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Part 1 (A)

Velocities that will be encountered will range from 400-600 m/s (dry silty sand), 1500-1700 m/s
(saturated silty sand), and 3000-6000 m/s (unfractured quartzite, a metamorphosed
sedimentary rock). The velocity of P waves in water is 1500 m/s, since the velocities in all of the
saturated soils seem to equalize there.


V1 and V2 curves intersect at 12 km, and v2 and v3 intersect at 26 km

Below are calculated values and values obtained from the graph above that are used for
calculation for h1 and h2.
Ti2 = 0.0184 s
V1 = 454.55 km/s

V2 = 1428.57 km/s

V3 = 5000 km/s
Ti1 = -0.00003 s
T* = 0.0105
H1 = 4.41 km
Time intercepts:
Critical refraction angles:
Ti3 = 0.0298 s
I12 = 18.55 degrees
I13 = 5.216 degrees

I23 = 16.6 degrees

Calculation for h1:

( 454.55 km/s)(0.0184 s)
h 1= = 4.41 km
2 cos ⁡(18.55 °)
Calculation for h2:

2 h1 cos i 13
t ¿=t i 3−

2 ( 4.41 ) cos ⁡(5.216)

t ¿=0.0298− = 0.0105 s
Therefore, H2 = 7.83 km

Therefore, the depth of the water table is 4.41 m and the depth of the bedrock is 7.83 km.
The seismic velocity through the saturated soil is 5000 km/s
The seismic velocity through the unsaturated soil is 1428.57 km/s
The velocity on the surface is 454.54 km/s
d) Again, the values determined by calculation and from the graph are as follows:

Time intercepts Critical refraction angles Intersection points

Ti3 = 0.0298 s I12 = 18.55 degrees Xc1 = 12 km

Ti2 = 0.0184 s I13 = 5.216 degrees Xc2 = 36 km

Ti1 = -0.00003 s I23 = 16.6 degrees

Part 1 (B)

1. The Acetone and TCE both infiltrate at a rate of 50 cm/day. The acetone, being soluble,
will dissolve and follow the flow of water, eventually reaching the town’s well since it will
flow perpendicular to the water table lines (and also downhill) towards Geoville. The TCE
is a DNAPL, since it has a specific gravity of 1.46. Fortunately for the town, there is a
trough shape that runs underneath the vineyards and will hopefully serve to capture the
DNAPL and direct it away from the town’s water supply.

2. The Acetone will eventually reach the town’s well. The town’s well is 2375 m away from
the crash site, and the hydraulic head is 45 m (265-220). The hydraulic head is being
used instead of the contour lines because the acetone is soluble in water, so the
acetone will only exist undissolved between the time of the crash, and until reaching the
water table. Since the crash occurred at an altitude of 310 m, where the water table is
265 m, the acetone needs to traverse 45 m of soil (at 50 cm/day) taking 90 days, or 3
months. Then, the contaminated water will need to travel to the town’s well. The flow
velocity can be calculated with v= k (Δh/ΔL) v= 0.001 * 45/2375 v= 1.89E-5 m/s, or about
1.64 m/day.

*Diagram not to scale

It travels 2375.4 m at a speed of 1.64 m/day, taking 1451 days. That is 48.37 months for
the water to flow, in addition to the 3 months it took the acetone to reach the water, for a
total of 51.37 months.

  3.  TCE, a DNAPL, follows a naturally occurring trench in the bedrock from the crash site which
diverts the flow away from the city’s well but towards the vineyards. The channel seems to
flow through Vineyards E, I, H, G, F, & J. In reference to the path that was drawn, the
contaminant TCE could reach the wells in lots F, G, H, and I, as the path runs through the
centres of these lots. It is possible that the wells in lots J, E, and even L also draw up some
TCE, depending on the exact locations of each well.

The route was established by measuring the bedrock profile and its scale, and converting those
measurements into kilometres and overlaying them onto the map. For example, the trough at
gradation A-A’ is between 8 and 10 cm from A. The scale was measured at 3.8 cm/km, so the
trough is found 2.1-2.6 km from A. On the map, the scale is 4 cm/km, so the trough can be
transcribed between 8.4-10.5 cm from A. Similar measurements were recorded for B-B’, the
difference being that the North side has a long, gradual slope leading into the trench, which
would direct the DNAPL to the deepest part of the trench, found in vineyard “I”. The trench is
between 5 and 7.5 cm from C (in the plane C-C’), or 1.3-2 km south of C. The last relevant
gradation is D-D’, where the trench is 4-6 cm from D, or 1.1-1.6 km. A rough outline of the
trench’s shape can be drawn from these values:

The brown lines represent the inferred borders of the trench, which will contain the

Chemical flushing and the use of a Reactive Wall would be two methods that could be used to
remediate the site of TCE, a DNAPL. As for the Acetone contaminant, Pump and Treat would
be effective as well as In-situ Destruction, given that the LNAPL is not as dense as the
groundwater and will be near the surface.
Part 2 (A)


a. Calculation for the concentration of e-coli in water after 36 days

[E-Coli in Water] =(10^5) (½)^(36/9)
=(10^5)*1/16 = 6250

     b. N = (N0)*(½)^(t/(t1/2))
1/(10^5) = ½^((t/t1/2)
ln(1/10^5) = t/t1/2(ln(½))
t1/2 * ln(1/10^5)/ln(½) = t
t1/2*16.61 = t (deactivation)


d(in soil) = 26 m
t(in soil) = 26m/(1m/day) = 26 days
d(in water) = 2.85 km
T(in water) = d/v = 2850/0.04 = 71250s
71250s = 0.8247 days
[E-Coli after Soil] =(10^5) (½)^(26/1.5)
= 0.60555
[E-Coli after Water] =(0.60555) (½)^(0.8247/9)
= 0.568org/L
[Salmonella after Soil] =(10^5) (½)^(26/10)
[Salmonella after Water] =(16494) (½)^(0.8247/8)
= 15356org/L

E-coli becomes deactivated while going through soil
1.5*16.61 = t(deactivation)
24.92 days in soil = t(deactivation)
Because the e-coli becomes deactivated in soil, there is no aquifer risk.

Part 2 (B)

For all intents and purposes Soil 1 = Soil A, Soil 2 = Soil B, Soil 3 = Soil C
D85(Soil 1) = 0.015 mm
D15(Soil 1) = 0.0003 mm
D85(Soil 2)= 0.105 mm
D15(Soil 2) = 0.01 mm
D85(Soil 3)= 0.4 mm
D15(Soil 3) = 0.03 mm

D15(Filter Soil)/D85(Contaminant) <= 5

D15(Filter Soil)/D15(Contaminant)>= 4

Soil 3
For Giardia
D15(Soil 3)/D85(Girardia) = 0.03/0.018 = 1.667
D15(Soil 3)/D15(Girardia) =0.03/0.007 =4.285
|For Cytosporium
D15(Soil 3)/D85(Cytosporium) = 0.03/0.007 = 4.285
D15(Soil 3)/D85(Cytosporium = 0.03/0.004 = 7.5

As is evident by these calculations, all of these work for soil 3, thus, soil 3 will be used to
construct the earth dam.

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