Of Them. Show More Clips of People Falling Over.)

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The Movie

[ Opening Credits ]

Normal words fades on credits.

[ Scene 1 : Fade to : The Great Hall ]

( People talk, then suddenly they start to fall over, as if Torque as gotten the best
of them. Show more clips of people falling over. )


The benevolent force of Torque has beset the people. They need some being to
come and stop the insanity. Thus comes he.

[ Scene 2 : Fade to : Front walkway of OSSM, near the dorms ]

( Music starts abruptly as Torque gets up behind a pillar. He looks around, then
walks slowly (as if in a dramatic movie where they use high speed cameras). He walks to
the door, and opens it. )

[ Cut to Torque standing in the Great Hall. He walks in slow motion, but
everyone else is normally walking, giving strange stares at him. ]

( He comes up to a group of people who have problems with Torque. He stares

and stamps his feet, causing the Torque to go away. )


Who are you?


I am Torque, the one thus that comes.


You are he? ( Gives a cordish look ) Nu?



Never mind. My name is Whodges. ( Shakes hand ) This is OSSM ( Puts two
hands up to signify the place ). I am the cut man around here.


What do you mean by that?

( By now, there is already a lot of people gathered around Torque, asking questions with
each other )


I’m the man that cuts around here. What else would it mean? Anyways, it’s not
important. Come with me.

( Torque follows Whodges. )

[ Cut back to group of people, and focus in on Punit and Tonya ]


Is he really the one that will fix all our problems?


I don’t see how. ( Mad ) But I don’t get how that guy can come in, and just say
he’s the answer to all our problems! ( Getting angrier now, gets up out of the chair, and
heads to the girl’s side )


( Looks really stunned ) HA!

[ Scene 3: Cut to: Jeff and Muldrow’s room ]


Jeff, do you really think that this Torque guy’s gonna save us?


I believe firmly that he’s gonna do it, I mean, just look at how swalve he is!
[ Cut to outside lounge ]


( Torque is doing the Homer Simpson circle walk on the floor ) Torque Torque
Torque Torque!!!

[ Scene 4: Fade to: Great Hall: Night ]


( Torque is walking towards the door, and goes out to the same pillar he came
from )


And so, Torque has come. Is he really the answer to all of our problems? We
don’t know, but he has the character of a gentle man if not anything else.


( Torque slowly goes outside and heads for the pillar, Whodges is behind him
looking puzzled )


Where are you going?


Back to the pillar.


You can come and sleep in my room if you want.


Thanks, but no thanks. I need to sleep out here tonight.


( Crosses over to Torque and rages ) WHAT IN THE HECK IS WRONG WITH
YOU? Oh well.. seeya in the morning
( Crosses back over to the dorms as Torque slowly lays down to rest )

[ Scene 5: Cut to with music: Great Hall, next morning ]

( You can see Matt and Whodges come out of the boy’s side of the dorms )


( Comes up to them, they have their hands full of books ready to study ) How can
you think of studying at a time like this?!!!


Huh? ( Startled ) What do you mean “at a time like this” ?


Have you not seen the carnage and mayhem that’s been going around lately? I
can barely even sleep. ( Almost to the point of tears ) C’mon, who can even concentrate


( Comes up to her ) Okay, you baby, let’s go! ( Pulls her back to the girl’s side )


What was that all about?


I dunno, but all I have to say is “people are craaaaaaaaaaazy around here”.


Okay, enough of that Matt.. we’d better get to studying. Remember, we have that
big BioChem test tommorow.

( Matt and Whodges both go to a table, but suddenly Jeff and Muldrow come out
of the boy’s side arguing something about their EZ-Cheese, but then Kim and Sharzhad
both come out of the girl’s side arguing too, they seem to be saying something about
plastic wrap )


What the heck?!! How can we study with all this noise??

Yeah, could you guys quiet down for a second?

( All four people that were arguing look over at Whodges, and start laughing
hysterically. Strangely enough, Matt heads for the boy’s bathroom really quickly leaving
Whodges with the four people )


What’s so funny?


Man, how can we pipe down at a time like this? Who’s to say what is real now


Exactly my point too, who’s to say?


Yes, and why should we stop talking?


WHAT are you guys talking about? This isn’t some kind of a philosophical
debate we’re headed into. No, I’m sitting here while I try to study and you guys come
down like a barrel of Chickasha worms!

( At this point the four people go sit down, then Torque comes in thru the front. )


Okay, that’s enough, I must show you, come with me Whodges, prime cut-man.

( Whodges follows Torque up the boy’s side, the camera follows in a chase fashion
up the two flights of stairs. Torque stops at Whodges’ door, and there he awaits Whodges
to open it. He does so and they go in, Lucus is in there )


What the…!

Don’t worry, Lucus. We have it under control.

( Torque and Whodges both go to Whodge’s desk, and they take out what looks
like a toolbox. Torque busily assembles something, and gets a wrench out )


We have a problem.

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