Data - Types - Python

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Basic Data Types in Python

 Integers.
 Floating-Point Numbers.
 Complex Numbers.
 Strings. Escape Sequences in Strings. Raw Strings. Triple-Quoted Strings.
 Boolean Type, Boolean Context, and “Truthiness”
 Built-In Functions. Math. Type Conversion. Iterables and Iterators. Composite
Data Type. Classes, Attributes, and Inheritance. Input/Output. ...
Data types in Python:
The supported standard data types in Python include the following.

1. List.
2. Number.
3. String.
4. Dictionary.
5. Tuples.

Numeric Types -- int, float, long, complex

 There are four distinct numeric types: plain integers, long integers, floating
point numbers, and complex numbers. ...
 Numbers are created by numeric literals or as the result of built-in functions
and operators.

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