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O’Neil Leitch -1024833

Comparing, and contrasting a Critical Review to that of a Case Study


Case studies are detailed analyses of a particular person, entity, case, or culture. The data for
analysis are obtained from a range of sources. On the other hand, a critical review is an article
summarizing and analyzing the ideas and facts of an article journal or books, etc.


1. Informative - Both case study and critical review provides information on a particular topic.
They are both informative in nature and All observations or claims are convincingly supported
with evidence.

2. Evaluation and analysis of Information- Interpreting the information means the researcher
decides what to include or leave out. Similarly, in both case study and critical review, it should
always make clear which information is the factual description and which is an inference or the
researcher's opinion. Making sense and offering a coherent interpretation of the typically
disparate sources of data is far from straightforward in both case studies and critical reviews.

3. Prior knowledge about the topic-A minimum of a small fraction of knowledge is required
before selecting a topic to effectively perform a case study or a critical review.


1. Time-consuming- Case studies can be very time-consuming. The method of gathering data
can be stressful and lengthy. Developing a case study, and developing a detailed analysis, takes a
long time whereas a critical review does not consume as much time compared to a case study.

2.Depth of information- Case studies allow a researcher to investigate a topic in far more detail.
It allows in-depth, multi-faceted explorations of the topic as opposed to a Critical review which
is more of a complex summary of the topic or case. It does not delve into more specifics as a
case study would.

3. Authenticity- A critical review Evaluate all the components, all facets of the document, the
structure, the methods, the explanations and facts, the conclusions and, in particular, the logical
relations between them all, while a case study research contains a bias toward verification, in
other words, it tends to confirm the researcher’s preconceived ideas.

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