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Corrosion is defined as the destructive and unintentional degradation of environmentally

generated material (Ben, 2020). Because of the chemical makeup properties of metal, nearly all
media can cause corrosion to some extent. Metals are said to be more stable in their corroded
state. In my research. My objective is to identify the main differences between direct and indirect
cost of corrosion and why one should study corrosion. To proceed further, direct cost is a cost
that can be traced back to a particular cost object while indirect cost is very difficult to trace back
to a cost object. Understanding the precise expenses of corrosion has been of extraordinary
enthusiasm to corrosion researchers and specialists for a long time. Comprehensive contrast of
corrosion costs among various enterprises or organization gives the possibility of distinguishing
the normal issues, and furthermore any best practice in corrosion control (Ross, 2020).
Evaluating the amazing size of corrosion costs is likewise a significant advance in bringing
issues to light of the reality and extent of corrosion issues, especially to policy makers in the
business and government with the end goal that better approaches can be set up to improve our
ability for moderating corrosion dangers. The financial expense of erosion might be evaluated
straight from the application, activity and upkeep of anti-corrosion advancements which
includes corrosion resistant materials, protective coatings, corrosion inhibitors, anodic and
cathodic protection and corrosion examination and checking instruments, and indirectly from
the loss of productivity , remuneration for setbacks and ecological contamination, and any other
cost that isn't legitimately brought about inside that industry(Xuie,2017). It is tough to evaluate
the indirect expense of corrosion, the direct expense is regarded measurable by consolidating
proper strategies which includes surveys, statistics and extrapolation and by applying skill in
both corrosion and financial matters. Corrosion has an extreme effect on the economy because of
its direct and indirect costs that influence pretty much every part of the economy. The net
expense of corrosion in a country covers between 1-3% of its GDP. To add to it, this gauge
doesn't cover the greater part of the indirect expenses. In an oil developing country like Guyana,
it is significant that we utilize the advanced corrosion security strategies in order to keep our cost
and losses at a minimum (Xuie,2017). The supplanting of corroded structures and machinery’s or
their parts, such as condenser tubes, mufflers, pipelines, and metal roofing, including
fundamental work that needs to be done, recoating structures where counteraction of rusting is
the main target and the capital expenses in addition to upkeep of cathodic protection frameworks
for underground pipelines are all incorporated in the direct cost. A Substantial amount of direct
cost are demonstrated by the need to supplant a few million hot water tanks every year as a result
of corrosion and the requirement for substitution of a large number of corroded car mufflers.
Direct loss incorporates the additional expense of utilizing corrosion resistance metals and
amalgams rather than carbon steel. While Indirect cost are increasingly hard to evaluate, yet a
concise study of indirect cost concluded that they contribute a significant amount of money to
the direct losses which I previously mentioned about. Instances of indirect cost includes,
Shutdown to facilitate the substitution of a corroded cylinder in an oil and gas refinery facility
may cost a thousand of dollars, however shutdown of the unit while fixes are in progress may
result in downtime which can cause a more significant loss in production. Indirect cost can also
be affiliated with the lost of product, for example, losses of water or gas in a corded under
ground pipe system will until repairs are made. The company will lose its profit due to the
wastage of its resources. One may simply ask, why do you need to study corrosion? The Simple
yet most meaning full answer to this question is: to mitigate human casualties and to reduce your
indirect cost of corrosion. In 1949 the first methodical study on the direct and indirect cost of
corrosion was conducted by H. H. Uhlig. The direct cost was projected in the United states to be
$ US 5.427 billion dollars, by totalizing the cost associated to materials, products and
maintenance to mitigate corrosion. Uhlig method of studying corrosion was adopted by The
United stated of America and japan in the 19th century. Being educated about corrosion is very
beneficial in today’s society. Not only for the economics cost associated with corrosion but also
for the health and safety of all living creatures. Corrosion have a huge impact on human life
where safety is regarded. As a result of corrosion many fatal accidents occurred, such as, the
airline accident which resulted in the fuselage being tore away as a result cyclic mechanical
stress and atmospheric corrosion in a semitropical environment during a flight to (Grilt, 2020)
Hawaii. Another instance occurred in Minnesota where particular corrosion of a welded fluid gas
pipeline in Minnesota in 1986 brought about huge fire harm to the whole town and furthermore
in the loss of two lives (Grilt, 2020). One of the most recent case where corrosion was the factor,
was in July of 26, 2017 at an annual state fare in Ohio where the fire ball tore apart as a result of
a corrode part resulting in the death of one person and leaving seven others seriously injured.
(Writer, 2020).
1. A, R., 2020. 1: What Is Corrosion? | School Of Materials Science And Engineering.
[online] Available at:
[Accessed 28 March 2020].

2. Ross, T., 2020. Cost Of Corrosion. [online] Available at:

[Accessed 45 March 2020].

3. Hou, B., Li, X., Ma, X. et al. 1, 4 2017. The cost of corrosion in China. npj Mater
Degrad <>
[Accessed 28 March 2020].
4. Grilt, B., 2020. Corrosion Impact. [online] Available at:
[Accessed 26 March 2020].

5. Writer, S., 2020. Deadly Accident at Ohio State Fair Caused By Corrosion, Says Ride
Maker. [online] Available at: <
at-ohio-state-fair-caused-by-corrosion-says-ride-maker/> [Accessed 20 March 2020].

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