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Digital Marketing

Module Planning Integrated Digital Marketing Campaigns

Session No. II

Version 1.0
Digital Marketing

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DM/M7SII/v1.0/240819 Planning Integrated Digital Marketing Campaigns | Session No.: II

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Digital Marketing

Table of Contents

1. Understanding the Target Market.......................................................................... 5

1.1. Guidelines for Target Market .............................................................................. 5

1.1.1. Analysing and Deciding on the right Customer Base............................................. 5

1.1.2. Evaluation of the Competitors ............................................................................... 5

1.1.3. Clarity of the Product/Service Offering .................................................................. 6

1.1.4. Development of a brand positioning statement ..................................................... 6

2. Channel Selection................................................................................................... 6

2.1. Guidelines for Channel Selection ....................................................................... 6

2.1.1. Selection of Email Marketing................................................................................. 6

2.1.2. Selection of PPC Advertising ................................................................................ 6

2.1.3. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) ....................................................................... 7

2.1.4. Selection of Display Advertising ............................................................................ 7

2.1.5. Selection and Application of Social Media Marketing ............................................ 7

2.1.6. Considerations to be made regarding the Selection Process ................................ 8

3. Maintaining of Consistencies ................................................................................ 8

3.1. Guidelines for maintaining consistency .............................................................. 9

3.1.1. Outlining of the Brand Voice ................................................................................. 9

3.1.2. Setting of Specific Guidelines ............................................................................... 9

3.2. Standing out from the crowd ............................................................................ 10

4. Generation of Quality Contents ........................................................................... 10

4.1. Guidelines for enhancing the Content Quality .................................................. 10

4.1.1. Understanding Audiences’ Expectations ..............................................................10

4.1.2. Following the Inverted Pyramid ............................................................................10

4.1.3. Writing of Shorter and also Simpler Sentences using Active Voice ......................11

4.1.4. Need for Visualisation ..........................................................................................11

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Digital Marketing

5. Synchronisation of Team Efforts in Digital Marketing ...................................... 11

5.1. Guidelines for generation of a synchronised effort ........................................... 11

6. Gaining of Customer Feedbacks ......................................................................... 13

6.1. Guidelines for gaining of customer feedbacks.................................................. 13

6.1.1. Popping up a Customer Survey ...........................................................................13

6.1.2. Incorporation of a Feedback Button .....................................................................13

6.1.3. Incorporation of Incentives ...................................................................................13

6.1.4. Incorporation of a Live Chat Platform ...................................................................13

References ................................................................................................................... 14

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1. Understanding the Target Market

The target market is highlighted as specific groups of individuals that are aimed to be accessed
by the firm. The guidelines for effectively understanding the target market are outlined as

1.1. Guidelines for Target Market

1.1.1. Analysing and Deciding on the right Customer Base
The selection of the right customer base is needed to be made based on the analysis of the
customers in terms of both demographic and psychographic parameters. The different
demographic parameters are highlighted as follows:
a) age of the customers
b) locational parameters
c) language spoken by the customers
d) purchasing patterns of the consumers
e) spending potential of the customers
f) expectations and interests shared by the customers along the social media platforms
regarding products/services

Again, the different psychographic parameters are identified as follows:

a) the personality and attitudes of the individual customers
b) values shared by the customers
c) hobbies liked and shared by the customers
d) behavioural patterns of the consumers

The selection and identification of the prospects needs to be rightly carried out in terms of
matching the same with the marketing objectives of the firm. The evaluation of social media
analytics, associated to diverse platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and LinkedIn, also
helps in understanding the manner of interaction of the customers along the different social

1.1.2. Evaluation of the Competitors

The activities of the competitors are to be evaluated based on their segmentation drives
associate to both demographic and psychographic parameters. The analysis is also needed to
focus on the activities undertaken by them for positioning their product/service offerings to the
target market. Likewise, the different strategies that are undertaken by the competitor firms for

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both accessing and engaging the customers along the online sphere also needs to be rightly
evaluated by the firms (Academic Conferences and Publishing Limited, 2017).

1.1.3. Clarity of the Product/Service Offering

The outlining the specific features of the product/service offered to the customers along with the
corresponding benefits contribute in generating needed clarity. The detailing of the
product/service features along with corresponding benefits associated to such would ideally
help the customers in making concerned choices.

1.1.4. Development of a brand positioning statement

The product/service marketer focuses on development of a positioning statement that highlights
the position the brand in the target market compared with other competing brands. An effective
brand positioning statement encompasses the following elements:
a) The key demographic and psychographic parameters associated with the product
b) Keywords that essentially match the keywords used by consumers for making relevant
searches (Huysveld, 2017).

2. Channel Selection
The selection of the channels is carried out from a plethora of digital channels that can be
accessed for transmitting the message to target audiences. The selection of the channels is
made based on validating the applicability of such for accessing of concerned parties and in
spreading of quality information.

2.1. Guidelines for Channel Selection

2.1.1. Selection of Email Marketing
Email marketing is considered as an effective channel for generation of sales leads and also for
collecting personalised information like contact numbers and email addresses for further
communication. Likewise, email marketing activity can also be considered for sending them
effective updates and other information through the use of emails.

2.1.2. Selection of PPC Advertising

PPC Advertising as a channel is ideally chosen in cases where considerable amount of
investments is focused on being carried out for both bidding and also placing of advertisements.
PPC Advertising earns success regards to the use of effective keywords that would help in

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attracting potential customers and thereby in optimising the right type of visual and textual
contents for creation of the different advertisements (Gregorio, 2019).

2.1.3. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

SEO Articles is to be considered as an effective channel associated to the development of a
digital marketing campaign. They can be effectively constituted for providing timely and quality
information to the target customers. The different activities associated to a SEO campaign is
carried out based on the incorporation of following activities:
a) Carrying out of keyword research
b) Optimising the development of on and off-page pages
c) Building of organic links and other links that serve the customers in providing quality
information about product/services brands

2.1.4. Selection of Display Advertising

Display advertising can be considered as an effective technique for enhancing brand
awareness. It works based on the incorporation of interactive and other video advertisements
along with blogs, forums and other informative websites on a common platform. Display
advertising is considered to be effective where the main objective of marketing is to focus on
generating greater number of sales leads and potential conversions (Gregorio, 2019).

2.1.5. Selection and Application of Social Media Marketing

The selection and application of social media platforms are generally made for helping in
reaching needed information to a wider section of customers and also in augmenting the level of
personal engagement. Herein, the selection of the right type of social media platform needs to
be carried out for meeting of concerned objectives. In terms of choosing Facebook, evaluation is
required to be made for identification of concerned groups and other pages that are frequently
visited by the customers. The application of Twitter gains emphasis, in cases, where a new
business is ought to be constituted such that the early adopters are needed to be accessed for
increasing the brand awareness of the firm (Gregorio, 2019). LinkedIn is considered to be an
effective social networking platform. It is chosen by the digital marketing professionals for rightly
accessing different categories like business owners, professionals, B2B leads and other
targeted customers. Google+ also is selected as an effective platform for designing of integrated
digital marketing campaigns for reaching out to early adopters, B2B professionals and other like
prospects. Again, Affiliate Marketing is considered as an effective channel that is considered for
reaching out to larger audiences on a global arena. Herein, Affiliate Marketers are recruited that
help in carrying out the sales in exchange for effective commissions. Other than the application

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of the above channels, the employment of Online PR is needed to be carried out for generation
of promotional content for branding and also in driving of potential web traffic (Gregorio, 2019).

2.1.6. Considerations to be made regarding the Selection Process Considerations based on Brand Awareness

The enhancement of the brand awareness is brought about based on the spreading of
messages through the use of social media platforms like that of Twitter, Facebook and also
Google+. Further, the application of channels like that of Instagram and Pinterest are required to
be incorporated for promotion of visual elements. Likewise, the video materials are required to
be promoted through the application of video sharing platforms like that of YouTube and also
Vimeo (Gregorio, 2019). Considerations regarding Sales Generation

In cases of existence of an e-commerce platform or an online store the uses of the following
channels for carrying out sales are outlined as under:
 Amazon Resellers
 Google Search Network
 Affiliate Marketing
 Google Display Network Considerations regarding Lead Generation

The selection of the digital marketing channels that would contribute in lead generation are
identified as follows:
 Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
 Display Advertising
 Google Search Network
 Blogging Sites
 PPC (Pay-per-Click Advertising)
 Email Marketing (Gregorio, 2019)

3. Maintaining of Consistencies
The digital marketers tend to observe that:
a) consistency regarding incorporation of infographics and other parameters concerning
font size

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b) colours used for developing of texts

c) other graphics are required to be effectively maintained for helping a brand earn needed
success in the long run

Branding is not only associated with the maintaining of parameters associated with the use of
logo and colours. It also needs to incorporate an effective tone that is required to be recognised
in a uniform fashion across diverse marketing channels. A consistent presence is required to be
maintained by the popular brands across diverse social networking platforms like Facebook,
Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, electronic mails and other such communication
channels (Dibenedetto, 2018).

3.1. Guidelines for maintaining consistency

The guidelines for maintaining consistencies regard content generation are outlined in the
following fashion:
3.1.1. Outlining of the Brand Voice
The brand voice is created based on the application of the storyboard technique. It elaborates
on the specific brand based on outlining of its goals and objectives and also in terms of hinting
on the aspect of brand personality. Further, guidelines include the development of an effective
counter customer servicing strategy for the different social media platforms that are employed in
the process (Dibenedetto, 2018). The counter strategy would thereby focus on countering the
negative remarks and feedbacks rendered by the customers on the social networking platforms.
Likewise, the digital marketer is also required to use a specific tone that serves as an extension
of the belief and voice used by the brand. The statements focused on being incorporated along
the social media platforms are required to ideally reinforce the voice of the product/service
brand (Dibenedetto, 2018).

3.1.2. Setting of Specific Guidelines

The contents need to be prepared based on the parameters of brevity and specificity such that a
maximum of 500 words are needed to be used for the designing of the contents. The
development of short sentence structures is required to be carried out for enhancing clarity.
Further, the use of business and technical jargons are needed to be avoided for providing of
better understanding of the readers. However, the digital marketers are required to focus on the
incorporation of buzzwords such that the same would help in attracting prospective customers
(Dibenedetto, 2018).

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3.2. Standing out from the crowd

For standing out of the crowd, the digital marketers are required to write in a sophisticated and
classy fashion such that the same tends to enhance the brand identity of the firm to the target
market. Further, live interactions with the target audiences and also the generation of live
testimonials are required to be incorporated by the digital marketers for making the brands more
customised in nature (Dibenedetto, 2018). The tweets and posts that are selected to be
generated along the social media platforms are required to bear relevancy with the product or
service brands. They also need to be updated in a timely fashion for generating quality
information about the products and services brands launches, new features and other promotion
and offers rendered by the firm. Incorporation of calls to action or CTA buttons, along with the
generation of promotional content and captions associated with Instagram posts, ideally
contribute in attracting considerable amount of web traffic to the websites (Dibenedetto, 2018).

4. Generation of Quality Contents

The following are outlined the specific guidelines that need to be followed for generation of
quality contents:
4.1. Guidelines for enhancing the Content Quality
The essential guidelines that are required to be followed for enhancing the quality of the web
contents are identified as follows:

4.1.1. Understanding Audiences’ Expectations

The understanding and meeting of audiences’ expectations is needed for incorporating links
associated to emails, websites and also along the search engine pages. Likewise, the uses of
backlinks are also recommended for enhancing the relevancy and association of the contents to
the search enquiry made by the users (Stox, 2016).

4.1.2. Following the Inverted Pyramid

The content marketers are required to design and generate the contents in an effective fashion
such that the reader gets access to current and most significant information at the very
inception. The same is required to be followed by other specific information associated or
bearing relevance to the issue or event. Finally, the reader is presented with support or contact

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4.1.3. Writing of Shorter and also Simpler Sentences using Active Voice
Writing of shorter and also simpler sentences for developing of the content enhances the
understanding of the reader. The same helps in comprehending the theme or the meaning the
content intends to convey to the target audience. Further, the usage of direct voice makes the
content direct in nature and also user friendly in nature.

4.1.4. Need for Visualisation

The incorporation of picture and other audio-visual materials are considered highly significant in
that the same enhances the level of brand association and loyalty of the target audience (Stox,

5. Synchronisation of Team Efforts in Digital Marketing

Link Building is considered as an effective activity that contributes in driving collaboration
between members associated to diverse teams. It thereby contributes in the accomplishment of
marketing and institutional objectives.

5.1. Guidelines for generation of a synchronised effort

Synchronisation of the product and warehousing teams of an organisation regarding the
development of a digital marketing campaign is possible through the construction of an effective
story. The story can be rightly generated in terms of the following fashion:
 In case, where the firm is associated to the retail or fashion industry the story is needed
to essentially outline the moment when the warehousing and the purchasing team has
earned access to a best seller product. The flagging of the best seller product by the
digital marketing team would thereby contribute in creating needed market hype and
thereby drive sales revenue and profit margins.
 Again, the stocking of an exclusive item by the warehousing and the inventory team of
the organisation, which bears the potential in disrupting the industry, can also be
highlighted as effective news by the digital marketing team. The same needs to be
effectively highlighted along the web page and also along the social media platform by
the digital marketer.
 Further, the SKU (stock keeping units) are required to be duly updated in terms of
bearing relevance to the event calendar. The news associated to the availability of the
right type of stock, which helps in meeting of consumer demands; need to be tracked by
the Public Relations (PR) team for publication of press releases. The same in turn would

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assist in spreading awareness about the availability of needed merchandises for meeting
of consumer demands (Ferguson, 2019).

The synchronisation of the activities carried out by the PR team of the organisation can be
effectively made with the activities conducted by the digital marketing team of the organisation
in the following fashion:
 Insights from the company founder can be ideally published at selective frequencies
regarding sharing of news associated to product launches, offers and promotions with
the prospective customers. The same would thereby serve as an effective medium to
customers for gaining of quality information.
 Likewise, the news associated with partnering or collaborating with another firm for
launching and promotion of products/services are focused to be marketed to prospective
customers based on the application of press releases. The sharing of back links to
product/service pages tends to enhance the level of consumer responsiveness. It also
increases the level of reliability shared by the consumers with the firm.
 The SEO team and the PR team can also be effectively synchronised for reducing the
communication gap. The closing of the communication gap thereby increases the
relevance of the messages shared on the digital platforms (Ferguson, 2019).

Finally, the activities of the SEO team operating, whether in an outsourced fashion or within the
framework of the organisation, can be ideally synchronised for meeting the objectives of the
digital marketing campaign. The synchronisation of the SEO team can be essentially carried out
in the following fashion:
 The content team is required to carry out an effective analysis based on the use of
quality tools about the strategies or activities that are best suited to the competitors.
Incorporation of the like content strategy would thereby help in creating needed
consumer hype.
 In case of an e-commerce firm, it is firstly required to identify the product categories that
have become outdated for the competitor firms. The SEO team can thereby focus on
identifying and thereby in using the right type of backlinks based on matching the same
with concerned product/service pages (Ferguson, 2019).

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6. Gaining of Customer Feedbacks

The retrieving of feedback rendered by customers is identified as the final stage regarding the
development of an integrated digital marketing campaign. The gaining of required feedback
from the prospects and thereby in implementing the same potentially contributes in the
fulfillment of the product/service development and marketing objectives.

6.1. Guidelines for gaining of customer feedbacks

Different types of guidelines can be undertaken for gaining of feedback rendered by customers.
The same are provided as follows:
6.1.1. Popping up a Customer Survey
Generation of an online customer survey form and thereby circulating the same through the use
of electronic mails and social media platforms ideally contribute in the gaining of quality
feedback from the prospective customers. The survey can be constituted through the
development of around four open-ended questions such that the same would help in
encouraging larger number of customers in generating in-depth answers to the queries.

6.1.2. Incorporation of a Feedback Button

The feedback button acts like an effective ‘call to action’ button that encourages customers for
generating adequate feedback based on providing answers to multiple choice questions. The
same is incorporated on a specific landing page in the name of Feedbacks (Santora, 2019).

6.1.3. Incorporation of Incentives

The digital marketers can also focus on the incorporation of different types of incentives like
coupons, free eBooks, free subscription to newsletters and also free e-brochures. The
incentives act as potential incentives that encouraging the customers to generate adequate
feedback for avail such.

6.1.4. Incorporation of a Live Chat Platform

The digital marketers can rightly focus on the development and incorporation of a live chat
platform. In the live chat platform, customer service representatives can directly interact with
customers for earning of quality feedback and suggestions if any. The customers are required to
be duly encouraged to ask questions associated to different issues and topics and also in
providing of relevant suggestions if any. The growth of interaction between the fir and customers
enhances the level of consumer loyalty and satisfaction associated to the product/service firm or
brand (Santora, 2019).

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Digital Marketing

Academic Conferences and Publishing Limited, 2017. ECSM 2017 4th European Conference on
Social Media. United Kingdom: Academic Conferences and publishing limited.

Dibenedetto, M.-H., 2018. 5 Steps To Maintaining a Consistent Brand Voice On Social Media.
[Online] Available at:
consistent-brand-voice-on-social-media-7030300bb2e1 [Accessed 22 August 2019].

Ferguson, R., 2019. Why collaboration is king: How to synchronise for strategic link building.
[Online] Available at:
strategic-link-building/ [Accessed 25 August 2019].

Gregorio, J., 2019. How to Choose the Best Digital Marketing Channel for Your Business.
[Online] Available at:
marketing-channel-for-your-business/ [Accessed 23 August 2019].

Huysveld, P., 2017. The Ultimate Survival Guide for Business in Japan (couverture souple).
United States :

Santora, J., 2019. 9 Best Ways to Collect Customer Feedback on Your Website. [Online]
Available at: [Accessed 25
August 2019].

Stox, P., 2016. What is quality content? [Online] Available at: [Accessed 25 August 2019].

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