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BRAC Business School

BBA Program, Spring- 2018

Section- 1

Midterm Examination-(Marks 20) Duration of exam: 75 Minutes



 Make sure you answer all two questions (part A)
 Students are not allowed to leave classroom during exam.

Part A
Answer all two questions(7.5×2=15):

I. What is the value of a 10-year, $1,000 par value bond with a 10 percent annual coupon if its
Yield to maturity is 10 percent?
II. What would be the value of the bond appeared in part I if, just after it had been issued, the
expected inflation rate rose by 3 percentage points, causing investors to require a 13 percent
Yield to maturity? Would we now have a discount or a premium bond?
III. Marian Kirk wishes to select the better of two 10-year annuities, C and D. Annuity C is
with a payment of $2,500 at the end of each year for 10 years. Annuity D is with a payment
of $2,200 at the beginning of each year for 10 years. The opening balance of both annuities
is $30,000. Find the future value of both annuities at the end of year 10, assuming that
Marian can earn 10% annual interest. explain which annuity is more attractive.

IV. Solve for the unknown interest rate in each of the following:
Present value ($) years Interest Rate Future value($)
240 2 297
39,000 15 185,382
I. Rudy Sandberg has two bond options -a 8-year bonds that are currently priced at $868.43.
These bonds have a coupon rate of 6 percent and make semiannual coupon payments.
Second option is another 8-year bonds that pay a coupon rate of 6.6 percent and make
coupon payments annually and are currently being sold at $914.89, Find current yield,
nominal yield and yield to maturity for the both bonds. Which bond Rudy should buy?

II. While Sabera was a student at the Clemson University, she borrowed $45000 at an annual
interest rate of 5%.
Prepare an amortization table for Sabera for 2 years if interest is paid semi-annually.

Part B
Short Questions( Answer any 2 out of 3): (2.5+2.5=10)

1. What is over the counter market? How it works?

2. What should be the goal of the corporation?

3. What affect bond price? discuss briefly.


Face value of Loan

PMT = −n
1−(1+r )

Coupon payment/face value

Coupon payment/ Market price of the bond

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