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National Seminar on Thermal Power Plant Performance Management - NSTPPPM 20

Energy Efficiency Assessment and Analysis of

Thermal Power Plant Process Equipments
Ram Niwas

Abstract--- Paper is focused on assessment and analysis of energy efficiency, equipment life and environmental pollution,
performance parameters of 250 MW coal fired thermal power which would have added to the generation quite significantly.
unit. Energy efficiency managers of thermal plants mainly
manage, monitor and major Boiler Efficiency and Turbine • Objectives
Heat Rate (THR) for the purpose of power plant business in • To conduct energy analysis of the overall plant and
hand. Auxiliary Power Consumption (APC) is also treated as determine the efficiencies and energy losses of all the
an equally important energy efficiency parameter. Unit Heat major components on the power plant.
Rate (UHR) and Station Heat Rate (SHR) can be calculated
• To select and develop the areas where energy losses
from the boiler efficiency and THR without referring to the
are being experienced.
APC for internal purposes. APC is taken into consideration to
• To calculate performance parameters and various
modify UHR & SHR for electricity business. Present paper
deals with management of boiler efficiency and THR control
The inputs to the thermal power plant processes at Power
Stations are coal and water. The source of coal for JPL
The energy supply to demand is narrowing down day by 4X250MW plant, is located at Libra ( Gare Pelma IV/ 2, IV/
day around the world due to the growing demand and 3) open cast mines around 10KM from the power station and
sometimes due to ageing of machinery. The present study source of water is Rabo Dam Constructed on Kurket River
deals with the comparison of energy analysis of thermal power which is 37 KM away from the power station. The design coal
plants stimulated by coal. chemistry is as given in Table 1. Outputs to the process are
Keywords--- Turbine Heat Rate, Unit Heat Rate, Various combustion products and the power generated.
Boiler Losses and its Calculations for 250MW BHEL Supplied Table - 1
Unit Total Moisture 12%
Ash 39%
Volatile Matter 22%
Fixed Carbon 27%
I. INTRODUCTION Gross Calorific Valve (Specific Energy) 3600Kcal/Kg
Sulphur 0.5%

I NDIA has progressed a lot by increasing its electricity

generating capacity from 1362 MW at the time of
independence to 228721.73 MW as on 30.09.2013. This
Ash Fusion Temperature 1400°C
Thermal Power Plant Performance Measures: The thermal
performance indicator is used to monitor thermal power
capacity has been achieved, gradually by sincere and station unit efficiency. It is an indication of the thermal units'
consistent efforts of the power personnel. Electricity demand success in meeting thermal design capabilities and enables
of developing India has been increasing exponentially and as a comparison among similar units. Estimation of Energy
result, gap between supply and demand also has been Efficiency Parameters has been worked out in forthcoming
increasing for last many decades. Present trend of increasing sections.
gap between demand and supply is quite likely to be continued
at least for another couple of decades. Total Indian electricity II. BOILER EFFICIENCY
generation capacity of 228721.73 MW is comprises of
39788.40MW of hydro, 155968.99 MW of thermal, Efficiency is defined as the ratio between output energy to
4780.00MW of nuclear and 28184.35 MW of renewal energy input energy. Boiler efficiency is determined by two methods,
sources. Contribution of thermal is more than 68 %, which is briefly described here under;
dominated by coal based steam turbine thermal power units. In
addition to the installation of new thermal unit, renovation, • Direct Method
modernization and refurbishment of the coal based old thermal Steam is output of the boiler and fuel is the input and
units remained on the national priorities for more than last two hence the ratio of heat supplied to the steam in boiler and heat
decades; as a result improved plant load factor has been released by the fuel in boiler. This method is also known as
achieved. Unfortunately, these efforts of enhancement of input-output method.
electricity availability could not be satisfactorily blended with

Ram Niwas, Whole Time Director &President, JPL. E-mail:

ISBN 978-93-83459-12-4 © 2014 Bonfring

National Seminar on Thermal Power Plant Performance Management - NSTPPPM 21

Where ηb is the boiler efficiency, Qms is flow of main heat is required to raise it to boiling temperature, to
stream, Hms is the enthalpy of the main stream, hfw is the evaporate it and then superheat it to APH outlet gas
enthalpy of the feed water, Qrh is the mass flow of steam temperature. This superheated steam, carrying
trough re heater, Hhrh is the enthalpy of the steam at re-heater valuable heat, goes out of the APH without
outlet, Hcrh is the enthalpy of the steam at the inlet of the re performing further useful work. Every effort to reduce
heater, Qc is coal flow, CV is the calorific of the coal and the surface moisture should be made and coals with
Hcredit is the heat added to the boiler from an outside source. high inherent moisture should be avoided.
• Due to Combustion of Hydrogen: Every unit weight of
• Indirect Method
hydrogen content of the coal, upon combustion,
In this method, percentage of heat loss is determined and produces nine times of moisture. It will also release
deducted from 100 and hence this method is also known as considerable amount of in the process, in fact over
determination of boiler efficiency by estimation of losses. four times more than that released by burning carbon
ηb = 100- Losses (2) to carbon di-oxide.
where- WFGL=Wm[Sensible heat of steam+Latent heat of
Losses=(DFGL)+(WFGL)+(CinAL)+(UGL)+(MAL)+(SHAL steam+Sensible heat of water] (8)
)+(R&U/AL) (3)
– (9)
Losses = Dry Flue Gas Loss (DFGL) + Wet Flue Gas Loss
(WFGL)+ Carbon in Ash Loss(CinAL) + Unburnt Gas Loss Where, Wm=(Mc+9H)/100 in Kg/Kg coal (10)
(UGL)+ Moisture in Air Loss (MAL)+ Sensible Heat in Ash Mc =Moisture % of the coal
Loss (SHAL)+ Radiation and U/A Loss Looses (R&U/AL) are H =Hydrogen % of the coal
briefly described hereunder; Cps =Specific heat of steam in KJ/kg oC
• Dry Flue Gas Loss Ts =Flue gas dew point for
condensation of steam in oC
This loss is the largest in a boiler and represents the heat
carried away by the hot gases leaving the air-heater without LH =latent heat of steam at Ts in KJ/Kg
doing further useful work. If more air than what is required for S =Specific heat of water in KJ/Kg oC
efficient combustion is allowed, additional heat would be lost – KJ/Kg
in heating the excess air at ambient temperature to the air-
coal (11)
heater outlet temperature.
– KJ/Kg coal (12)
DFL = W X Cpg X (T – t) (4)
Where • Carbon in Ash Loss
W is mass of dry flue gases (i.e. CO2, CO, N2& O2)
determined as under CinAshL = Carbon in Ash X C.V.c (13)
CinAshL = C in A * 33,820 KJ/kg Coal (14)
KgMol/Kg Coal
(5) • Unburnt Gas Loss
Loss of heat due to unburned carbon particles carried away
W=(44CO2+28CO+28N2+32O2)(C/100+S/267- with the fly ash. For every kilogram of carbon present in fly
CinAsh)/12(CO2+CO) Kg/Kg Coal (6) ash, there is a potential heat loss of 33820 kJ (8080 kcal).
This is a direct coal loss and efforts to control and optimize it
Cpg is the specific heat of dry flue gas in KJ/KgMol or in at low levels.
t is the ambient air temperature in 0C
KJ/kg coal (15)
T is flue gas exhaust temperature in 0C
Seigert formula also gives good idea of DFGL • Moisture in Combustion Air Loss
(7) MainAirL = Ma X H X (T-t) (16)
K=.63 for Bituminous, K=.68 for Anthracite, K=.70 for Coke Kg/Kg Coal (17)
& K=.56 for fuel oil H is taken from the Psychrometric Chart on the basis of
• Wet Flue Gas Loss
This results from steam in the flue gas carrying heat from • Sensible Heat in Ash Loss
the boiler to atmosphere. The steam is derived from two SHinAshL = Fly Ash* Cpfa*(T –t)+ Bottem Ash* Cpba*(Tf- t)
SHinAshL = .8A*Cpfa *(T – t) + .2A*Cpba*(Tf –t) (18)
• Due To Moisture In Fuel: Moisture contained in the
fuel absorbs heat of combustion and converts in to
Cpfa is specific heat of flyer ash=.836 KJ/Kg Ash
superheated steam. For every Kg of moisture in coal,
Cpba is specific heat of bottom ash = 1.17 KJ/ Kg Ash

ISBN 978-93-83459-12-4 © 2014 Bonfring

National Seminar on Thermal Power Plant Performance Management - NSTPPPM 22

Tf is temperature of bottom ash at time mixing with water = is treated as the approximate representative of the turbine
600 0C efficiency and similarly generator efficiency as an electricity
machine is also not separately as estimated due to the same
• Sensible Heat Loss in Mill Reject reason.
ShinRejectL= mrXCpr X(Tc+a - t) (19)
Where- • Generator Efficiency
mr is the mass flow rate (quantity) of mill reject As already mentioned above the generator efficiency is not
Cpr is the specific heat of mill reject independently estimated and represented by the associated
Tc+a is temperature of the coal air mixture at mill outlet parameters. In the event of estimation of the turbine out
power, the generator efficiency can be determined by the
• Radiation and Unaccounted Loss equation, mentioned here under:
Radiation and unaccounted loss is estimated by using the
following equation (23)
Log10 B = 0.8167 - 0.4238 log10 Cap (20) • Turbo Alternator Efficiency
Where- B is radiation and unaccounted loss and C is boiler
As the above referred three efficiencies are not worked out
capacity in Kg/sec (steam produced)
by the efficiency and performance managers of most of the
thermal power stations, and conveniently referring with single
III. TURBO ALTERNATOR HEAT RATE efficiency parameter as “Turbine Efficiency” which is a
Turbo alternator heat rate (THR) represents efficiency of product of above three (ηta = ηc*ηt*ηg) and worked out as
the turbine, generator and thermal cycle with units and in under;
reciprocal terms. Three efficiencies can be separately (24)
determined as under;
• Thermal Cycle Efficiency Turbo Alternator Heat Rate is reciprocal of turbo alternator
efficiency in units of heat and electricity, which can be
Even after using the 100% energy efficient boiler, turbine, determined by using any one of the following equations;
generator and associated auxiliaries, the efficiency of the
thermal cycle will be less than the efficiency of the Carnot THR = 3600/ ηta in KJ/KWHr (25)
engine that operates in between the heat addition and rejection THR = 860/ ηta in KCal/KWHr (26)
temperatures, same as that of the actual thermal (Rankine)
cycle. Unlike Carnot efficiency, the actual thermal (Rankine) KJ/KWhr (27)
cycle efficiency depends upon few more parameters in
addition to the two heat rejection and addition temperatures, IV. UNIT HEAT RATE
out of which feed water temperature at the boiler inlet is very
important as far as scope of better management is concerned. As in the case of THR, UHR is reciprocal of overall
High temperature is techno-economically decided and heat efficiency (ηo = ηc*ηt*ηg*ηb) in units of heat and electricity,
rejection temperature also cannot be reduced lower than that which can be determined by using any one of the following
of a particular value decided by the cooling water inlet equations;
temperature. Re-heater outlet temperature is also restricted in a
manner same as that of the super-heater. Cycle efficiency for (28)
the actual operating parameters is determined by the following
equation; KJ/KWHr (29)
(21) QC is in T/Hr, CVC in KJ/Kg and electricity measured at
generator terminals in MW
• Turbine Efficiency
Steam turbine is a fluid machine, which converts the heat V. STATION HEAT RATE
into kinetic energy and function as the prime mover for the
electricity generator. Its inefficiency is attributed to the Station heat rate and unit heat rate remain the same for
entrance loss (either in the nozzles or in the throttle valves single unit station. For two or more than two units, heat
depending upon the type of governing), nozzle angle (α ), supplied by the total coal consumed in the station and total
blade angle (β), blade surface roughness (μ), carry over loss MW produced are compared, and hence;
and leaving velocity loss. Turbine efficiency as an
KJ/KWHr (30)
independent fluid machine can be determined by equation,
mentioned below; Suffix t stands for total
(22) For the purpose of performance guarantee test and
acceptance test, MW is measured at the generator terminals
In most of the thermal power stations, rotor shaft work whereas for electricity business (deciding electricity tariff,
(WT) is not estimated and pressure survey at important points coal tariff etc), either the MW shall be measured at the

ISBN 978-93-83459-12-4 © 2014 Bonfring

National Seminar on Thermal Power Plant Performance Management - NSTPPPM 23

generator transformer terminals or auxiliary power VI. DETERMINATION OF PERFORMANCE PARAMETERS

consumption (APC) shall be taken into account as under;
Above referred Energy Efficiency parameters for a typical
(31) 250 MW thermal power unit have been determined and
tabulated in Table – 2.
Table 2
SN Item name Data name Value
CinAsh Kg/Kg Coal 0.004836
1 Dry Flue Gas Loss in % Moisture % 12
DFL = W * Cpg * (T – t) Ash % 39
W = (C/100+S/267-CinAsh)*100/12(CO2+CO) KgMol/Kg C VM % 22
3.93246 FC % 27
2 Carbon in ash loss in % Carbon % 37
CinA*33820 Hydrogen % 2.8
1.08687 Nitrogen % 0.9
3 Wet flue gas loss in % Sulphur % 0.5
WFGL=(Mc+9H)*[Cps*(T-Ts)+LH+Sw*(Ts–t)]/100 KJ/Kg C Oxygen % 7.7
WFGL=[1.88*(T-25)+2442+4.2*(25–t)]*(Mc+9H)/100KJ/ KgC MM % (10%ofAsh) 4.1
GCV(Kcal/Kg) 3600
6.440682 GCV (KJ/Kg) 15048
4 Unburnt gas loss in % GCV(KJ/Kg ) 15188.4638
UGL=23,717*(C/100+S/267-CinAsh)*CO/12(CO2+CO)KJ/kgC DBT deg. C 35.47
0.3732146 WBT deg. C 26.24
5 Moisture in combustion air loss in % Tf deg. C 600
MainAirL = Ma * H * (T-t) O2 % (at APH O/L) 3.56
Ma = (C/100+S/267-CinAsh)*3.03N2/12(CO2+CO) Kg/Kg C CO2 % 15.4
0.059130961 C in flyash % 0.4
6 Sensible heat in ash loss in % C in bottom ash % 4.6
SHinAshL = .8A*Cpfa *(FGET – t) + .2A*Cpba*(Tf –t) mill reject in Kg/hr 547.2
Cpfa = .836 & Cpba = 1.17 KJ / Kg Float of mill reject%CV 28.3
0.5131226 Guaranteed air i/ltempC 34
7 Radiation and unaccounted loss in % APH gas inlet temp C 348
Log10 B = 0.8167 – 0.4238 log10 Cap APH gas outlet temp C 132
-0.139084488 air inlet test temp C 34
0.726225779 corrected FGET C 132
8 Heat loss in mill reject in % Total Air (Kg/Kg Coal) 5.909
HL in MR=Qr*CVr Hu Kg/Kg Air 0.0082
0.0986354 Capacity (Kg/sec) 180
9 TOTAL LOSS in % Cpfa (of flyash)KJ/KgK 0.836
13.23035 Cpba (of bottom ash) 1.17
10 Boiler Efficiency by Loss/Indirect method in % Stoichio. Air Kg/KgC 4.908
86.7696 Excess Air (% of SA) 0.20412
11 Boiler Efficiency by direct method in % Coal flow (Kg/Hr) 157000
ηb =(Qms*(Hms-hfw)+Qrh*(Hhrh-Hcrh))/(Qc*CVc) CV of mill reject KJ/Kg 4258.584
86.6972 mill reject (Kg/Kg C) 0.0034
Load MW 250
12 Turbo-alternator efficiency in % FW temp. deg C 247
ηta =MW/(Qms*(Hms-hfw)+Qrh*(Hhrh-Hcrh)) MS temp deg C 540
43.9398 CRH temp deg C 342
13 Over all Unit efficiency in % HRH temp deg C 540
ηo =MW/(Qc*CVc) MS Pr bar 151
38.0946 Drum Pr bar 167.39
14 Turbo-alternator Heat rate (THR) in KJ/KWHr CRH Pr bar 37.06
THR=(Qms*(Hms-hfw)+Qrh*(Hhrh-Hcrh))/MW HRH Pr bar 35.1
8193.0104 MS flow (Qms) Kg/Hr 740900
15 Over all Unit Heat Rate (UHR) in KJ/KWHr RH flow (Qrh) Kg/Hr 664800
UHR=Qc*CVc/MW Hms KJ/Kg 3422
9450.144 hfw KJ/Kg 1072
16 Station Heat Rate (incl. APC) Hhrh KJ/Kg 3542
SHR=UHR*100/(100-%APC Hcrh KJ/Kg 3080
10271.89565 APC in % 8

ISBN 978-93-83459-12-4 © 2014 Bonfring

National Seminar on Thermal Power Plant Performance Management - NSTPPPM 24


As the thermal power plant mainly comprises of the fluid

machines, heat exchangers, electric
motors/generators/transformers and controlling devices, which
can be managed under the most optimized operating
conditions on the basis of localized monitoring of energy
efficiency across every process equipment. Energy efficient
parameters can be determined by keeping the close vigil over
the ranges of operating parameters and their impact on
deterioration in life and efficiency of the individual
equipment. Display of the performance parameters along with
associated input/operating parameters, enable the operation
and efficiency manager to logically modify the values of
controllable input and operating parameters to accommodate
the uncontrollable input parameters to arrive on the optimum
values of performance parameters.

[1] A. B. Gill (1984) Site Efficiency Engineer, Drakelow Power Station,
“Power Plant Performance.” Butterworths, London Boston Durban
Singapore Sydney Toronto Wellington. Butterworth and Co (Publishers)
[2] Operation and Maintenance Manual of 250MW BHEL Unit.
[3] J. Graham, K. Tittle, N.J.Ray and D.G.Kingerley (1990), CEGB, UK,
“Modern Power Station Practice” volume-E. March.
[4] N.K. Bansal (2004), “Operational aspects, i.e. startup/shut
down/emergencies wrt steam turbines”, “Workshop on Steam Turbine
Management in Changed Scenario”, 31st May to 3rd June, organized by


Mr. Ram Niwas, is the Whole Time Director. He
holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering
from G.B. Pant University of Agriculture &
Technololgy, Pant Nagar, Nainital (Uttarakhand).
Prior to joining JPL in June-2009 as Sr. Vice
President (O&M), starting his professional career as
Power Plant Engineer from Renusagar Power Co. Ltd.
in Jan.1976, he has served NTPC for over 27 yrs. in
various capacities as a Power Plant professional and looked after Operation &
Maintenance and commissioning activities of Power Plants since 1982.
While in NTPC, he was responsible for successful commissioning of 2
units of 500 MW at Kahalgaon Stage II. During his tenure at Kahalgaon,
Stage-I crossed 90 % of annual PLF benchmark for the first time in FY 2007-
08 and achieved 91.6 % annual PLF apart from substantial improvement in
availability factor, specific oil consumption and heat rate. He contributed
immensely in implementing maintenance management and unit start-up
management philosophy leading to overall improvement in all major
operating parameters. At NTPC-Unchahar, as a team leader, he brought about
impressive performance improvement and turnaround of Stage-I units and
stabilized operation of Stage-II units. At NTPC-Singrauli (SSTPS) also, he
has made substantial contribution in stabilizing operation of units and Coal
Handling Plant.
Being a performance-driven team leader, he has been managing most
efficiently the first ever 1000 MW Mega Power Plant of JPL in the private
sector which is both backward and forward integrated besides managing its
captive coal mines, Dam to provide raw water for 4x250 MW Plant and 258
KM long 400 KV Transmission Line.
He has attended Power Plant Operation Programme from Central
Electricity Generating Board, UK, and Advanced Power Plant Management
Programmes from MDI, Gurgaon. He was awarded “Business Champion of
the year 2009-10” under Reward & Recognition Scheme of JPL for
outstanding performance.

ISBN 978-93-83459-12-4 © 2014 Bonfring

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