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Globalization breaks down barriers and connects institutions across the world making
universities in every country visible to each other. This article explain the impact of
globalization on education

Keywords: Globalisation, Education


Globalization refers to the relaxation in the political barriers across the globe to facilitate the
trade and effective interaction in the various spheres among nation .Globalization is said to
bring people of all nations closes together, especially through a common medium like the
economy or the internet. The IMF defines globalization the growing interdependency of
countries worldwide through increasing volume and variety of cross boarder transaction in
goods and services and of international capital flows and also through the more rapid and
wide spread diffusion of technology.

People around the world more connected with each other through globalization. It helps to
transfer the technology as well as human resources between countries. Globalization plays
an important role in the development of Indian education system. It enables us to follow
innovative learning styles and strategies followed in the foreign countries. This resulted in a
gigantic change in our education system.


❖ Globalization increases the demand for education especially university education

and this increases pressure on the whole system for higher quality schooling
❖ Globalization helps in unifying the face of education it necessitates global sharing of
knowledge, skill and intellectual assets.
❖ Globalization helped in improving the quality education. Student exchange and
faculty exchange program helped in gaining knowledge about fast growing
technologies around the world. It also helped in starting new generation courses that
ensure maximum employment.
❖ Globalization increased educational investment in our country. The total amount of
foreign direct investment inflow in to the education sector in India stood at US$2.47
billion from April 2000to march 2019.
❖ Globalization has resulted in the global distribution of research output by publishing
it in interest or in international journals for an instant discussion debate on research
❖ Globalization provide us the opportunity to understand the culture of different
countries promotes multicultural education .multicultural education refers to any
form of education or teaching that incorporates the values, beliefs and perspective
of people from different cultural background.
❖ Globalization gives chance for online distance education. It helped to get updated
information through the development in the field of telecommunication due to the
widespread technological advancement.
❖ Globalization resulted in the emergence of universities, colleges, technical and
vocational institution with very different level of academic emphasis, quality and
❖ Globalization helped in standardising in the educational system. It reduced the gap in
the quality of education imparted in different countries and made .it comparable to
standards set internationally.
❖ One of the negative impacts of globalization is that it widen the educational divide.
The availability of information and communication system is an important
component to facilitate global integration of higher education. Due to limited
communication system in our country, the knowledge gap widened.

The article shows the impact of globalization in education. Globalization has
increased the quality and standard of our educational system. It opened up our
global education and the principle of sharing knowledge across the globe.

1. Dr ArjunanN.K (2017 )Education in the emerging Indian society philosophical and
sociological base of education.

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