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1. Conclusions are consists of analysis, reasoning and/or evidence.

a. Analysis b. Argument c. Affirmative d. Analogy

2. These are reasoning based on comparisons.

a. Analysis b. Argument c. Affirmative d. Analogy

3. All are types of factual claims except one.

a. Relational b. Predictive c. Aesthetic d. Historical

4. Conduct and belief of judgement about rightness or wrongness.

a. Relational b. Predictive c. Aesthetic c. Morality

5. All are definitions of claims of policy except one.

a. Worked hand in hand with claims about facts.
b. Easily recognize by using modal verbs.
c. Urges an action to a certain problem.
d. Propose and promote conclusions based on changing an existing policy.

6. It encompasses the content and arguments of the speech.

a. Logos b. Proof c. Pathos d. Ethos

7. Every time I’ve walked by that dog, it hasn’t tried to bite me. So, the next time I
walk by that dog it won’t try to bite me.
a. Deductive Argument c. Claims of Fact
b. Claims of Value d. Inductive Argument

8. An argument that examines alternative examples in order to prove that that what is
true in one case is true in the other.
a. Argument by Analogy c. Argument by Example
b. Argument by Value d. Argument by Authority

9. A defect in an argument (other than a false premise) that causes an unjustified

a. Informal Fallacy c.. Formal Fallacy
b. Fallacy d. Fallacy of Sufficiency

10. Information held to be true.

a. Observations b. Facts c. News d. Issues


TRUE 1. An argument is valid if it would be inconsistent for all the premises to be

true and its conclusion to be false.
FALSE 2. The influencing factors of for pathos encompass elements such as clothes,
vocabulary, slang and other social aspects like rank and popularity.
FALSE 3. In all arguments there is middle ground.
TRUE 4. Argument by sign asserts that two or more things are so closely related
that the or presence or absence of one indicates the presence or absence of the other.
FALSE 5. Argumentation or the process of forming relational claims based on
supporting ideas, is a fundamental aspect of everyday life.


1. Regulates a debate and manages the adjudication and feedback of the

team afterwards. Chief Adjudicator
2. When a closing team implicitly or explicitly contradicts the opening
team on the same side. Knife
3. Claims over denotation or classification of what something is.
Definitional Claims
4. Persuasion is affected through speech itself when we have proved a
truth or an apparent truth by means of the persuasive arguments suitable to the case in
question. Logos
5. The exchange of arguments on a topic. Debate


1. Where,when and how did you learn to argue? Answer the question in not less that
500 words.

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