organization, the way of performing certain activities in the workplace will change. a) Provide ONE (1) reason on the importance of managing change in an organization. (2 marks) b) Name TWO (2) of the change management strategies. (2 marks) ©) Name the TWO (2) most appropriate change agents. (2 marks) 13. Team members must anticipate on various associated risks to avoid any unexpected problem or issue while conducting a project. Recommend ONE (1) technique to facilitate the identification of risk. (1 mark) uw STID3074 IT Project Management 14, Project closure indicates that a project has been completed and ready to be handed over to its stakeholders. Identify and describe TWO (2) of the issues that a project team may face to close a project. (6 marks) END OF QUESTIONS 2

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