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Proceedings of the 5th RSI

International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (IcRoM 2017)

October 25-27, 2017, Tehran, Iran

A Comparative Study of Deterministic and

Probabilistic Mobile Robot Path Planning Algorithms
Esmaeel Khanmirza, Morteza Haghbeigi Milad Nazarahari, Samira Doostie
Department of Mechanical Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering
Iran University of Science and Technology University of Alberta
Tehran, Iran Edmonton, Canada

Abstract— This paper presents a comparative study between probabilistic algorithms was proved in various PP problems
seven deterministic and probabilistic mobile robot path planning [1], heuristic algorithms provide a more flexible programming
algorithms. For this purpose, 19 different environments with platform to deal with complex PP problems, e.g., multiple
various complexities were designed and the performance of the robot PP [14], multi-objective PP [15], and PP in a dynamic
(1) A*, (2) Dijkstra, (3) Visibility Graph, (4) Probabilistic environment.
Roadmap, (5) Lazy Probabilistic Roadmap, (6) Rapid-exploring In the recent years, several surveys have been performed to
Random Tree, and (7) Bidirectional Rapid-exploring Random investigate the performance of the heuristic mobile robot PP
Tree were assessed in terms of (i) path length, (ii) path algorithms [16], however, to the best of authors’ knowledge,
smoothness, (iii) runtime, and (iv) success rate for each
there is a lack of comparative study between various
environment. In addition, for probabilistic algorithms, the
parameters of the planners were evaluated to assess their
deterministic and probabilistic PP algorithms in the literature.
efficiency under different working conditions. This comparison As a result, this study presents a comparison between seven
study reveals the advantages and flaws of the mentioned path well-recognized deterministic and probabilistic mobile robot
planning algorithms and provides an informative insight for PP algorithms, and assess their performance in environments
researchers to select the best path planning method based on with different complexities. It should be noted that the selected
their application. algorithms are considered as they received more attention in
comparison to similar PP algorithms and were used as basis to
Keywords—Path Planning, Dijkstra’s Algorithm, A* Algorithm, develop several PP algorithms.
Probabilistic Roadmap, Rapid- Exploring Random Tree
I. INTRODUCTION The environment (or configuration space) consists of free space
and space filled with obstacles. The predefined start and
Path planning (PP) problem is of crucial importance in several
desired destination of the robot are located in the free space. PP
robotic related research areas. A diverse range of robotic
can be defined as finding a finite set of feasible movements
applications in industry, agriculture, and medicine encourage
(movements in the free space) to navigate the robot between
researchers to carry out vast research works in the path
start and destination positions [1]. Usually, there is more than
planning field. A path planner should find the optimal (or
one path between start and destination; however, the PP
suboptimal) path between start and goal positions of a robot in
algorithms are used to find the optimal path in terms of a
an environment filled with obstacles. The PP problem could be
predefined objective function, e.g., the path with the shortest
solved for robotic arms or mobile robots. Considering the
length, the highest degree of smoothness, or the safest path.
affecting factors like different kinds of robots and
A common approach for PP consists of representing the
environments, static or dynamic obstacles, and multi-agent PP,
configuration space of the robot as a weighted directed graph
PP is known as a challenging problem. For example, finding
G=(V,E), where V is a set of possible robot states (locations),
the shortest path with the highest degree of smoothness which
and E is a set of edges which represent transitions between
avoids collision with other robots or obstacles is still a
these states. The weight of each edge corresponds to the cost of
challenging problem [1].
transition between the two states (locations) [1]. Different
Different approaches proposed in the literature for PP in
approaches can be used to build such an explicit representation
environments with different complexities. In general, the most
of the free configuration space: accurate and approximate Cell
well-recognized techniques can be divided into three groups:
Decomposition, Visibility Graph, and Voronoi Graph.
deterministic algorithms [2–5], probabilistic algorithms [6–8],
However, these methods are time-consuming in high
and heuristic algorithms [9–12]. When the robot has only a few
dimensional spaces. Sampling-based approaches were
degrees of freedom, e.g., a mobile robot moving in a 2D
introduced to deal with complexities of the PP in high
environment, deterministic algorithms are preferred. On the
dimensional spaces. In sampling-based PP, random points are
other hand, in a high dimensional space, e.g., a multiple linkage
sampled within the environment, and then collision detection
robot arm, probabilistic algorithms are favored as they can
methods are applied to check if these points located in the free
search the configuration space of the robot in a time-efficient
space. Again, weighted directed graph G can be built using
manner [13]. While the efficiency of the deterministic and

978-1-5386-5703-4/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE

these sampled-points and the feasible connections among them the free space is constructed, and (2) searching for a path in the
[1]. constructed graph using Dijkstra’s algorithms [7]. In the
learning phase, a roadmap of the free space is built which
III. DETERMINISTIC ALGORITHMS demonstrates the possible edges between randomly selected
nodes. For this purpose, a random node is selected in the free
A. Dijkstra’s Algorithm space of the environment, and then the feasible edges between
Dijkstra is a non-informed method for finding paths with the the selected node and its K nearest neighbors (neighbors with
shortest length between two nodes of a graph [2]. In this distance less than R) are built. This process is repeated till a
algorithm, first, an infinity cost is assigned to every node pre-defined number of nodes fill the environment [7]. Although
except for the start node. The cost of each node is the sum of the parameters of the original PRM are K and R, in this paper,
the length of all edges which should be passed (from start all nodes within the radius of R from each node are considered
node) to reach that node. Then, the distance(s) between the as its neighbors. After the learning phase, Dijkstra’s algorithm
start node and its neighbor(s) is calculated. In the case that the can be applied to the graph to find the shortest path between
cost of reaching to the neighbor node(s), sum the cost of the start and destination nodes.
source node (here start node) and the calculated distance, is L-PRM constructs a roadmap in the environment, whose
smaller than its (their) current cost, it will be replaced with nodes are a set of randomly generated feasible nodes and start
higher cost and the source node will be labeled as the parent of and destination nodes [18]. In contrast to PRM, L-PRM
the neighbor. This process will be repeated for the neighbor(s) initially assumes that all nodes and edges in the roadmap are
of the unseen node with the smallest cost. By performing this feasible (collision-free), and searches the graph using
procedure, the algorithm finally will find the shortest path Dijkstra’s algorithm to find the shortest path between the start
between start and destination nodes, if one exists [2]. The and destination nodes. Then the edges along the path are
Dijkstra’s algorithm finds the shortest path between a node and checked for collision. If a collision occurs, the corresponding
all other nodes in the graph; as such this method might seem edges are removed from the graph. Otherwise, a feasible path
time-consuming for PP, specifically in large graphs. has been found. In another word, in each iteration, L-PRM
either finds the shortest path, or updates the roadmap by
B. A* Algorithm deleting the infeasible edges, and then searches for the shortest
A* is an improved version of Dijkstra’s algorithm which path. This process is repeated until a feasible path is found
benefits from the auxiliary information of a heuristic cost, [18].
which in fact is an estimate of the path length between current
and destination nodes. Using this extra information, the A* will B. Rapid- Exploring Random Tree (RRT) & Bidirectional
move toward the destination by selecting the nodes more RRT (B-RRT)
intelligently and not to try to visit every node in the graph [3]. RRT is a sampling-based PP algorithm which adds a new edge
The procedure for A* is similar to Dijkstra’s algorithm, with to a graph started from start node in the direction of a randomly
the exception of cost calculation. In A*, the cost is the sum of sampled point in the environment [8]. RRT begins from the
the costs of passing from start node to the current node and the start node in the first iteration. Then at each iteration, a random
heuristic cost of passing from current node to the destination. point Vrand is chosen in the environment, and the closest node in
The heuristic function can be Euclidean or Manhattan distance the existing graph to it (Vnear) is determined. Next, a new node
between the current node and the destination. The A* is (Vnew) is selected at a predefined distance (ε) from Vnear in the
guaranteed to find the optimal path if the heuristic function is direction of Vrand to Vnear. If Vnew and the edge connecting Vnew
admissible, which means that the estimated distance from to Vnear (Enew ) lie in the free space, Vnew and the connecting
every node to the destination is smaller or equal to true distance edge Enew are added to the graph. Usually, two termination
[3]. conditions are considered for RRT: (1) a predetermined
number of iterations reached, or (2) the closest node to the
C. Visibility Graph destination can be connected to the destination via a feasible
By considering the nodes in an environment as vertices of a edge. In this paper, both termination conditions were applied
graph, the set of all feasible (collision-free) connections simultaneously. It should be noted that the affecting parameters
between two vertices is called the “Visibility Graph” [17]. To on the performance of RRT are the maximum number of
find a visibility graph with vertices as close as possible to iterations and step size ε [8]. In B-RRT, two independent trees,
obstacles, the outer edges of obstacles can be considered as one from start node and the other from the destination, grow
vertices and the feasible connections between them as edges of simultaneously. In each iteration, one of the trees is selected,
the graph. After building the visibility graph, Dijkstra’s and a new node and edge are added to it. This process will be
algorithm can be employed to find the shortest path between repeated till the algorithm can find a feasible connection
start and destination nodes [17]. The visibility graph algorithm between the two trees.
is simple to use, however, the more the number of obstacles,
the more complex and time-consuming it gets [1]. V. EXPERIMENTS AND RESULTS
The simulations were performed in 19 planar environments.
Table I and Fig. 1 show the benchmark maps and their
A. Probabilistic Roadmap (PRM) & Lazy PRM (L-PRM) characteristics. Considering the stochastic behavior of PRM, L-
PRM, RRT, and B-RRT, these algorithms were evaluated 50
PRM is a popular sampling-based PP algorithm which consists
of two main steps: (1) learning, where a graph or roadmap of

times separately, and the mean and standard deviation values of
the cost were used for comparison.
The objectives used to assess the performance of the
algorithms are the path length, the path smoothness, the
runtime, and the planning success rate. The path smoothness is
measured by calculating the angles between line segments of
the path. The success rate is only meaningful for sampling-
based algorithms and shows the ability of the algorithms in
finding a feasible solution. All algorithms were implemented in
the MATLAB, on an Intel Core i5 processor running at 2.27
GHz with 4 GB of RAM.
For all algorithms, an improvement operator was used to
enhance the determined paths. In some cases, a node can be
deleted and its previous and next nodes connected together
directly. The improvement operator identifies and deletes these
middle nodes and reconstructs a new path. This operator
always improves the path length, and in most cases the path

Map ID Size Map ID Size Map ID Size

1-random 1 30x30 8-random 2 20x20 15-corridor 40x40
2-back&forth 30x30 9-maze 1 20x20 16-corridor 40x40
3-bugtrap 30x30 10-slits 1 60x60 17-corridor 30x30
4-bugtrap 2 30x30 11-slits 2 60x60 18-maze 3 50x50
5-clasps 40x40 12-flower 20x20 19-room 20x20
6-clasps 2 40x40 13-maze 2 30x30
7-clasps 3 30x30 14-plankpile 30x30

A. Parameter of the Planners

The performance of the probabilistic methods can be highly
affected by tuning their parameters. For this purpose, the
performance of the PRM, L-PRM, RRT, and B-RRT was
evaluated in terms of path length, runtime, and success rate
through 50 separated executions for a sample map (here map
5). In addition to original paths (Original) found by algorithms,
the improvement operator was used to improve the paths
Table II shows the mean and standard deviation values of
the Original and Improved paths obtained by PRM algorithm
for six different cases: small (2) and medium (4) radiuses, low
(1000), medium (2000), and high (3000) number of points. The
success rate of six cases are 2%, 26%, 74%, 42%, 88%, and
100%, respectively. While using a high number of points and
large radius resulted in highest success rate, using a high
number of points and small radius or medium number of points
and large radius showed to be much more time-efficient.
The performance of L-PRM was investigated for five Fig. 1. The set of benchmark maps used to comapre the performance of the
different number of points: 100, 130, 150, 180, 200. Only for seven deterministic and probabolisitic PP algorithms.
150 or more points, the L-PRM was able to find a feasible
path; success rates: 0%, 0%, 1%, 10%, 26%, respectively. In Finally, a comparison has been made between RRT and B-
terms of path length and runtime, the best paths obtained using RRT for several step sizes (ε). Figs. 2 (a) and (b) show mean +
200 points (with the length of 51.05) and 150 points (28.02 s). standard deviation and best path length among 50 separate
executions of each method for step sizes from 0.5 to 4. It can
be seen from Figs. 2 (a) and (b) that in all cases, the
improvement operator modifies the paths such that the path
lengths are smaller than original paths. Moreover, Fig 2 (c)
shows that by increasing or decreasing the step size, the
runtimes are increased considerably. Thus, fine-tuning the step

size is of crucial importance when using RRT and B-RRT than B-RRT, however, it found a feasible solution for every
algorithms. environment.

# of Mean Mean Mean Mean

Random Length Time (s) Length Time (s)
Points Original Original Improved Improved
1000 54.9+0.0 2.6+0.0 49.4+0.0 2.6+0.0
2 2000 51.4+0.7 10.4+0.1 49.8+0.7 10.5+0.1
3000 50.1+0.5 22.1+0.4 49.3+0.5 23.2+0.4
1000 51.8+1.0 9.6+0.1 51.3+1.0 9.6+0.1
4 2000 50.0+0.8 38.3+0.5 49.7+0.8 38.3+0.5
3000 49.5+0.5 81.1+1.0 49.4+0.6 81.2+1.0

B. Comparative Study Results

First, we investigated the performance of deterministic models
for 19 maps. For A* and Dijkstra, the environments were
discretized using square grids with unit length, and the nodes
located at the edges of grids were used for PP, e.g.,
environment 1 which is a 30x30 environment, disseized with
900 nodes. For Visibility Graph algorithm, the graph was built
using the nodes located at the outer edges of obstacles. For
probabilistic methods, first, the effect of the parameters of the
planners was analyzed, similar to Section VI.A, and parameters
were fine-tuned to find the best result in terms of both path
length and runtime.
To compare the objectives (path length, path smoothness,
and runtime) for each algorithm and 19 environments, we used
dimensionless plots (Figs. 3 and 4). In these figures, the
minimum value of each objective which was found by an
algorithm was selected as the base value, and the values of that
objective which were found by other algorithms were
compared to the base (minimum) value. This method was
adopted to provide a meaningful comparison among
environments with different sizes.
Fig. 3 shows the performance of the deterministic methods
in terms of path length (Fig. 3(a)), runtime (Fig. 3(b)), and path
Fig. 2. Assessing the performance of the RRT and B-RRT algorithms with
smoothness (Fig. 3(c)). Fig. 3(a) shows that except for maps 1, different step sizes for environment 5.
14, and 18, the paths obtained by visibility graph are the
shortest and smoothness among other algorithms. For example, Fig. 4 provides a performance comparison between the best
the path lengths obtained by visibility graph for maps 1, 4, 8, solutions obtained by PRM, L-PRM, RRT, and B-RRT after
12, 14, and 18 are 35.64, 44.37, 26.83, 27.72, 57.21, and applying the improvement operator. Fig. 4 shows that the
243.19 units, respectively. Based on these values, the length of shortest and smoothest paths were found using PRM method.
the paths obtained by other deterministic algorithms can be For example, the path lengths obtained by PRM for maps 1, 4,
determined. 8, 12, 14, and 18 are 35.21, 45.85, 27.11, 28.68, 58.28, and
However, the runtime of the visibility graph algorithm is 227.94 units, respectively. Based on these values, the length of
longer than the other deterministic algorithms, particularly, for the paths obtained by other probabilistic algorithms can be
environments filled with irregular obstacles, like map 1, e.g., determined. However, it should be noted that the B-RRT is the
for map 1, the runtimes of the A* and Dijkstra and visibility most time-efficient method among the four probabilistic
graph are 0.44, 0.55, and 25.48 seconds, respectively. Based on algorithms, such that in some cases, it can even be compared
the mentioned fact, and to keep the comparison between with A* and Dijkstra’s algorithms.
runtimes meaningful, the runtimes of the visibility graph are Fig. 5 shows the obtained improved paths obtained using
not shown in Fig. 3(b). deterministic (left column) and probabilistic (right column)
Table III shows the success rate of four probabilistic PP methods for maps 2, 9. Fig. 5(a) shows that the Dijkstra’s
algorithms. The dash lines indicate that the algorithm could not algorithm is able to find a shorter path in comparison to A* as it
find any feasible path during 50 executions. It can be seen from extends its search in all directions; and as a consequence, it
Table III that the highest success rates were achieved using B- needs more time, see Fig. 3(b). However, in a maze shape
RRT, however, the B-RRT trapped in the maze structure of environment, Fig. 5(c), the performance of both A* and
maps 13 and 18. Although the success rate of PRM is lower Dijkstra is the same. The random behavior of probabilistic
methods is shown in Fig. 5. While deterministic methods

identify the obstacles and determine the path based on their the performance of the mentioned algorithms was evaluated in
positions, the performance of the probabilistic methods is terms of path length, path smoothness, and runtime.
highly dependent to random samples of the environment.

Map L- B- Map L- B-
1 84 10 80 100 11 10 - - 44
2 92 100 80 100 12 90 98 80 100
3 94 100 100 100 13 30 - - -
4 68 32 74 100 14 80 2 80 80
5 64 74 26 100 15 72 - 80 100
6 30 - - 100 16 2 - 20 100
7 80 2 12 100 17 96 92 80 100
8 100 100 100 100 18 72 - - -
9 94 34 78 100 19 48 64 80 100
10 82 36 - 100

Fig. 3 shows that the visibility graph outperforms A* and

Dijkstra in finding shorter and smoother paths. However, the
main disadvantage of visibility graph is the long runtimes,
particularly for environments with obstacles with irregular
shapes. Building a graph using obstacles edges is the most
time-consuming part of visibility graph algorithm. Moreover,
Figs. 3 shows that the improvement operator is able to decrease
(increase) the length (smoothness) of the paths obtained by A*
or Dijkstra.
The time complexity of A* depends on both the
discretization size and heuristic function. Although by
decreasing the grid size (increasing the number of nodes), the
performance of both A* and Dijkstra will improve both in
terms of path length and smoothness, but their runtime will
also increase; the time complexities of A* and Dijkstra are
O(n×log(n)) and O(n2) which n is the number of nodes. The
present comparison study shows that using A* or Dijkstra along
with an improvement operator is the best choice for PP in 2D
Table III shows the success rate of the probabilistic
algorithms. Although the highest success rates were obtained
using B-RRT, Fig. 4 shows that the shortest and smoothest
paths were determined by PRM. On the other hand, the
runtimes of B-RRT is the shortest among algorithms. Thus,
selecting the best probabilistic PP algorithm should be
performed while considering the trade-off between different
objectives. In addition, it should be noted that the performance
of the PRM and B-RRT can be highly affected by the number
Fig. 3. Comparison of four deterministic PP algorithms for 19 benchmark of random points and the step size, respectively. Finally, based
environments in terms of (a) path length, (b) runtime, and (c) path
on Table III and Fig. 4, it can be concluded that L-PRM and
smoothness. The graphs are dimentionless and shows the results as a fraction
of the minimum values of objectives. RRT are not preferred for 2D motion planning. In the future,
the performance of more efficient algorithms, like Semi-Lazy
VI. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION PRM [19] should be compared with PRM, LPRM, and RRT-
Mobile robot motion planning has become an increasingly based algorithms.
popular research field in the recent years, and several The present study shows that deterministic PP algorithms
approaches have been proposed to determine the optimal path outperform the probabilistic algorithms for PP in 2D
in complex environments. Despite the heuristic PP algorithms, environments. To improve the performance of the probabilistic
to the best of authors’ knowledge, there is a lack of comparison methods, sampling must be performed intelligently, e.g.,
study for well-recognized deterministic and probabilistic PP considering the knowledge about the position and shape of
algorithms in the literature. As such, the present study obstacles, the samples can be taken in the vicinity of obstacles.
compares the performance of seven deterministic and Such an approach will help to avoid extra samples in parts of
probabilistic PP algorithms, A* and Dijkstra, Visibility Graph, environments which are not useful for PP, e.g., samples inside
PRM, L-PRM, RRT, and B-RRT. For this purpose, 19 the obstacle boxes in maps 15, 16, and 17 cannot be used to
environments with different complexities have been built, and determine a feasible path.

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