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wresn0x0 Vegan Hue cheese that tastes lke the real ene! Vad using racitenal cheese making techniques ancl only 4 ingredients. A ‘Vegan Bho Cheese- Fllof Plans Vegan Blue Cheese ‘creamy, sharpand song cheose kk KKH Viel: 4 Cheeses INGREDIENTS Soups raw cashews 2 teeprotined coconutail Scapsules vegan grotiotes (Acidophilus) “V8 tspliquid pniilium roquefort (or 1/16 tsp powdered) 5 tesptitwred water sen salt INSTRUCTIONS He DAY BEFORE ‘Soak the cashews in fiteed water fr atleast hours or overnight. FORMING THE CHEESE Drain the cashews and place them ina large giass bowl. Bring a large potof water toa toil. Once baling, pour the water direct onto the cashews. Letsit 1-2 minutes and drain he cashews again. This stp ull helpkil possitie bactrias Transfer the cashews to the boul ofa Hendler or food processor. Add the coconut ol and 5 ‘tablespoons of ftered water. Blend on high speed, seraping down the sides fom ime to ime, this stepmight mke about 10 minutes depencing on your ender. Yeu should geta smooth, hick mixture (Open the protiote capsules and add the powder t the ender. [Add the pencil roqueters. Hf your pencilum roqueterd isin powdered form it works the same way as the liquid one. Blend for another 10-15 seconds. ‘The misure should be smooth fit hick. Headed, acd 1 taespoon of water ata tmeunsl smooth. Do notadd too much water, you wanttp use atleastas possitie, Transfer» clean boul, cover with last fim and let sit at room tem perature for one day, this stpis important lathe cheose ferment ‘The folowing day, ace fhe bow! in fe retigerator for about 4 hours to make fhe mixture easier © work wit ‘Afr that line a baking sheet or fat ate with parchment paper. Place 4 small sringferm pans on top (fr each cheese Iused two Zinch cookie cutter rounds, stacked). CCutstips of parchment paper and lay them in 4 small sringform pans. You want © cover te totem and sides of fhe pan. You can also Use plastic fim if you prefer, he goals 1 prevent he cashew mixture fom fouching fhe metal. Fil each pan wit the mixtre and press it down using paste fim so itdoasn't sok to your hand. Cover each cheese with boul, or Hastc container. This stapis essental © keep some humidity inside, i's important for ood mold growth. Place the cheeses in your reigerater (you will age he cheeses covered your retigarater during he whole aging process AGING mp /ielifplantscom/ vga lve cheesepnv6679/ 1s wren0x0 ‘Vegan Blue Cheese- Fullof Plans Fipthe cheeses every chy, slwaye ute clean hands or work witha plaste fim to be sure you are not wuching the cheese. ‘Mold should stat to appear after about7 days. ‘Afr 2 weeks, seramHle the cheeses int litte fiaces (ust ike when you seramte toi) into ‘clean tow. Lay svips of parchment paparin syringform pans and fl each gan wit the seramHled cheese, witout pressing too much. This steps important to create heles inside he cheese, ‘he mold needs 1 bein contact wit airte grow. Yeu can remove the cheeses from the stringform pans right afr shaping them. Place fhe cheeses on the baking sheet, cover with Haste tox and place in the refigeratr Continue w fipthe cheeses every day or he next3 weeks, always using clean hands or loves. This steponly takes a few seconds every ay [Afr aol of 5 weeks, he inside and the outside of your cheeses willbe covered with Hue ‘mold. They wil be ready to eat! ‘The longer you lat fem age in the rafigeratr, he syonger fhe ast ‘The cheese will keep or atleast? mont in te rotigerater and wil hacome frmer and sharper NOTES ‘The size of he pans have no real importance, u NUTRITION Serving Size: 1M of cheese (about 1c:) Calories: 95 Sugar: 19 RESOURCES Howto start your ov food blog Vegan cheese recipes shop ABOUT About me +Contact FAQ) Privacy Policy FOLLOW ME HOnYa imps /ielifplatscom/ vega ve cheesenv6679/ what you have on hand, Fat: 8.59 Carbohydrates: Sg Fiber:0.09 Protein: 329 wresn0x0 imps /ielifplatscom/ vega ve cheesenv6679/ 38

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