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Tech Talk

January 14, 2011 REQUESTED

Volume 85 The student voice of Louisiana Tech University Number 11

Cable change creates confusion

Suddenlink Communications switches to all-digital lineup
Zach Beaird TV lineup in Ruston and Grambling ment RAs were not informed about a message telling them what they
that will bring sharper pictures and the changes,” Zhou said. “Housing need to do to fix the problem.”
STAFF REPORTER better sound quality,” Regan said. has received many calls from stu- Roland Miers, general manager
“This is part of a larger, three-year dents complaining that their TVs for Suddenlink, said students may
Many students living on campus companywide program that calls for weren’t working.” use the converter boxes for as long
returned from the holiday break to approximately $350 million of capi- Tyler Michaud, a freshman com- as they are needed and can also get
find that none of their cable chan- tal investments above and beyond munication design major, was one of as many boxes as needed.
nels worked. the company's traditional capital the many students affected by the “We made the switch, so we’re
Due to a switch to an all-digital spending levels. We call it Project switch. providing the boxes,” Miers said.
lineup made by Suddenlink, students Imagine. As part of that program “When I first got back to school “Students can keep the box until they
with an analog television are now re- we've already increased Internet and turned on my TV, I was con- leave town and then they must bring
quired to pick up a digital converter speeds and added more high-defini- fused,” Michaud said. “The screen it back.”
box, or DigitaLink, in order to get tion, or HD, TV channels in the was just static for four days, and I He said students who fail to re-
their cable back. area.” thought my TV was broken until turn the box after they no longer
The boxes are free of charge and Regan said the switch is taking someone told me about the switch.” need it will be charged with a $40
can be picked up at Suddenlink place neighborhood by neighbor- Regan said students were not fee.
Communications in Ruston at 1001 hood throughout the community and forewarned due to difficulties in dis- “All we’re asking is that students
Cooktown Road between 8–5 p.m. the transition should be completed tributing this information. be responsible and bring back the
Monday through Friday. by the end of March. “We sent several mail-outs to converter boxes when they’re done
Gene Regan, director of corpo- Sean Zhou, a senior industrial en- members of the community before with them,” Miers said. “The box can
rate communications for Suddenlink, gineering major, is an RA at the Uni- the switch was made, but we could be reused for someone who needs it
said this switch is taking place to versity Park apartments. not do the same for students living so we don’t want people holding on
provide better quality television for Zhou said he was not aware that on campus,” Regan said. “However, to them if they aren’t using them.”
the community. the switch was going to take place. when students who need a converter
“We're moving to a new, all-digital “The residential hall and apart- box turn on their TV they should see E-mail comments to

New Aramark
contract lets
SHOOTING SHAKES NATION Photos by Karthik Gotrala
Students frequently cross the railroad
track near North Homer Street both to
and from campus.
Tech explore
more options Quiet zone
Sherelle Black
A new year is supposed to bring
about change, and that is certainly
what students and the Tech Express
for Ruston
Office hope to see in 2011.
The Tech Express Office is work- Hayden Haynes
ing to incorporate Tech Express into
local restaurants and stores favored by STAFF REPORTER
students as early as this spring quarter Trains passing through the city, a common
or the upcoming fall quarter. classroom disturbance, may no longer be an
Netta Norman, Tech Express/ID issue for flustered students and teachers.
systems manager, said nothing is def- The Ruston Board of Aldermen voted
inite, but there will be some serious Dec. 6 to begin the process of enacting a
discussions in January regarding the quiet zone for trains in the city. The proposed
expansion of Tech Express’ provi- quiet zone would keep trains from blowing
sions. their horns while passing through city limits.
“We are working on it, and there Approximately 20 trains pass through the
should be some progress seen some- Photo by Roxana Vasquez community daily, and this number expected
time this year,” Norman said. Tucson community members attended a candlelight vigil Monday night outside Rep. Gabrielle Gif- to increase in the near future due to rising
She said for several years, Tech Ex- economy, according to Kansas City Southern
press has only been available for use fords office to show their support for those who were injured and killed Saturday morning.
outside of campus at nearby textbook Don Kaczvinsky, director of the School of
stores, such as Textbooks for Less. Editorial Staff Because of the deadly event, congressmen have been
making statements that have shown they will not be de-
Literature and Language, said he understands
Richard Dawson, manager of and sympathizes with the city when it comes
Textbooks for Less, said Tech Express STAFF REPORT terred from their objectives because of an unstable indi- to the aggravation of having so many trains
helped him significantly in building up vidual. Democrat Rep. Lynn Woolsey and Mike traveling through campus.
the store’s traffic. A deadly weekend may cause Congress members to Thompson of California said they will not react in fear. “The train horns are extremely loud and
“Having Tech Express available to re-evaluate safety after an Arizona Representative was They plan to still hold public forums saying such incidents often, with uncanny accuracy, blowing right
students is great because it opens up shot Saturday morning during a meet and greet with her should not be allowed to undermine the democratic during important points in a lecture. I have to
the availability for more students to constituents in Tucson, Ariz. process. Louisiana Rep. David Vitter said he and his wife stop, take a sip of tea or water, wait awkwardly
buy, and it gives us a larger customer Jared Loughner, 22 of Tucson, opened fire on a crowd will continue to send wishes of a quick recovery to Gif- until the horn stops blowing, the building stops
base,” Dawson said. near a Safeway grocery store Saturday. Targeted was Rep. fords in an interview with ABC. shaking and the train passes,” Kaczvinksy said.
Norman said Tech has wanted to Gabrielle Giffords, a Democrat who was meeting with cit- "Wendy and I join all other Louisianans in praying ur- “It takes a few minutes and breaks up the
take Tech Express off-campus for a izens for her “Congressman on Your Corner” event. gently and fervently for Congresswoman Giffords and rhythm of the lecture or the class.”
while now, but it was not a possibility Giffords was shot through and through the temple those others who were shot at her town hall meeting,” Vit- If the trains are to be silenced throughout
due to reasons out of the university’s when her aide, David Hernandez, who was helping others ter said. “This is a horrible, despicable attack on good the city, safety is the issue concerning students
control. who were shot, rushed to her side to apply pressure to the people and on our very democracy.” and faculty.
“We recently renewed our contract wound and keep her conscious. Though numerous news As a result of the shooting, lawmakers have said the “Though the horn is annoying, I worry that
with Aramark, which previously had organizations reported that Giffords was killed by the gun- fight for the repeal of the health care bill President Barack having a quiet zone may cause a terrible ac-
exclusive rights on Tech Express,” shot, it was later released that she had only been wounded Obama signed in 2010 has been pushed to an undisclosed cident,” Kaczvinsky said. “The horn is meant
Norman said. “Also, our system would but was rushed to surgery. Six were killed in the shooting, date. to be loud and make you aware a train is near.
not support us moving off campus, including U.S. District Judge John Roll and one of Gif- I worry about someone crossing the tracks
fords' staffers. Others killed included a 9-year-old girl and E-mail comments to and keb029@lat-
and getting hit, especially a child, student or a
> see TECH EXPRESS page 2 three retirees.
driver, because they didn't hear the horn.
Sometimes, we must accept a minor annoy-
ance or inconvenience for the sake of safety.”

Researcher ranked in Ecofriend website top ten Courtney Meek, a junior political science
major, said students listening to iPods and
studying their notes can cause a safety risk
when they cannot hear the train coming while
walking near the tracks and this needs to be
Zach Beaird among a host of other environmental problems. It
also seeks to inform and educate consumers who
material, which produces electricity when de-
formed, to bend.
“Of course the train horns are an inter-
STAFF REPORTER love to possess the latest gadgets and products Que said the most important aspect of the de- ruption in class, but the interruption is fine
available on the market and vice is its ability to “self-reciprocate,” or produce en- when it comes to students’ safety,” Meek said.
Tech researcher Long Que’s unique energy-har- who are also concerned about ergy constantly without a need for an external “Students’ safety should always come first
vesting device has been named one of the environment around them.” energy source. when making decisions involving in and’s top ten renewable energy The widely-recognized tech- However, Gong, a graduate engineering student, around campus.”
technology breakthroughs of 2010. nology created at Tech was de- said alternative-energy sources are also being in- Doniele Carlson, a Kansas City Southern
Que, along with graduate students Venu Kotipalli scribed in its paper, “Light and vestigated to power the device. spokesperson, said after the City of Ruston
and Zhongcheng Gong, who also worked on the de- thermal energy cell based on “The device does not have to be in direct contact files a letter of intent to establish a quiet zone
sign and production of the device, have also been carbon nanotube films” which with thermal energy to work,” Gong said. with the KCSR company and the Federal Rail-
recognized in the September 2010 edition of “Ap- was co-authored by Pushparaj “We’ve learned that vibrations, wind power and road Administration, KCSR will meet with the
plied Physics Letters” as well as “Virtual Journal of Pathak, Tianhua Zhang, Yuan other alternatives can be used to power it.” diagnostic team, which includes officials from
NanoscaleScience&Technology” He and Shashi Yadav. Que said this information makes the device the city, the FRA and the state’s Department
Que, an assistant professor of electrical engi- The device, as explained in much more practical and makes it usable in several of Transportation to determine the public
neering, said he is excited to see this technology QUE the paper, is a load cell made different environments. safety requirements to qualify for a quiet zone.
gain attention from so many sources. of carbon nano-tube film “If someone were using this device in a car, they Carlson said the FRA will then make the
“I’m very proud and excited about this,” Que placed over an electrode and a piezoelectric mate- would, of course, be able to use the sun to power it final decision as to whether or not the area
said. “This is a Tech product from Tech students, rial called lead zirconate titanate, which creates during the day, but at night the device could also run can become a quiet zone.
and they should be proud of it too.” electricity from mechanical energy. off of the vibrations produced by the vehicle itself,” “Pedestrian traffic, including those wearing
According to, the site “fo- The carbon nano-tubes are used to absorb radi- Que said.
cuses on highlighting the latest green technologies ation, which can be generated by light and thermal
and lifestyle trends to help combat global warming energy. This energy causes the layer of piezoelectric > see QUE’S DEVICE page 2 > see RAILWAY page 2
2 • The Tech Talk • January 14, 2011

Campus Unexpected award proves

Tickets now available Ruston regenerates
best gift of all for Robbins
for “The Winter Ball” community recycling Sherelle Black Dunbar, Nikki Giovanni,
Langston Hughes and James
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Ruston will continue its STAFF REPORTER Thurber.
Inc. will bring “The Winter Ball” paper-recycling efforts in the Unlike most award recipi-
to students at 8 p.m. Jan. 21 in coming months. Most married couples spend ents, the Robbins were not no-
the Student Center, Second The city will accept paper their spare time watching tified that they had received this
Floor, Rooms 222-224. items for recycling from 8:30- movies, eating at restaurants or award but rather stumbled
This is Omega Psi Phi’s first 11:30 a.m. the second Saturday planning vacations, but Ken- across it.
dress-to-impress event of the of each month at the Public neth and Dorothy Robbins are “I went to Kent State’s web-
year, with the dress code being Works Complex, located at 701 the exception to this social site, where the book was fea-
semi-formal to formal. E. Tennessee Ave. norm. tured, to copy the cover of the
Single presale tickets are $12 Acceptable paper products Dorothy Robbins, an associ- book for my desktop, and it in-
and couple tickets are $20; for the recycling project include ate professor of English, and troduced our book as the
prices will increase at the door. cardboard, newspapers, tele- Kenneth Robbins, director of award-winning “Christmas Sto-
Presale tickets are available phone books, etc. the School of Performing Arts, ries from Ohio,” and that’s how
now in the Student Center from The paper-recycling day held spend their time editing an- we discovered we won,” Ken-
11 a.m. to 2 p.m. or anytime each month is in collaboration thologies, with their latest, neth Robbins said.
through an Omega Psi Phi with the monthly Household “Christmas Stories from Ohio,” Although there was no com-
member. There will also be a Hazardous Materials Collection winning an award. pensation or trophy for winning
photographer there to capture Day, where fluorescent light, an on- the award, Dorothy Robbins is
the moment for free. bulbs, batteries, appliances and line magazine and review web- satisfied with knowing her work
For more information con- furniture are accepted for site for mainstream and is appreciated.
tact Bryan Recard, president of disposal at the same location. independent publishing houses, “The honor of receiving the
Omega Psi Phi, at 318-715- For more information announced Oct. 26, 2010 that award is enough for me,” she
1018 or e-mail tav004@lat- contact Ruston Public Works at “Christmas Stories from Ohio” said. “I enjoyed writing it, so it’s 318- 251-8641 or 318-242-7703. won the “Best Book 2010: like the work of love.”
Award” in the category Fiction For the Robbins, one of the
and Literature: Anthology. more difficult parts of putting
AWS to grant two I S O di nn e r t o b e Jeffrey Keen, president and the book together was collect-
scholarship awards held at month’s end CEO of,
said in a press release for the
ing the stories that were not in
the public domain, which can
company that this year’s con- be quite costly.
The Association of Women The International Student test yielded an unprecedented Kenneth Robbins said it can
Students Executive Board will Office will host its 11th annual number of entries, which were cost as little as $75 or as much
award scholarships to two fe- International Scholarship Din- then narrowed down to more as $10,000 to gain permission
male students worth $250 each. ner at 5:30 p.m. Jan. 29 in the than 500 winners and finalists. to use the stories.
Applications can be picked Student Center, Main Floor. The Best Book Awards, now “The press only gave us
up on the third floor of Keeny Dinner will begin at 6 p.m. in its eighth year, announced $1,000 to work with initially,
Hall in the Student Affairs office. followed by entertainment from winners and finalists in more and the additional money we
The deadline to apply is Jan. around the world presented by than 140 categories covering spend comes out of our pocket,
31, and the scholarships are the International Student Asso- print and audio books from ti- which most of it gets reim-
available to all female students. ciation. tles published in 2010 and late bursed but still doesn’t allow us
According to the AWS web- Tickets are now on sale and 2009. to get all of the stories we
site, the scholarship is an annual can be purchased at the Inter- “The 2010 results represent want,” Dorothy Robbins said.
award that identifies outstanding national Student Office in Tol- a phenomenal mix of books “It’s kind of like making a list for
students of any academic clas- liver Hall, Room 229. from a wide array of publishers Santa, you get most of what Photo by Kyle Kight
sification. Tickets are $12 for students throughout the United States,” you want and a couple of sur-
For more information con- and $18 for non-students. Editors Dorothy Dodge Robbins and Kenneth Robbins
Keen said. “With a full publicity prises.”
tact AWS members Jessica For more information con- and marketing campaign pro- While the couple faced legal are both pictured with their award winning book "Christ-
Archie at or tact the International Student moting the results of BBA, this struggles in gaining deceased mas Stories from Ohio."
Aisha Akilo at aka020@lat- Office at 318-257-4321 or year’s winners and finalists will writers’ works from publishers gain additional media coverage they said they were honored to plans to write another one, but making their Christmas-themed
for the upcoming holiday retail be able to speak with people instead focus on individual book a well-deserved Christ-
season.” who were close to the writers. works. mas gift.
October 2010. The study rec- The Robbins’ fourth anthol- “One of the highlights from “We are a little fatigued on “Receiving the gift for best
> RAILWAY from page 1 ommends, and the city desires ogy book was published in Au- working on this book was get- Christmas stories for now,” book for anthology was the
to pursue further development gust 2010 by the Kent State ting the chance to discuss Kay Dorothy Robbins said. “Since Christmas gift we had not ex-
music devices, at crossings is University Press and features a Boyle, who I did my disserta-
one of the elements that the di- of a Master Quiet Zone Analy- we work on the book all year, pected,” Dorothy Robbins said.
sis and Report that will assist collection of Christmas stories tion on, with her daughter,” it’s like Christmas all-year- “It just goes to show you those
agnostic team would consider,” from highly-regarded classic Dorothy Robbins said.
Carlson said. the city in the implementation round. Perhaps we just need a are sometimes the best gifts.”
of a railway quiet zone in ac- and contemporary authors who With four co-edited Christ- break for a while.”
The proposed quiet zone have a connection to Ohio such mas anthologies under their
will not take effect immedi- cordance with FRA rules and The Robbins discovered the E-mail comments to scb035@lat-
regulations.” as Kay Boyle, Paul Laurence belt, the Robbins have no future award around the holidays,
According to Resolution The vote consisted of all
No. 720 of 2010, “the city has five aldermen voting in favor of
received a preliminary down- the resolution.
interested in being able to have students needed to on the weekend.”
town railway traffic Quiet Zone > TECH EXPRESS from page 1 use their Tech Express at their stores.” Norman said not only students, but
Study prepared by Hunt, Guil- E-mail comments to jhh015@lat- Stephen Linard, a junior mechanical Aramark would also benefit from the sys-
lot & Associates, LLC dated but we recently upgraded and are now able engineering major, said he would love to tem being available in other places be-
to accommodate the move.” see Tech Express accepted at local eater- sides textbook stores.
The amount of money the system ies. “Aramark will benefit too because stu-
duce this thickness which would
> QUE’S DEVICE from page 1 reduce internal resistance, mak-
costs does not outweigh the amount Daw- “I really want it at food places where dents will most likely put more money on
son brings in from having the system avail- they would offer us a discount on top of Tech Express, which will cause them to
ing the device work much more able to students. accepting Tech Express,” he said. use it more often when they are on cam-
In past experiments, Que efficiently.”
said the device has produced “When compared to other sales equip- When Tech Express does move off pus,” Norman said. “Students will appre-
He said he hopes the full ment, it is relatively cheap,” Dawson said. campus, Norman said she would like to ciate it because rather than just having the
enough power to operate some production of the micro-scale
low-power microsensors and in- “There is just an initial charge and a per- see some changes made when it comes to option of eating on campus with Tech Ex-
device will make it ready to be centage fee paid to the school for each putting money on students’ accounts. press, they can have more variety.”
tegrated sensors. However, he available to the public.
said work is still being done to sale.” “Although I love seeing students come Linard said he is one of those students
“We’re making progress al- When the Tech Express system does fi- in and out of the office, I think it’s too who would put more on his Tech Express
create a micro-scale device for ready by trying to make this
much higher efficiency. nally become available at other Ruston small to accommodate the amount of account if it were offered at more places.
micro-scale device,” Que said. businesses, it may be difficult for the uni- traffic we would probably receive once we “Since I live off campus, I only put
“After full development we “We hope it will soon be devel-
hope the device will be able to versity to decide which places to begin. offer Tech Express off campus,” she said. money on my Tech Express account to
oped enough to be put out for “Hopefully in the spring, we will start “So, I think we should find a way to im- use it at the bookstore,” Linard said. “I
harvest much more energy on a consumers.”
smaller device,” Que said. off small with a couple of vendors and plement putting money on Tech Express would put more money on it if I knew I
then work our way into contracts with a online. We are closed on the weekends, so could use it at places off campus.”

“Right now the material is too E-mail comments to zcb001@lat-
thick. A micro-device would re- larger amount of vendors,” Norman said. there would be no way a student could put
“We definitely have a lot of places that are more money on their account if they E-mail comments to

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4 • The Tech Talk • January 14, 2011

In response to the Arizona shooting
State issue: fake salts, plant food In the wake of the tragic shooting in Tucson, Ariz. Satur-
market. There are several brands, but its use is increasing. Gov. illegal drugs, but yet these syn- day, a multitude of issues have surfaced running the gamut
Danielle Cintron but it basically boils down to Bobby Jindal has made it his mis- thetic drugs are receiving so from the potential dangers of political rhetoric to public safety
uring my time at home for being a synthetic form of the sion to end the use of the drug much press. Is it because and gun control. Just after Jared Loughner, suspect in the

D the winter break, I did all

of the normal things one
does after not being around for a
herbal drug likened to give a high
similar to marijuana.
The product started showing
within the state. He announced
Jan. 6 an “emergency rule to
crack down on distribution and
Louisiana has the majority of the
users or is this just a public rela-
tions issue to show our state gov-
shooting, was taken into custody, political pundits and news
outlets began a flurry of debate about whether the shooter
was influenced by the heated political language that seems so
common in American society. Others have looked into gun
while met and caught up with up around July 2010 and multiple possession of fake bath salts.” ernment in a pro-active light?
friends and then discussed what poison control centers across the The ruling to outlaw the prod- It is almost tragic that our state restrictions by state and questioned the effectiveness of gun
everyone else was doing. nation began receiving calls re- uct was based upon the synthetic is spending the amount of energy laws.
One of the most interesting lated to it. Six states Alabama, drugs containing fake bath salts as it is on fake bath salts. I cannot But regardless of what caused the tragedy, how the gun
stories told was about a friend Georgia, Kansas, Kentucky, well as plant food. help but think that this one goes was obtained or what sort of protection Congressmen may
from high school who discovered Louisiana and Missouri have al- According to, the up there with kids licking pennies call for in the future, the fact remains that six Americans lost
a legal form of cocaine in a gas ready banned the product, and packages have a warning that the to get high. If we outlaw fake bath their lives, and a community lost what each of those individ-
station. She said it was the wildest Illinois, Michigan, New Jersey and drug is “not for human consump- salts, does that not mean high- uals had to offer society. A 9-year-old girl, who had recently
thing she’d ever seen, and that it New York are still considering tion.” seekers will just attain another been elected to her school student council, will never have
was something she’d never even bans. Jindal said on the state web- form of drug? the opportunity to lead her peers. A 30-year-old staffer will
consider trying. Once again, Louisiana is taking site, “These drugs have crept into Getting drugs off the streets is not get to marry his fiancée of his dreams, to whom he re-
“The back of the package said on another synthetic drug, Ivory our communities and they are wonderful but having potentially cently proposed. A federal judge, who had just entered his
it was made with plant food,” she Wave. The product has several hurting our kids. We have to do poisonous drugs available for twentieth year of service, will longer be able to serve his
said. names, Ivory Wave being the everything in our power to protect consumption is really not that country through his judicial capacities. Several senior citizens
This immediately triggered im- most popular. our children and to make sure our highly ranked on my list of state will no longer vote or contribute otherwise to the future of
ages of teens and kids digging According to, streets are safe for our families. related topics. our nation.
into their parents’ Miracle-Gro, more than 165 calls concerning The reality is that the chemicals It’s in my opinion that the state The families of these victims have lost loved ones and our
picking out the white specks for the drug were placed to the used to make these dangerous government get over bath salts country has lost valuable members of society. However, in a
crushing, and using a playing card Louisiana Poison Control Center substances have no legitimate use and get back to work. Sniff larger scope, this is another incident in a series of tragic at-
to snort lines. since September 2010. other than to provide a high for around higher education prob- tacks, showing that not only has no resolution come out of
This is a far cry from the candy The drug contains a chemical the user. Make no mistake – these lems not getting high issues. the countless debates over gun control or probes questioning
cigarettes people my age used to called Mephadrone and Methyl- are very dangerous drugs and we the primary factors in leading violent actions, but also that it
pretend to smoke when we were enedioxypyrovalerone, or MDPV. must get them off our streets.” invariably requires death to convince people to put aside their
children. Those had no effect It is known to be a stimulant but My question is why we are tak- Danielle Cintron is a senior jour- differences and come together as a national community.
other than a possible sugar high. also causes paranoia and hostility. ing such swift action with these nalism and English major from La
In retrospect, this was bound The Drug Enforcement Adminis- synthetic drugs? Place who ser ves as editor and online
to happen. There is already a tration said MDPV is not ap- I have no recollection of this editor for T he Tech Talk. E-mail
legal form of marijuana on the proved for medical use in the U.S., kind of enforcement with actual comments to Technology poses the unknown


Computers and technology continue advancing to
higher levels. The possibilities make one wonder what the
future of the electronic age will bring to the world. Do we
really know what they are capable of ? Will it do more
harm than good?
A recent article in the Jan.1 edition of The New York

Etewaf now Times released information about “smart computers” that

are being tested in prisons and hospitals. For the equip-
ment installed in the prison, the article states that the ar-
tificial intelligence software analyzes images to recognize
age Project hosted by the Inves- address the sweet lady behind the watch that funny video your
Taylor Stephens tigative Reporters and Editors or- counter asked for? friend posted on Facebook will fi-
faces, gestures and patterns of group behavior, and when
two groups of trouble-causing inmates (portrayed by cor-
e’re living in the world ganization where we learned That information is sold to nally dissipate.

W of Etewaf, a world that

is defined by a genera-
tion that is willing to give up all of
more than just how to investigate
the administration; we learned
how to investigate everyone.
other companies.
In turn, the information be-
comes public, and it becomes ac-
From Oswalt’s view, I foresee
a future filled with a new otaku.
New obsessions are already
rectional officers for the experiment) moved toward each
other, the system sent a text message alert to a correc-
tions officer who was warned of a potential incident and
given its origin. Though the computers cannot do more
their personal information for a Can you imagine how unnerv- cessible for everyone. starting now with today’s so- than the officers who constantly watch surveillance mon-
few minutes of social networking ing it would feel to know that any Oswalt also mentions the cially-awkward teens and pre- itors, they are especially useful when the work shifts
a day. amount of personal information phrase otaku, which is Japanese teens. change because “an observation that is worth passing
Patton Oswalt, author of you’ve ever given anyone is avail- for an intense obsession usually Obsessions that he can’t see along may be forgotten, but machines do not blink or for-
“Zombie Spaceship Wasteland,” able for any other person to see involving electronics. since his otaku of yesterday is get. They are tireless assistants,” according to the article.
wrote in this month’s Wired that with a simple search using your He says Etewaf creates a today’s Etewaf, much like the Google already introduced a software application
our society was on the brink of first and last name? weak sense of otaku since the otaku of today will be the future’s called Goggles that allows people to take pictures with
Everything That Ever Was – Stop imagining, and start feel- people who do quick research on Etewaf. smartphones and search the Internet for matching images,
Available Forever (Etewaf) based ing unnerved. other cultures generally just From a personal information but the company’s executives chose to exclude a facial-
on the fact that anyone can see We passed the brink of Ete- scrape the surface of what the point, there will be a time when recognition feature because they feared it might be used
anything from any culture by a waf when Google created Gog- culture is really about. security is increased to the point as a tool to find personal information about people un-
simple Google search, whereas in gles, an iPhone app that allows He also says the only way to where people are no longer John aware they were being photographed. In the past two
the past, to become familiar with the user to take a picture of end Etewaf is to incite an “a-pop- Smith who lives at 123 Merry St. years, online photo-sharing services, such as Picasa by
a certain culture, one needed to something and find similar pic- alypse” and overload the public He will be known as John, Citizen Google, Windows Live Photo Gallery by Microsoft, Flickr
do extensive research or immerse tures through an online search; or with so much pop culture that No. 456. by Yahoo and iPhoto by Apple, have all begun using facial
him or herself in the culture. when was created, pop culture no longer becomes a We are already living in Ete- recognition software. It is used to find and organize pic-
I would go a step further to which allows anyone to type in group following. waf. The question is whether or tures.
say that we are already living in the first and last name of a per- In the same way, inciting an in- not we will do something about it. The Tech Talk editorial staff believes that while tech-
Etewaf. son and find out every address, formation overload could also I guess we’ll just have to find nology is both beneficial and unpredictable, it needs re-
However, where Oswalt fo- phone number and family mem- end the Etewaf of personal infor- out tomorrow. strictions as to who has access to these capabilities and
cuses on cultures that are avail- ber he or she has ever had, as mation going completely public. should be used for the benefit of humankind, not abused
able for everyone, I would well as e-mail accounts that have When enough people realize as an invasion of privacy. The technology revolution has
caution on the amount of per- been owned by the searchee. how much of one’s life is avail- Taylor Stephens is a junior jour- already begun. We can either embrace it or complain
sonal information available – for Remember that awesome dis- able for everyone to see, maybe nalism major from Bossier City who about it, but “with every technology, there is a dark side,”
everyone. count card to Best Buy and then the amount of personal in- ser ves as features editor fo r T he said Hany Farid, a computer scientist at Dartmouth Uni-
This weekend, a colleague and American Eagle you signed up formation required to subscribe Tech Talk. E-mail comm ents to versity. “Sometimes you can predict it, but often you can’t.”

I traveled to the Campus Cover- for and the phone number and to a forum or discount card or to

The student voice of Louisiana Tech University
Get off the cross; make a bridge MANAGEMENT
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Danielle Cintron
take the site in the name of the in schools or saying “God bless 2008 presidential election for an
Robert Wilson federal government. After two you” in government-sponsored example; many opponents of Robert Wilson
hen the Pilgrims more lawsuits, a ruling in favor of situations arise, I’ve heard and Obama labeled him a Muslim or NEWS EDITOR Kelly Belton
W founded Plymouth
Colony in 1620, they
the government and an appeal,
this current ruling was declared.
read comments asking why, with
all the other problems our coun-
a-religious as a tactic to repulse
Christian voters and sway opin- COPY EDITORS Amber Guyotte
Haley Kramer
envisioned a world where they The article said the court re- try is facing, we are worried about ions, a strategy reminiscent of
could govern themselves in free- jected claims of the cross being such trivial matters. The truth is, McCarthyism and the second Amy Olita
dom from religious persecution. “solely a memorial” due to the however, that in America religion, Red Scare of the 1950s. SPORTS EDITOR Sarah Brown
In 1802, Thomas Jefferson de- site being labeled as the Mount and thus every aspect of it, is far As far as the cross on Mount Anna Claire Thomas
scribed his concept of the sepa- Soledad Easter Cross for years from being insignificant. Former Soledad is concerned, though, the
Danielle Cintron
ration of church and state in a and was decorated with a plaque President John F. Kennedy caused debate is not yet over. The case is
letter to the Danbury Baptist As- declaring it a war memorial after an uproar when he became the expected to go to the Supreme Ben Corda
sociation, which complained of the lawsuits were filed. The court first Catholic to hold the presi- Court and the current court’s rul- STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS Jessica Wethington
legal insecurity regarding their said the “distinctively Christian dency and, last year, an atheist- ing does not mandate the cross Jessica Van Alstyne
practices. Now, over two centuries symbol” was “alienating” to non- sponsored billboard reading “One be taken down; the memorial can
later, the essence of Jefferson’s Christian veterans. Nation, Indivisible” was dese- be rearranged so it is legal, al- Karthik Gotrala
idea is being argued by Ameri- One man, on an accompany- crated so it resembled the current though it is as yet unclear how Kyle Kight
cans seeking freedom from reli- ing video, stated the cross is not Pledge of Allegiance with “Under that could happen. ADVERTISING MANAGER Etoya Barner
gion. representative of any given reli- God” in spray paint. In the long run, where it is un- Raven Thissel
A Jan. 4 article on gion, but it is instead seen as “a I feel there has been a kind of clear, I would like to see more def-
reported the 9th Circuit Court of symbol for the military.” This is an war over the past few decades be- inition in the separation of church Dr. Elizabeth Christian
Appeals declaration of a 43-foot argument I cannot believe. tween the believers and the faith- and state on a national level, a Judith Roberts
tall cross in California being un- I must clarify that I do not sup- less fighting to determine who concept I believe can do modern ADVERTISING ADVISER Dr. Reginald Owens
constitutional because of its loca- port the ruling solely out of anti- will control the country. Granted, society a lot of good. It will un- Michael LeBlanc
tion on public property. Standing Christian animosity. Rather, I see atheists, agnostics and many oth- doubtedly take time and bitter
Michael LeBlanc
atop Mount Soledad in San Diego it as an opportunity to embrace a ers outside the Christian faith are clashes, but in the end, along with
since 1913, the cross acts as a common ground between Amer- at a disadvantage given the theory more cooperation between our Dr. Reginald Owens

centerpiece to a Korean War me- icans of different religious back- many of our founding fathers, ruling political parties, I believe
morial and has been the subject grounds by, for example, while Deists, were God-fearing we can become the nation our
of some lawsuits since 1989 after replacing the cross with the men. Many people have taken it founding fathers intended.
a couple of Vietnam War veter- American flag, a symbol I believe upon themselves to act as sol- Tech Talk subscriptions are $25 a year. Mail to: Tech Talk Subscrip-
ans filed a lawsuit against the city, is more fitting for a war memorial. diers to defend what are inter- tions, P.O. Box 10258, Ruston, LA 71272.
citing the state constitution’s “No For the big picture, though, this preted to be Christian beliefs Ro ber t Wilso n is a junior jour-
Preference” clause. In 2006, after article reminded me of a larger lining the foundation of America, nalism major from Alexandria who
a series of struggles to secure the overall problem between secular and in this struggle, religion is ser ves as associate managing editor The Tech Talk (USPS 535-540) is published Thursdays of the regular school
memorial, three unnamed Repub- and religious factions. Over the both a shield and a sword. for The Tec h Talk. E-mail co m- year, except in vacation and examination periods, by the Journalism Depart-
lican congressmen managed to years, when cases debating prayer I only need to point to the ments to ment of Louisiana Tech University. Publication office is in Keeny Hall, Room 146.

Second-class postage paid at Ruston, La. Postmaster: Send address

The Tech Talk welcomes letters to the editor. However, we reserve the right not to print anonymous letters. We
also ask that each letter be accompanied by a telephone number, address, classification or title. We will not changes to The Tech Talk, P.O. Box 10258, Ruston, LA 71272-0045.
print the telephone number. Viewpoints should be mailed or brought to The Tech Talk office, 146 Keeny Hall, by
4 p.m. the Friday prior to a Thursday publication. Letters should be mailed to The Tech Talk, P.O. Box 10258, Rus-

ton, LA 71272. E-mails should be sent to tech talk@latech .edu. You can also submit letters online at 318.257.4946 318.257.4949
January 14, 2011 • The Tech Talk • 5

Arts & Entertainment

Whitford crowned Miss Tech 2011
Zach Beaird included first runner-up Mallory Cox, second run-
ner-up Tori Close, third runner-up Megan Lee and
STAFF REPORTER fourth runner-up Jessica Hill.
Amy Olita was voted as the winner of the Peo-
Elizabeth Whitford took the crown at the 54th an- ple’s Choice award decided by the audience, and
nual Miss Tech pageant held Jan.11 at the Howard Angela Cassels was chosen by her fellow contest-
Center for the Performing Arts. ants as Miss Congeniality.
The Union Board event boasted 16 contestants The AWS scholarships were awarded to two
from all areas of the university competing in the non-finalists based on academics and community
Mardi Gras-themed spectacle. service. Meredith Harris was awarded the academic
The contestants tried their best to impress the award, and Bailey Terrebone won the community
judges with their interview, onstage question, swim- service award.
suit, talent and evening wear in hopes of claiming With so many worthy contestants fighting for the
the title. crown, Whitford said a lot of work went in to prepar-
Whitford, a junior psychology major, said she was ing for the big night.
stunned when her name was called as Miss Tech. “It took a solid two months of working out and
“I’m a pageant rookie so I was shocked when I not eating pizza to get ready for the pageant,” Whit-
won,” Whitford said. “I had no idea I would win and ford said. “I’m glad it’s over now so I can pig out.”
I’m so proud of myself and all the other girls who She said most of the work went in to preparing
competed.” for the swimsuit portion of the competition, which
Jessica Smith, who was one of the five judges for she described as the most fun and most difficult part
the pageant, said she was pleased with the final de- of the night.
cision. Overall, Whitford said she is excited to represent
“Whitford was all-around good,” Smith said. “She Tech for the next year.
had a good interview, a great dance for her talent “I’m proud to go to Tech and I want to represent
and a gorgeous dress.” the university as it should be represented,” Whitford
However, Smith said the decision of who would said. “I want to give back as much as Tech has given
Photos top and left by Jessica Wethington. be Miss Tech was not an easy one. to me.”
Elizabeth Whitford was crowned as “Deciding the winner was tough,” Smith said. She said she is also excited to begin working on
the new Miss Tech Tuesday night. For- “Each contestant had different strengths, making it her platform of domestic abuse prevention by rais-
mer Miss Tech Jenny Russell pre- hard to choose.” ing awareness in the college community.
sented Whitford with the crown. In the end five finalists were chosen as well as a As Miss Tech, Whitford will compete in the Miss
People’s Choice award, Miss Congeniality and two Louisiana pageant in Monroe, which will be held
Photo below by Ben Corda scholarships from the Association of Women Stu- June 23 – 25.
Tuesday’s Miss Tech pageant featured dents.
the talents of 16 contestants. With Whitford taking the crown, the top five also E-mail comments to

Cage The Elephant newest CD celebrates more than birthdays

Robert Wilson like it’s a little too far pushed
Kentucky’s most unusual
MUSIC REVIEW Those criticisms aside, the
album sounds well-balanced
and does a good job of captur-
quintet returned to the record- ing the group’s unbound,
ing studio last year with fresh of an enigma. Their sound percussion seemingly inspired what popular opinion is sup- in-your-face live-performance
lessons of road life and scars of blends together a range of mu- by electronic beats while Matt posed to be, screaming into the style.
personal struggle, emerging sical influences, from alterna- Shultz darkly muses on how microphone to create a kind of The album ends with the
with “Thank You, Happy Birth- tive and punk to classic rock every good plan can go awry. static nightmare as the music swaying “Japanese Buffalo”
day,” a 12-track showcase of and blues, making the task of The entire album is solid, slowly spirals downward. and “Flow,” a laid-back, rainy-
musical and personal growth applying a fitting description with bassist Daniel Tiechnor Immediately after, the band day song that draws the album
released Jan. 11. difficult as audiences are drawn and drummer Jared Champion slows down the tempo with the to a close with Shultz’s voice
Since the release of their to their convention-defying forming unflinching rhythms single “Shake Me Down,” a simply repeating “hold on” as
self-titled debut album on Jive style. From the first few sec- with which guitarists Brad song surely destined to stand Thank You, Happy Birthday the music fades away. Arguably
Records in 2009, Cage the onds of the opening track “Al- Shultz and Lincoln Parish are the test of time with its dy- more diverse and ambitious
Elephant has scored a few ways Something,” it is evident able to create atmosphere and namic rhythms and catchy, �����
than their preceding effort,
successful singles, garnered that despite signing with a driving riffs. Meanwhile, a gift hopeful chorus of how “even Cage the Elephant’s “Thank
growing fan bases domestically major label and losing the raw for close attention-paying lis- on a cloudy day, I keep my eyes tour. You, Happy Birthday” already
and overseas, and even had feel of their independently- teners are vocalist Matt Shultz’ fixed on the sun.” The band’s enthusiasm how- stands as an accomplished
their hit “Ain’t No Rest for the recorded debut, the band still deeply-personal and univer- Two other standout tracks ever gets the best of them at work, setting the ground for the
Wicked” featured as the open- has ways of producing a gritty, sally-reaching lyrics. The album include “Rubber Ball” and times. Shultz’s vocal style recognition they deserve.
ing song for 2K Games’ “Bor- manic sound. is full of energy as well as heart. “Rights Before My Eyes,” sometimes renders lyrics
derlands.” The song utilizes creepy, In “Indy Kidz,” Shultz viciously emotional yet mellow songs unintelligible and on the drum- E-mail comments to rww015@lat-
Still, the band is something echoing guitar effects alongside rejects mainstream culture and ready for crowd sing-alongs on driven “2024,” the guitar sounds

Movie anticipation falls short
Haley Kraemer inspired by B-movies like the
Roger Corman classic, “Attack of
the Crab Monsters,” a horror, sci-
COPY EDITOR fi thriller released in 1957.
Nicholas Cage’s “Season of “I think at some point I
the Witch” is marketed as an wanted to make movies that cel-
eerie tale of two 14th century- ebrated actors like Christopher
Crusaders tasked with transport- Lee and Vincent Price, and the
ing an accused witch to a remote great Roger Corman classics that
abbey during the Black Plague, are unafraid to explore the para-
but the rising action throughout normal and supernatural,” Cage
the journey proves uneventful told MTV News. “These are the
and dull. kind of movies that I personally
A local church is convinced watch, so it’s a very honest ex-
witchcraft is the cause of the pression for me.”
widespread disease. Behmen For the most part, Cage’s in-
(Cage) and fellow knight Felson tentions were met through his de- BANKING WITH A
(Ron Perlman) are offered a par- tailed account of witchery and
don by the church for their de- Relativity Media
disease, although the film fo- NOT-FOR-PROFIT CREDIT UNION
sertion of the Crusade to cused more on the historical
transport an accused witch to a ideals and concepts rather than LIKE LA CAP MEANS YOUR MONEY
Season of the Witch
distant abbey, where monks will narrowing in on action. It is pos- STAYS LOCAL, STAYS SECURE,
����� sible Cage took this approach so
perform a ritual hoping to end
the deadly epidemic. the viewers would understand AND STAYS WHERE IT SHOULD
There is a surprising and hor- jumped in their seat. Although the witchcraft paranoia, which
rific discovery as the group the mysterious mood was con- lasted throughout most of the – WITH YOU
reaches the abbey, jeopardizing sistent from scene to scene, I felt era. This means while the film is
Federally Insured by NCUA
all plans of a fair trial for the girl a lack of terror during the not B-movie material, it is enter-
and an overall cure for the afflic- group’s grueling journey to the taining enough for at least one
tion. Until this point, however, the abbey. viewing.
group is merely marching The strength of the movie lay “The Season of the Witch”
through the countryside of Eu- in actress Claire Foy’s perform- does not compare to the inten-
rope, failing to provoke excite- ance as the accused witch. The sity and terrifying suspense
ment for the viewers. contrast between her innocent “Knowing,” which hit theaters in together we thrive
The dark, gloomy lighting of stage and her transformation into 2009. I did not have the same
the film set the uncanny mood a demented witch is spotless and feeling of amazement in this film, 975 Tech Dr, Ruston s 800.522.2748 /
successfully from the beginning unpredictable. According to as I had when I left the theater *APY = Annual Percentage Yield. La Cap Checking (Share draft) Accounts are variable rate accounts. La Cap may change the dividend rate for your account as
to the end, causing a crippling MTV News, Dominic Sena and after viewing, “Knowing.” determined by the credit union Board of Directors. Dividends are posted and compounded monthly. No minimum balance required to maintain the account.
fear in the audience’s bones. Cage intended for the movie to Applicable fees and conditions could reduce the earnings on your account. Qualification to earn dividends: - 25 or more posted non-ATM debit card transactions per
month: - 5.25% APY on balances up to but not exceeding $5,000 - .15% APY on balances exceeding $5,000. If qualification stated is not met: - .15% APY on entire
There were even two instances be a great tale of adventure, ded- E-mail comments to hek002@lat- balance. Must meet criteria for opening a checking account.
where audience members ication and friendship after being 09/10
6 • The Tech Talk • January 14, 2011


Fill in the grid so that every row, every column Across

and every 3x3 grid contains the digits 1 through 9. 1. Prospect
6. Metro area
Difficulty Medium 9. Overturn
14. Neighborhoods
15. Bleat of a sheep
17. Marriage
19. Hauls
20. Green shade
21. Tibetan oxen
22. Adlai's running mate
23. Legal wrong
25. Squeeze
26. Killick
29. Brought up
31. Angel of the highest order
32. Terse
36. Sharp
37. Soft food for infants
38. Well-behaved
40. Small loudspeaker
43. Tin alloy
45. Ballet leap
46. Stable
WEEKLYHOROSCOPE 47. Sleep disorder
50. How you used to be?
51. Impassive
Aries Leo Sagittarius 13. Soviet news service 51. Pro or con
52. Gillette brand
March 21 – April 19 Jul 23 - Aug 22 Nov 22 - Dec 21 54. Digit of the foot 18. Incense gum 52. Zwei cubed
You may experience increased physical and mental ac- Today you might have to do a lot of communicating with Strained nerves and trepidation about unpleasant tasks 57. Atoll unit 23. Baron 53. Baht spender
friends. Perhaps you need to make phone calls or catch up could have you on edge and likely to take your stress out 58. Glutton 24. Alley ___ 54. "Chicken of the sea"
tivity today. Perhaps you will have to do a lot of reading 61. Thaw before takeoff 25. Delt neighbor 55. Burden
or writing very quickly, make a number of phone calls, or on correspondence.You may be on the verge of attaining a on those closest to you. Try to avoid this, Sagittarius. Go
62. W.W. II Gen. ___ Arnold 26. Charge 56. Actress McClurg
run more errands than you have time for. This can prove goal.Considergivingitthatlastlittlespurtofenergytocom- for a walk. Release your stress through exercise or writ- 63. Affectation of sophisticates 27. Depilatory brand 59. Riled (up)
frustrating and overwhelming, but if you plan carefully, plete. This could involve a lot of time in the car or on the ing. Communicate your feelings to friends and assure them 64. Relaxed 28. Ship's company 60. Single unit
Aries, you should be able to get it all done on schedule. phone,Leo,but stick with it.You will be glad you did. you aren't upset with them. In this way, you will get 65. Bind 29. Proclaim noisily
through the day with little damage. 66. Fluff, as bangs 30. Dr. Dre's genre
Get busy and go to it. 33. Monetary unit of Zambia LAST WEEK’S SOLUTION
Virgo Down 34. Bit
Capricorn 1. Repair 35. Like some dorms
Taurus Aug 23 - Sep 22
Dec 22 - Jan 19 2. Dies ___ 37. Domestic animal
Apr 20 - May 20 A prominent male author whose work you enjoy might 3. Bristle 39. Boring
You might feel overworked today. Your energy could be
You might discover a hidden talent for writing,or if you al- publish a new book. You may consider doing some writ- 4. Paving material 41. Expelled
flagging,and you may even feel feverish.This is probably
ready know this, you may find that your skill is greater ing of your own,particularly if you have a story to tell.On 5. ___ see it... 42. Beverage commonly drunk in
nothing more than stress, Capricorn. Most likely you 6. German submarine England
than you suspected.You might have to execute some pa- a more mundane level, your day could require that you should take time out from your busy life and relax.Spend 7. Social standing 43. Nonsense!
perwork regarding money, Taurus, but you will get this spend a lot of time in the car or on the phone when you'd 44. Hot time in Paris
the afternoon at the movies.Treat yourself to dinner out. 8. Inlets
done quickly and efficiently.At some point during the day rather be reading.Be sure to schedule time to relax in the 9. Do less than is necessary 47. Baffled
Buy yourself a present.Tomorrow you should feel better
you're likely to get a little frazzled,but this will pass.Get evening. again.
10. Intrinsically 48. Ancient Greek city-state
your work done and then relax. 11. Chairs 49. Bridget Fonda, to Jane
12. Borders 50. Literary device
Libra Aquarius
Gemini Sep 23 - Oct 22 Jan 20 - Feb 18
May 21 - Jun 20
You might feel on edge today but not know why.You may
Good news regarding writing, speaking, or publishing
could come your way today.You might feel terribly bored
Today you're apt to feel especially romantic. Novels,
movies,and poetry about love will be appealing.If you're
jump at unexpected noises or think you see or hear things currently romantically involved,consider planning a spe-
with life and suddenly have the urge to get away for a
that aren't there.You aren't going crazy.This is caused by
the current planetary configuration. The best way to re-
while.This isn't a bad idea,Libra.Make a few phone calls.
Invite a friend over and discuss it with him or her.You've
cial evening with your partner.If you aren't involved,you
might want to attend a sporting event. Plan an enjoyable F S Su M T W Th
lieve the jumpiness is to get some exercise - at least take evening,Aquarius.Who knows?You could meet someone
been working hard and a little break is probably in order.
a walk. In the evening, read an engrossing book. new and exciting!

Cancer Scorpio
48 H
55 H
57 H
65 H
53 H
47 H
Oct 23 - Nov 21
Jun 21 - Jul 22
You may wonder if you're losing your memory today.You Paperwork regarding a bonus, settlement, or dividend of
Feb 19 - Mar 20
A rush of activity at home is probably going to involve
29 L
38 L
47 L
45 L
28 L
29 L
might have the strange feeling that there was something some kind might need to be executed today. It will prob- preparations for a journey or event. More than one visi-
you had to do but can't quite remember what.Don't worry ably be boring.You will get it done. Sudden insights, rev- tor could arrive during the course of the day. Your mind
about it, Cancer. If you push yourself too hard, you will elations, or flights of fancy might provide fodder for may be going in several different directions,and this could
drive yourself crazy.Your imagination could come up with creative activities,particularly writing or speaking.Write prove a bit disconcerting. Try to take breaks and remain
ideas for stories and poems. Write them down. You will these ideas down.You have a good memory, Scorpio, but centered, Pisces. You won't accomplish anything if you 40% 40% 31%
want to remember them. you will want to recall every detail. work yourself into a panic.

Daily U


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B&B make stock trends trendy Come in today and check out our large selection of new and used items!
Hours: Mon - Fri 9am-5pm • Sat 9 a.m. -noon
Haley Kraemer score. SMIF. According to
“Even if you are not investing in stocks, I ner/, Tulane is managing more than $2 mil- 1101 West California • Ruston, LA 318-251-1300
COPY EDITOR want you to come learn how to check your lion in two separate stock portfolios. Stan & Mary Stiglets (Owners)
credit score, learn why it is important and “We would need a mentor or professor to
Three members of the Financial Manage- how to save extra bucks,” he said. oversee it, and it may even be incorporated
ment Association co-founded Bulldogs and Acosta described the general meetings as into a class,” Acosta said.
Bears, which began as an FMA project last a stock discussion and advice session. Walker said one of the biggest obstacles in
year to create a common interest group de- “We teach the metrics of why you should the formation of the SMIF is the money.
signed to educate students about stocks. or should not invest in a stock,” he said. “We He also said, “We have a lot of engineer-
The organization is committed to provid- want students to become familiar with the ing students participating in Bulldogs and
ing insight into stocks and meets at 7 p.m. process.” Bears. There is a diverse background, and
Tuesdays in the College of Business, Room Acosta said Tech’s B&B ranked 15th this there is even a demand for non-business ma-
217. The co-founders are Jaren Glover, school year in the Stock Portfolio Challenge jors.”
Manuel Acosta, a post baccalaureate math hosted by the National FMA where students Walker said it is important that we have
student and Stephen Walker, a business ad- have $1 million in virtual money to invest and many different perspectives when reviewing
ministration graduate student. trade on the stocks and that they have about 12-15
Glover, a senior computer science major, He said B&B is also planning to start a new faces every week. Daniel Shaw, a senior
said he and a fellow student, now alumnus, Student Managed Investment Fund. The ma- accounting major, expressed interest in B&B
used to discuss stocks. Since his departure, jority of the money raised will go to the fall quarter 2009 when the mass e-mails were
he has wanted to find others with interests in Louisiana Tech Athletic Club because he said sent out to all students.
stocks. He thought this would be a good op- he believes sports are prominent in the image “I think stocks are very important to learn
portunity to get more people interested in the of the university. about, but people don’t have the opportunity.
stock-exchange process. “This will increase the visibility of the fi- They find them intimidating,” he said. “I
“It is not all about the stocks,” he said. “It nance department at Tech,” Acosta said. learned more about real-world applications
is about financial literacy.” “National recognition will help the College of and finances. It has opened my eyes to the
Glover said some students may graduate Business.” importance of this aspect of life.”
from college not knowing what a credit score He said Louisiana State University and Tu-
is, and they may be unaware of their own

Canterbury Association
lane University already have a significant E-mail comments to


Canterbury meets every Wednesday evening at 6 P.M. • All Canterbury services followed by Fun, Food & Fellowship
Where: Church of the Redeemer, 504 Tech Drive • PH 318.255.3925
The Rt. Rev. D. Bruce MacPherson, Bishop • Rev. James G. Benbrook, Rector • Dr. Bill Patterson, Forestry, Faculty Advisor
January 14, 2011 • The Tech Talk • 7

More Talk


Sexual orientation no longer a contentious point for active duty soldiers

Mary Timmons ality, it has an effect on others as well.

Cates said DADT affects everyone in the military, not
STAFF REPORTER just homosexuals and lesbians.

Total “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Discharges 1994-2003

“When one of your fellow service members is dis-
For years, the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell law raised questions charged for nothing more than being who they are, to me,
of whether homosexuals and lesbians should be allowed it feels like you're losing a brother simply because they

to serve openly in the military. With a repeal of the policy have brown hair instead of blonde or because they're too
currently in the works, spotlight remains on the contro- tall or some other less-than-feasible reason,” Cates said.
versial subject. “It can destroy morale, easily.”

According to the CNN website, former President Bill He said allowing homosexuals to serve openly is not
Clinton first announced the policy at a press conference going to deter the

Jan. 29, 1993, to ensure that all citizens would be allowed military from its pri-
to serve in the military despite their sexual preferences. mary objective.

722 787
The law dictated that military applicants were not to be “The main prior-
asked about their sexual orientation. ity of the military is

"The issue is whether men and women who can and to protect the con-
have served with real distinction should be excluded from stitution and Amer-
military service solely on the basis of their status," Clinton “Having the freedom to love icans,” Cates said.
said, “I believe they should not." “Having the free-
The issue of an enlisted person’s sexual preference and whoever you want to is some- dom to love who-
DADT has affected the military careers of many mem- ever you want to is
bers since the policy surfaced 18 years ago. thing that military protects, in something that the
According to Report of the Comprehensive Review of military protects, in
the Issues Associated with a Repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t my opinion. It’s one of the last my opinion. It's one
Tell, since 1980, more than 32,000 active duty service of the last profes-
professions that instills a great sions that instills a
1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
members have been separated on the basis of homosex-
uality or homosexual conduct under Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell great sense of
and its predecessor policies; of these more than 13,000 sense of honor and honor and cama-
occurred since the law was enacted.
Taylor Cates, a junior biology major, said he partici-
camaraderie.”” raderie.”
pated in ROTC for two years but is no longer a member. Bivens, a sopho-
“At the time it was created it seemed like a decent so- more kinesiology
lution, but that was years ago,” Cates said. “Now it seems Ta y lor Ca tes major, said he
like just a way to brush the whole ‘gays in the military' junior biology major thinks the law is

Costs of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” 1994-2003

issue underneath the rug and out of sight instead of di- outdated, and even
rectly addressing it. Sort of like a 'if I don't see it, then it's if it had not been
not happening' type of thing.” repealed, some-
DADT may have ensured that military members are thing would have
not to be questioned about their sexual preference, but it needed to be done.
7,0 0

6 ,6 7 5
0 ,8 1

3,1 5
1,2 6

3 ,7 8

6 ,8 8
9 ,3 3
5 ,0 4

did not prevent them from being discharged if it became “I feel that every American should have the right to
$3 2,67
$ 3 9 ,9 2

$2 7,26
,2 6
$2 1,90

$3 8,77

$3 0,77
$2 47,10
$ 2 5 ,3 0

$ 2 3 3 ,9


known. serve their country and defend freedom,” Bivens said. “I




Cates said one of his close friends was dismissed from believe that DADT is a form of discrimination.”

ROTC when it was exposed that he was a homosexual. Bivens said he looks past the surface of a service mem-
“I have friends who are in the military and are not al- ber’s sexual preference and sees the importance of the
lowed to be open about their sexuality,” Cates said. “In- job he or she does.
stead of actually being able to say “I haven’t personally seen anyone affected, and I don’t
'this is who I am' they are sim- feel that DADT affects me because the people in my unit
ply not allowed to say any- including myself see soldiers for the duty they are called
thing about it or be asked for and not their sexual orientation,” Bivens said.
about it.” Jonathan Brown, a former Tech student and member
When a member of of the U.S. Navy for 2 1/2 years, said DADT does not af-
the military is dis- fect him directly, but it does affect the people above him,
charged for ex- which will eventually make it his business.
posing his or “It doesn’t affect me directly, but when there are major
her homo- issues within the Department of Defense it trickles down
sexu- the 500 links above me in my chain of command in the
form of a survey or online training,” Brown said.
Like Cates, Brown said he believes serving in the mili-
tary is an honor as well as an American right.
“I personally believe that homosexuals have just as
much a right to serve in the military as anyone else,” 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

TOTAL: $281,499,971
Brown said. “African Americans don't have to pretend to
be white; girls don't have to pretend to be boys; and ho-
mosexuals shouldn't have to pretend to be straight.”
According to the Fox News website, Dec. 28, Obama
signed for the repeal of the long-standing policy at the
U.S. Department of Interior.
With the promise of “change” during his 2008 cam-

Disproportionate Impact on Women

paign, President Barack Obama has done just that by put-
ting an end to DADT.
“No longer will tens of thousands of Americans in uni-
form be asked to live a lie or look over their shoulder in
order to serve the country that they love," Obama said. Women discharged under “DADT” Women in the Military
“Our people sacrificed a lot for their
country, including their lives. None of
31% 30% 31%
them should have to sacrifice their in-
tegrity as well."
E-mail comments to 26%

15% 15% 15%

13% 13% 14% 14% 14% 14%
Page designed by Taylor Stephens


1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

Source: Servicemembers Legal Defense Network

8 • The Tech Talk • January 14, 2010

Sports Talk
Techsters look to advance winning streak

T h i s Anna Claire Thomas ing senior forward Adrienne

Johnson and senior guard Whit-
we e k ’s
Bulldog SPORTS REPORTER ney Jones.
Watch fea- Johnson continues to im-
The Lady Techsters’ basket-
tures junior press Techster fans this season
ball team is looking to remain on
guard Olu fire in conference play when by averaging over 20 points per
Ashaolu. they host Utah State Jan. 20. game and almost nine rebounds
He aver- The Techsters have started early on this season.
points per
15 Olu Ashaolu

game, with a season high

the new year with a three-game
winning streak. Two of the three
wins came after defeating San
She leads the Techsters in
both categories.
Behind Johnson, Jones has
calling all
of 24 (against the Univer-
sity of Louisiana-Monroe
Jose State and Hawaii on the
had a standout season for the
Lady Techsters.
true tech fans

Dec. 4) and a low of 6 The third win came at home,
(against Southern as they hosted the University of Jones is the 40th player in ince covering sports,
Methodist Dec. 1). Southern Mississippi and won Tech history to record 1,000 I’ve noticed a lack of
His phenenomenal 83-61. points in her college career. She enthusiasm in the Tech
stats have The Lady Techsters had a is looking to rack up several crowd. While the stu-
Ashaolu played 34 of thrilling overtime victory in points the remainder of her final dent section is rocking
35 games last season and Hawaii Jan. 8, as they knocked season at Tech. at football games, it sadly is
has started every game off the Rainbow Wahine 74-69. After facing off against Utah lacking in other sports – prima-
thus far this season. Head coach Teresa Weather- State, the Techsters will face a rily basketball.
As he plans to lead the spoon said despite her team’s As I watch college hoops al-
Bulldogs into a hopeful grueling conference schedule most every night, I deeply wish
success early in WAC play, they
victory against Hawaii still have their work cut out for for the second half of the sea- Tech students would turn into
Saturday night, fans need them. son. some of those intense fans.
to keep a close watch on “We are a long way from The Techsters are preaparing At other colleges, students
No. 5. being a team,” Weatherspoon for an intense battle against the who sit down during games are
Ashaolu was named said. “When we needed to make Utah State Aggies Jan. 20 and often referred to as “freshmen.”
the Western Athletic Con- plays down the stretch, we found Nevada Jan. 22 in the Thomas It’s the norm at Tech.
ference Player of the a way to make them.” Assembly Center. The band is the main group
Week for the week of Weatherspoon said she gives The Lady Techsters will host that keeps the game loud with
Dec. 13-19. Hawaii a lot of credit for creat- their various calls directed at
Utah State at 7 p.m. Jan. 20 in refs and the opposing team.
The title was second in ing an exciting game.
his career, as he led Tech “I take nothing away from the TAC. While observing the crowd
Photo by Ben Corda
into an 80-57 win at their effort,” she said. “I do find a The game can be heard 97.7 at basketball games, most stu-
Houston Baptist Dec. 14. FM, LA Tech Sports’ Network. Senior forward Adrienne Johnson shoots a free throw dents look bored, are seated
lot of fault in [our effort] across
The following game - a the board.” at a home game. Johnson has averaged more than 20 and often chat with their friends.
62-61 win at UT Artling- The Techsters are led on the E-mail comments to act013@lat- points per game this season after leading the Techsters Why can’t Ruston have
ton, he recorded 10 re- court by a dynamic duo, featur- into many victories at home and on the road. pumped up fans like those seen
bounds and 12 points. on the ESPN commercials?
Ashaolu has recorded I started covering sports last
260 points this season- year, and the game that showed
115 shy of last season’s
375. Both are strong im-
provements from his first
Bulldogs hungry for win against Spartans phenomenal fan support was
against the University of
season - just 176 points. If we can pack out the
Keep your eyes peeled Sarah Brown the Bulldogs outscored Fresno Thomas Assembly Center with
for an outstanding game State 35-28 in the second half. just over 4,00 fans, why can’t we
Saturday night against the SPORTS EDITOR Despite sophomore guard strive to go above and beyond
Hawaii Rainbow Warriors Brandon Gibson’s injury and that attendance record every
in the Thomas Assembly After coming off a tough sophomore forward Darius game?
Center before playing loss at home against Fresno Redding’s absence, newcom- After all, the TAC comfort-

Utah State Jan. 20. State, the Bulldogs will move ers are obtaining valuable ably seats 8,000 people.
on as they prepare to host the playtime. The second-highest atten-

“ Hawaii Rainbow Warriors. “We've got to get in better

“ Tech entered into confer-
ence play over the break, as
shape because our young guys
have to play a lot of minutes,”
dance at the TAC this year has
been when the Bulldogs hosted
Southern Methodist Dec. 1.
they fell by 30 to Idaho. Rupp said. “What I like about Over 2,000 fans showed up,
They tacked on another them is that they didn't quit; meaning three-fourths of the
of the week loss after falling 63-59 at home they kept playing. TAC was free space.
against the Fresno State Bull- He said they have got to get As far as the Techsters go,
“We played with good en- dogs. better as the season goes over 1,700 showed up to see
ergy and focus and really Tech is hungry for a win along. them host Southern.
competed. We can't get down against Hawaii. “We can't drop our heads I truly believe that Tech
by that much, we have to Thursday night’s match and feel sorry,” Rupp said. would get more airtime on na-
come out and play hard from against the Bulldogs was a “We've got to work hard and tional television if they did have
the beginning.” brutal loss, as senior guard De- continue to improve and get a more outgoing fan base.
Andre Brown – the Western better." I love watching how fired up
Athletic Conference’s second- Though the Bulldogs will students at other universities
HEAD COACH not let this loss get to them, get over bad calls.
KERRY RUPP leading scorer, was held to just
16 points. He scored 10 in the Rupp said his team is holding While the band is the pri-
first half. their heads high as they press mary voice for Tech by sharing
ON THE JAN. 6 GAME AGAINST their opinion of a foul, I’d like to
FRESNO STATE Head coach Kerry Rupp on to future games.
said his team did a superb ef- Photo by Ben Corda “We got to trust that if we encourage students to step it
fort in the last 10 minutes to Sophomore point guard Tevin Hall makes a play during work hard and everyone stays up.
salvage the game, but his team the Jan. 6 game against Fresno State. The Bulldogs will together, we’ll give ourselves Watch other college hoops
TECHSTER has to play both halves. host WAC foe Hawaii Jan. 15 in the Thomas Assembly an opportunity,” he said.
and see how stoked their stu-
“The last 10 minutes, we As the Bulldogs prepare to dents get.
did a good job of speeding Center. face off in future conference It’s beyond phenomenal.
them up,” Rupp said. “We ourselves into a hole.” Tech averaged 66.4 percent play, Rupp will ensure his team Just think – Tech could be-
Senior for- played with good energy and Rupp plans on having his from the free-throw line prior works hard, especially over the come known for its sports fans.
ward Adri- focus and really competed. We team committed to excellence to the game, but instead they powerful Rainbow Warriors. Imagining the TAC packed with
e n n e can't get down by that much, every game, starting in prac- shot a season-low 47.1 per- The Bulldogs will host diehard fans is something I
Johnson re- we have to come out and play tice. cent. Fresno State, on the Hawaii at 7 p.m. Jan. 15 in the would love to see before I grad-
ceives this hard from the beginning.” “We’re going to have to be other hand, shot 61.1 percent, TAC. uate.
week’s Tech- Rupp said his team must do a team that commits to come although the Bulldogs were I would highly encourage
ster watch, better next game. in every day and work hard shooting an average of 59.3 E-mail comments to sdb035@lat- more fans come out to more
due to her Adrienne “We’re missing a lot of and work hard in practice,” he percent before the game. basketball games, especially the
phenomenal shots early, and we can’t get said. Trailing 35-21 at the half, Techsters’ games - a good rea-
scoring sea- Johnson son being that they are having a
son. She stellar season.
recorded a season-high 34 ADVERTISMENT
Coaches and players notice
when fans really pick up the
points in the game against
Southern Miss Jan. 2.
Johnson is ranked No.
Baseball pitcher will pace and come out to games.
It motivates the team and
encourages them to fight harder
13 on ESPN’s Top 50
Qualified in women’s bas-
ketball. She has recorded
miss 2011 season and stronger.
It would thrill men’s head
118 field goals this season coach Kerry Rupp and women’s
starts in his career at Tech and
alone and has averages Anna Claire Thomas enjoyed his most successful
head coach Teresa Weather-
21.5 points per game. spoon to see the TAC packed
season in 2009, when he led the out for one night.
Johnson has scored ASSOCIATE SPORTS EDITOR Bulldogs pitching staff with
311 points this season. Fairwell Fresno State is com-
seven wins and two saves. ing up Feb. 5 as part of the
She is in ESPN’s top 50 list Tech senior pitcher John An- He has appeared in 36
for highest points as well, NCAA’s Pack the House Chal-
derson will miss the 2011 base- games in just two seasons for lenge.
ranking in the top 20. ball season due to a 2009 Tech since joining the Bulldogs
Last season, Johnson I’d like to challenge all stu-
shoulder injury. rotation. dents to stop making excuses
was named the Western Following off-season shoul- Anderson is a senior from
Athletic Conference for missing games and to come
der surgery following the 2009 Shreveport and joined the Bull- out to the TAC and watch the
Player of the Week three season, Anderson took a med- dogs from Bossier Parish Com-
times. Techsters host Fresno State.
ical redshirt last season to re- munity College in 2008. I’m not saying put off pa-
She is helping the Tech- habilitate his shoulder. He is a two-time letterman
sters have one of their pers, tests, homework and other
After a full season of reha- at Tech and earned his under- assignments - - those are im-
best seasons in the pro- bilitation in 2009, Anderson graduate degree in marketing
gram’s 36-year history. portant.
was never fully able to recover this past May. The point I’m trying to make
Head coach Teresa following the injury to his
Weatherspoon described is everyone’s busy, but we cut
throwing shoulder. E-mail comments to act013@lat- out time to do certain things.
Johnson as an unusual Anderson has made 11
kind. For instance, I cut out time
to watch SportsCenter, do


“Adrienne is a great
athlete who can play any homework and go to things im-
position on the floor,” she portant to me - like sporting
said. “She is rare.” events, movies and outings with
Weatherspoon said friends.
Johnson really wants a Even if I wasn’t a reporter,
challenge - and she does I’d be there.
a phenomenal job over- The bottom line is students
coming it. TECHSTER BULLDOG need to come out to more bas-
Her points per game BASKETBALL BASKETBALL ketball games.
vs. Utah State vs.Hawaii And for the cheap college
average ranks as the fourth TAC TAC
best single season in Tech kids - your games are already
Jan. 20 - 7 p.m. Jan. 15 - 7 p.m. free, so money should be the
Utah State should be last of your worries.
on the lookout for a sharp, Mid Winter Classic Leonard Hilton So, Tech fans, get loud.
fast and potent Johnson, Cabot, Ark. Invitational
who will give fans some- Jan. 14-16 Houston, Texas Sarah is a junior journalism major
thing to talk about Jan. 20. Jan. 14 from Madisonville. E-mail com-
ments to

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