English Guide 10th Third Term

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Teacher: Paula Daniela Barros Hernández

Class: 10th Third period

There is / there are-there was/ there were
Tag questions grammar in different tenses
Tag questions exercises
Colloquial expressions
Modal verbs
Solve the pages:
Finish the Unit 4 and develop the unit 5 from your workbook-(Finaliza la Unidad 4 y desarrola
la Unidad 5 de tu libro de trabajo).
Date: August 10th (workbook)
Fecha de revisión del libro de trabajo(workbook)- viernes 10 de Agosto.
Date: August 6th (guide)
Fecha de entrega de la guía lunes 6 de Agosto.

Quiz 3 Quiz 7
Quiz 4 Quiz 8
Quiz 5 Quiz 9
Quiz 6 Quiz 10
There Was // There Were

There Was: Había, Hubo.
There Were: Habían, Hubieron
Al igual que en el presente simple usaremos 'There Was' cuando el sustantivo al que
acompaña es un sustantivo contable en singular o uno incontable y 'There Were' con los
sustantivos contables en plural.

Composición: There +  Was/Were + Complemento.

Examples /Ejemplos:

There was a dog on the street // Había un perro en la calle

There was a tree in the forest // Había un árbol en el bosque
There were some pencils // Hubo algunos lápices
There were not any cars // No había Coches/Carros
There was a girl in the market // Había una chica en el mercado

Afirmative contractada
There Was Wasn't there?
There Were Weren't there?

Negative Negativa
There was not contractada 
There were not There wasn't
Questions There weren't
Was there?
Were there?
Examples: Respuestas
There were apples // Hubieron Manzanas Yes, there were
Were there some apples? // ¿Hubieron Manzanas? No, there were
There were not apples // No hubieron Manzanas not
Were there not some apples? // ¿No habian algunas Manzanas?  No, there weren't
There weren't apples // No habia Manzanas
Weren't there some apples? // ¿No estaban ahí algunas manzanas?
Respuestas Cortas 

Yes, there were // Sí, había

No, there were not // No, no había
No, there weren't //  No, no había

Complete with there was or there were. 

 a bank near my house.  ten children in the park.

 two kittens in the basket.  a small shop between the bank and the

 many bottles of milk in the fridge.  some pencils on the desk.

 only one book on the table.  an old man in the street.

 a lot of noise in the classroom.  a huge crocodile in the river.

Question tags test with answers. Fill in the gaps with the right question tags in English.
1. I'm late,  ?

2. They're waiting,  ?

3. He's left,  ?

4. It works,  ?

5. I've finished,  ?

6. You like it,  ?

7. You can see him,  ?

8. I'm not late,  ?

9. He isn't leaving,  ?

10. He hasn't finished,  ?

Put the word in the correct place to form the tag questions.

1. Doctor, I haven't got an infection,   I?

2. She takes her dog for a walk every morning,   she?

3. You'll come,   you?

4. We are buying the red car,   we?

5. They have a cat,   they?

6. It's a lovely day,   it?

7. George doesn't know,   he?

8. The party didn't finish until 3 in the morning,   it?

9. They look tired,   they?

10. We won't be late,   we?

11 She's been to Canada,   she?

12. He's happy,   he?

13 There were a lot of people at the beach,   there?

14. I've met you before,   I?

15. He jumped over the fence,   he?

Tag Questions


A tag question is a grammatical structure. It refers to a declarative statement or an imperative

that are modified to become a question by adding an interrogative fragment.


Tag questions:

 can be considered as an indicator of politeness, emphasis, or irony;

 they may suggest confidence or lack of confidence;
 they may be confrontational or tentative;
 in legal settings, tag questions can be found in leading question.


Tag questions vary according to different factors such as the choice of auxiliary, the negation.

The structure is generally as follows:

Affirmative statement Negative Tag

he likes him doesn't he?

Negative statement Affirmative Tag

she doesn't care about him does she?


Affirmative statement Negative tag

He is excellent at languages, isn't he?

You were late, weren't you?

They are working on a new project, aren't they?

She writes good poems, doesn't she?

We have worked hard to earn this money, haven't we?

He called her, didn't he?

You should see a doctor, shouldn't you?

He can drive, can't he?

You will help us, won't you?

Negative statement Affirmative tag

He isn't an athlete, is he?

They weren't early, were they?

You aren't writing a new book, are you?

She doesn't work in a hospital, does she?

He hasn't found the solution, has he?

You didn't visit the museum, did you?

We shouldn't sleep late, should we?

You won't tell her, will you?

Imperative Tag

keep quiet, won't you ?

will you?
would you?
could you?

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