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Anesthesia july 2020 part 1 morning ( dr Asad khan)

 Nasal emisasary vein pass through – formen cecum

 Problem in lateral rotataion of eye nere infected cavernous sinis abducent

 Absent p wave – atrial systole absent

 Features of ida

 Heart uses 70 to 80 percent oxygen at rest

 Ebv =burkitte lymphoma

 Antigen on rbc appear on which week fetus – 12 – 20- 24- 30

 Shift of oxygen curve on the right – acidosis

 Carb metabolism impaired due to def of which enzyme in intestine ,lactase ,sucrose, maltase

 Epthilum with acinus salvary gland

 Osteogenesis alp is produced by osteoblasDiagnsoitic test for myasthenia ? erdo

 Thiopental cntra –propyrin

 Khlenifeter syndrome

 Turner syndrome 45 xo
 Face mask cleaning ..cholrohexindine luke warm cleaning

 Scurbs –cholorhexdine and luke warm
 Bicarb –plasma
 Vancomycn –red man syndrome
 Stelleate ganglion
 Mapleseon d
 Heta starch q
 Moa of ace inhibtors
 Posterior ramus of scral nerve- sciatic nerve
 Morpine toxicity …brad and miosis
 Dorsi flexion of foot sacral involevement – s1
 Cis atra- dec histamine realease
 Common place of logde peanut right lower bronchus
 Inc. glucocorticoid –hepatic glycogen synthesis –gluconeogensis- peripheral glucose-protein
 Hemiplegia motor loss but no sensory loss- internal cap
 The most efficient co2 absorption is accomplishes compound containing..alkalies silicates 14
-18% moisture. asim bcq
 A women with blood type 0 gave birth to an ab infant .she and her partner are quite concerned
that thr may be mix up in the nursery.- Bombay phenotype
 Right sided hemi plegia ,left side pain and temp lost below t9\right side proprioception lost t8
What was the cause…
compelte transection at t8
hemi section below t8
Hemi section below t11
Cauda equine

 Most common site of thrombos after dvt pulmonary arteries

 Pons conntected to cerebleum tranverse fibers something
 Phonation of laryx.. adduction
 Antibiotic given prior to abdomen surgery…ceftaxime only suitable in all options
 Negative feed back question
 Restin tremors riigity …substania nigra
 Viru alternation proto oncogene
 Urine +blood cs repeat mcq from sk 9
 Typhiod first week..blood cs
 Nor epinephrine at synapse what happens…
 Bi spectral index moni…depth of anesthesia
 Epitheum of esophagus..
 Total body iron in adult female…
 Horsness of voice….recurrent larygenal nerve
 Post menipaussal women fsh lh dec
 Otitis media question pus discharge ….et blockage
 Vagus nerve question? Cough or apena
 Carboxy hb half ….
 Visceral organ infarction …red infarct ?
 Co2 tissue transport to lungs bicarb..
 Excerise …inc ventricular contracilty
 Glucocorticoids
 a. Decrease FA uptake by liver
 b. Decreasd lipolysis
 c. Deceased proteolysis
 d. Decrease glucose utilization by cells
 Ans. D. Cortisol (glucocorticoid) is the major stress hormone which tends to increase plasma
glucose levels so that more glucose is available for the brain. There are two mechanisms by
which cortisol increases blood glucose level:
 • The most important mechanism is by decreasing uptake of glucose by the peripheral tissues
(muscles, lymphoid, fats)
 • Cortisol increases hepatic output of glucose, mainly via gluconeogenesis from amino acids
(not from liver glycogenolysis)
 Cortisol increases fatty acids uptake by the liver so that it can be used for gluconeogenesis
[option A]. It promotes lipolysis to make more fatty acids [option B], as well as proetolysis
[option C] to make more amino acids for gluconeogenesis.
 A chronic pressure overload in the left ventricle due to aortic stenosis results in

A. Altered left ventricle distensibility

B. Decreased contractility

C. Left ventricular dilatation

D. Left ventricular hypertrophy

E. No change

ans. is "D". First left ventricular hypertrophy occurs which leads to decreased compliance and hence,
diastolic dysfunction (altered left ventricle distensibility). This is later on followed by systolic dysfunction
(decreased contractility). So the best option here is: D > A > B

 Pituitary hypothalamic portal system adenohypo

 Carbargoline d2 agonist
 Thyroglobulin secreted by follicular cells
 2nd trimester which hormone normal growth
 Pseudomonas aurigenous
 Thiopental absolute contra indication acute intermittent porphira
 Arteriol alverlovr ration> 0.75>0.5>0.25 …I did 0.5 please confirm
 45 year old man fell complanied of inability to void urine and urinary incontinence ..s2 s3 s4
 Lose of abdominal and intercostal muscles but still breathing… t4 to t12..please confirm
 The reason for sevoflurane durng inhalation induction is…low blood gas solublity coffeint asim
 Old man wins a marathon race in a record in a record time which time of the following tells us
the hormone level as she crosses the finsh line. Insulin low and glucagon high
 Veno dialtor in pulmonary edema which preload GTn according to asad ali
 Which drug effects captopril enalpril anti htn response ?ephdrine , carbamazepine
 High gas flow through gass flow meter undr which law?boyle ,Charles,poiuselle ,grham>grham
 Negative contracilty is due to dc in..Na,ca,na or na +ca both…
 Stimulation of central end cut of vagus dec cough causes apnea and inc inspiration
 Burn pt suxa contraindicated due to hyper kalmia
 Muscle rexlant in pheochromcytoma is pancouram or vecuorium I did vecu becz dr asad ali said
 Limb sugery mod pain on 3rd day ketorolac morphine fentyal
 Local anestheia crosses placenta thru> simple diff
 Class 3 antiarrhytmtic ? amiodrone
 Inc anion gap> uncontrolled dm
 5th month preg methimzole
 Gate control theory of pain modulation occurs in spinothalmic tract or substania geltinosa …
 Less risk of static sparks if the relative humidity is >60
 Other name of juvinle rectal polyp…hemartomus
 Esmolol is an aproprtie drug to attenuate the hypertensive response to laryngoscopy and
tracheal intubation becz it has half life 9 mints
 Ondansterone in the prevention of nausea and vomiting is primarly due to its blockage of 5 ht3
 A vapour differs from a gas in that it exits a such far below the boiling point of the liquid

Please confirm all answers…20% questions from asim shoaib

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