Taller de Segunda Lengua para Filosofía Política

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Political Analysis of the Cartoons

Tomado de: https://www.google.com/search?q=world+politics+review&client=firefox-


 (TheArt of Controversy: Political Cartoons and Their Enduring Power, donde Victor
Navasky analiza la historia del género desde el siglo XVIII)

The student will know the current policy through the political comic. And differents
newspapers and international magazines.
Investigate the following cartoonists and his work, exposing five cartoons.

 Matt Davies. Estados Unidos

 Nate Beeler. Estados Unidos

 Joe Sacco
 David Pope. Australia

 Robert Ariail. Estados Unidos

 Manel Fontdevila. España

 Plantu. Francia
 Joep Bertrams. Holánda

 Chappatte. Pakistán
 Satish Acharya. India

 Slane Cartoons

Tomado de: https://twitter.com/slanecartoons/status/344210490236497920

 Charlie Hebdo. Francia

2. Read and find articles of interest published in World Politics Review

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