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Question Bank



(Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum)

Question Bank
Semester : IV
Academic Year : 2018-2019
Prepared by
Hosur Road, Bommanahalli, Bengaluru-560 068 Email :
(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Accredited by NBA, NAAC, New Delhi & Affiliated to VTU, Belgaum)

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Question Bank

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educational institutions, we are very much engaged in equipping
individuals to be capable of building learning organization in the
new millennium

Mission of the Institute

Our mission is to develop competent students with good value
systems to face challenges of the continuously changing world.

Vision of the Department

To impart technical education par excellence and prepare leaders
to serve the industries and society.

Mission of the Department

To produce technocrats with creative technical knowledge and
intellectual skills to sustain and excel in the highly demanding
world with confidence.

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Question Bank

SUB NAME: Object Oriented Concepts with Java (17CS42)

Question Bank

Module 1

Introduction to Object Oriented Concepts:

A Review of structures, Procedure–Oriented Programming system, Object Oriented Programming

System, Comparison of Object Oriented Language with C, Console I/O, variables and reference
variables, Function Prototyping, Function Overloading. Class and Objects: Introduction, member
functions and data, objects and functions, objects and arrays, Namespaces, Nested classes,
Constructors, Destructors.


1. What is function polymorphism? Write a C++ program using overloaded function to find area
of circle, triangle, and rectangle.(6marks) July 2017
2. Explain how one can bridge two classes using friend function. Write a C++ program to find
sum of two numbers using bridge friend function add ().(6marks) July 2017
3. What are static members of a class? Write a C++ program to count the no. of objects created. .
(5marks) July 2017
4. Can you overload constructor and destructor? Justify with example. .(6marks) July 2017
5. What is reference Variable? Explain. Also write a program in C++ to swap two integer values
and display the values before and after swapping. .(5marks) July 2017
6. Explain Nested class with help of example program. ( 6 Marks) Dec 2015
7. Explain Namespace with help of example program. ( 6 Marks) Dec 2015
8. Write down the difference between procedure oriented and Object oriented programming.(6
Marks) Dec 2014
9. What is constructor? How it is different form member functions? Illustrate with an example. ( 6
Marks) Jan 2015
10. What is inline function? Explain with an example( 6 Marks) Dec 2011
11. What is class? How it is created? Explain with an example program ( 6 Marks) June 2012
12. What are the different types of constructor? Write down the differences between constructor
and destructor. ( 6 Marks) Dec 2015

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Question Bank

13. List out the differences between procedure oriented programming and object oriented
programming. (5Marks) Jan 2018
14. Explain function overloading with example(5marks) Jan 2018
15. What is constructor?List the different types of constructor and explain default constructor with
example.(6marks) Jan 2018
16. Explain the concept of object oriented program
i) Encapsulation
ii) Polymorphism
iii) Inheritance
iv) Data initialization (8 marks) Jan 2018
17. Explain function prototype with example. (5marks) Jan 2018, July 2018
18. How do name space helps in preventing pollution of global name space. (3marks) Jan 2018
19. State the important features of object oriented paradigm (8Marks) July 2018
20. Write a C++ program to get employee details(Eno,Ename,Bsalary(initialized to 1000 by
constructor) and Allowances) of employee class through keyboard using the method
getdata() and display them using the method DispData() on console in the format Eno,Ename
,Bsalary and Allowances. (8Marks) July 2018
21. Explain Name space with an Example. (4Marks) July 2018
22. Define function overloading and write C++ program for finding area of circle(PI*r*r)
,rectangle(l*b) and square(x*x) by getting r,l,b and x through keyboard and printing areas on
console using the method Area() applying the concept of function overloading. (8Marks)
July 2018

Module 2

Introduction to Java: Java’s magic: the Byte code; Java Development Kit (JDK); the Java
Buzzwords, Object-oriented programming; Simple Java programs. Data types, variables and
arrays, Operators, Control Statements.


1. How ” compile once and anywhere” is implemented in java? .(4marks) July 2017

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Question Bank

2. Write a program to calculate the average among the elements {8,6,2,7} using for each in Java.
How for each is different from for loop. (6marks) July 2017
3. Explain type conversion with example. (6marks) July 2017
4. List and explain the Java buzz words. (8marks) July 2017
5. Explain the concept of array in java with example. Write a program that creates and initializes
4 integer elements in array. Find the sum and average of its values.(8marks) July 2017
6. Explain : i) >>> ii) short circuit logical operators iii) for each. (6 marks)Jan 2015
7. Describe the process of building and running Java program.(10marks)Jan 2014, July 2008
8. Explain arrays in java with examples.(10marks)July 2013,Jan 2013
9. What is jump statement? (5marks)July 2013
10. Discuss break and continue(5marks)Jan 2013
11. Explain different types of operators with example. (5marks)July 2013
12. Explain the different properties of Object oriented programming. (5marks)July 2013
13. Explain how java is robust and interactive. (5marks) Jan 2018
14. Write java program to find sum of first 5 elements in an array using for each looping. (5marks)
Jan 2018
15. Explain the operation of following operators with example
i) % ii) >> iii) && (6marks) Jan 2018
16. Write Java program to initialize and display different types of integers and floating point
variables. (6marks) Jan 2018
17. What is type casting? Illustrate with example. What is meant by automatic type promotion.
(6marks) Jan 2018
18. How to declare 2D array in java? Explain with simple example. (4 marks) Jan 2018
19. State the features used in C++ which are eliminated in Java. Why? (4 Marks) July 2018
20. Discuss briefly the concept of byte code in Java. (4 Marks) July 2018
21. Explain the structure of Java program and its keywords with an example. (8 Marks) July 2018
22. How arrays are defined in java? Explain with example. (4 Marks) July 2018
23. Eulicidate how java is platform independent language, with sketches. (6 Marks) July 2018
24. Write a java program to print factorial of the number ‘n’ using for loop. (6 Marks) July 2018

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Question Bank

Module 3

Classes, Inheritance, Exceptions, Packages and Interfaces: Classes: Classes fundamentals;

Declaring objects; Constructors, this keyword, garbage collection. Inheritance: inheritance basics,
using super, creating multi-level hierarchy, method overriding. Exception handling: Exception
handling in Java. Packages, Access Protection, Importing Packages, Interfaces.


1. Briefly explain the role of interfaces while implementing multiple inheritances in java.
(6marks) July 2017
2. Compare and contrast method overloading and method overriding with suitable examples.
(6marks) July 2017
3. Constructors are called in the class hierarchy? .(4 marks) July 2017
4. With example give two uses of super. .(5marks) July 2017
5. Define Exception. Write a program which contains one method which throw Illegal Access
Exception and use proper exception should be printed.(6Marks) July 2017
6. What is meant by instance variable hiding? How to overcome it?(10marks)Jan 2012
7. Explain constructor method. How it differs from other member function(10marks)July
8. What is package? What are the steps involved in creating user defined package with an
example? (5Marks) July 2017
9. Short notes on static, Final, Abstract, Native (6marks)July 2012
10. What is Garbage collection? Explain its usefulness.(4marks)Jan 2012
11. Explain various levels of access protection available for packages and their implications. (8
marks) Jan 2018
12. Give the basic form of exception handling block. ( 4 marks) Jan 2018
13. What is the importance of clause finally? (4 marks) Jan 2018
14. Define Inheritance. What are the types of inheritance? (5 marks) Jan 2018
15. Illustrate with example a super class object can reference a sub class object. (6 marks) Jan

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Question Bank

16. Compare and contrast method overloading with overriding. (5 marks) Jan 2018
17. Explain packages and its types and import command in Java with examples. (8 Marks)
July 2018
18. Write a java program to define an interface called Area which contains a method called
Compute () and calculate the areas of rectangle (l*b) and triangle(1/2 *b*h) using classes
Rectangle and Triangle. (8 Marks) July 2018.
19. Define the role of exception handling in software development. (2 Marks) July 2018
20. Write a program for illustrating exception handling when a number is divided by zero and
an array has negative index value. (6 Marks) July 2018
21. Eluicidate the concept of inheritance and its classification in Java with sketches. (8 Marks)
July 2018
Module 4

Multi Threaded Programming, Event Handling: Multi Threaded Programming: What are
threads? How to make the classes threadable ; Extending threads; Implementing runnable;
Synchronization; Changing state of the thread; Bounded buffer problems, read-write problem,
producer consumer problems. Event Handling: Two event handling mechanisms; The delegation
event model; Event classes; Sources of events; Event listener interfaces; Using the delegation
event model; Adapter classes; Inner classes.


1. What is synchronization? Explain with an example, how synchronization is implemented in Java.

(6marks)Jan 2014, Jan 2013, Jan 2012
2. What is producer – consumer problem? Explain the solution for producer – consumer problem with a
program. (10marks) Jan 2014
3. What is delegation event model? Describe the significance of adapter class, with an example.
(10marks)Jan 2014, July 2013
4. What is meant by multithreaded programming? Explain with an example inter thread communication
(10marks)July 2013, Jan 2013
5. What is meant by thread priority? How it is assigned(6marks) July 2013
6. Explain action event class & adjustment event class(6marks) Jan 2013
7. Short notes on static, Final, Abstract, Native (6marks) July 2012
8. What is a package? What are steps involved (6marks) July 2012
9. What is a thread ?explain 2 ways of creating thread(10marks) Jan 2012, (5 marks) Jan 2018
10. Explain adapter class with an example. .(4Marks) July 2017

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Question Bank

11. With the syntax explain the use of isAlive() and Join() methods.(6Marks) July 2017
12. What are the differences between suspending and stopping the threads.(5Marks) July 2017
13. Explain inner class with example. (5Marks) July 2017
14. What is synchronization? When do we use it? (5 marks) Jan 2018
15. Explain keyEvents and MouseEvent class? (6 marks) Jan 2018
16. Explain Delegation event model used to handle events in Java. (8 marks) Jan 2018
17. Explain the role of synchronization with producer consumer problem. (8 marks) Jan 2018
18. Define the concept of multithreading in Java and explain the different phases in the life cycle
of thread, with neat sketch. (8 Marks) July 2018
19. Discuss briefly synchronization in Java. (2 Marks) July 2018
20. Write an example program for implementing synchronization in Java. (6 Marks) July 2018
21. Elucidate two ways of making class threadable with examples. (8 Marks) July 2018
22. Describe the delegation event model and explain what happens internally at a button click. (8
Marks) July 2018
Module 5

The Applet Class: Introduction, Two types of Applets; Applet basics; Applet Architecture; An
Applet skeleton; Simple Applet display methods; Requesting repainting; Using the Status
Window; The HTML APPLET tag; Passing parameters to Applets; getDocumentbase() and
getCodebase(); ApletContext and showDocument(); The AudioClip Interface; The AppletStub
Interface;Output to the Console. Swings: Swings: The origins of Swing; Two key Swing features;
Components and Containers; The Swing Packages; A simple Swing Application; Create a Swing
Applet; Jlabel and ImageIcon; JTextField;The Swing Buttons; JTabbedpane; JScrollPane; JList;
JComboBox; JTable.


1. What is a swing? Explain the components and containers in the swings(8marks) Jan 2014, Jan 2013,
Jan 2012
2. Explain the following, with an example for each: i) JTextField class ii) Button class iii) IComboBox
class.(8marks) Jan 2013
3. Explain various components of the swing package (10marks) Jan 2014, Jan 2013, Jan 2012
4. Write the purpose of the following swing components : i) JLabel ii) Habbedpane iii) JScrollpane iv)
JCombobox v) ImageIcon(10marks) Jan 2013
5. Name and explain different types of swing buttons .Give their syntax.(8marks)
(Jan 2015)

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Question Bank

6. Explain the MVC architecture of swing(10marks) Jan 2014, Jan 2013, Jan 2012
7. Describe the different types swing buttons(8marks) Jan 2015)(Jan 2013
8. Differentiate between AWT and SWING(10marks) Jan 2014, Jan 2013, Jan 2012
9. List four types of buttons in swings with their use. Write a program to create four different types of
buttons on JApplet. Use suitable events to show actions on the buttons and use JLabel to display the
action invoked(10marks) Jan 2014, Jan 2013, Jan 2012
10. Write an applet program to display the message “VTU BELGAUM”. Set the background colour to
cyan and foreground colour to red.(10marks) Jan 2014, July 2013
What is an applet? Different stages of an applet.(10marks) July 2012, (6Marks) July 2017
11. What are the two types of applets? Explain the skeleton of an applet? Enlist applet tags.(6Marks) July
12. Explain applet architecture and demonstrate how to pass parameters for font size and font
name in applet? (5Marks) July 2017
13. Write steps to create JTable, also write a program to demonstrate the same.(5Marks) July
14. Explain briefly the components and containers used in swings.(5Marks) July 2017
15. What is applet? Explain 5 main methods of applet. (8 marks) Jan 2018
16. Explain with syntax the following. (6 marks) Jan 2018
17. Create swing applet that has two buttons named beta and gama. When either of the buttons
pressed, it should display” beta pressed” and “gama pressed” respectively. (8 marks) Jan
18. Explain getDocumentbase and getCodebase in Applet class. (8marks) Jan 2018
19. Briefly explain Applets. (3 Marks) July 2018
20. Elucidate Lucidly the skeleton of applets (5 Marks) July 2018
21. Write a java program to play an audio file using Applet. (8 Marks) July 2018
22. Write the advantages of swing over AWT. (4 Marks) July 2018
23. Write a brief note on containers in swing. (4 Marks) July 2018

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Question Bank

24. Write a swing program for displaying anyone of the options. C,C++,Java, Php through the
selection of combo box by clicking show button. (8 Marks) July 2018

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Question Bank

Subject Name :DAA Subject Code: 18CS43

Module 1

Introduction: What is an Algorithm? (T2:1.1), Algorithm Specification (T2:1.2),

Analysis Framework (T1:2.1), Performance Analysis: Space complexity, Time
complexity (T2:1.3). Asymptotic Notations: Big-Oh notation (O), Omega notation (Ω),
Theta notation (), and Little-oh notation (o), Mathematical analysis of Non-Recursive and
recursive Algorithms with Examples (T1:2.2, 2.3, 2.4). Important Problem Types: Sorting,
Searching, String processing, Graph Problems, Combinatorial Problems. Fundamental
Data Structures: Stacks, Queues, Graphs, Trees, Sets and Dictionaries (T1:1.3,1.4)

Module 2

Divide and Conquer: General method, Binary search, Recurrence equation for divide and
conquer, Finding the maximum and minimum (T2:3.1, 3.3, 3.4), Merge sort, Quick sort
(T1:4.1, 4.2), Strassen’s matrix multiplication (T2:3.8), Advantages and Disadvantages
of divide and conquer. Decrease and Conquer Approach: Topological Sort. (T1:5.3)

Module 3

Greedy Method: General method, Coin Change Problem, Knapsack Problem, Job
sequencing with deadlines (T2:4.1, 4.3, 4.5). Minimum cost spanning trees: Prim’s
Algorithm, Kruskal’s Algorithm (T1:9.1, 9.2). Single source shortest paths: Dijkstra's
Algorithm (T1:9.3). Optimal Tree problem: Huffman Trees and Codes (T1:9.4).
Transform and Conquer Approach: Heaps and Heap Sort (T1:6.4).

Module 4

Dynamic Programming: General method with Examples, Multistage Graphs (T2:5.1,5.2).

Transitive Closure: Warshall’s algorithm, All Pairs shortest Paths: Floyd’s algorithm,
Optimal Binary Search trees, Knapsack problem ((T1:8.2, 8.3, 8.4), Bellman-ford algorithm
(T2:5.4), Travelling Sales Person Problem (T2:5.9), Reliability design.(T2:5.8).

Module 5

Backtracking: General method (T2:7.1), N-Queens problem (T1:12.1), Sum of subsets

problem (T1:12.1), Graph coloring (T2:7.4), Hamiltonian cycles (T2:7.5). Branch and
Bound: Assignment Problem, Travelling Sales Person problem (T1:12.2), 0/1
Knapsack problem (T2:8.2, T1:12.2): LC Branch and Bound solution (T2:8.2), FIFO
Branch and Bound solution (T2:8.2). NP-Complete and NP-Hard problems: Basic
concepts, non-deterministic algorithms, P, NP, NP-Complete, and NP-Hard classes

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Question Bank

Introduction: What is an Algorithm? (T2:1.1), Algorithm Specification (T2:1.2),
Analysis Framework (T1:2.1), Performance Analysis: Space complexity, Time
complexity (T2:1.3). Asymptotic Notations: Big-Oh notation (O), Omega notation (Ω),
Theta notation (), and Little-oh notation (o), Mathematical analysis of Non-Recursive
and recursive Algorithms with Examples (T1:2.2, 2.3, 2.4). Important Problem Types:
Sorting, Searching, String processing, Graph Problems, Combinatorial Problems.
Fundamental Data Structures: Stacks, Queues, Graphs, Trees, Sets and Dictionaries
1. Design an algorithm to search an element in a array using sequential search. Discuss the worst
case,best case and average case efficiency of the algorithm.(8 Marks,June’19)
2. Discuss adjacency matrix and adjacency list representation of a graph with suitable example.(6
3. Give the recursive algorithm to solve tower of hanoi problem. Show that the sfficincy of theis
algorithm is exponential.(6 Marks,June’19)
4. Give the general plan for analyzing time efficiency of non recursive algorithm. Derive the worst case
analysis for the algorithm to check whether all the element in a given array are distinct.(8
5. List and define any three ayymptotic notations.what are the various basic asymptotic efficiency
classes?(6 Marks,June’19)
6. Explain the following types of problems:
i)Combinationatorial problems ii)Graph problems.(6 Marks,June’19)
7. What is an algorithm? What are the properties of algorithm? Explain with an example.(4
8. Outline an algorithm to find maximum of n elements and obtain its time complexity.(8
9. Design algorithm for tower of Hanoi problem and obtain time compexity.(10 marks,Dec’19)
10. Explain the general plan for analyzing the efficiency of a recursive algorithm. Suggest a recursive
algorithm to find factorial of a number. Derive its efficiency.(8Marks/Dec’18)
11. If t1(n)E O(g1(n)) and t2(n) E O(g2(n)) prove that t1(n)+t2(n)E O(max{g1(n),g2(n)})
(4Marks.Dec’18)(10 Marks,Dec’19)
12. Explain the asymptotic notations with examples. (6 Marks,Dec’18)(12Marks,Dec’19)
13. Distinguish between the two common ways to represent a graph. (4Marks,Dec’18)
14. Discuss about the important problem types and fundamental data structures. (6Marks Dec’18)
15. Define an algorithm. Discuss the criteria of an algorithm with an example. (6M Jan’18)
16. Define algorithm. Explain asymptotic notations, Big O, big Omega, big theta notations. (08
Marks June/July 2017)
17. Explain general plan of mathematical analysis of nonrecursive algorithms with example. (08
Marks June/July 2017)
18. Define time and space complexity.Explain important problem types. (08 Marks June/July
19. Define three asymptotic notations and express the following assertions using three
asymptotic notations with proof from its definition i)n(n-1)/2 ii)6*2n+n iii)100n+5 (6m)
20. Give general plan of analyzing recursive algorithm. Mathematically analyze the tower of
Hanoi problem and find its complexity. (8m) [dec16-jan-17] (08 Marks June/July 2017)

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Question Bank

21. Prove that: If t1(n)O(g1(n)) and t2(n)O(g2(n)), Then t1(n)+t2(n))O(max{ g1(n),

g2(n)})(6m)[June 2012]
22. Define asymptotic notation for analyzing algorithm. Give at least one example for each.
23. Define the asymptotic notations used for best case average case and worst case(08M)
24. Write an algorithm for finding maximum element of an array , perform best , worst and
average case complexity with appropriate order notations.(06M)[dec15-jan-16]
25. Write an algorithm to find mean and variance of an array perform best, worst and average
26. Explain the various criteria used for analyzing algorithms.(6m)[June 2013]
27. List the properties of various asymptotic notations.(06M)[dec14-jan-15]
28. Explain the necessary steps for analyzing the efficiency of recursive algorithms.(6m)[June
29. Write short notes on algorithm visualization.(06M)[dec11-jan-12]
30. Describe briefly the notions of complexity of an algorithm.(06M)[dec11-jan-12]
31. What is pseudo-code? Explain with an example(6m)[June 2010]
32. Find the complexity (C (n))of the algorithm for the worst case, best case and average case.
(evaluate average case complexity for n = 3,where n is number of inputs)(8m)[June 2009]


Divide and Conquer: General method, Binary search, Recurrence equation for divide and conquer,
Finding the maximum and minimum (T2:3.1, 3.3, 3.4), Merge sort, Quick sort (T1:4.1, 4.2),
Strassen’s matrix multiplication (T2:3.8), Advantages and Disadvantages of divide and conquer.
Decrease and Conquer Approach: Topological Sort. (T1:5.3)

1. Design a recursive algorithm for binary search and calculate time complexity(10 Marks,Dec’19)
2. Write the algorithm for merge sort and trace 60,50,25,10,35,25,75,30.(10 Marks,Dec,19)
3. Develop an algorithm for quick sort and derive its time complexity.(10 Marks,Dec’19)
4. What is topological sorting? Apply DFS for below Graph to solve topological sorting.

(10 Marks,Dec’19)
5. Write an algorithm to sort ‘n’ numbers using Quick sort. Trace the algorithm to sort the following
list in ascending order
80 60 70 40 10 30 50 20 (8 Marks,June’19)
6. Discuss general divide and conquer technique with control abstraction and recurrence relation.(6
7. Apply DFS based algorithm and source removal method to find the topological sequence for the
graph shown in fig.Q3 (6 Marks,June’19)

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8. Apply Strassen’s matrix multiplication to multiply following matrices. Discuss how this method is
better than direct matrix multoplication method. (8 Marks, June’19)
4 3 2 5
2 1 1 6
9. Write recursive algorithm to find maximum and minimum element in an array.(6 Marks,June’19)
10. Write an algorithm to sort ‘n’ number using merge sort.(6 Marks,June’19)
11. Discuss how quick-sort works to sort an array and trace for the following data set. Draw the tree of
recursive calls made.
65 70 75 80 85 60 55 50 45
Derive the best case complexity of quick sort algorithm. (Dec’18/10Marks)
12. Briefly explain the Strassen’s matrix multiplication. Obtain its time complexity. (Dec’18/ 6Marks)
13. Explain concept of divide and conquer.Design an algorithm for merge sort and derive its time
complexity.(Dec’18/ 10marks)
14. What are the three major variations of decrease and conquer technique? Explain with an example for
each. (Dec’18/6Marks)
15. Explain concept of divide and conquer. Write merge sort algorithm. (08 Marks June/July 2017)
16. Write a recursive algorithm for binary search and also bring out its efficiency. (08 Marks June/July
17. Illustrate the tracing of quick sort algorithm for the following set of numbers: 25, 10, 72, 18, 40, 11,
64, 58, 32, 9 (08 Marks June/July 2017)
18. List out the advantages and disadvantages of divide and conquer method and illustrate the
topological sorting for the following graph. (08 Marks June/July 2017)
2 Fig: Q.4
19. The general form of divide and conquer recurrence relation and explain how you can solve it using
Master's theorem. (6m)[June 2015]
20. Give a suitable sorting algorithm that uses divide and conquer a technique which divides problem
size by considering values in the list. Analyse it for best and worst case efficiencies.
21. Give recursive binary search algorithm and write binary decision tree for the following n=14
elements(-15,-6,0,7,9,23,54,82,101,112,125,131,142,151) (08M)[dec16-jan-17]
22. Sort the following set of elements using Quick Sort. (24,8,71, 4,23,6)(6m)[June 2013]
23. Give a detailed note on divide and conquer techniques.(06M)[dec14-jan-15]
24. Write an algorithm for searching an element using binary search Method, Give an
example.(6m)[June 2012]
25. Compare and contrast BFS and DFS.(6m)[June 2014]
26. Explain the merge sort.(08M)[dec13-jan-14]
27. Explain the method of finding the minimum spanning tree for a connected graph using
Prim's algorithm.(6m)[June 2011]
28. Discuss the 0/1 knapsack problem(08M)[dec10-jan-11]

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Question Bank


Greedy Method: General method, Coin Change Problem, Knapsack Problem, Job
sequencing with deadlines (T2:4.1, 4.3, 4.5). Minimum cost spanning trees: Prim’s Algorithm,
Kruskal’s Algorithm (T1:9.1, 9.2). Single source shortest paths: Dijkstra's Algorithm (T1:9.3).
Optimal Tree problem: Huffman Trees and Codes (T1:9.4). Transform and Conquer
Approach: Heaps and Heap Sort (T1:6.4).

1. Find the optimal solution to the knap sack instant n=7,m=15 using greedy method.(10Marks,Dec’10)

Object 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
weight 02 03 05 07 01 04 01
profit 10 05 15 07 06 18 03
2. Find the minimum spanning tree using Kruskal’s algorithm.(10Marks,Dec’10)
3. Construct a Huffman code for the following data:

Character A B C D -
Probabilit 0.4 0.1 0.2 0.15 0.15
4. Encode the text ABCABAD and Decode 100010111001010 (10Marks,Dec’10)
5. Calculate the shortest distance and shortest path from vertex 5 to vertex 0 using
6. Write an algorithm to solve knapsack problem using Greedy technique. Find the optimal solution to
the knapsack instance n=7, m=15 (p1,p2,…..p7)=(10,5,15,7,6,18,3)
(W1,W2,……..W7)=(2,3,5,7,1,4,1) (10 Marks,June’19)
7. Apply prim’s algorithm and Kruskal’s method to find the minimum cost spanning tree to the graph
shown in (10 Marks,June’19)

8. Write an algorithm to solve single source shortest path problem. Apply the algorithm to the graph
shown in fig by considering ‘a’ as source. (10 Marks,June’19)

9. Define heap. Write bottom-up heap construction algorithm. Construct heap for the list 1,8,6,5,3,7,4
using bottom-up algorithm and successive key insertion method. (10 Marks,June’19)
10. Explain the concept of greedy technique for Prim’s algorithm.Obtain a minimum spanning
tree for the graph shown in figure below. (Dec’18/8Marks)

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Question Bank

11. Solve the below instance of the single source shortest path problem with vertex 6 as the source. With
the help of a suitable algorithm. (Dec’18/8Marks) *

12. What are Huffman trees? Explain construct a Huffman code for the following data:

Character A B C D E _
Probabilit 0.5 0.35 0.5 0.1 0.4 0.2
Encode DAD_CBE using Huffman encoding. (Dec’18/8Marks)
13. Explain transform and conquer technique. Sort the below list using Heap sort:
3, 2, 4, 1, 6, 5. (Dec’18/8Marks)
14. Explain Greedy criterion. Write a Prim’s algorithm to find minimum cost spanning tree. (08 Marks
June/July 2017)
15. Sort the given list of numbers using heap sort: 2, 9,7,6,5,8 (08 Marks June/July 2017)
16. Write an algorithm to find single source shortest path. (08 Marks June/July 2017)
17. Construct a Huffman tree and resulting code word for the following:

Character A B C D -
Probabilit 0.35 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.15
Encode the words DAD and ADD. (08 Marks June/July 2017)

18. Describe the travelling salesman problem and discuss how to solve it using dynamic
programming(6m)[June 2015]
19. Discuss the use of Greedy method in solving Knapsack problem and subset-sum
Programming problem.(08M)[dec16-jan-17]
20. Write an algorithm to sort a set of " M "numbers using insertion sort.(06M)[dec14-jan-15]
21. How will you find the shortest path between two given vertices using Dijkstra's algorithm? (6m)
[June 2014]
22. Explain multistage graphs and give it example.(6m)[June 2011]


Dynamic Programming: General method with Examples, Multistage Graphs (T2:5.1,5.2).

Transitive Closure: Warshall’s algorithm, All Pairs shortest Paths: Floyd’s algorithm, Optimal
Binary Search trees, Knapsack problem ((T1:8.2, 8.3, 8.4), Bellman-ford algorithm (T2:5.4),
Travelling Sales Person Problem (T2:5.9), Reliability design.(T2:5.8).

The Oxford College Of Engineering Page 16

Question Bank

1. Explain the general procedure to solve a multistage graph problem using backward approach with an
2. Construct an optimal binary search tree for the following :(10Marks,Dec’19)

Items: A B C D
Probabilities: 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.3

3. Design Floyd’s algorithm to find shortest distance from all nodes to all other nodes.
4. Apply Warshall’s algorithm to compute transitive closure for the graph below(10Marks,Dec’19)

5. Define transitive closure of a directed graph. Find the transitive closure matrix for the graph whose
adjacency matrix is given. (10 Marks,June’19)
1 0 0 1 0
0 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1
1 0 0 0 1
0 1 0 0 1
6. Find the optimal tour for salesperson using dynamic programming technique. The directed graph is
shown in fig

(10 Marks,June’19)
7. Define transitive closure of a graph. Write Warshall’s algorithm to compute transitive closure of a
directed graph. Apply the same on the graph defined by the following adjacency matrix:

R= 0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1
0 0 0 0
8. Apply the bottom-up dynamic programming algorithm to the following instance of the knapsack
problem. Knapsack capacity W=10. (10 Marks,June’19)

The Oxford College Of Engineering Page 17

Question Bank

Item Weight Value

1 7 42
2 3 12
3 4 40
4 5 25

9. Using dynamic programming, solve the below instance of knapsack problem.

Capacity w=5 (Dec’18/8Marks)

Item Weight Value

1 2 12
2 1 10
3 3 20
4 2 15

3. Obtain a optimal binary search tree for the following four- key set. (Dec’18/8Marks)(10
Key A B C D
Probabilit 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.3
4. Solve the following travelling sales person problem represented as a graph shown in figure using
dynamic programming. (Dec’18,8Marks)

5. Explain the concept of dynamic programming, with example. (08 Marks June/July 2017)
6. Trace the following graph using Warshall’s algorithm. (08 Marks June/July 2017)

1 2

3 4
Fig: Q.2
7. Explain multistage graphs with example. Write multistage graph algorithm to forward approach.
(08 Marks June/July 2017)
8. Solve the following instance of Knapsack problem using dynamic programming. Kanpsack capacity
is 5. (08 Marks June/July 2017)
Item Weight Value
1 2 $12
2 1 $10
3 3 $20
4 2 $15
The Oxford College Of Engineering Page 18
Question Bank

9. What are the factors that influence the efficiency of the backtracking algorithm? (08M)[dec16-jan-
10. Define Branch-and-Bound method.(6m)[June 2015]
11. Find transitive closure for the graph shown below using dynamic programming.(08M)[dec14-jan-15]
12. Solve the travelling sales person problem using dynamic programming (6m)[June 2015]
13. Obtain the optimal solution for the given assignment problem as a matrix shown below using branch and
bound method (08M)[dec12-jan-13]
14. Find the optimal solution for the following instance of knapsack problem using dynamic programming
Capacity W=5(6m)[June 2010]
15. Apply the branch and bound algorithm to solve the travelling salesman problem (08M)[dec09-jan-10]

Backtracking: General method (T2:7.1), N-Queens problem (T1:12.1), Sum of subsets problem
(T1:12.1), Graph coloring (T2:7.4), Hamiltonian cycles (T2:7.5). Branch and Bound:
Assignment Problem, Travelling Sales Person problem (T1:12.2), 0/1 Knapsack problem
(T2:8.2, T1:12.2): LC Branch and Bound solution (T2:8.2), FIFO Branch and Bound solution
(T2:8.2). NP-Complete and NP-Hard problems: Basic concepts, non-deterministic algorithms,
P, NP, NP-Complete, and NP-Hard classes (T2:11.1).

1. What is Hamiltonian circuit problem? What is the procedure to fing Hamiltonian circuit of a graph?
(10 Marks,Dec’19)
2. Explain the classes of NP-Hard and NP-Complete.(10 Marks,Dec’19)
3. Apply the branch and bound algorithm to solve the travelling sales man problem for the graph
below.(10 Marks,Dec’19)

4. Obtain the optimal solution assignment problem given:(10 Marks,Dec’19)

Job1 Job2 Job3 Job4
a 9 2 7 8
B 6 4 3 7
c 5 8 1 8
d 7 6 9 4
5. Construct state-space tree for solving four queens problem using backtracking.(6 Marks,June’19)
6. Discuss graph coloring problem. Find different solution for 4 nodes and all possible 3 coloring
7. Write a note on : I)Non deteministic algorithm. Ii)LC branch and bound solution to solve O/I
knapsack problem.(8Marks,June’19)
8. What are the two additional items required by branch and bound technique,compared with
backtracking. Solve the following assignment problem using branch and bound technique, whose
cost matrix for assigning four jobs to four persons are given.

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Question Bank

9 2 7 8
6 4 3 7
5 8 1 8
7 6 9 4 (10Marks,June’19)

9. Dicuss the following :

I) Subset sum problem
II) NP hard and NP complete classes. (10Marks,June’19)
10. What is the central principle of backtracking? Apply backtracking to solve the below instance of
sum of subset problem.
S = { 5, 10, 12, 13, 15, 18 } d=30 (Dec’18/8Marks)
11. Solve the below instance of assignment problem using branch and bound algorithm.
Job1 Job2 Job3 Job4
9 2 7 8 Person a
C= 6 4 3 7 Person b
5 8 1 8 Person c
7 6 9 4 Person d (Dec’18/8Marks)

12. Draw the state-space tree to generate solutions to 4-Queen’s problem. (Dec’18/4Marks)
13. Apply backtracking to the problem of finding a Hamiltonian circuit in the graph shown below:
(Dec’18/ 4 Marks)

14. Define the following:

i. Class P
ii. Class NP
iii. NP complete problem
iv. NP hard problem

15. Explain backtracking concept. Illustrate N queens problem using backtracking to solve 4-Queens
problem. (08 Marks June/July 2017)
16. What are the searching techniques that are commonly used in Branch-and-Bound method. (08M)
17. Solve subset sum problem for the following example, S={3,5,6,7} and d=15.construct a state space
tree. (08 Marks June/July 2017)
18. Explain the concept of brach and bound and solve assignment problem for the following and obtain
optimal solution. (08 Marks June/July 2017)

Job1 Job2 Job3 Job4

a 9 2 7 8
Person b 6 4 3 7
c 5 8 1 8
d 7 6 9 4
The Oxford College Of Engineering Page 20
Question Bank

19. The searching techniques that are commonly used in Branch-and-Bound method
are:i. FIFO ii. LIFO iii. LC iv. Heuristic search(6m)[June 2015]
20. State 8 – Queens problem.(08M)[dec115-jan-16]
21. Explain LC Branch and Bound and FIFO branch and bound. (08 Marks June/July 2017)
22. The problem is to place eight queens on a 8 x 8 chessboard so that no two queen “attack” that is,
so that no two of them are on the same row, column or on the diagonal.(6m)[June 2014]
23. State Sum of Subsets problem.(6m)[June 2013]
24. Given n distinct positive numbers usually called as weights , the problem calls for finding all the
combinations of these numbers whose sums are m.(08M)[dec12-jan-13]
25. State m – colorability decision problem.(6m)[June 2009]
26. Let G be a graph and m be a given positive integer. We want to discover whether the nodes of G
can be colored in such a way that no two adjacent nodes have the same color yet only mcolors are
used.(6m)[June 2010]
27. Define chromatic number of the graph.(08M)[dec09-jan-10]
28. Define a planar graph.(6m)[June 2009]
29. What are NP- hard and Np-complete problems?(08M)[dec08-jan-09]
30. What is a decision problem? (6m)[June 2008]
31. What is maxclique problem? (08M)[dec07-jan-8]
32. what is approximate solution? (08M)[dec07-jan-08]

Subject Name :Microprocessor and Microcontroller Subject Code: 17CS44

Module 1

The x86 microprocessor: Brief history of the x86 family, Inside the 8088/86, Introduction to
assembly programming, Introduction to Program Segments, The Stack, Flag register, x86
Addressing Modes. Assembly language programming: Directives & a Sample Program,
Assemble, Link & Run a program, More Sample programs, Control Transfer Instructions,
Data Types and Data Definition, Full Segment Definition, Flowcharts and Pseudo code.
Text book 1: Ch 1: 1.1 to 1.7, Ch 2: 2.1 to 2.7
Module 2

x86: Instructions sets description, Arithmetic and logic instructions and programs:
Unsigned Addition and Subtraction, Unsigned Multiplication and Division, Logic
Instructions, BCD and ASCII conversion, Rotate Instructions. INT 21H and INT 10H
Programming : Bios INT 10H Programming , DOS Interrupt 21H. 8088/86 Interrupts, x86
PC and Interrupt Assignment.
Text book 1: Ch 3: 3.1 to 3.5, Ch 4: 4.1 , 4.2 Chapter 14: 14.1 and 14.2
Module 3

Signed Numbers and Strings: Signed number Arithmetic Operations, String operations.

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Question Bank

Memory and Memory interfacing: Memory address decoding, data integrity in RAM and
ROM, 16-bit memory interfacing. 8255 I/O programming: I/O addresses MAP of x86 PC’s,
programming and interfacing the 8255.
TextThe x861:microprocessor:
book Brief
Ch 6: 6.1, 6.2. Ch 10:history of the
10.2, 10.4, x86Ch
10.5. family, Inside
11: 11.1 to the
11.48088/86, Introduction
to assembly
Module 4 programming, Introduction to Program Segments, The Stack, Flag register, x86
Addressing Modes. Assembly language programming: Directives & a Sample Program,
Assemble, Linkversus Microcontrollers,
& Run a program, More ARM Embedded
Sample programs,Systems
Control:The RISCInstructions,
Transfer design
philosophy, The ARM Design Philosophy, Embedded System Hardware, Embedded System
Data Types
ARMand Data Definition, Full Segment Definition, Flowcharts
Program and Pseudo code.
Software, Processor Fundamentals : Registers , Current Status Register ,
Pipeline, Exceptions, Interrupts, and the Vector Table , Core Extensions
Text book 2:Ch 1:1.1 to 1.4, Ch 2:2.1 to 2.5

Module 5

Introduction to the ARM Instruction Set : Data Processing Instructions , Branch

Instructions, Software Interrupt Instructions, Program Status Register Instructions,
Coprocessor Instructions, Loading Constants, Simple programming exercises.
Text book 2: Ch 3:3.1 to 3.6 ( Excluding 3.5.2)

Module 1
1. a. Explain with neat block diagram, the architecture of 8086 microprocessor. (8 Marks) (Jan 2019)

b. What are Addressing Modes? Discuss its types with suitable examples. (8 Marks) (Jan 2019)

2. a. Develop an assembly language program to calculate the sum of 5 bytes of data. (5 Marks) (Jan
b. With a neat block diagram, explain the three steps to create executable assembly language
program. (6 Marks) (Jan 2019)
c. What are assembler directives? Discuss any three directives with examples. (5 Marks) (Jan 2019)
3. Explain the architecture of 8086 microprocessor with a neat diagram along with functions of various
blocks. (6 Marks) ( Jan 2018)
4. With an example distinguish between physical address, logical address and offset address. If CS =
2000H, DS = 3000H, SS = 4000H, ES = 5000H,BX = 0020H, BP = 0030H. Find physical address
for (i) MOV AL,[BP] (ii) MOV CX,[bX]. (4 Marks) ( Jan 2018)
5. Explain the following addressing modes of 8086:
6. Register indirect
7. Based indexed indirect
8. Direct memory (6 Marks) ( Jan 2018)

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Question Bank

9. What are assembler directives? Explain the following assembler directives (i) PROC (ii) Assume
(iii) PTR (4 Marks) ( Jan 2018)
10. Write assembly language program to add 5 bytes of data stored in data segment. (4 Marks) ( Jan
11. With syntax, explain the following control transfer instructions:
12. Conditional transfer
13. Unconditional transfer instruction (8 Marks) ( Jan 2018)
14. Explain execution unit (EU) and Bus Interface Unit (BIU) of 8086 microprocessor with a neat
diagram. (8 Marks) (July 2017)
15. Explain the different addressing modes used in 8086 microprocessor with suitable example.
(8 Marks) (July 2017)
16. Explain all bits of flag register of 8086 microprocessor with a neat diagram. Show the setting and
resetting of flag bits with a suitable example. (6 Marks) (July 2017)
17. Write an assembly level program to add two bytes of data stored at data 1 and data 2 and save the
result in sum with comments. Identify all the directives found in the program. (6 Marks) (July 2017)
18. Show the memory dump for the following data section or data segment. (4 Marks) (July 2017)
ORG 0010H
DATA 1 DB 25
DATA 2 DB 10001001B
ORG 0020H
DATA 4 DB ‘2591’
ORG 0030H
DATA 5 DW 9,2,7,0CH, 00100000B, 5
ORG 0040H
DATA 6 DW 4 DUP (00H)
19. Explain brief history of the x86 microprocessor

20. Explain the memory segmentation/Program segments. What are its advantages. What is
logical address and physical address.

21. Show the status of C, Z, A, C and P flags and content of BL after the execution of
following instructions. MOV BL, 4FH


22. If CS=34E6H and IP=434AH, show 1. Logical address 2. Physical address 3. Lower range and
upper range of segment.

Module 2

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Question Bank

1. a. Discuss shift and rotate instruction of 8086 microprocessor with examples. (8 Marks) (Jan 2019)

b. Explain with suitable examples the logical instructions of 8086 microprocessor. (4 Marks) (Jan

c. Discuss multiplication (MUL) and division (DIV) instructions of 8086 microprocessor. (4 Marks)
(Jan 2019)

2. a. What are interrupts? Discuss interrupt vector table with diagram for 8086 microprocessor. (6

(Jan 2019)

b. Write an assembly language program for 8086 that:

i) Clear the screen
ii) Sets the cursor at the centre of screen. (5 Marks) (Jan 2019)
iii) c. Develop an assembly language program for 8086 to convert Binary Coded
Decimal(BCD) to ASCII.(5 Marks) (Jan 2019)

3. a. Explain Rotate instructions with suitable example (6 Marks) (Jul 2017)

b. With a suitable program show how a packed BCD value is converted to ASCII value. (4 Marks)

c. Assume that there is a class of five people. With following grades:69,87,96,45,75. Write an A

to find the highest grade. (6 Marks)

x86: Instructions sets description, Arithmetic and logic instructions and programs:
Unsigned Addition and Subtraction, Unsigned Multiplication and Division, Logic
Instructions, BCD and ASCII conversion, Rotate Instructions. INT 21H and INT 10H
Programming : Bios INT 10H Programming , DOS Interrupt 21H. 8088/86 Interrupts, x86
PC and Interrupt Assignment. Flowcharts and Pseudo code.

4. Write an ALP that adds the following two multiword numbers and saves the result:

Data 1 – 548FB9963CE7H and Data2 = 3FCD4FA23B8DH (8 Marks)

5. Write an ALP to perform the following:
a. Clear the screen
b. Set the cursor at row 8 and column 5 of the screen.
c. Prompt “There is a message for you from VTU : to read it enter Y. If the user enters ‘Y’
or ‘y’ then the message “Hello! All the best for your exams” will appear on the screen.
If the user enters any other key, then the prompt “No more messages for you” should
appear on the next line. (8 Marks)
6. Explain the syntax of following instruction with an example:

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Question Bank

i. i)DAA ii) MUL iii) AND iv) SHR v) CMP vi) AAM (6 Marks) (Jan
7. Write a program to convert lower case to upper case by reading string from KB and print the
converted string at 10th ros, 20th column after clearing the screen. (6 Marks)
8. Write an ALP to count the number of one’s and zero’s in a given 8 bit data using rotate

x86: Instructions sets description, Arithmetic and logic instructions and programs:
Unsigned Addition and Subtraction, Unsigned Multiplication and Division, Logic
Instructions, BCD and ASCII conversion, Rotate Instructions. INT 21H and INT 10H
Programming : Bios INT 10H Programming , DOS Interrupt 21H. 8088/86 Interrupts, x86
PC and Interrupt Assignment. Flowcharts and Pseudo code.

instructions. (4 Marks)
9. Explain the syntax of following instructions with example.
a. i) AAA ii) SHL iii)DIV iv) RCR (4 Marks)
10. What is an interrupt? Explain various types with an interrupt vector table. (6 Marks)
11. 9. Write an ALP to sort a given set of 16 numbers in ascending order using any sorting method.
(6 Marks)
12. Explain ADD, ADC, INC, SUB, SBB, DEC and CMP instructions with examples.

13. Explain MUL and DIV instructions with examples.

14. Explain the Logical instructions ( AND, OR, XOR, NOT, TEST) with examples.

15. What is the difference between TEST and AND instructions.

16. Explain BCD arithmetic instructions (DAA and DAS) with examples

17. Explain shift instructions with examples.

18. Explain rotate instruction with examples

Module 3
1. a .Explain the string instructions (MOVS, LODS, STOS, CMPS and SCAS) with suitable
examples. (8 Marks)
(Jan 2019)
b. Discuss the sign extension of 8 bit and 16 bit operands [CBW and CWD] in 8086 with suitable
examples. (8 Marks) (Jan
2. a. Discuss 8086 input / output (IN and OUT) instructions with examples. (4 Marks) (Jan 2019)
b. Explain 8255 and its control word format with diagrams. (8 Marks) (Jan 2019)
c. Explain the features of 8255 PPI. (4 Marks) (Jan 2019)

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Question Bank

3. Explain handling of overflow problem raised in addition of signed numbers with a suitable example.
(6 Marks) (Jul 2017)
4. Explain XLAT instruction with example. (4 Marks)
5. Explain 74138 decoder configuration to enable the memory address F0000H to F7FFFH to connect
four 8k RAMS. (6 Marks)
6. Briefly explain the control word format of 8255 in I/O mode and BSR mode. Find the control word
if PA = out, PB = in, PC0-PC3 in and PC4 – pc7 = out. Use port addresses of 300H-303H for the
8255 chip. Then get data from port B and send it to port A. (8 Marks)
7. Assume that we have 4 bytes of hexadecimal data : 25H.62H,3FG and 52H.
8. Find the checksum byte
9. Perform the checksum operation to ensure data integrity.
10. If the second byte 62H had been changed to 22H. Show how checksum detects the error. (8 Marks)
11. With an example, explain how to identify over flow and underflow using flags in a flag register for
performing arithmetic operation on 16 bit number. (6 Marks) ( Jan
12. Write the syntax of following instruction and explain with an example: i) CBW ii) IDIV iii) CMPSB
iv) XLAT (4 Marks)
13. Design a memory system for 8086 with one 64kb RAM and one 64kb ROM at address 30000h and
F0000h show the complete design along with memory mapping and draw the final diagram with
address decoder. ( 6 Marks)
14. With block diagram, explain 8255 and write control word register format for PA output, PB input in
mode 0. (6 Marks)
15. Write and ALP to read PB and check number of one’s in a given 8 bit data at PB and display FFh on
PA if it is even parity else 00h on PA if it is odd parity. (5 Marks)
16. Write a program using string instructions to accept a string from keyboard and heck for palindrome
and accordingly display appropriate message. ( 5 Marks) (Jan 2018)
17. Explain the concept of signed numbers in computers.

18. Explain signed byte operand and write the range of positive and negative numbers.

19. Explain signed word operand and write the range of positive and negative numbers.

20. Show how the computer would represent byte operand -5.

21. Show how the computer would represent byte operand -36h.

22. Show how the computer would represent byte operand – 126.

Module 4

The Oxford College Of Engineering Page 26

Question Bank

1. a. Discuss the processor modes of CPSR with respect to ARM processor. (6 Marks) (Jan 2019)

b. Write the comparison between microprocessor and microcontrollers. (4 Marks) (Jan 2019)

c. Explain with neat block diagram the ARM based embedded device microcontroller. (6 Marks)
(Jan 2019)

2. a. Discuss the following with diagram.

I )Von Neumann architecture with cache
ii) Harvard architecture with TCM (8 Marks) (Jan 2019)
b. Explain the pipeline mechanism in (Advanced RISC Machine) ARM processor. (8 Marks) (Jan
3. Differentiate between RISC and CISC processors (6 Marks) (Jul 2017)
4. Explain ARM core data flow model with a neat diagram. (6 Marks)
5. Discuss briefly how coprocessors can be attached to ARM processor. (4 Marks)
6. Explain the architecture of a typical embedded device based on ARM core with a neat diagram. (8
7. Explain the concept of pipeline and interrupts used in ARM processor. (8 Marks)
8. Compare microprocessor with microcontroller. (4 Marks)
9. Explain the programmer’s model of ARM processor with complete register sets available. (4

Microprocessors versus Microcontrollers, ARM Embedded Systems :The RISC design

philosophy, The ARM Design Philosophy, Embedded System Hardware, Embedded System
Software, ARM Processor Fundamentals : Registers , Current Program Status Register ,
Pipeline, Exceptions, Interrupts, and the Vector Table , Core Extensions

10. With diagram explain the various blocks in a 3 stage pipeline of ARM processor organization (4
11. Explain registers used under various modes. (4 Marks) (Jan 2018)
12. Explain the structure of ARM cross development tool kit. (6 Marks)
13. Describe the various modes of operation of ARM processor. (5 Marks)
14. Explain the various fields in Current Program Status Register (CPSR). (5 Marks)
15. Explain the difference between microprocessor and microcontrollers

16. Explain the difference between CISC and RISC architectures.

17. Explain the design rules on which RISC philosophy is implemented.

18. Explain the ARM design philosophy( Physical features that have driven ARM processor design.)

19. Explain with a neat diagram, the embedded system hardware based on ARM core.

20. Explain the following ARM system design.

The Oxford College Of Engineering Page 27

Question Bank

21. i) ARM bus technology ii) AMBA bus protocol iii) Memory iV) Memory Controller v)
Interrupt controller

Module 5
1. a. Discuss the comparison instructions with examples with respect to ARM processor. (5 Marks) (Jan

b. Explain the Barrel shifter operation in ARM processor with diagram. (6 Marks) (Jan

c. Explain the arithmetic instructions with examples with respect to ARM process. (5 Marks) (Jan 2019)
2. a. Explain briefly co-processor instructions of ARM processor. (4 Marks) (Jan 2019)

b. Discuss the load store instructions with respect to:

i) Single Register Transfer

ii) Multiple Register Transfer(7 Marks) (Jan 2019)
3. Explain the following instructions of ARM processor with suitable example. (8 Marks) (Jul 2017)
4. MLA ii) QADD iii) SMULL iv)LSL
5. Write an ALP to copy a block of data (Block 1) to another block (Block 2) using ARM instructions.
(8 Marks)
6. Write and ALP using ARM instructions that calls sub routing fact to find factorial of a given
number. (8 Marks)
7. Write short notes on memory access and branch instructions of ARM controller. (8 Marks)

Introduction to the ARM Instruction Set : Data Processing Instructions , Branch

Instructions, Software Interrupt Instructions, Program Status Register Instructions,
Coprocessor Instructions, Loading Constants, Simple programming exercises.

8. Explain the syntax with example the following instructions of ARM processor i)MVN ii) RSB iii)
ORR iv)MLA v) LDR (5 Marks) (Jan 2018)
9. Write a program to display message “Hello World” using ARM7 instructions. (4 Marks)
10. Explain various formats of add instructions based on operands of ARM7 processor. (4 Marks)
11. Explain software interrupt instruction of ARM processor. (4Marks) (Jan 2018)
12. Explain various types of multiply instructions with syntax and example. (4 Marks)
13. Explain various types of multiply instructions with syntax and example. (5 Marks) (Jan 2018)
14. What are the salient features of ARM instruction set? (5 Marks)

15. Explain MOV instruction with examples.

16. Explain barrel shifter in ARM instructions with an example.

The Oxford College Of Engineering Page 28

Question Bank

17. Assume r5 = 5 , r7 = 8

a. Show the contents of registers r5 and r7 after the execution of MOV r7, r5, LSL #2

18. 116. Assume r0 = 0x00000000, r1 = 0x80000004

19. Show the contents of registers r0 and r1 after the execution of MOVS r0, r1, LSL #1

20. Assume r0 = 0x00000000, r1 = 0x00000002, r2 = 0x00000001. Show the contents of registers r0 ,

r1and r2 after the execution of SUB r0, r1, r2

21. Assume r0 = 0x00000000 , r1 = 0x00000077 Show the contents of registers r0 and r1 after the
execution of RSB r0, r1, #0,

22. Assume r0 = 0x00000000 , r1 = 0x00000005, Show the contents of registers r0 and r1 after the
execution of ADD r0, r1, r1, LSL #1

23. Assume r0 = 0x00000000, r1 = 0x00000002, r2 = 0x00000002 Show the contents of registers r0 ,

r1and r2 after the execution of MUL r0, r1, r2

24. Assume r0 = 0x00000002, r1 = 0x00000004, r2 = 0x00000008 and r3=0x00000009 Show the

contents of registers r0 , r1, r2and r3 after the execution of UMULL r0, r1, r2, r3 124. Explain the
arithmetic instructions in ARM with an examples.

25. Explain the barrel shifter in arithmetic instruction with an example.

26. Explain the logical instructions with examples.

27. Explain the comparison instruction with examples.

28. Explain the Multiply instructions with examples.

The Oxford College Of Engineering Page 29

Question Bank

Subject Name : Software Engineering Subject Code: 17CS45

Module 1

Introduction: Software Crisis, Need for Software Engineering. Professional Software

Development, Software Engineering Ethics. Case Studies. Software Processes: Models:
Waterfall Model, Incremental Model and Spiral Model. Process activities. Requirements
Engineering: Requirements Engineering Processes. Requirements Elicitation and Analysis.
Functional and non-functional requirements. The software Requirements Document.
Requirements Specification. Requirements validation. Requirements Management.

Module 2

System Models: Context models. Interaction models. Structural models. Behavioral models.
Model-driven engineering. Design and Implementation: Introduction to RUP, Design
Principles. Object-oriented design using the UML. Design patterns. Implementation issues.

The Oxford College Of Engineering Page 30

Question Bank

Open source development.

Module 3

Software Testing: Development testing, Test-driven development, Release testing, User

testing. Test Automation. Software Evolution: Evolution processes. Program evolution
dynamics Software maintenance. Legacy system management.

Module 4

Project Planning: Software pricing . Plan-driven development . Project scheduling :

Estimation techniques . Quality management: Software quality. Reviews and inspections.
Software measurement and metrics Software standards

Module 5

Agile Software Development: Coping with Change , The Agile Manifesto: Values and
Principles. Agile methods: SCRUM and Extreme Programming. Plan-driven and agile
development. Agile project management , Scaling agile methods

Text Books:

1. Ian Sommerville: Software Engineering, 9th Edition, Pearson Education, 2012.

2. Roger S. Pressman: Software Engineering-A Practitioners approach, 7th Edition,
TataMcGraw Hill.
3. Pankaj Jalote: An Integrated Approach to Software Engineering, Wiley India

Module 1

Introduction: Software Crisis, Need for Software Engineering. Professional Software Development,
Software Engineering Ethics. Case Studies. Software Processes: Models: Waterfall Model,
Incremental Model and Spiral Model. Process activities. Requirements Engineering: Requirements
Engineering Processes. Requirements Elicitation and Analysis. Functional and non-functional
requirements. The software Requirements Document. Requirements Specification. Requirements
validation. Requirements Management.

Module 1 :
1. Explain the need for requirements elicitation and analysis? Explain the different process
activities involved.[10M] [Dec 09/10]
2. Explain Boehm’s spiral model[10M][Dec 09/10]
3. With an example, explain the functional and non- functional requirements [10M][Dec
09/10, May/June 2010]
4. Explain the requirements engineering process with a neat block diagram. [4,6,10,12M]
[Dec 10 May/June,2010,12,13]

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Question Bank

5. Describe 4 different types of non-functional requirement, which may be placed, on the

systems. Give examples of each of these types of requirements[10M][Dec 10, July15]
6. Describe the salient features of spiral model of software process, with an illustration
diagram [Dec 10,JAN15]
7. What is requirement elicitation and analysis? Explain[4M][Dec 10\July16]
8. With neat diagram, explain the waterfall model model of software development process
[5M, 6M][June/July 2010, June/July 201016, June/July 2017 ]
9. During the requirements validation process, what are the different types of checks to be
carried out on the requirements in the requirements document. Also what are the
requirements validation techniques, which can be used in conjunction or individually.[
10M][June/July 2010, June/july 17]
10. Explain the requirements elicitation and analysis phase, with spiral diagram. Give reasons
why is it difficult phase in requirements engineering process. [8M][May/June 2010]
11. Explain the IEEE standard format for requirement documentation [ 6,10,8M] [June/ July
13,16, Dec 2010, Dec 13/Jan 14]
12. Explain briefly the requirements discovery[10M] [Dec 14/Jan 15]
13. With appropriate block diagram, explain briefly the requirement engineering process or
software specification activities[6M][Dec 14/Jan 15]
14. Distinguish between functional and non-functional requirements with example.[ 4,6M]
[June/July 15,16]
15. Explain requirement validation. [10M] [Dec 13/ Jan 14]
16. Write short notes on Ethnography[ 4M ] [June/ July 2016]
17. Distinguish between functional and non-functional requirements. With a block diagram
Explain non-functional requirement types.[10M] [Dec 2012]
18. What are professional and ethical responsibility of software engineering[ 5M ][June 2012]
19. Define software Engineering. Explain the different types of software products.[6M] [June
20. Answer the following frequently asked questions about software engineering
1. Difference between software engineering and system engineering
2. What is a software process model
21. What are key challenges facing software engineering [6M] [June/July 2014]
22. What are the attributes of good software. Explain [6M][Dec 09/ Jan 10, Dec13/ Jan 14,
June/July 18]
23. What is software? What are the fundamental activities of software engineering? Mention
and explain the key challenges or the general issues facing software engineering [5M]
[June/July 2017, Dec/Jan2018, July18]
24. List and explain any five software engineering code ethics[5M][ Dec/Jan2018]
25. Write block diagram for illustrating incremental development model. State at least two
benefits and the problems in incremental development.[6M] ][ Dec/Jan2018]
26. What is requirement specification? Explain various ways of writing system requirements.
[ 6M] [June/July 17]
27. Why the understanding of requirements from stakeholders is difficult task? Explain [5M]
[June/July 17]
28. Explain four steps in spiral model of requirements elicitation and analysis process. And why
the understanding of requirements from stakeholders is difficult task? Explain [8M]
29. What is software process model? Explain the types of software process models [5M]

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30. Explain the different checks to be carried during requirement validation process[5M][july

Module 2

System Models: Context models. Interaction models. Structural models. Behavioral models.
Model-driven engineering. Design and Implementation: Introduction to RUP, Design Principles.
Object-oriented design using the UML. Design patterns. Implementation issues. Open source

Module 2 :
1. Draw & explain sequence diagram and state diagram for a weather station.
(10marks) [July 2007, Jul 2008,dec2010, dec2011,jul2013,jul2014,jan 2014,jul 2016,jan 2017]
2. Describe the general model of design process. (6marks) [July 2007,dec2010,jul 2013,jul
3. Draw a context model for patient information system. How the interactions are modeled?
[6M][ June/July 17]
4. Explain the state machine model of a simple microwave oven.(8marks) [Jul 2008,jul
5. Write an object and DFD model for an invoice processing system. (8marks) [Jul 2008,jul
2009,dec2010.jul 2015]
6. Describe the principles of user interface design.(6marks) [Jul 2008,Jan 2008]
7. Based on your experience with a bank ATM draw a DFD modeling the processing evolved
when a customer withdraws cash from machine. (5marks) [Jan 2008,jul 2009, dec2011]
8. What are the control models? Write a brief note on call return control model. (5marks) [jan
9. Name the components of a design model.(5marks) [jul 2009]
10. What are the characteristics of rapid software development?(5marks) [jul 2009, dec2011,
jul 2013]
11. Short notes on : Context model , Object model, UML , Sequence model(10marks)
12. Explain DFD with an example of insulin pump.(8marks) [July 2016]
13. With a neat diagram, explain the rational unified process (6 marks) [July 17, July18]
14. Draw a context model for patient information system. How the interations are modeled? (6
marks) [ july 2017]
15. Explain the terms class diagram, generalization and aggregation. (6 marks)[july 2017]
16. What are the things done for design of object oriented system? How the objects are
identified? [5 marks] [ july 2017]
17. What is model driven engineering? State the three types of abstract system models produced
? [4M][June/july 17]
18. What is design pattern? Explain four elements of design pattern.[6M][june/july17]
19. What is software reuse? State the general models of open source licenses [5M][june/july 17]
20. Draw and explain use case modeling and sequence diagram for patient information system
21. Explain the general models of open source licenses [4M][July18]

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Module 3
Software Testing: Development testing, Test-driven development, Release testing, User testing. Test
Automation. Software Evolution: Evolution processes. Program evolution dynamics. Software
maintenance. Legacy system management.

Module 3 :
1. With appropriate block diagram, explain the system evolution process[10M] [Dec 14
2. Explain activities involved in reengineering process with figure[10M] [June / July 15]
3. With neat diagram, show the software evolution process and explain the ‘Lehman’s law’
concern to system change[10M] [Dec 13 /Jan 14, June / July 16, June/july 17]
4. Explain interface testing with neat diagram [8M] [June / July 16]
5. Explain component testing [10M] [Dec 13 / Jan 14]
6. List classes of interface errors[5M] [June / July 15]
7. Define “program evolution dynamics”. Describe the Lehman’s laws for program evolution
dynamics[10M] [Dec 2012]
8. Explain the different types of software maintenance [6M][ June 2012]
9. Explain the software evolution process[6M] [June 2012]
10. Explain the performance testing[6M] [June 2012]
11. Explain general model of testing with the help of a block diagram [8M] [June / July 13]
12. How software maintenance is carried out? State the activities of re-engineering proces [8M ]
[June / July 14, June/July 17]
13. Distinguish between software inspection and testing. What are the advantages of
inspection over testing[8M][Dec 09 / Jan 10]
14. Explain with illustrations:
(i) Integration testing (ii) release testing [6M][Dec 09 / Jan 10]
15. What is verification and validation? Explain why validation is a particularly difficult
process [5M][ May / June 2010]
16. Explain briefly software inspection process [6M][Dec 14 / Jan 15]
17. What is partitioning testing? Briefly explain with an example[10M][Dec 2012]
18. State the two goals and three levels of granularity of software testing process[ 5M]
[June/july 17]
19. What is test driven development? state the benefits of test driven developments [5M][June
/july17, July 18]
20. Explain the six stages of acceptance testing process[6M][june/july 17, Jul 18]
21. With neat diagram, explain the software evolution process[ 5M] [July 18]
22. Explain three different types of software maintenance[3M][July 18]
23. Draw a chart showing relative business value and system quality of legacy system
management and explain four clusters of systems[8M][July18]

Module 4
Project Planning: Software pricing. Plan-driven development. Project scheduling: Estimation
techniques. Quality management: Software quality. Reviews and inspections. Software

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Question Bank

measurement and metrics. Software standards.

Module 4 :
1. Describe the general inspection process. Also discuss possible inspection checks. (8marks)
[July 2007,jan 2008,dec2012,jul2013,jul 2015]
2. Explain the COCOMO II costing model.(10marks) [July 2007,jan 2008,dec2012,
jul2013,jul 2015]
3. Explain in detail algorithmic cost models in project planning.(10marks) [dec 2011,jul
2016,jan 2017]
4. Explain software quality attributes.(5marks) [Jan 2007]
5. What are the areas covered by ISO 9001 model for quality assurance?(10marks) [Jan
6. Identify the risks and risk types.(5marks) [Jan 2007, jan 2014]
7. Explain briefly the factors affecting software pricing and software engineering
productivity.(10marks) [Jul 2008,jan 2014]
8. Explain the structure of a software test plan. (7marks) [Jul 2008,dec2010]
9. Explain software product metrics. (6marks) [Jul 2008]
10. Name the various estimation techniques in software systems(5marks) [jul 2009,dec2010,
jul 2014]
11. Short note on : Project scheduling(5marks) [dec2012]
12. Explain Lehman’s laws of program evolution dynamics. (8marks) [jul 2013,jan 2014,jul
2016,jan 2017]
13. Explain different section of project plan and define milestones and deliverables.(8marks)
[jul 2016,jan 2017]
14. Explain the factors to be considered for approval of change [5m] [June/July 17]
15. Explain the features provided by verion management systems. [5m][June/July 17]
16. What is configuration management? State the four activities of configuration management.
[6M][June/July 17]
17. What is system building? State the features available in the system building tools [10M]
[june/july 17]
18. Explain the factors to be considered for release planning of system. [6M][june/july 17]
19. For the set of tasks shown below draw the project scheduling using.
i) Activity bar chart
ii) Staff allocation chart

Task Duration(Days) Dependencies

T1 10 -
T2 15 -
T3 15 T1(M1)
T4 10 -
T5 10 T2,T4(M1)
T6 5 T1,T2(M4)
T7 20 T1(M1)
T8 25 T4(M2)
T9 15 T3,T6(M5)

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T10 15 T7,T8(M6)
T11 10 T9(M7)
T12 10 T10,T11(M8)
20. Explain briefly the algorithimic cost modeling and write the difficulties [6M][July18]
21. Write any four product and process standards [4M][July18]
22. Explain briefly the software review process[6m][July 18]
23. Explain briefly the process of product measurement. [6M][July18]

Module 5

Agile Software Development: Coping with Change, The Agile Manifesto: Values and Principles.
Agile methods: SCRUM and Extreme Programming. Plan-driven and agile development. Agile
project management, Scaling agile methods.

Module 5 :
1. What is Agile method? Discuss the various principles used in agile methods. (5marks) [jul
2009,dec2010,jul 2013,jul 2016,jan 2017, july 17,jan 19]
2. What is pair programming? Highlights its advantages. (4marks) [dec2011, jul2013, july
2017, dec/Jan 19]
3. Explain the problems with agile methods.(10marks) [dec2012]
4. Briefly discuss the extreme programming release cycle with a neat diagram. (6marks)
[July2014,jan 2014, July15, July17, July18]
5. List and explain the principles of agile methods. Also explain the problems with agile
methods(5 marks)[July 2017, July 18]
6. How the agile methods are scaled ? State the coping of agile methods for large system
engineering. And reduction of rework (5 marks)[ July17, July 18 ,Jan 19]
7. Explain the difficulties with iterative development and incremental delivery[ 6M ] [June /
July 14]
8. With a figure, explain the process of prototype development. What are the benefits of using
prototyping? [7M ] [June / July 14]
9. What are the practices followed in extreme programming. [6M, 10M ] [May/ June
2010,June/July 17, Dec/Jan 19]
10. Explain the structure of software test plan [7M] [Dec 2010]
11. List the advantages of SCRUM used in a telecommunication software development
environment [5M][July 18]

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Question Bank

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Question Bank

Question Bank for Data Communication

Module 1

Introduction: Data Communications, Networks, Network Types, Internet History,Standards

and Administration, Networks Models: Protocol Layering, TCP/IP Protocol suite, The OSI
model, Introduction to Physical Layer-1: Data and Signals, DigitalSignals, Transmission
Impairment, Data Rate limits, Performance, Digital Transmission:Digital to digital
conversion (Only Line coding: Polar, Bipolar and Manchester coding).

1. What is data communication? With a clear diagram explain the four basic topologies (5
2. Explain TCP/IP protocol suite with encapsulation and de-capsulation concepts (8 marks)
3. Explain different characteristics of periodic analog signal. Find the phase in degree and
radian of a sine wave with offset ¼ cycle with respect to time ‘0’(zero) (3 marks)
4. Draw a line code of sequence 010011 using NRZ, NRZ-L, NRZ-I, Manchester, RZ and
differential Manchester schemes. (6 marks)
5. Explain digital signal transmissions methods (4 marks)
6. What is noise less channel? Find out maximum bit rate in noise less channel with band
width of 3000Hz transmitting a signal with two signal level. (4 marks)
7. What are the uses of the layered network model? Compare OSI and TCP/IP model. (4
8. What are the three factors data rate is dependent on? Explain the theoretical formula which
was developed to calculate the data rate. (6 marks)
9. Explain the four levels of addressing employed in TCP/IP protocol (8 marks)
10. Compare analog and digital transmission. Also explain how analog information is
transformed in to digital. (8 marks)

Module 2

Physical Layer-2: Analog to digital conversion (only PCM), Transmission Modes, Analog
Transmission: Digital to analog conversion, Bandwidth Utilization:Multiplexing and pread
Spectrum, Switching: Introduction, Circuit Switched Networksand Packet switching.

1. Explain PCM and quantization process with steps and example (8 marks)
2. Explain amplitude shift keying modulation process. (8 marks)
3. Find out bit rate if available bandwidth is 100Hz which spans from 200 to 300Khz.Consider
ASK with d=1, r=1. (8 marks)
4. What is multiplexing? Define synchronous TDM with data rate management strategies. (8
5. What is spread spectrum? Explain FHSS and bandwidth sharing (8 marks)
6. Define DSSS and explain how it achieves bandwidth multiplexing. (8 marks)

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7. Explain data rate management in multilevel multiplexing. (8 marks)

8. Describe ASK , FSK , and PSK mechanism and apply them over the digital data 101101 (8
9. What do you mean by interleaving? Explain (8 marks)
10. Explain in details Synchronous TDM (8 marks)


Error Detection and Correction: Introduction, Block coding, Cyclic codes, Checksum,
Forward error correction, Data link control: DLC services, Data link layer protocols, DLC,
and Point to Point protocol (Framing, Transition phases only).

1. How are data words and code words represented in block coding? Explain how can errors be
selected and corrected using block codes. (10 marks)
2. Find the code word using CRC given data is 1101 and generator is 1100. (6 marks)
3. With a neat diagram, explain any two protocols of noisy channels. (12 marks)
4. Explain the frame format of HDLC protocol. (4 marks)
5. Explain framing and transition phase in point to point protocol. (8 marks)
6. Explain with an example block coding method for error detection and correction. (10 marks)
7. What is internet checksum? List the steps undertaken by sender and receiver for error
detection. (6 marks)
8. Explain the structure of encoder and decoder for hamming code. (8 marks)
9. What is framing? Explain bit and character stuffing with an example. (4 marks)
10. Explain stop and wait ARQ protocol with neat diagram. (8 marks)


Media Access control: Random Access, Controlled Access and Channelization, Wired
LANs Ethernet: Ethernet Protocol, Standard Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet and
10 Gigabit Ethernet, Wireless LANs: Introduction, IEEE 802.11 Project and Bluetooth.

1. What is channelization? List and explain channelization protocols. (12 marks)

2. Describe Gigabit Ethernet. (4 marks)
3. Describe pure ALOHA and slotted ALOHA. (6 marks)
4. Explain CSMA/CD. (6 marks)
5. Define Bluetooth and its architecture. (4 marks)

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6. Explain CDMA. (6 marks)

7. Explain 802.3 MAC frame format. (8 marks)
8. Explain the architecture of IEEE 802.11 (10 marks)
9. Explain connecting devices (10 marks)
10.Explain any two popular control access methods with a neat diagram (8 marks)


Other wireless Networks: WIMAX, Cellular Telephony, Satellite networks, Network layer
Protocols : Internet Protocol, ICMPv4,Mobile IP, Next generation IP: IPv6 addressing, The
IPv6 Protocol, The ICMPv6 Protocol and Transition from IPv4 to IPv6.

1. Explain satellite networks and its categories. (8 marks)

2. Write a short note on fixed WiMax. (8 marks)
3. Explain mobile IP with phases. (8 marks)
4. Write a short note on IPv6 addressing. (8 marks)
5. Draw IP4 header format and explain. (8 marks)
6. Compare between IPv4 and IPv6 (8 marks)
7. Explain briefly advantage of IPv6. (8 marks)
8. Write short note on network address translation. (8 marks)
9. Explain briefly ICMPv6 protocol. (8 marks)
10.Write a short note on cellular telephone. (8 marks)

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