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Name: Shela Mikole Martínez Correa

Class: Second 1
Date: Friday, 8th November, 2019

44 Write a story about something strange that happened to you.

A Strange Experience

It had been too difficult a week when I was in school. I had to take the Senecyt exam and my school
and work schedule allowed me little time to study. One Tuesday night I had a bit of a weird dream, I
looked lying on my bed but I couldn't move a single muscle of the body, I couldn't even make some
sound, it was like my whole body had been paralyzed. A person would come up with a long coat and
hat of the same color, and lie down on, try to scream and not be able to. Until i finally woke up
desperate and scared of this dream. It happened a second time on Wednesday night, and I woke up
in the same way that caused my sleep to go away. The next Thursday I asked my sister to sleep with
me and I would say that while I was having this dream towards weird sounds and she would wake me
up. The same thing happened on Friday, it was impossible for me to rest well. Do some research
about why this happened to me, and these kinds of dreams are caused by stress and are called
'Sleep Paralysis'. On Saturday I gave up my exam and felt more relaxed.

48 Write a personal statement for an employment agency describing your career plan.

My name is Shela Mikole Martínez Correa. I am 20 years old and Would like to work at your
company. I am a correct person, and responsible for fulfilling assigned tasks. I'm a bit of a
perfectionist and I like everything in order. I can work under pressure. I've worked since I was
17, so any task I can learn easily. I am curious when it comes to doing activities and I like to
ask a lot of questions so that everything goes right and in this way I learn a little more. I like to
be punctual, I always arrive on time and if for some reason I am late I always give notice to my
authorities. I seek employment to solve my studies and to be able to finish my professional

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