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Sl. No. Particulars Details

1 Name of the Student Dipesh Kumar Sah
2 Register No. MB187229
3 Name of the Organization
4 Name and details of Co
Guide in the Organization
5 Proposed dissertation area Finance
(Mention your area of
6 Changes incorporated as No Changes
per Review

Student’s Signature:



Sl. No. Particulars

1 Name of the Student Dipesh Kumar Sah

2 Registration Number MB187229

3 Name of College Guide Bharath M

4 Name and contact no of the Co-

Guide/External Guide
5 Title of the Dissertation A Study on Perspective of Institutional Investors’
Towards Corporate Bond Market in Nepal
6 Brief note on Introduction of the Bond is regarded as one of the major instruments
Topic (100 words)
of debt in company's capital structure. Corporate
bonds are different from that of preference and
common stock. Bonds are fixed income securities,
which are entitled to fixed interest as agreed by
issuer and holder.
In context of Nepal, the history of security market
is not so long. Among few of the securities,
common stock seems very popular. Nepalese
security market is largely dominated by common
stock. For fixed income securities like bonds and
debentures there is very little priority, or we can
say close to nil. Bond as a long-term investment
alternative is quite popular all over the world.
However, Nepalese investors never saw bond as
priority for their investment alternative. There
might be several factors behind Nepalese investors
not being attracted toward corporate bonds. This
study aims to examine factors that influence
institutional investor to invest in bond market and
other securities.
7 Progress report : A brief note reflecting
7.1 Number of meeting with

7.2 Places visited NA

7.3 Libraries visited Visited Digital Libraries namely:

1. J-Gate (Dissertations and Theses)
2. Shodhganga – National repository of research
synopsis (www.
3. Shodhganga – National repository of Indian
Theses (www.
4. National Digital Library
7.4 Books referred 1. Bond Markets, Analysis and strategies
2. Fundamentals of the Bond Market (McGraw-
3. Prospect of Debenture and Market Growth in
Nepal (Bhattarai, 2005)
4. Exchangeable Debt Financial Management
(Barber.A, 1999)
7.5 Meeting with persons With respected to the study:
Persons meet through Email / Mobile / Web Meet /
Video Conference etc

7.6 Activities taken up 1. Preparation of theoretical perspective.

2. Review the literatures namely published or
unpublished project / dissertation / journal / theses
1. Finalization of Key variables (Dependent and
Intendent variable)
2. Planning sample techniques to collect the data.
3. Framing structured questionnaire for pilot study
7.7 Preparations done for 1. Finalization of Key variables ( Dependent and
collection and analysis of data Intendent variable)
etc.,) 2. Planning sample techniques to collect the data.
3. Framing structured questionnaire for pilot study

Date: 6th May 2020

Signature of the Candidate Signature of the College Guide

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