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Quaternary International 138-139 (2005) 202–219

The depression of tropical snowlines at the last glacial maximum:

What can we learn from climate model experiments?
Masa Kageyamaa,, Sandy P. Harrisonb,c, Ayako Abe-Ouchid,e
Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement (LSCE/IPSL), CE Saclay, L’Orme des Merisiers, Bâtiment 701,
F-91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex, France
Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Postbox 100164, D-07701 Jena, Germany
School of Geographical Sciences, University of Bristol, University Road, Bristol BS8 1SS, UK
Centre for Climate System Research, University of Tokyo, 4-6-1 Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8904, Japan
Frontier Research System for Global Change, Showa-cho, Kanazawa-ku, Yokohama 236-0001, Japan


Analyses of simulations of the last glacial maximum (LGM) made with 17 atmospheric general circulation models (AGCMs)
participating in the Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project, and a high-resolution (T106) version of one of the models
(CCSR1), show that changes in the elevation of tropical snowlines (as estimated by the depression of the maximum altitude of the
0 1C isotherm) are primarily controlled by changes in sea-surface temperatures (SSTs). The correlation between the two variables,
averaged for the tropics as a whole, is 95%, and remains 480% even at a regional scale. The reduction of tropical SSTs at the LGM
results in a drier atmosphere and hence steeper lapse rates. Changes in atmospheric circulation patterns, particularly the weakening
of the Asian monsoon system and related atmospheric humidity changes, amplify the reduction in snowline elevation in the northern
tropics. Colder conditions over the tropical oceans combined with a weakened Asian monsoon could produce snowline lowering
of up to 1000 m in certain regions, comparable to the changes shown by observations. Nevertheless, such large changes are not
typical of all regions of the tropics. Analysis of the higher resolution CCSR1 simulation shows that differences between the free
atmospheric and along-slope lapse rate can be large, and may provide an additional factor to explain regional variations in observed
snowline changes.
r 2005 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction temperature (see e.g. Stocker et al., 2001). The CLIMAP

(1981) global reconstruction of sea-surface temperatures
1.1. LGM tropical surface temperatures, snowlines and (SSTs), which has been used to prescribe ocean
lapse rates conditions in most atmospheric general circulation
model (AGCM) simulations of the LGM, indicated
One of the most persistent obstacles to understanding that the mean LGM cooling across the tropical oceans
the climate of the last glacial maximum (LGM, ca was less than 1 1C. Rind and Peteet (1985) argued that
21,000 calendar yr B.P.) has been the issue of quantify- climate models could not allow such small changes in
ing the cooling of the tropics. This issue is important tropical SSTs and simultaneously produce the cooling of
because the energy transfer from the equator to the 5 1C to 6 1C inferred from snowline depression on
poles is fundamental to the maintenance of the atmo- tropical mountains. Studies using single-cell tropical
spheric and oceanic circulation regimes, and there is climate models reached the same conclusion (Betts and
disagreement about the extent to which negative feed- Ridgway, 1992; Greene et al., 2002). What was unclear
backs could buffer the tropics against changes in was whether this mismatch reflected errors in the SST
reconstructions, errors in the interpretation of snowline
Corresponding author. data, limitations in the geographical representativeness

1040-6182/$ - see front matter r 2005 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.
M. Kageyama et al. / Quaternary International 138-139 (2005) 202–219 203

of the available snowline data, or problems in the reconstructed from pollen data by Farrera et al. (1999)
models themselves. There could have been problems are consistent with snowline evidence can be evaluated
with the original climate simulations because atmo- using the new compilation of snowline data presented in
spheric processes in the tropical belt, such as deep this volume (Mark et al., 2005). Our aim in this paper is
convection, are among the most difficult to simulate and somewhat different, namely to assess whether the
their representation in climate models still represents a changes in lapse rate inferred from the palaeoenviron-
major source of uncertainty in climate prediction mental evidence are present in climate-model simula-
(Houghton et al., 2001). However, research during the tions, and if so to investigate the physical mechanisms
last two decades has produced substantially revised that produce these changes.
estimates of both oceanic and terrestrial climates, and
also revised reconstructions and interpretations of LGM 1.2. Tropical lapse rates today
snowlines as summarised in the papers in this volume.
Recent estimates of tropical SSTs based on alkenone The vertical structure of the tropical atmosphere
unsaturation ratios in marine sediments suggest that the today is characterised by absolute values of annual
mean zonal cooling in the tropics at the LGM was mean lapse rate in the lower troposphere (below
somewhere between 2 1C and 3 1C (Rosell-Melé et altitudes of around 5000 m) smaller than 6 1C/km,
al., 1998; Sonzogni et al., 1998; Mix et al., 1999). These values that are typical of a moist environment (Fig. 1).
reconstructions are consistent with estimates of tropical Higher in the troposphere, the absolute values of annual
cooling at sea level based on pollen reconstructions from mean lapse rate increase towards the dry adiabatic value
lowland (o1500 m above present sea level) sites (Farrera of 9.8 1C/km. This shift is related to the formation of
et al., 1999). The Farrera et al. (1999) data compilation cumulonimbus clouds and their related downdraughts
suggested that the changes in lowland temperature were result in dry air being carried from the high troposphere
accompanied in some regions by a steepening in lapse downward (Peixoto and Oort, 1992). In the generally
rates, and that these changes in regional lapse rate might drier climate of the LGM, in which the hydrological
go some way to explaining the large changes in cycle was reduced and the amount and distribution of
temperature at still higher altitudes inferred from clouds were substantially different from the modern
snowline changes (Rind and Peteet, 1985; Broecker situation, several mechanisms could explain steeper
and Denton, 1990; Porter, 2001). In a companion paper lapse rates (in absolute values) between sea level and
based on analyses of a suite of climate-model experi- the typical altitude of the tropical glaciers (ca 4000 to
ments, Pinot et al. (1999) pointed out that the simulated 6000 m a.s.l.). As the atmosphere becomes drier, the
cooling over the tropics at the LGM was 1.3 times larger lapse rate in the lower troposphere would be expected to
over tropical land than over the tropical ocean. This increase towards the dry adiabatic value. Even if the
feature, which is also evident from palaeo-reconstruc- lapse rate in the lower troposphere remained unchanged,
tions, can be seen as a manifestation of a lapse rate a downward shift in the transition between the moister
change at the LGM. Whether the changes in lapse rate and the drier zone would also result in steeper lapse

Altitude (km)

-30 -15 0 15 30

-7.5 -7.25 -7.0 -6.75 -6.5 -6.25 -6.0 -5.75 -5.5 -5.25 -5.0 -4.75 -4.5 -4.25

Fig. 1. Annual mean lapse rate in the tropics (in 1C/km) as a function of latitude and altitude, as computed from the NCEP Reanalysis data (Kalnay
et al., 1996).
204 M. Kageyama et al. / Quaternary International 138-139 (2005) 202–219

rates at the typical elevation of tropical glaciers. Both at the LGM. Specifically, the data are insufficient to
these mechanisms could result in apparently steeper reconstruct free atmospheric lapse rates at individual
lapse rates in the lower troposphere and produce larger grid points across the tropics; they are only sufficient to
temperature changes at high altitudes than at sea level. permit reconstructions of zonally averaged lapse rates.
Furthermore, there have been considerable improve-
1.3. Objectives of this paper ments in climate models and computing facilities since
the PMIP experiments were run. One of these improve-
The first objective of the present paper is to analyse the ments is the possibility to run models at much higher
snowline depressions simulated by the AGCMs run in the resolution. We have therefore analysed results from a
first phase of the Palaeoclimate Modelling Intercompar- high-resolution (T106, 1.125 1 in longitude and latitude)
ison Project (PMIP, Joussaume and Taylor, 2000). Within version of one of the PMIP models, CCSR1 (Namaguti
this project, 17 models were run under the same protocols et al., 1997). Even at this resolution, some of the tropical
(same boundary conditions, same parameters for insola- mountains are not high enough to be perennially snow-
tion, same trace gas concentrations) for the LGM. covered but the improved resolution enables us to use
Comparison of these simulations therefore allows a output from the high-resolution model to answer two
rigorous evaluation of the uncertainty due to differences questions: first, are there large regional departures from
in model configuration. We use the PMIP simulations to the behaviour detected from the zonal averages available
address some of the questions raised above: Are in the PMIP database? Second: are there differences
temperature changes larger at high altitudes in the between the lapse rate computed from the simulated
atmosphere than at the surface? Are there corresponding surface temperatures along mountain slopes (i.e. the
changes in the atmospheric lapse rate and if so, at which along-slope lapse rate) and the free atmospheric lapse
altitude? Are the latter changes related to atmospheric rate?
changes in humidity (as could be expected from the fact
that the LGM is thought to have been generally drier)? In
these first analyses, we only consider free atmosphere 2. Results from the PMIP experiments
temperature and humidity. This is mostly for practical
reasons: the PMIP models were run at low resolution The Last Glacial Maximum was one of the foci of the
(typically ca 51 in longitude and latitude, reaching 2.8 1 for first phase of the Palaeoclimate Modelling Intercompar-
the highest resolution models). The spatially-smoothed ison Project (Joussaume and Taylor, 2000) and a
topography in the models can never reach the altitudes at number of simulations are available for analysis. The
which tropical glaciers typically grow, and thus it is not LGM simulations (Table 1) were defined by changes
possible to make a direct comparison between simulated in orbital parameters, the imposition of LGM ice
surface temperatures and observations of equilibrium sheets and sea-level changes, and low atmospheric
snowline altitudes. CO2 concentration (see Pinot et al., 1999 and
The data stored in the PMIP database are insufficient http://www-lsce.cea.fr/pmip/ for details of the experi-
to investigate all aspects of tropical snowline depression mental design). Orbital parameters for 1950 A.D. were

Table 1
Models taking part in the Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project LGM exercise

Model Abbreviation used in this paper Resolution SSTs Data used in this study

CCC2.0 ccc2.0 T32, L10 fix/cal Yes/yes

CCM1 ccm1 R15, L12 cal Yes
CCSR1 ccsr1 T21, L20 fix Yes
ECHAM3 echam3 T42, L19 fix Yes
Genesis1 — R15, L12 cal No
Genesis2 gen2 T31, L18 fix/cal Yes/yes
GFDL gfdl R30, L20 cal Yes
LMCELMD4 — sin(lat)  7.5 1, L11 fix/cal No/no
LMCELMD5 — sin(lat)  5.6 1, L11 fix No
MRI2 mri2 4 1  5 1, L15 fix/cal Yes/yes
UGAMP ugamp T42, L19 fix/cal Yes/yes
UKMO ukmo 2.5 1  3.5 1, L19 cal Yes

The first term in column 3 gives horizontal resolution and the second term the number of levels (L) in the atmosphere. The fourth column identifies
whether the simulation was run with prescribed SSTs (fix) or whether the SSTs were computed by the model (cal). Models whose results have not
been used in the present study (no in column 5) were excluded because the necessary data was missing from the PMIP database.
M. Kageyama et al. / Quaternary International 138-139 (2005) 202–219 205

specified in the modern control experiment and were 6000 Control

specified following Berger (1978) for the LGM. Ice-sheet 5500 mri2fix
extent and height were prescribed according to Peltier 5000

(1994). The atmospheric CO2 concentration was lowered echam3fix
4500 ccsr1fix
to conform approximately to ice core data (Raynaud et gen2cal
al., 1993). In models where the control simulation was 4000
run with a CO2 concentration of 345 ppm, the LGM 3500
CO2 concentration was set to 200 ppm. In models where gfdlcal
3000 ukmocal
the control simulation used a different CO2 concentra- 0 NCEP
LGM Control
tion, the LGM CO2 concentration was set to 200/345 of -200

the control CO2 concentration.


Two sets of LGM experiments were made, with diffe-
rent sets of models (Table 1). In the first set (designated -600
by the code ‘‘fix’’ in Table 1), seasonal changes in sea- -800
surface temperatures (SSTs) and sea-ice distribution -1000
were imposed based on the CLIMAP (1981) data set. In
the second set of experiments (designated by the code 2
‘‘cal’’ in Table 1), SSTs were calculated using a mixed- 1 LGM Control

layer ocean model coupled to the atmospheric model. 0
Some modelling groups performed both experiments, -1
thus making it possible to assess the impact of the
mixed-layer ocean model on the simulated climate -4
(Pinot et al., 1999). In all but one of the mixed-layer -5
ocean experiments, the simulated SSTs were lower than -6
reconstructed by CLIMAP. From the atmospheric point -7
-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30
of view, one can therefore interpret these runs as Latitude
sensitivity experiments to lower SSTs.
Fig. 2. Top: maximum altitude reached by the 0 1C isotherm during a
The PMIP database contains air temperature data on seasonal cycle, computed from zonally averaged temperatures from
a longitude-latitude grid at the 850 hPa and 200 hPa land and ocean points in the control (modern) simulation for each of
levels in the atmosphere. Using only these two levels to the PMIP models. The observed position of this isotherm, derived
compute a lapse rate would result in an overestimation from the NCEP Reanalysis data set, is shown for comparison. The
dashed black line labelled ‘NCEP2d’ shows the zonal average of the
of the lapse rate in the lower troposphere because of the
maximum altitude of the 0 1C isotherm computed for each point on the
structure shown in Fig. 1: the larger values of the lapse NCEP ReAnalyses grid (for comparison with the value computed from
rate for the upper troposphere (above 5000 m) would the zonally averaged temperatures). Middle: the simulated change in
bias its estimate under this altitude, and this is precisely the position of the maximum 0 1C isotherm between LGM and today
the lapse rate we are interested in. Temperature data are (LGM-Control). The results for ccm1cal do not cover the 20–30 1N
latitude band because the original data in the PMIP database is
available for multiple levels in the atmosphere, but only
masked. Bottom: change (LGM-CTRL) in the SST of the warmest
as zonal averages for each latitude band. These zonal month for each model.
averages are based on both land and ocean grid cells.
For each model, we therefore computed the simulated
altitude of the 0 1C isotherm and the lapse rate from 2.1. Snowline elevation in the modern (control) and
the zonal average temperatures at 15 pressure levels LGM simulations
provided in the PMIP database. We have checked
that the altitude of the 0 1C isotherm computed from We assume that the position of the snowline can be
the zonal averages of temperature (solid black line on approximated as the highest altitude of the 0 1C
Fig. 2a) are similar to the zonal average of the altitude isotherm during the year. This is justified by the fact
of the 0 1C isotherm using the NCEP Reanalysis data that under modern conditions, the glacier equilibrium
(dashed black line on Fig. 2a, labelled NCEP2d), for line altitude is highly correlated with the summer
which we have three-dimensional fields (Kalnay et al., freezing height (Greene et al., 2002). According to
1996). Conversions from pressure to altitude levels the NCEP Reanalysis data (Kalnay et al., 1996) the
were calculated using the 850, 500 and 200 hPa zonal average position of this isotherm today (black
geopotential heights available in the database. Some line, Fig. 2) lies at ca 4900 m above sea level in the
models did not archive all of the necessary data to equatorial band (10 1N–10 1S). However, as the three-
make even these calculations; our analyses are therefore dimensional fields show (Fig. 3) there is some spatial
based on a subset of 12 of the 17 PMIP simulations (see variation within this band: the isotherm is lower over the
Table 1). Pacific Ocean and higher over Africa. South of 10 1S, the
206 M. Kageyama et al. / Quaternary International 138-139 (2005) 202–219












-180 -120 -60 0 60 120

4200.0 4400.0 4600.0 4800.0 5000.0 5200.0 5400.0 5600.0 5800.0

Fig. 3. Highest altitude reached by the 0 1C isotherm in the NCEP Reanalysis data (Kalnay et al., 1996).

zonal average position of the 0 1C isotherm remains at decrease in the elevation of the 0 1C isotherm across
ca 4900 m a.s.l. until ca 18 1S and then descends steeply the northern tropics, unlike the observations. In the case
to ca 4500 m a.s.l. by 30 1S (Fig. 2). At this latitude, it of gen2cal, this reflects the fact that the simulated Asian
can be as low as 4200 m locally. In the northern tropics, monsoon is rather weak. In the case of ccm1cal, the
north of 10 1N, the zonal average position of the 0 1C monsoon is as strong as in the other models but because
isotherm is at ca 4800 m and there is apparently no the simulated tropical climate is colder and drier in this
change with increasing latitude (Fig. 2). In reality, there model there is probably less latent heat transport
are considerable longitudinal differences in the altitude towards the northern tropics than in other models.
of the 0 1C isotherm in the northern tropics (Fig. 3). Nevertheless, most of the models reproduce the ob-
Over the Pacific, the Atlantic and Africa, the altitude of served broad pattern of change with latitude, and this
the 0 1C isotherm decreases with latitude in a fashion suggests that it is reasonable to use the model results to
comparable to the changes shown in the southern examine the simulated change in the position of the 0 1C
tropics. However, the isotherm lies at considerably isotherm between LGM and present.
higher elevations over Asia (ca 5600 m a.s.l.) than The PMIP models with prescribed SSTs (results
elsewhere in the topics. The abnormally high elevation represented by solid lines) produce a depression of the
of the 0 1C isotherm over Asia is a result of latent and 0 1C isotherm between LGM and present of 200–300 m
sensible heat transfers associated with the Asian within the equatorial zone (10 1S–10 1N, Fig. 2, middle).
monsoon and the surface radiative balance over the The simulated lowering of the isotherm decreases
high elevation regions of the Tibetan Plateau and the southwards, tending to zero by 30 1S. Conversely, most
Himalayas. The fact that in zonal average the 0 1C models indicate that the lowering of the 0 1C isotherm in
isotherm maximum value does not decrease in the the northern tropics is greater than in the equatorial
northern tropics compared to the latitudes nearer to the band. AGCMs coupled to a mixed-layer ocean (results
equator is therefore due to the Asian monsoon and the represented by dashed lines) tend to produce colder
high elevation of the Himalayas and the Tibetan tropical SSTs than the fixed SST simulations (Fig. 2,
Plateau, which compensate for the latitude effect. bottom and Pinot et al., 1999) and hence produce larger
Most of the PMIP models reproduce the zonal tropical cooling and larger depressions of the 0 1C
average altitude of the 0 1C isotherm reasonably well isotherm. The larger the simulated cooling in tropical
(7200 m) and also the pattern of change with latitude SSTs, the larger the depression of the 0 1C isotherm (see
(Fig. 2, top). Two models produce less realistic estimates Fig. 2, bottom and Fig. 4, top, for averages over the
of the modern position of the 0 1C isotherm: echam3fix whole tropics). Thus, the simulated average depression
is too warm in the tropics and hence the simulated of the 0 1C isotherm in the tropics ranges from 250 m
altitude of the 0 1C isotherm in the equatorial zone is ca (mri2fix, which produces a tropical cooling of ca 1 1C) to
500 m higher than observed, and ccm1cal is too cold and more than 800 m (ccc2.0cal, which produces a tropical
the simulated altitude of the 0 1C isotherm in the cooling of ca 3.5 1C). The correlation coefficient between
equatorial zone is ca 900 m lower than observed. Two the two variables (calculated using both fixed and
of the models (gen2cal, ccm1cal) show a gradual computed SST experiments) is 95%. The relationship
M. Kageyama et al. / Quaternary International 138-139 (2005) 202–219 207

oceanic conditions of the southern tropics and to the dry
mri2fix adiabatic in the land-dominated conditions of the
-200 echam3fix northern tropics.
0 degC isotherm altitude
(in m, LGM - CTRL)

Nevertheless, the simulated changes in the position of
-400 mri2cal the 0 1C isotherm in the northern tropics are larger than
would be expected solely from consideration of the
-600 ccm1cal changes in SSTs. The fixed SST experiments show
ukmocal changes in the position of the 0 1C isotherm of between
-800 200 and 500 m, while the calculated SST experiments
y = -89 +188 * x, R2 = 95% show changes of up to 1000 m in the northern tropics
-1000 (Fig. 2). We postulate that this reflects the importance of
-4 -3 -2 -1 0
(a) SST (in degC, LGM - CTRL)
atmospheric circulation (and specifically the Asian
monsoon circulation) in determining the location of
250 snowline in the northern hemisphere tropics. Specific
humidity at 200 hPa (upper troposphere) can be
200 considered as a signature of specific humidity in the
whole tropospheric column and is a good indicator of
slope m/degC

150 the strength of the convective systems in the ITCZ and

the Asian monsoon. Here we show specific humidity in
100 summer (June, July, August) because this season
corresponds to the time of warmest temperatures in
50 the northern hemisphere warmest temperatures and the
climax of the Asian monsoon. The June–July–August
0 specific humidity fields (Fig. 5), and also the 200 hPa
-30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
(b) latitude (degN)
velocity potential fields (not shown), show that the
Asian monsoon is consistently weaker than today in all
Fig. 4. Top: warmest month SST change in the tropics (30N–30S) vs. the prescribed SST experiments for the LGM. This is
mean change of the maximum altitude of the 0 1C isotherm. Bottom: not true for all of the computed SST experiments. It
sensitivity of the maximum altitude of the 0 1C isotherm to the SST, in
m/1C (slope of the linear relationship between the anomaly in the
appears from the specific humidity anomalies (Fig. 5),
maximum altitude of the 0 1C isotherm and the warmest SST and also from the 200 hPa velocity potential fields, that
anomaly). The results are given as a function of latitude, the linear the location of the typical Asian monsoon circulation is
regression being computed for a 15 1 wide latitude band centred at the displaced relative to the modern situation in the
given latitude. computed SST experiments. The interactions between
atmospheric circulation and SSTs do not necessarily
between the average tropical ocean cooling of the result in the weakening of the monsoon over southeast
warmest month and the maximum freezing height Asia. However, the models which do show a large
lowering from CTRL to LGM is, to first order, linear. decrease in specific humidity over southeast Asia are
Regional differences in the elevation of the 0 1C those which have the largest depression in the 0 1C
isotherm also appear to reflect regional differences in the isotherm north of 10 1N (e.g. ccm1cal and mri2cal,
change in SSTs. We have examined the correlation Fig. 2). The weakening of the monsoon implies a
between these two variables for 12 latitude bands (where reduction of the heat and moisture transport inland. The
the values for each latitude are calculated on the basis of former implies a decrease in temperature over southeast
a 15 1 wide band centred on that latitude) using Asia. The latter implies a reduction of humidity during
latitudinal averages from all of the 17 PMIP models the warmest months of the year and therefore an
(i.e. both fixed and calculated SST experiments). The increase in the absolute values of the lapse rate.
correlation between the two variables is always 484%.
However, the slope of the relationship varies with 2.2. Changes in temperature and free atmospheric lapse
latitude (Fig. 4, bottom). Broadly speaking, the eleva- rates
tion of the 0 1C isotherm decreases by ca 200 m with
every 1 1C reduction in SSTs in the southern hemisphere We have shown that the maximum freezing height
tropics while in the northern hemisphere tropics, a 1 1C simulated under LGM boundary conditions were lower
reduction in SSTs produces a smaller (ca 125 m) by 200–900 m compared to their modern counterparts.
decrease in elevation. These values are close to the wet Understanding these changes in terms of the forcing at
adiabatic and dry adiabatic values respectively, reflect- the surface (i.e. SSTs in the tropics) involves studying
ing the fact that atmospheric lapse rates are expected to the vertical structure of the atmosphere during the
be closer to the wet adiabatic in the predominantly month for which the freezing level is highest, i.e. during
208 M. Kageyama et al. / Quaternary International 138-139 (2005) 202–219

15 ukmo

echam3 15 ccm1

ccsr1 15 gfdl

ugamp 15 ugamp

mri2 15 mri2

gen2 15 gen2

ccc2.0 15 ccc2.0
-180 -120 -60 0 60 120 180 -180 -120 -60 0 60 120 180

-0.12 -0.10 -0.08 -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0.00 0.02

Fig. 5. 200 hPa (upper troposphere) specific humidity anomalies (in g/kg) between the LGM and the CTRL experiments for the boreal summer
season (June, July, August). Left-hand column: fixed SST experiments; right-hand column: computed SST experiments.

the warmest month. Changes in the zonal mean prescribed SST simulations, the temperature changes are
temperature of the warmest month (LGM minus indeed larger at higher altitudes than at the surface, but
control) as a function of latitude and altitude in the the difference is only 1 to 1.5 1C. The mixed-layer
fixed SST simulations are similar for all the models: the ocean models (with the exception of ugampcal) simulate
cooling is smallest to the south (usually smaller than colder temperatures at the surface and in the upper
1 1C) and at low levels and become gradually larger troposphere (Fig. 6, right-hand column) than the fixed
upwards and northwards (Fig. 6, left-hand column). The SST simulations. However, the difference between the
largest cooling (ca 4 1C) in the fixed SST simulations surface cooling and the cooling at 5000 m (about 2 1C) is
therefore occurs near the 10 km level in the equatorial not significantly larger than in the fixed SST experi-
region or the northern tropics. At the altitude of the ments. This finding reinforces the idea that the mean
tropical glaciers, at around 5000 m, the temperature temperature changes at the altitude of the tropical
changes range from smaller than 1 1C in the southern glaciers are largely controlled by the temperature
tropics to 3 1C in the northern tropics. Thus, in the changes at the surface.
M. Kageyama et al. / Quaternary International 138-139 (2005) 202–219 209

8.0 ukmo

echam3 8.0 ccm1


ccsr1 8.0 gfdl


ugamp 8.0 ugamp


mri2 8.0 mri2


gen2 8.0 gen2

ccc2.0 8.0 ccc2.0
-30 -15 30 15 0 -30 -15 30 15 0

-7.5 -7.0 -6.5 -6.0 -5.5 -5.0 -4.5 -4.0 -3.5 -3.0 -2.5 -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0

Fig. 6. Changes in zonal mean temperature of the warmest month (LGM-CTRL) for the PMIP experiments with prescribed SSTs. Left-hand
column: fixed SST experiments; right-hand column: computed SST experiments.

Direct comparison of the changes in the warmest lapse rate of the warmest month is larger (ca 0.6 to
month lapse rates (we have computed the lapse rates for 0.7 1C) than this average value: the northern tropics,
every latitude, altitude, and month and have selected, usually below 5000 m and the equatorial zone at
for every latitude and altitude, the lapse rate of the altitudes higher than 6000 m.
warmest month) provides a test of this idea. As was The simulated weakening of the Asian monsoon has a
inferred from the differences in the zonal mean strong effect on atmospheric humidity in the prescribed
temperatures of the warmest month, the absolute value SST experiments (Fig. 8). The specific humidity of the
of the free atmospheric lapse rate decreases for nearly all warmest month decreases in the northern tropics around
models, in prescribed as well as in computed SST 15 1N and below 5000–6000 m. The width of the latitude
experiments (Fig. 7). This decrease is of order 0.2 to band in which this drying occurs is model-dependent,
0.3 1C/km (ca. 4%), which is consistent with the but is larger than 101. The same behaviour can be
difference in the simulated cooling of around 1 1C observed for relative humidity (not shown), though the
between the surface and an altitude of 5000 m. There are reduction in relative humidity is registered to somewhat
two regions where the decrease in the free atmospheric higher elevation than the reductions in specific humidity.
210 M. Kageyama et al. / Quaternary International 138-139 (2005) 202–219

8.0 ukmo

echam3 8.0 ccm1

ccsr1 8.0 gfdl
ugamp 8.0 ugamp
mri2 8.0 mri2
gen2 8.0 gen2
ccc2.0 8.0 ccc2.0
-30 -15 30 15 0 -30 -15 30 15 0

-8.0 -7.0 -6.0 -5.0 -4.0 -3.0 -2.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0

Fig. 7. Difference (LGM-CTRL) in the zonally averaged free atmospheric lapse rate of the warmest month (1C/km). The scale corresponds to this
difference multiplied by 10. Left-hand column: fixed SST experiments; right-hand column: computed SST experiments.

Specific humidity does not decrease in the zone where computed SST experiments do show a reduction in
the cooling is strongest (compare with Fig. 6) but rather the strength of the Asian monsoon, and a concomitant
around 15 1N, consistent with our interpretation that reduction in specific humidity of the warmest month,
changes in the monsoon are responsible for this. in most of the models the decrease in humidity is related
The situation is different for the computed SST to the simulated decrease in tropical SSTs (which is
experiments. In these experiments (Fig. 8), the specific large compared to the CLIMAP data used to force the
humidity of the warmest month decreases over a much fixed SST experiments). The SST-induced decrease in
wider range of latitudes. In the coldest models (ccm1cal, humidity indicates that changes in the free atmosphere
ccc2.0cal), specific humidity decreases over the whole of could be as important as changes in the monsoon
the tropics and there is no distinct signal associated with in explaining changes in tropical lapse rates. However,
changes in the monsoon in the zonal averages, although three-dimensional fields are necessary to investigate
some changes do appear in the 200 hPa boreal summer the separate effects of SST cooling and monsoon
specific humidity (Fig. 5). Although some of the weakening.
M. Kageyama et al. / Quaternary International 138-139 (2005) 202–219 211

8.0 ukmo
echam3 8.0 ccm1
ccsr1 8.0 gfdl

ugamp 8.0 ugamp

mri2 8.0 mri2
gen2 8.0 gen2
ccc2.0 8.0 ccc2.0
-30 -15 30 15 0 -30 -15 30 15 0

-3.0 -2.75 -2.5 -2.25 -2.0 -1.75 -1.5 -1.25 -1.0 -0.75 -0.5 -0.25 0.0 0.25 0.5 0.75

Fig. 8. Difference (LGM-CTRL) in the zonally averaged specific humidity of the warmest month. Left-hand column: fixed SST experiments; right-
hand column: computed SST experiments.

The simulated patterns in the drying of the atmo- However, there are two mechanisms that can amplify
sphere explain the changes in lapse rate plotted on the depression: (1) the reduction in tropical SSTs at the
Fig. 7: those models that simulate a drier atmosphere LGM is responsible for a drier atmosphere, and
due to a weakened Asian monsoon (prescribed SST therefore slightly higher atmospheric lapse rates; (2)
models and ugampcal, mri2cal) simulate a steeper lapse when the Asian monsoon is weakened, as is the case in
rate at altitudes lower than 6 km and north of 15 1N. the prescribed SST simulations and some of the
Models (ccm1cal, ccc2.0cal) that simulate a drier atmo- calculated SST simulations, then the lapse rate increases
sphere over the whole tropics, because of colder SSTs, in the northern tropics. The differences among the
simulate a steeper lapse rate over most of the tropics for various computed SST simulations (Fig. 2) also show
all altitudes above 4 km. that there is considerable scope for regional differences
In summary, the PMIP simulations show that to first in snowline depression. The simulations can produce
order, the simulated depression of the 0 1C maximum a lowering of the 0 1C isotherm of up to 800 m in
isotherm is forced by the reduction in tropical SSTs. the equatorial zone and southern tropics, and up to
212 M. Kageyama et al. / Quaternary International 138-139 (2005) 202–219

1000 m in the northern tropics, consistent with the resolved in the high resolution model than in the low
estimates of large (ca. 1000 m) snowline lowering at resolution version (Fig. 9). Mountain chains, such as the
the LGM shown by observations in some regions. Thus, Andes, are much more sharply defined, while the
the simulations support the idea that snowline changes maximum altitude of mountain blocks like the Hima-
of this magnitude are physically plausible and consistent layas and the Tibetan Plateau is more realistic. The
with known boundary conditions for the LGM. maximum resolution of the Himalayas and the Tibetan
Plateau is o4000 m in the low resolution version of the
model, but is 45500 m in the high resolution version.
3. Results from a high-resolution atmospheric general The higher resolution also means that there are more
circulation model grid points representing the tropical mountains. Thus, it
is possible to examine how air temperature varies along
3.1. The CCSR high-resolution model the mountain slope. We use the results from the high-
resolution AGCM to examine both the geographical
The CCSR1 AGCM (Namaguti et al., 1997) was run pattern of the changes in the maximum altitude reached
at T21 resolution (ca 5.625 1 in longitude and latitude) as by the 0 1C isotherm, and to compare along-slope lapse
part of the PMIP LGM exercise. The same model has rates and free atmospheric lapse rates in the regions for
recently been run using the PMIP boundary conditions which there are snowline reconstructions.
(with fixed CLIMAP SSTs) but at the much higher Three-dimensional climatological temperature and
resolution of T106 (ca 1.125 1 in longitude and latitude). specific humidity fields were available on a monthly
The simulation is 11 years long, and the averages used in basis for our analyses. Thus, we have been able to
the present study are based on the last 10 years of the compute 0 1C isotherm altitude, free atmosphere air
experiment. temperature on altitude levels and free atmospheric
There are some differences in the formulation of the lapse rates on altitude levels on the full longitude–
model between the version used for the PMIP experi- latitude grid rather than just from zonal averages (as we
ments and the high-resolution version. The parameter- were forced to do with the PMIP experiments). This
isation of horizontal diffusion and the coefficient of allows us to determine whether there are large differ-
gravity-wave drag were changed between the two ences in behaviour within specific latitude bands, and
versions of the model to correct a known overestimation whether there are differences between free air lapse rates
of precipitation at high latitudes and in order to ensure and surface (or along-slope) lapse rates.
model stability. The primary goal of the high-resolution The high-resolution version of CCSR overestimates
LGM simulations was to produce a sufficiently realistic the maximum altitude reached by the 0 1C isotherm by
simulation of the ice-sheet mass balance for use in ice- ca 300 m compared to the NCEP Reanalysis data
sheet modelling experiments, and for this reason the (Kalnay et al., 1996) and therefore does not compare
albedo of the ice sheet was increased slightly in the as well with data as the T21 version (Fig. 10). This is
higher-resolution model compared to the lower-resolu- probably caused by the fact that parameterisations that
tion version because this was found to produce a more are important in the simulation of the tropical climate,
realistic ice-sheet mass balance for the LGM northern such as cloud convection, were not adjusted in the T106
hemisphere ice sheets. The orography is much better version of the model. However, comparison of the

60 60

30 30

0 0

-30 -30

-60 -60

-180 -120 -60 0 60 120 180 -180 -120 -60 0 60 120 180

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000

Fig. 9. Representation of orography in the CCSR1 model at T21 and T106 resolution.
M. Kageyama et al. / Quaternary International 138-139 (2005) 202–219 213

5500 ccsr1hrfix

Altitude(m) 5000




(a) -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30











-180 -120 -60 0 60 120

(b) 4200.0 4400.0 4600.0 4800.0 5000.0 5200.0 5400.0 5600.0 5800.0









-180 -150 -120 -90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 180


(c) 4200.0 4400.0 4600.0 4800.0 5000.0 5200.0 5400.0 5600.0 5800.0

Fig. 10. The top panel shows the maximum altitude of the 0 1C isotherm in the CCSR1 low- (red line) and high-resolution (green line) control
simulations compared to the observed altitude derived from the NCEP Reanalysis data (black line). The altitude of the 0 1C isotherm is computed
from the zonally averaged temperature profiles. The lower panels show the spatial patterns of the maximum altitude of the 0 1C isotherm in the
NCEP Reanalysis data (middle) and the T106 control simulation (bottom). The average difference in the 0 1C isotherm altitude between the NCEP
Reanalysis data and the model (300 m) has been subtracted from the model results. The NCEP Reanalysis data appears in Fig. 3 but is repeated here
for ease of comparison.
214 M. Kageyama et al. / Quaternary International 138-139 (2005) 202–219

spatial patterns of the maximum altitude reached by the African and Asian monsoon regions, specific humidity
0 1C isotherm in the high resolution model and in the at 200 hPa during summer (June, July, August) is
NCEP Reanalysis data suggests that the model repre- decreased at the LGM compared to present. This
sents the maximum over south-east Asia reasonably decrease implies a steeper lapse rate at LGM (not
well. The model also reproduces the longitudinal shown), which in turn helps to explain why the
patterns in the equatorial belt, with the 0 1C isotherm depression of the freezing height is larger in these
occurring at a lower level over Africa than elsewhere in regions than regions with a similar decrease in surface
the same latitude band. Thus, although the model temperature such as the northern tropical Atlantic.
overestimates the maximum height reached by the 0 1C Changes in atmospheric humidity over the Indian Ocean
isotherm in the tropics, it can be helpful to examine the between Madagascar and Australia are also larger than
spatial patterns of its changes in the LGM simulation might be expected given the local change in SSTs; again,
(Fig. 10). changes in atmospheric humidity appear to be con-
tributing to the simulated change in freezing height.
3.2. Regional patterns in the freezing height anomalies at Thus, the conclusions drawn from the PMIP simula-
LGM tions therefore remain valid in a higher resolution model
and when considering longitudinal variations: both SST
The high-resolution model produces noticeable re- anomalies and atmospheric circulation changes have an
gional patterning in the magnitude of the change in the impact on the simulated snowline depression.
0 1C isotherm (Fig. 11). Within the equatorial band
(10 1S–10 1N), the maximum elevation of this isotherm is 3.3. Free atmospheric lapse rate vs. along-slope lapse
between 100 and 400 m lower than in the control rates
simulation, with smallest changes in the western Pacific
and largest changes over eastern equatorial South We capitalise on the availability of the high-resolution
America. In the southern tropics (35–10 1S), the model to examine the difference between free atmo-
differences between the two simulations are larger: the spheric lapse rates and along-slope lapse rates. There are
maximum freezing height is ca 300–400 m lower than several reasons why the free atmospheric lapse rate and
today over the Indian Ocean but 300 m higher than the lapse rate calculated along the slope of the
today in the southwestern tropical Pacific. In the mountains could be different. For instance:
northern tropics (10–35 1N) the variations are even
larger: the 0 1C isotherm is more than 500 m lower than  The 2 m air temperature is a temperature of a layer
in the control simulation over the continents, and up to near the surface, always below the boundary layer.
800–900 m lower than today in parts of northeastern Therefore the free atmosphere temperature at an
Africa and tropical Asia. The land areas with the largest altitude z well above the surface could be different
changes in the maximum elevation of the 0 1C isotherm from the 2 m air temperature at an adjacent point
(i.e. from the Middle East through China to the Sea of whose surface is at altitude z simply because
Japan) correspond to regions over which the maximum boundary layer processes are taken into account in
elevation of the 0 1C isotherm in the control simulations the calculation of the temperature of the latter point.
is highest (Fig. 10). The decrease in freezing height is  The surface types and snow cover variations along the
also large over the northern tropical Atlantic (ca 800 m slope of a mountain can modify the energy balance at
lower than in the control) but the maximum freezing the surface. This effect cannot be taken into account
height is ca 400 m higher than today over the tropical in the computation of a free atmosphere temperature.
Pacific.  The presence of a massif modifies the atmospheric
The SST forcing (Fig. 12a) explains part of the circulation and there can be large climatic differences
geographical variation in the change of the maximum due to the exposure of the slopes to insolation and to
freezing height between the LGM and control simula- orographic winds.
tions: the regions where the maximum freezing height is
higher at LGM than today are associated with the The impact of these mechanisms on the vertical
higher-than-present SSTs depicted by CLIMAP in the variations of the temperature with altitude in the free
Pacific (i.e. the Pacific warm pool). The large depression atmosphere or along the slope has not, to our knowl-
of the maximum 0 1C isotherm over the northern edge, been previously quantified in climate simulation
tropical Atlantic reflects the colder-than-present SSTs for the LGM.
in this region. However, a similar temperature anomaly We define seven tropical regions (Table 2), as
(around 6 1C) over Asia results in a 100–200 m larger distinguished by Mark et al. (this volume) because they
snowline depression. The greater magnitude of the have a large number of palaeo-snowline estimates, for
change over Asia appears to be related to changes in this analysis. For each region (Table 2) we plot the
the specific humidity of the air column (Fig. 12b). In the warmest month 2 m air temperature in every grid cell as
M. Kageyama et al. / Quaternary International 138-139 (2005) 202–219 215





-180 -150 -120 -90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 180

-900 -800 -700 -600 -500 -400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300

Fig. 11. Change (LGM-CTRL) in the maximum altitude reached by the 0 1C isotherm in the CCSRt106 simulation.

a function of grid-cell altitude in both the control and slope lapse rates for any one massif are not equal to the
LGM simulations (Fig. 13). For each region the 2 m air free atmospheric value in the region nearby. In the
temperature decreases with increasing altitude, usually control simulations, the two lapse rates are relatively
in a linear manner. The change in 2 m air temperature close to each other for the regions of Rwenzori, Mount
between the control and LGM simulations is different Jaya, Papua New Guinea and the Himalayas (Fig. 14).
from region to region. In some regions (e.g. Mt Jaya, In other regions the along-slope lapse rates are
Bogota) there is no discernible difference in the 2 m air considerably lower than the free atmosphere lapse rates,
temperature in the two simulations. In the Himalayas indicating that surface processes are operating.
and the Central Andes, there is a significant difference in The simulated change in atmospheric lapse rate
the warmest month 2 m air temperature at low atmo- between LGM and present is usually larger over
spheric levels and this difference is projected at higher continental regions than over the ocean, except over
altitudes. In contrast, in the Rwenzori Mountains there the Rwenzori Mountains and the Central Andes where
is a clear increase in the along-slope lapse rate between the free atmospheric lapse rate is less at the LGM than
LGM and present: 2 m air temperatures are similar at ca in the control. The anomalies between the LGM and
500 m but there is a difference of more than 5 1C at control lapse rates are also different from region to
1500 m. region and the changes in the two lapse rates can differ
Although much improved compared to low resolution in sign. The most striking example is for the Rwenzori
models, the altitude of the highest grid boxes is generally mountains, for which the along-slope lapse rate steepens
still not high enough for the temperature of the warmest from 6.2 to 10 1C/km, while the free atmospheric
month to be near the freezing point in either of the lapse rate in the adjacent region and in the range of
simulations, except for the Himalayas in the LGM run. altitudes from which we have computed the along-slope
However, given that the relationship between 2 m air lapse rate decreases by more than 1 1C/km. These
temperature and altitude is generally linear, we have differences are hard to explain. Whether a given glacier
computed along-slope lapse rates by linear regression is more sensitive to the free atmospheric temperature or
for all regions except Bogota (where the linear relation- to the temperature that could be inferred from the
ship between altitude and temperature is weak). The along-slope lapse rate might be related to the character-
linear regression has been computed for altitudes larger istics of the massif itself (a single mountain pointing out
than a threshold to avoid the bias due to low-altitude in the free atmosphere vs. a mountain in a massif of
values. The threshold has been taken at 500 m for the mountains of similar altitudes). Such phenomena should
Central Andes, 250 m for Papua New Guinea, 300 m for be the subject of future work.
Mount Jaya, and 2000 m for the tropics as a whole.
These along-slope lapse rates can be compared to the
average of the free atmospheric lapse rates over the same 4. Discussion and conclusions
regions (Fig. 14).
Regional free atmospheric lapse rates are always We have examined the mechanisms leading to changes
steeper over the continents than the average lapse rate in summer freezing height (which we take as a surrogate
over the ocean (horizontal lines on Fig. 14). The along- for snowline elevation) between the LGM and present,
216 M. Kageyama et al. / Quaternary International 138-139 (2005) 202–219





-180 -150 -120 -90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 180

-12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8





-180 -150 -120 -90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 180

-0.12 -0.10 -0.08 -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0.00 0.02


Fig. 12. Top: difference (LGM-CTRL) in the lowest atmospheric level temperature of the warmest month; bottom: difference (LGM-CTRL)
in 200 hPa specific humidity for the boreal summer season (June-July-August), in g/kg.

Table 2 the difference between the fixed SST simulations and the
Regions for which the along-slope and the free atmospheric lapse rates
calculated SST simulations, show that the simulated
are compared
magnitude of tropical snowline lowering is determined
Region Abbreviation Longitudes Latitudes to first order by the overall magnitude of tropical
cooling at the surface. The correlation between the two
Iztaccihuatl — 104 1W, 94 1W 14 1N, 24 1N
Bogota — 84 1W, 64 1W 1 1S, 9 1N
variables over the tropics as a whole is 95% and remains
Central Andes Cen Andes 82 1W, 72 1W 15 1S, 5 1S high (480%) even when individual latitude bands are
Rwenzori — 25 1E, 35 1E 5 1S, 5 1N considered. This conclusion is supported by the fact that
Himalayas — 73.5 1E, 88.5 1E 27 1N, 37 1N Diaz and Graham (1996) have shown that under
Papua New Guinea PNG 140 1E,150 1E 12 1S, 2 1S modern climate conditions interannual changes in
Mount Jaya Mt Jaya 130 1E,144 1E 9 1S, 1 1N
Tropics (land only) Tropics 180 1E,180 1E 30 1S, 30 1N
freezing height are correlated with SSTs.
Several mechanisms can amplify the snowline depres-
sion. In the fixed SST simulations, additional snowline
as simulated by AGCMs that participated in the PMIP depression is linked to a decrease in the Asian monsoon
LGM exercise and by a high-resolution version of one of and an associated decrease in atmospheric moisture,
these models. The PMIP model results, and in particular which translates into a steeper lapse rate at these
M. Kageyama et al. / Quaternary International 138-139 (2005) 202–219 217

6000 -4
C Himalayas ctrl
5000 Iztaccihuatl CenAndes L Himalayas lgm
Altitude (m)

4000 -4.5 C CenAndes ctrl

free atmospheric lapse rate (degC/km)

L CenAndes lgm
3000 C Rwenzori ctrl
-5 Rwenzori lgm
2000 L
C C PNGuinea ctrl
1000 -5.5 C L L PNGuinea lgm
0 L L C C MtJaya ctrl
L MtJaya lgm
6000 -6 C L C Iztaccihuatl ctrl
5000 MtJaya Bogota L Iztaccihuatl lgm
Altitude (m)

-6.5 L C Tropics ctrl

4000 L Tropics lgm
3000 C
1000 -7.5
6000 -8
-11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3
5000 PNG Himalayas
along slope lapse rate (degC/km)
Altitude (m)

3000 Fig. 14. Along-slope lapse rate vs. free atmospheric lapse rate,
2000 computed for the warmest month over each of the seven selected
1000 tropical regions. The along-slope lapse rate has been computed by
0 linear regression between the 2 m air temperature and the altitude of
6000 the respective grid-box, for all points in each region. The correspond-
5000 Rwenzori Tropics ing free atmospheric lapse rate is the average of the free atmospheric
lapse rate over the same region and between the minimum and
Altitude (m)

maximum altitudes of the points used to compute the along-slope lapse
rates. C stands for control and L for LGM results. The horizontal lines
indicate the average of the free atmospheric lapse rate (between 1000
and 6000 m) over the tropical ocean for the control in red and the
-5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 LGM in blue. The solid back line is the 1-1 line.
Temperature (degC) Temperature (degC)
because earlier model-based analyses of LGM cooling
Fig. 13. 2 m air temperature of the warmest month plotted as a
(e.g. Rind and Peteet, 1985; Pinot et al., 1999) have
function of the altitude of the corresponding grid point for the seven
tropical regions with LGM palaeo-snowline estimates and for the tended to examine the response of the tropics as a whole
whole tropics, over land. and, in part, because the synthesis presented by Mark et
al. (this volume) shows there is considerable spatial
heterogeneity in the magnitude of observed changes in
latitudes. In the computed SST simulations, in which the snowline. All of the simulations are capable of produ-
SST are generally colder, additional snowline depression cing changes in snowline, as calculated from free
is related to a decrease in humidity throughout the atmospheric temperature, of several hundred meters
tropics. Examination of the results from a higher (i.e. as large as the changes reconstructed from
resolution model confirms that the spatial pattern of observations in certain regions). Thus, models are
the simulated snowline depression is related to both SST capable of producing changes in lapse rate as large as
changes and to decreased humidity, especially in the shown by the palaeoenvironmental evidence—although
Asian monsoon region. Weakening of the monsoon not necessarily in the same regions. Future analyses, and
circulation results in a large regional lowering in the 0 1C comparisons of observed and simulated changes in
isotherm even though the change in SST is compara- tropical snowlines, will therefore need to focus on the
tively small in this sector. physical mechanisms which result in specific regional
The PMIP models show that the magnitude of the changes within the tropics.
depression of the 0 1C isotherm varies with latitude, with Even though mountain ranges are better represented
changes of 200–300 m in the equatorial zone and up to in the high resolution model than in the PMIP
800 1000 m in the northernmost tropics. The high- experiments, this resolution (T106) is not fine enough
resolution model shows that there can be east-west to directly retrieve the altitude of the 0 1C isotherm
differentiation in the magnitude of the depression of the along the slope. However the high-resolution simulation
0 1C isotherm within specific latitudinal bands. This is a gave us the opportunity to compare along-slope lapse
consequence of the fact that changes in monsoon rates to free atmospheric lapse rates. The two lapse rates
circulation, or other changes in atmospheric circulation, were found to differ considerably in the modern
produce changes in atmospheric humidity patterns that simulation in certain regions. The changes in free
amplify the primary response to SST changes. However, atmospheric and along-slope lapse rate between LGM
this spatial heterogeneity is worth emphasising, in part and modern are not constrained to be similar: at a
218 M. Kageyama et al. / Quaternary International 138-139 (2005) 202–219

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reviewer for helpful comments on the subsequent
Description of CCSR/NIES Atmospheric General Circulation
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python/CDAT software developed at PCMDI, with Global Environmental Research, National Institute for Environ-
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