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The Job Search: Observations of a Reader of 177 Letters of Application

Eleanor H. Green

ADE Bulletin 113 (Spring 1996), pp. 50–52

ISSN: 0001-0898
CrossRef DOI: 10.1632/ade.113.50

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The Job Search: Observations of a Reader of
177 Letters of Application

A LETTER of application ued assignment. Faculty members teach in a wide range

is one of the most important letters a new PhD will ever of subject areas and have little opportunity to specialize.
write. With English departments flooded by applications My institution, Ohio Northern University, fits this
for each rare opening, a candidate needs to make a posi- profile. In the fall of 1993 we advertised in the MLA Job
tive impression from the very first paragraph. Information List and in the Chronicle of Higher Education
Many of the assistant professorships for which new for a “student-centered” assistant professor to teach com-
PhDs apply are at small liberal arts colleges and universi- position and literature, indicating a preference for exper-
ties, those with enrollments of fewer than five thousand tise in eighteenth-century British literature. We received
undergraduates. A candidate who is truly interested in 177 applications for this position. In addition to teach-
working at such a school and who is not just mailing ap- ing skills, the potential to perform service-related activi-
plications indiscriminately needs to do a little homework. ties, and a willingness or even a desire to teach at a small
These institutions, numbering about eight hundred university in a very small town (population three thou-
across the country, are a diverse group, but most share sand) in the cornfields of west central Ohio, we, like hir-
certain specific qualities. Almost without exception they ing committees at most similar institutions, were looking
view teaching as their primary mission and stress close for evidence of special skills, personality characteristics,
faculty-student contact. Faculty members normally teach or past experience that might enrich the department and
both composition and literature, and few such institu- benefit our students: previous employment as a writer or
tions have teaching assistants. These schools are usually editor; overseas study, travel, or work; teaching certifica-
proud of their uniqueness and their tradition, and they tion, which would qualify a candidate to help advise and
use their emphasis on teaching and on close personal re- supervise our student teachers; undergraduate or gradu-
lationships and their campus culture to attract students ate work outside English that might appeal to nonmajors
who might otherwise attend larger institutions. To be or broaden the experience of majors; volunteer, service,
happy and successful in such a setting, faculty members or professional activities indicating initiative and a wide
must be collegial and be willing to become involved in range of interests.
the innumerable activities of the campus and the depart- The vast majority of the letters we received, however,
ment. Many of these schools are located in small towns were obviously not written to us as members of an En-
in geographically isolated areas, and thus faculty members glish department search committee at Ohio Northern.
interact with their colleagues not just at work but also in They were in fact generic form letters written with the
everyday personal activities. There is simply no place to apparent aim of securing a position at an institution far
hide, no possibility of disappearing into the anonymity different from anything Ohio Northern is or ever will
of a library carrel or behind the closed door of an office. become. A good number appeared to be applications for
Furthermore, while these small colleges and universities some kind of postdoctoral fellowship rather than for any
include some of the most prestigious and selective institu- kind of faculty position anywhere. Most did not do jus-
tions in the country, the huge majority fall into Barron’s tice at all to the talents, training, or experiences of the
guides’ “competitive” grouping, with fewer in the “very applicants. And these comments relate entirely to the con-
competitive” and “less competitive” categories. By neces- tent, organization, and format of the letters we received,
sity these schools require heavy teaching loads and stress
teaching and service over research and off-campus profes-
sional involvement. Students are generally of average abil- The author is Professor of English and former Chair of the English
ity, and each English professor’s teaching load is mainly Department at Ohio Northern University.
composition and introductory literature courses; the spe-
cialized upper-level course is an infrequent and highly val- ADE BULLETIN, NO. 113, SPRING 1996
Eleanor H. Green • 51

not to their language and tone, which were also often bi- tucked it away in their résumés while including paragraph
zarrely inappropriate. after paragraph in their letters about different sections of
Most letters emphasized research far more than any their dissertations. Another 32 applicants mentioned no
other subject. Such discussion of research, usually focused activities or interests at all aside from research and teach-
on the doctoral dissertation, took up half or more of the ing in either their letters or their résumés.
space in 76 of the letters (43% of the total), and 22 of the Moreover, of 33 applicants who had overseas experience,
76 devoted two-thirds of their text to a highly technical only 15 mentioned such experience even in passing, and
and detailed description of complex research difficult to even fewer pointed out that this experience would enrich
relate in any way to the Ohio Northern University class- their teaching, give them a broader cultural perspective,
room. A few candidates even stated their eagerness to or positively influence their students. Although 10 of the
teach graduate courses, although a quick look at any col- applicants were not native-born Americans or Canadians,
lege guide would show that Ohio Northern, like most only 3 of them discussed their nationality, which would
small universities, has no graduate students in English. be of particular importance in teaching writing and lit-
Many applicants listed all the courses they had ever taught erature to students mostly from small-town Ohio. The 2
but made no mention of their teaching philosophy or who had taught in colleges of pharmacy said nothing
pedagogical techniques. Those who did make a positive about this experience, even though over eight hundred of
impression on our committee not only stressed teaching our students are pharmacy majors. Less than half of those
over research but also gave specific examples of methods with secondary-school certification or teaching experience
they used in the classroom and projects that had been suc- mentioned these qualifications at all, and while several
cessful, summarized the pedagogy they used (especially applicants did cite extensive study in fields outside English
for teaching composition), discussed the training they had as a positive attribute, just as many failed to draw any at-
received, and mentioned positive student and peer evalu- tention to such study. Indeed, applicants whose résumés
ations or teaching awards. suggested diverse interests and backgrounds came across
A small campus definitely has a particular ethos, and as narrow and dull in their letters. And sometimes—often,
those candidates who had studied or worked at a small in fact—both letter and résumé indicated so little that
school clearly had an advantage; this sort of experience would be useful at a small university like Ohio Northern
was one important but unspecified qualification for which and so little interest in teaching at such an institution that
we were watching. Of the 58 candidates (approximately it was not clear why the applicant had bothered to write
one-third of the total) who did have this background, to us at all.
however, few pointed out that they were familiar with a A somewhat common error, furthermore, was the ex-
small-school environment like Ohio Northern’s, and even treme brevity of many of the letters, apparently the result
fewer expressed a desire to teach in such a setting. Indeed, of a mistaken belief that the letter should be only one
47 of the 58 never mentioned having experienced life on page long. It is difficult to sell oneself among such a large
a small campus, and only 5 made the obvious point that field of candidates in one page, yet 31 of the applicants
familiarity with small-school culture might make them attempted to do exactly that, often narrowing margins
comfortable at Ohio Northern. and reducing font size to make a plausible case for them-
Only 34 letters even mentioned the name of our insti- selves in such a restricted space. While three or four pages
tution; one called it “Northern Ohio” and another “Butler is certainly excessive, very few letters of less than one and
University.” Those clearly familiar with Ohio or even with a half to two pages gave the committee an accurate sense
Ohio Northern never said as much or else made rather of the applicant.
gushy and generalized statements—“I love Ohio,” for in- And a small minority of the letters were inadequate
stance, by itself did not make much of an impression on even in format and appearance. Writing with faulty me-
our committee. And although 13 candidates did refer to chanics is certainly a poor introduction to a person who is
the phrase “student-centered” from our announcement, it asking to teach composition. However, we received 13
was clear that almost none of the candidates had bothered letters with errors such as lack of an inside address, incor-
to look up Ohio Northern in a college guide, much less to rect punctuation of the salutation, double-spaced typing,
read our catalog, and those who had taken the trouble to and omission of the date. Three applicants neglected to
do so were not able to use the information effectively. sign their letters; 2 sent computer paper that had not
Many candidates did not mention in their letters expe- been separated; and 1 typed on both sides of the page.
riences that would have appealed to our search commit- Even more annoying for an overworked search com-
tee. Only 46 pointed out any professional or service work mittee was the failure to provide useful references. Some
that would have indicated involvement in activities valu- applicants did not include phone numbers for references
able to students or to the institution. At least 58 more of in either the letter or the résumé. Some reference lists
the candidates clearly had this type of experience but consisted entirely of the dissertation committee and
52 • The Job Search: Observations of a Reader of 177 Letters of Application

included no one with knowledge of the applicant’s teach- tive in the profession, to grow intellectually, and perhaps
ing abilities. Worst of all were statements that the names to contribute to the field of literature or rhetoric. But we
of references would be furnished on request. need, above all, excellent, dedicated, and patient teachers
Producing an effective and persuasive letter of applica- to instruct undergraduate students most of whom are not
tion requires time and effort, but when so much of a per- English majors and few of whom are brilliant. We need
son’s future rides on this letter, there are surely few hardworking, congenial, and committed colleagues who
projects more deserving of such an investment. At the will help us carry out the numerous activities of the de-
very least, a letter to a small college or university with a partment and will represent us well to constituencies in
clear teaching mission should be focused differently from other parts of the university. We need faculty members
one directed to a large “publish or perish” institution. A who bring to our somewhat isolated and parochial cam-
quick glance through a college guide will indicate the pus diverse and stimulating backgrounds and experiences.
nature of the institution advertising an opening. At Ohio If a candidate has these qualities, the letter of application
Northern we are far more interested in knowing if an should tell us about them. The letter should also show
aspiring assistant English professor has worked in a writ- that Ohio Northern really exists in the applicant’s imagi-
ing center, tutored athletes, planned and organized a con- nation and that he or she would choose such a place as a
ference, or set up a specialized reading group for fellow future work environment. Finally, the letter should be
graduate students than if he or she has a reading knowl- addressed to us as a search committee at this particular
edge of ancient Greek or a specialist’s knowledge of an type of institution. We were eventually able to identify
obscure corner of literary scholarship. some excellent candidates, but few of them sold them-
We value highly, of course, those who have read widely selves adequately in the most important letter they may
and who love literature and writing, who intend to be ac- ever write. Surely aspiring academics can do better.

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