Segovia Scales For Classical Guitarpdf

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C Major

A Melodic Minor

G Major
E Melodic Minor

D Major

B Melodic Minor

A Major
F# Melodic Minor

E Major

C# Melodic Minor
B Major

G# Melodic Minor

F# Major
Segovia Scales
Practice Schedule

The following chart will help you to organize daily practice of the "Segovia" scales. This chart is used by the students of
Prof. Ronald C. Purcell at California State University, Northridge. The Segovia "Diatonic Major and Minor Scales" can be
ordered from Guitar Solo Publications in Sa n Francisco. The catalog n umber is CO 127 and the cost is only $4.50.

Segovia Scales Practice Schedule

Fin ge ring Pa tte rn Mod e Mo nd ay Tu esd ay Wed ne sday Th ursd ay Frida y

Saturday Sunday
I Major C D Db Eb C D Db
II minor a f# g# f g a f#
III Major G A B F# Ab Bb G
IV minor e e e e e e e
V Major E E E E E E E
VI minor b bb b bb b bb b
VII Major F F F F F F F
VIII minor c# d# c d c# d# c

Sugge sted Right Hand Fingering:

These fingerings for the right han d come from the sugg estion of Eliot Fisk. There are o nly eight left hand fingering
patterns. Each pattern is practiced da ily.Be sure to p ractice all the p ossible right hand two finger combinations. Do not
neglect the right hand little finger "c"(chiquito). Use of the little finger will help balance the muscles of the right hand.Pick
one leading pattern pe r day. Practice rest and free stroke.

Right hand combinations:

Indice leading : im ia ic ip
Medio leading : mi ma mc mp
Anular leading: ai am ac ap
Chiquito leading : ci cm ca cp
Pulgar leading: pi pm pa pc

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