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CE 319 : Design of Steel Structures 3

Tension Members - 1 1


Prof. Dr. K.M. Amanat Dept. of Civil Engg. BUET, 2017

CE 319 : Design of Steel Structures 3

Tension Members - 1 2


Prof. Dr. K.M. Amanat Dept. of Civil Engg. BUET, 2017

CE 319 : Design of Steel Structures 3
Tension Members - 1 3



Prof. Dr. K.M. Amanat Dept. of Civil Engg. BUET, 2017

CE 319 : Design of Steel Structures 3

Tension Members - 1 4

Typical Sections

Prof. Dr. K.M. Amanat Dept. of Civil Engg. BUET, 2017

CE 319 : Design of Steel Structures 3
Tension Members - 1 5

Strength of Tension Members

Controlling Limit States:
a) Yielding of the gross cross section away from connection
b) Fracture of the effective net area at connection
c) Block shear failure through bolt holes

Yielding of gross cross section

Tn = Fy Ag

Tn = Nominal tensile strength

Fy = Yield stress
Ag = Gross cross sectional area away from connection

Prof. Dr. K.M. Amanat Dept. of Civil Engg. BUET, 2017

CE 319 : Design of Steel Structures 3

Tension Members - 1 6

Strength of Tension Members

Fracture through bolt holes

Tn = Nominal tensile strength

Fu = Specified minimum tensile strength
Tn = Fu Ae Ae = Effective net area = UAn,
An = net area
U = Reduction coefficient (shear lag factor)

Prof. Dr. K.M. Amanat Dept. of Civil Engg. BUET, 2017

CE 319 : Design of Steel Structures 3
Tension Members - 1 7

Net Area
Member cross-sectional area at the connection is reduced and the strength
of the member may also be reduced depending on the size and location of
the holes. Holes are cut by a) punching b) sub-punching and reaming and c)
drilling. Actual hole diameter is generally 1/16" more than the diameter of
the bolt. Cutting hole causes damage in the metal around the hole. For this
reason additional 1/16" is deducted. Thus,
Effective hole diameter = Actual hole diameter + 1/16"
= Bolt diameter + 1/8“

Bolt diam. given

Prof. Dr. K.M. Amanat Dept. of Civil Engg. BUET, 2017

CE 319 : Design of Steel Structures 3

Tension Members - 1 8

Staggered Holes
Whenever there is more than one hole and the holes are not lined up
transverse to the loading direction, more than one potential failure line
may exist.

For (b)

Length correction : s2/4g

s = spacing of bolt in the direction of load.
g = spacing of bolts in the direction perpendicular to load.
Prof. Dr. K.M. Amanat Dept. of Civil Engg. BUET, 2017
CE 319 : Design of Steel Structures 3
Tension Members - 1 9

Staggered Holes: Example-1

Plate is under
E F tension form
both sides. Failure line
shall be investigated
from both sides.
Failure line shall be
such that intact bolts
may not be present on
both sides of the failure

Path AD
Bolt hole
Path ABD
dia. 15/16”

Path ABC

Other possible paths: EBC and FC (do not control)

Prof. Dr. K.M. Amanat Dept. of Civil Engg. BUET, 2017

CE 319 : Design of Steel Structures 3

Tension Members - 1 10

Staggered Holes: Example-2

Plate is under tension form
d a 7/ ”-diam. one side only. Failure line
8 shall be investigated from
e loaded side only. Failure
line shall be such that intact
bolts may not be present on
f both sides of the failure
t = 5/8” line.
g c

Valid failure lines/paths:

Path a-b-c : [10- (7/8 + 1/8)]5/8 = 5.625 in2.

Path a-b-f-g: [10 - 2(7/8 + 1/8) + 32/(4×3)] 5/8 = 5.469 in2. (also d-e-b-c)

Path d-e-b-f-g: [10 - 3(7/8 + 1/8) + 2×32/(4×3)] 5/8 = 5.313 in2. (Governs)

There is no other valid path since tension is from one side only.

Prof. Dr. K.M. Amanat Dept. of Civil Engg. BUET, 2017

CE 319 : Design of Steel Structures 3
Tension Members - 1 11

Effective Net Area

The net area An gives the reduced section that resists tension but
still may not correctly reflect the strength. That is particularly
true when load does not pass through the centroid of the
connection. Thus comes the concept of effective net area Ae .

Effective Net Area Ae = UAn

where U is Shear Lag Factor (a reduction co-efficient).

U = 1.0 – x/L [except plates and HSS sections, AISC Table D3.1]
x = distance between loading line (c.g. of tension member section)
and connection plane.
L = Length of connection

Prof. Dr. K.M. Amanat Dept. of Civil Engg. BUET, 2017

CE 319 : Design of Steel Structures 3

Tension Members - 1 12

Determination of x

Connection plane

c.g. of
tension c.g.
Prof. Dr. K.M. Amanat Dept. of Civil Engg. BUET, 2017
CE 319 : Design of Steel Structures 3
Tension Members - 1 13

Determination of x

Prof. Dr. K.M. Amanat Dept. of Civil Engg. BUET, 2017

CE 319 : Design of Steel Structures 3

Tension Members - 1 14

Determination of connection length L

Prof. Dr. K.M. Amanat Dept. of Civil Engg. BUET, 2017

CE 319 : Design of Steel Structures 3
Tension Members - 1 15

Welded Tension Connections

a) Load transmitted by longitudinal welds, or by longitudinal welds in
combination with transverse welds
Ae = UAn = UAg
b) Load transmitted only to transverse welds
Ae = UAn = Acon Where, Acon = Area of directly connected elements

c) Load transmitted to a plate by longitudinal welds along both sides of

the plate spaced apart such that l ≥ w

Ae = UAg
l = length of weld, w = distance between longitudinal welds, i.e. plate width,
U = 1.0 for l ≥ 2w
= 0.87 for 2w > l ≥ 1.5w
= 0.75 for 1.5w > l ≥ w

Prof. Dr. K.M. Amanat Dept. of Civil Engg. BUET, 2017

CE 319 : Design of Steel Structures 3

Tension Members - 1 16

Prof. Dr. K.M. Amanat Dept. of Civil Engg. BUET, 2017

CE 319 : Design of Steel Structures 3
Tension Members - 1 17

Prof. Dr. K.M. Amanat Dept. of Civil Engg. BUET, 2017

CE 319 : Design of Steel Structures 3

Tension Members - 1 18

Prof. Dr. K.M. Amanat Dept. of Civil Engg. BUET, 2017

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