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Question Paper Title : JECGB_P4

Date of Exam : 13-02-2019 02:30 PM

Reference ID:(3033) The main reinforcement of a R.C Slab consists of 12 mm bars at 200mm
spacing ,if it is designed to replace the 12mm bars by 16mm bars then the
spacing of 16mm bars should be





Answer: B.300mm

Reference ID:(1744)

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

Answer: C. C
Reference ID:(3263) The value of maximum permissible shear stress τcmax as per IS456-2000 is
based on

A.Diagonal compression failure

B.Flexural compression failure

C.Diagonal tension failure

D.Flexural tension failure

Answer: A.Diagonal compression failure

Reference ID:(3253) The approximate percentage (by weight) of water required for complete
hydration of cement is about

A.25 percent

B.30 percent

C.40 percent

D.50 percent

Answer: C.40 percent

Reference ID:(1973) As per IRC suggestions , what is the value of tentative equivalency factor
for large bullock cart ?




Answer: D.8

Reference ID:(3028) At what stress dose the first flexural crack appear in RCC beam made of
M35 grade of concrete?


B.3.200 MPa

C.2.130 MPa

D.3.5 MPa

Answer: A.4.144MPa

Reference ID:(1983) In the standard concrete group of IS456:2000, which one of the following is
the maximum specified characteristic compressive strength of 150mm cube
at 28 days in N/mm2.





Answer: B.55

Reference ID:(1214) केशवने दहा मण लाकडे िवकत घेतली. या वा ातील ‘दहा मण‘ ा िवशेषणाचा कार

A.प रमाणवाचक िवशेषण

B.गुणवाचक िवशेषण

C.सं ावाचक िवशेषण

D.सावनािमक िवशेषण

Answer: A.प रमाणवाचक िवशेषण

Reference ID:(1746)

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

Answer: D. D

Reference ID:(2778) Softening point test of bitumen is done by –


B.los angel abrasion testing machine

C.ring and ball apparatus

D.none of these

Answer: C.ring and ball apparatus

Reference ID:(1749)

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

Answer: D. D

Reference ID:(2758) What is the time between the first watering of a crop at that time of its
sowing to its last watering before harvesting?

A.Crop period

B.Base period



Answer: B.Base period

Reference ID:(1968) As per IRC suggestions the super elevation should be provided to fully
counteract the centrifugal force due to _____________ percent of design





Answer: B.75

Reference ID:(1745)

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

Answer: B. B

Reference ID:(1963) In the design of compression member if single lacing system is adopted,
then thickness “t” of lacing flat shall not be less than ____________of the
length between the inner end rivets or welds.




Answer: B.1/40

Reference ID:(3543) A soil specimen has a water content of 22% and a wet unit weight of 19
kN/m3, the dry unit weight will be

A.15.57 kN/m3

B.16.57 kN/m3

C.17.57 kN/m3

D.18.57 kN/m3

Answer: A.15.57 kN/m3

Reference ID:(3518) The value of shape factor for circular section is





Answer: B.1.7

Reference ID:(3278) In stress - strain diagram, upto which one of the following point Hooke’s law
is valid till
A.Elastic limit

B.Proportional limit

C.Upper yield point

D.Lower yield point

Answer: B.Proportional limit

Reference ID:(2773) For multi lane pavement width of carriageway is

A.5.0 m per lane

B.5.5 m per lane

C.3.5 m per lane

D.4 m per lane

Answer: C.3.5 m per lane

Reference ID:(2293) For calculation, capillary rise or fall the value of angle of contact between
liquid and glass tube (θ) for mercury is taken equal to

A.0 degree

B.90 degree

C.128 degree

D.148 degree

Answer: C.128 degree

Reference ID:(1219) िदले ा पयायातून सवात यो वा चार िनवडून ातील रका ा जागा भरा.
कॉलेज ा ेहसंमेलनात अिनताने े जवर पिहले ______
A.डोळे उघडले

B.पदापण केले

C.नाट लावले

D.नाक मुरडले

Answer: B.पदापण केले

Reference ID:(3753) The hydraulic head that would produce a quick condition in a sand stratum
of thickness 2.0 m, specific gravity 2.65 and voids ratio 0.65 is equal to


B.1.5 m

C.2.0 m


Answer: C.2.0 m

Reference ID:(3533) In which one of the following cross – section extreme fibres can reach yield
stress but cross- section cannot develop the plastic moment of resistance?



C.Semi – compact


Answer: C.Semi – compact

Reference ID:(2273) A cut of depth 10m is made in a cohesive soil deposit ( C = 30 kN/m2, ϕ= 0
and γ = 19 kN/m3). If the required factor of safety is 1.5, the stability number





Answer: B.0.105

Reference ID:(3268) When doubly reinforced beam are provided?

A.There is restriction in breadth of beam

B.There is a restriction in depth of beam

C.There is a restriction in breadth & depth of beam

D.None of the above

Answer: B.There is a restriction in depth of beam

Reference ID:(3538) The value of partial safety factor as per limit state method for field welded
connection is taken as ___





Answer: C.1.5
Reference ID:(3043) For an I beam shape factor is 1.12 the factor of safety in bending is 1.5 If
the allowable stress is increased by 30% wind and earthquake loads then
the load factor is





Answer: D.1.292

Reference ID:(3523) Which one of the following is correct about statically indeterminate structure

A.Analysis is not possible

B.Analysis is always possible

C.Analysis can be done by using statics equations & compatibility equations

D.Analysis can be done by using compatibility equation only

Answer: C.Analysis can be done by using statics equations & compatibility equations

Reference ID:(2258) A soil sample with specific gravity 2.80 has a mass specific gravity of Y.
Assuming the soil to be perfectly dry, if the void ratio is 0.60, the value of Y
will be





Answer: C.1.75
Reference ID:(1474) ऑ ोबर-2018 म े अमे रकेने इं टरमीिडएट-रज ू यर फोस (आयएनएफ) करार र
कर ाची घोषणा केली होती. हा करार 1987 म े _____ यां ात झाला होता.

The USA had announced to cancel the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces

(INF) Treaty in October-2018. This treaty was signed between ……… in

A.यूएसए आिण मे को
A.USA and Mexico

B.यूएसए आिण जपान

B.USA and Japan

C.यूएसए आिण यू.एस.एस.आर (सो एत समाजवादी जास ाक संघटना) (वतमान

िदवस रिशया)
C.USA and USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) (Present day

D.यूएसए आिण चीन

D.USA and China

Answer: C.यूएसए आिण यू.एस.एस.आर (सो एत समाजवादी जास ाक संघटना) (वतमान

िदवस रिशया)
C.USA and USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) (Present day

Reference ID:(3048) The most important purpose of frog in a brick is to :

A.Reduction in mass of brick

B.Make key joint between mortar& brick

C.Provide insulation by making brick porous

D.None of the above

Answer: B.Make key joint between mortar& brick

Reference ID:(3003) Traversing “by fast needle” is performed in case of

A.Chain traversing

B.Compass traversing

C.Theodolite traversing

D.Plane table traversing

Answer: C.Theodolite traversing

Reference ID:(1459) An idea is expressed in several possible ways. Choose the statement which
is correct and expresses the idea most correctly.

A.The foreman was adverse to making any formal protest.

B.The foreman was averse from making any formal protest.

C.The foreman was averse to make any formal protest.

D.The foreman was averse to making any formal protest.

Answer: D.The foreman was averse to making any formal protest.

Reference ID:(1224) खाली िदले ा अथाव न ाचा यो ती ण िनवडा.

उभारले राजवाडे नी ितथे आले मनकवडे

A. ेकाला अिधकार गाजव ाची संधी आयु ात िमळतेच

B. ीमंती आली िक ित ा मागोमाग हाजी हाजी करणारे दे खील येतात.

C.नावड ा माणसाने काहीही केले तरी ते वाईटच लागते

D.एखा ा राजाने जर नवीन राजवाडा बां धायला घेत ाचे कळ ावर आपोआप तेथे
ोितषी लोक यायला सु वात होते.

Answer: B. ीमंती आली िक ित ा मागोमाग हाजी हाजी करणारे दे खील येतात.

Reference ID:(3273) In a rectangular reinforced concrete column, the minimum no. of longitudinal
of bar to be provided are?





Answer: B.4

Reference ID:(2753) When the Froude’s number of a flow is less than 1, the flow is called as


B.Super critical



Answer: A.Sub-critical

Reference ID:(2768) The minimum shoulder width as per recommendation of IRC is-





Answer: C.2.5m
Reference ID:(1748)

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

Answer: A. A

Reference ID:(2513) For the same surface tension, with increase of diameter of the droplet,
pressure intensity inside the droplet



C.Remains constant

D.May increase or decrease

Answer: A.Decreases

Reference ID:(1234) Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word: Acrimony




Answer: A.Hostility

Reference ID:(3038) The original cost of an equipment is Rs.15000. If salvage value at the end of
its total useful life of ten years is 2000. Its book value at the end of three
years of its useful life (as per straight line method of evaluation of
depreciation) will be

A. Rs.11200

B. Rs.11100

C. Rs.12100

D. Rs.13200

Answer: B. Rs.11100

Reference ID:(3288) Macaulay’s method is used to determine

A.Section modulus of beam

B.Tensile stress

C.Shear stress

D.Deflection of beam

Answer: D.Deflection of beam

Reference ID:(2508) The ratio of maximum weekly water demand to average weekly water
demand will be




Answer: B.1.48

Reference ID:(2298) There will be no restraint to the angular rotation of the beam at the hinge in

A.Built in support

B.Pinned support

C.Fixed support

D.Encastre support

Answer: B.Pinned support

Reference ID:(2283) In Traffic signal, which of the following is nothing but a part of the signal
cycle allocated to a traffic movement or a combination of traffic movement ?



C.clearance time

D.Clearance time or interval

Answer: B.Phase
Reference ID:(2503) The non-carbonate hardness , in case of the alkalinity is equal to or greater
than the total hardness, will be




D.May be positive or negative

Answer: A.Zero

Reference ID:(1454) Select the option which best completes the paragraph given below: Life
insurance provides an infusion of cash _____ the adverse financial
consequences of the insured's death.

A.for dealing with deal in dealing for case of dealings with

Answer: A.for dealing with

Reference ID:(2523) If the Overtaking site Distance (OSD) on a highway is 150m, the desirable
and minimum length of overtaking zone will be

A.300m and 600m respectively

B.600m and 300m respectively

C.450m and 750m respectively

D.750m and 450m respectively

Answer: D.750m and 450m respectively

Reference ID:(3528) The limiting value of slenderness ratio for tension member of structural steel
in which reversal of direct stresses may occurs is ___





Answer: A.180

Reference ID:(3023) A bar of diameter 30 mm is subjected to a tensile load such that measured
extension on a gauge length of 200 mm is 0.09 mm and change in
diamantes is 0.0045 mm. The Poisson’s ratio will be…..





Answer: B.1/3

Reference ID:(2268) A soil has the co-efficient of permeability of 10 x 10-2mm/sec at 30 degree

celsius. Its value at 27 degree celsius will be (take the co-efficient of
viscosity at 30 degree celsius and 27 degree celsius as 8.0 milli poise and
8.5 milli poise respectively)

A.9.27 x 10-2mm/sec

B.9.41 x 10-2 mm/sec

C.9.67x 10-2 mm/sec

D.10.63 x 10-2 mm/sec

Answer: B.9.41 x 10-2 mm/sec

Reference ID:(1978) The elongation index of an aggregate is the percentage by weight of

particles whose greatest dimension is greater than ___________ times their
mean dimension?





Answer: C.1.8

Reference ID:(3548) A soil has a discharge velocity of 5 x 10-7 m/s and a void ratio of 0.5. Its
seepage velocity is

A.2.5 x 10-7 m/s

B.10 x 10-7 m/s

C.15 x 10-7 m/s

D.1.67 x 10-7 m/s

Answer: C.15 x 10-7 m/s

Reference ID:(2278) A soil has a liquid limit of 45% and a flow index of 20%. If the plastic limit is
30%, toughness index will be ____

A.33 percent

B.45 percent
C.67 percent

D.75 percent

Answer: D.75 percent

Reference ID:(2798) Which of the following is the imaginary line passing through the intersection
of the cross-hairs at the diaphragm and the optical centre of the object glass
and its continuation?

A.Datum line

B.Line of collimation

C.Axis of the telescope

D.Axis of the bubble tube

Answer: B.Line of collimation

Reference ID:(3283) Maximum principal stress theory gives satisfactory results for

A.Ductile material

B.Brittle materials

C.Both Ductile material and Brittle materials

D.None of Ductile materialand Brittle materials

Answer: B.Brittle materials

Reference ID:(1249) What is the meaning of the idiom: apple of his eye a very difficult position

B.needs too much’s favourite

D.shuffling between

Answer:’s favourite

Reference ID:(2288) Equivalent torque is defined as the torque which acting alone would
produce "X" equal to the "X" caused by the combined bending and torsion.
"X" here refers to

A.Maximum bending moment

B.Maximum shear stress

C.Maximum deflection

D.Maximum rotation

Answer: B.Maximum shear stress

Reference ID:(2538) For rapid sand filters, Period of cleaning is

A.1 to 3 hours

B.1 to 3 days

C.1 to 3 weeks

D.1 to 3 months

Answer: B.1 to 3 days

Reference ID:(1714) चार िम एका पाट त गेले. अनील शेवटी पोहोचला नाही आिण अजय ा 1 तास आधी
पोहोचला. अशोक 6.15 pm वाजता पोहोचला आिण अ ण ा आधी पोहोचला. अजय
शेवटी पोहोचला नाही आिण अ ण ा 30 िमिनटां आधी पोहोचला. एक ी 7.30 pm
वाजता पोहोचला, दु सरा 7.00 pm वाजता पोहोचला आिण एक ी 6.00 pm वाजता
पोहोचला. पिह ापासून शेवटपयत ते कोण ा माने आले?

Four friends went to a party. Anil was not the last to arrive and arrived 1
hour before Ajay. Ashok arrived at 6.15pm and arrived before Arun. Ajay
was not the last to arrive and arrived 30 minutes before Arun. One person
arrived at 7.30 pm, another at 7.00 pm and another at 6.00 pm. In what
order did they come, from first to last?

A.अजय, अ ण, अिनल, अशोक

A.Ajay, Arun, Anil, Ashok

B.अ ण, अजय, अिनल, अशोक

B.Arun, Ajay, Anil, Ashok

C.अिनल, अशोक, अजय, अ ण

C.Anil, Ashok, Ajay, Arun

D.अिनल, अशोक, अ ण, अजय

D.Anil, Ashok, Arun, Ajay

Answer: C.अिनल, अशोक, अजय, अ ण

C.Anil, Ashok, Ajay, Arun

Reference ID:(1747)

A. A

B. B

C. C
D. D

Answer: A. A

Reference ID:(1469) महारा शासना ारे मुंबई शहरात असलेले 'संजय गां धी नॅशनल पाक' (एसजीएनपी)चे ँड
अ◌ॅ ेसेडर णून कोणाला नेम ात आले आहे ?

Who has been appointed as a brand ambassador of Mumbai city-based

“Sanjay Gandhi National Park (SGNP)” by Maharashtra Government ?

A.रवीना टं डन
A.Raveena Tandon.

B.माधुरी दीि त
B.Madhuri Dixit

C.हे मा मािलनी
C.Hema Malini

D.दीिपका पादु कोण

D.Deepika Padukone

Answer: A.रवीना टं डन
A.Raveena Tandon.

Reference ID:(1484) “रे णुकाजी ब उ े शीय धरण क ”______येथे आहे ?

‘Renukaji Dam Multi-Purpose Project” is situated at ……….

A.िहमाचल दे श
A.Himachal Pradesh

B.म दे श
B.Madhya Pradesh


Answer: A.िहमाचल दे श
A.Himachal Pradesh

Reference ID:(3008) As per IS 1343-1980, which one of the followings is the recommended value
of shrinkage strain for the purpose of design for pre-tensioned member?

A.300 × 10-6

B.400 × 10-6

C.200 × 10-6

D.100 × 10-6

Answer: A.300 × 10-6

Reference ID:(3258) Which of the following section is adopted when ductility criteria is

A.Non- prismatic section

B.Over – reinforced section

C.Balanced section

D.Under reinforced section

Answer: D.Under reinforced section

Reference ID:(1204) खाली िदले ा पयायातून ाकरणा ा ीने यो असलेला पयाय िनवडा.

A. ु क कारणां व न उ र दे श पोिलसां नी एका खासगी कंपनी ा अधीका याची ह ा

केली या घटनेकडे केवळ ा रा ातील पोिलसां चा मऊजोरपणा इत ाच अथाने पाहणे
अयो ठरे ल.

B.या अिधका यास पोिलसां नी ाची मोटार थां बव ाचा आदे श िदला. ाचा जुमानला नाही
आिण वर पळू न जा ाचा य केला णून पोिलसां नी थेट गोळी घालून ास ठार केले.
C.उ र दे शातील पोलीसच काय पण तेथील एकूणच शासकीय व थेिवषयी बरे बोलावे
असे काहीही नसले तरी या ह ेमागील अनेक संदभ अ थ करणारे आहे त.

D.पोिलसां चा वेजबाबदारपणा या िति ये ा पलीकडे जाऊन या घटनेमागील सामािजक

धोरदोरे उलगडून पाहायला हवेत.

Answer: C.उ र दे शातील पोलीसच काय पण तेथील एकूणच शासकीय व थेिवषयी बरे बोलावे
असे काहीही नसले तरी या ह ेमागील अनेक संदभ अ थ करणारे आहे त.

Reference ID:(3013) As per IS 10500:2012, the permissible limit of Calcium in drinking water in
the absence of alternative source is

A.30 mg/l


C.100 mg/l

D.200 mg/l

Answer: D.200 mg/l

Reference ID:(2543) The commonly adopted size for house drains in case of soil pipe, for
average condition is ___ times of diameter






Reference ID:(1229) को ा काकडीला राजी. ा णीचा खालीलपैकी कोणता अथ यो आहे ?

A.जा म क न कमी फायदा होणे.

B.यो माणसास काम ावे.

C.लहान माणसे थो ा गो ीने संतु होतात.

D.पूण िनराशा करणे.

Answer: C.लहान माणसे थो ा गो ीने संतु होतात.

Reference ID:(3018) As per IS 1172-1993, the minimum domestic water consumption (annual
average) for Indian towns and cities with full flushing systems is

A.135 lpcd

B.150 lpcd

C.200 lpcd

D.225 lpcd

Answer: C.200 lpcd

Reference ID:(2528) The Coincident draft in respect of domestic water demand is

A.Average daily demand + fire draft

B.1.5 x Average daily demand + fire draft

C.1.5 x (Average daily demand + fire draft)

D.1.8 x Average daily demand + fire draft

Answer: D.1.8 x Average daily demand + fire draft

Reference ID:(3503) Direct tensile strength of concrete can be determined by conducting which
one of the following type of tests?
A.Cylinder splitting test

B.Vee-bee test

C.Surface area test

D.Pull out test

Answer: A.Cylinder splitting test

Reference ID:(2763) According to Indian road congress, the value of longitudinal coefficient of
friction for calculation of stopping distance is




D.None of these

Answer: C.0.35-0.40

Reference ID:(1709) A, B, C आिण D ेकी 1 वा बोलतात. A णतो, "आज सोमवार आहे ". B णतो,
"आज सोमवार आहे ". C णतो, "आज मंगळवार आहे ". D णतो, "C नेहमी स
बोलतो". जर कोणताही माणूस स बोलत नाही तर

A, B, C and D speak 1 sentence each. A says, “today is Monday”. B says,

“today is Monday”. C says, “today is Tuesday”. D says, “C always speaks
the truth”. If no person is speaking the truth, then

A.आज सोमवार आहे

A.Today is Monday

B.आज मंगळवार आहे

B.Today is Tuesday

C.आज सोमवार ही नाही आिण मंगळवार ही नाही

C.Today is neither Monday nor Tuesday
D.आज आठव ाचा कोणताही िदवस असू शकतो (सोमवार ते रिववार)
D.Today could be any day of the week (from Monday to Sunday)

Answer: C.आज सोमवार ही नाही आिण मंगळवार ही नाही

C.Today is neither Monday nor Tuesday

Reference ID:(1998) Regarding fire demand, for cities having population of 169,000 , the Kilo litre
of water required will be





Answer: C.1300

Reference ID:(3298) Which one of the following strength of concrete is given by modulus of

A.Tensile strength under bending

B.Characteristic strength

C.Direct tensile strength

D.Compressive strength

Answer: A.Tensile strength under bending

Reference ID:(1479) गो कॉ म े झाले ा कॉमनवे गे - 2018 ा मिहला एकेरी टे बल टे िनसम े

सुवण पदक िजंकणारी थम भारतीय मिहला कोण आहे ?

Who is the first ever Indian woman to win the gold medal in women’s single
table tennis at common wealth games-2018 held in Gold Coast?
A.मौमा दास
A.Mouma Das

B.मिनका ब ा
B.Manika Batra

C.नेहा अ वाल
C.Neha Aggarwal

D.सायना नेहवाल
D.Saina Nehwal

Answer: B.मिनका ब ा
B.Manika Batra

Reference ID:(2263) Estimate the capillary rise in a soil with a void ratio of 0.40 and an effective
size of 0.02 mm. Take C = 15 mm2






Reference ID:(3513) As per provision of IS456 : 2000 , what will be the value of flexural tensile
strength of M25 grade concrete ?

A.3.5 N/mm2

B.35 N/mm2



Answer: A.3.5 N/mm2

Reference ID:(1724) अजय, शेखर आिण िवमल कडे एक सफरचंद, एक केळी आिण एक सं आहे . आिण
ेका ा हातात फ एक फळ आहे . पुढील िवधानां पैकी फ एक िवधान स आहे
आिण इतर दोन िवधाने अस आहे त.
(a) अजय कडे सफरचंद आहे .
(b) शेखर कडे सफरचंद नाही.
(c) िवमल कडे केळी नाही.
कोणते िवधान स आहे ?

Ajay, Shekhar and Vimal have an apple, a banana and an orange; and each
has just one fruit in hand. Among the following statements, only one is true
and the other two are false.
(a) Ajay has an apple
(b) Shekhar does not have the apple.
(c) Vimal does not have the banana.
Which statement is true?

A.िवधान (a)
A.Statement (a)

B.िवधान (b)
B.Statement (b)

C.िवधान (c)
C.Statement (c)

D.सां गू शकत नाही

D.Cannot say

Answer: C.िवधान (c)

C.Statement (c)

Reference ID:(1988) Which one of the following gives the characteristic compressive strength
compliance requirement for individual test result ( in N/mm2) of M20 grade
or above ?
Where, fck = Characteristic Compressive Strength

A.(fck – 3)
B.(fck – 4)

C.(fck – 5)

D.(fck – 6)

Answer: B.(fck – 4)

Reference ID:(1704) P, Q, R आिण S परी ेसाठी येतात. P थम येत नाही. Q हा P ा अगदी पुढे येतो. S हा
शेवटी येत नाही. तर R कोण ा थानी येतो?

P, Q, R and S arrive for an exam. P did not come first. Q came just ahead of
P. S did not come last. In which position did R come?

A.पिहला, दु सरा िकंवा चौथा

A.1st, 2nd or 4th

B.दु सरा िकंवा चौथा

B.2nd or 4th

C.पिहला िकंवा दु सरा

C.1st or 2nd

D.पिहला, दु सरा िकंवा ितसरा

D.1st, 2nd or 3rd

Answer: A.पिहला, दु सरा िकंवा चौथा

A.1st, 2nd or 4th

Reference ID:(1499) 1 जानेवारी 2018 ला सोमवार होता तर 30 जून, 2017 ला _____ होता.

January 1st, 2018 was a Monday. Then June 30th, 2017 was a _____

A.शु वार



Answer: A.शु वार


Reference ID:(2548) In which of the following types of flow, velocity at any given time does not
change with respect to space?

A.Steady flow

B.Unsteady flow

C.Uniform flow

D.Non-uniform flow

Answer: C.Uniform flow

Reference ID:(2533) Granite Rock lies in the category of




D.None of these

Answer: C.Aquifuge

Reference ID:(1244) Which of the following is opposite in meaning to the word: Deceit




Answer: B.Honest

Reference ID:(1494) पुढीलपैकी कोणते शहर " ॉबेरी कॅिपटल ऑफ इं िडया" णून ओळखले जाते?

Which among these following cities is known as the “Strawberry Capital of


A.महाबळे र



D. ै सूर

Answer: A.महाबळे र

Reference ID:(2788) The term “corrugations” is associated with which of the following irrigation

A.Furrow irrigation method

B.Basin irrigation method

C.Sprinkler irrigation method

D.Drip irrigation method

Answer: A.Furrow irrigation method

Reference ID:(2518) The correct sequence for the stages of the engineering surveys is

A.Reconnaissance -- Preliminary surveys – Map Study – Final location and

detailed surveys

B.Reconnaissance -- Preliminary surveys– Final location and detailed

surveys – Map Study

C.Preliminary surveys– Reconnaissance -- Final location and detailed

surveys – Map Study

D.Map Study -- Reconnaissance -- Preliminary surveys– Final location and

detailed surveys

Answer: D.Map Study -- Reconnaissance -- Preliminary surveys– Final location and

detailed surveys

Reference ID:(1993) As per IS 456:2000, which one of the following is the minimum nominal
cover value for footing?





Answer: A.50mm

Reference ID:(1719) दोन बॉ आहे त, एक लाल आिण दु सरा काळा. एका बॉ वर डॉलर ठे वलेला आहे आिण
दु स या बॉ वर पया ठे वलेला आहे . A णतो "डॉलर का ा बॉ वर आहे " आिण B
णतो " पया लाल बॉ वर आहे ”. जर A आिण B पैकी िकमान एक खोटं बोलत असेल,
तर खालीलपैकी कोणते स आहे ?

There are two boxes, one red and another black. A Dollar is kept on one
box and a Rupee on the other. A says “Dollar is on the black box” and B
says “Rupee is on the red box”. If at least one of them is lying, which of the
following is true?
A.A आिण B दो ी खोटे बोलत आहे त
A.Both A and B are lying

B.A खोटे बोलत आहे

B.A is lying

C.B खोटे बोलत आहे

C.B is lying

D.डॉलर का ा बॉ वर आहे
D.Dollar is on black box

Answer: A.A आिण B दो ी खोटे बोलत आहे त

A.Both A and B are lying

Reference ID:(2793) When the water consumed by a crop of a given base period is more, its duty
will be




D.More or less

Answer: B.Less

Reference ID:(1209) समानाथ श ओळखा: अिवरत





Answer: A.सतत
Reference ID:(2783) Which of the following relationship holds good?

A.Absolute pressure - Atmospheric Pressure – Vacuum Pressure = 0

B.Absolute pressure - Atmospheric Pressure + Vacuum Pressure = 0

C.Absolute pressure + Atmospheric Pressure – Vacuum Pressure = 0

D.Absolute pressure + Atmospheric Pressure + Vacuum Pressure = 0

Answer: B.Absolute pressure - Atmospheric Pressure + Vacuum Pressure = 0

Reference ID:(1239) Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word: Pedigree


B.Environment friendly

C.Difficulty in walking


Answer: A.Lineage

Reference ID:(1464) And the trees all died. They were orange trees. I don’t know why they died,
they just died. Something wrong with the soil possibly or maybe the stuff we
got from the nursery wasn’t the best. We complained about it. So we’ve got
thirty kids there, each kid had his or her own little tree to plant and now
we’ve got these thirty dead trees. All these kids were now looking at these
little brown sticks with their little brown eyes.
What is the tone of the passage above?




Answer: B.Melancholic

Reference ID:(2253) A soil sample with specific gravity 2.80 has a mass specific gravity of 1.95.
Assuming the soil to be perfectly dry, the void ratio will be





Answer: B.0.44

Reference ID:(3508) If the compressive strength of concrete increase then what will be the effect
on shear strength of concrete ?



C.Remain same

D.First decrease then increase

Answer: A.Increase

Reference ID:(3293) For a specimen obeying Hooke’s law, when the stress is increased to 4
times, then the modulus or elasticity ___

A.also increases 4 times

B.remains same

C.decreasesto one-fourth

D.increases 2 times
Answer: B.remains same

Reference ID:(1489) र ािगरी, िसंधुदुग, पालघर, ठाणे आिण महारा ातील रायगड या िज ां त उ ािदत 'हपुस'
णून ओळखले जाणारे अ ां सो, आं बा ा राजा णून मानले जाते. ाला
ऑ ोबर-2018 रोजी ________िमळाला आहे .

The Alphonso, better known as ‘Hapus’, produced in five districts Ratnagiri,

Sindhudurg, Palghar, Thane and Raigad of Maharashtra is considered as
king of mangoes, has got a ………….. on October-2018.

A.रे िडओ ी सी इं डिटिफकेशन (आरएफआयडी) टॅ ग

A.Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Tag

B.इं िडयन ॅ िट ीकल इं ूट (आयएसआय) टॅ ग

B.Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) Tag

C. ुरो ऑफ इं िडयन ँ डड (बीआयएस) टॅ ग

C.Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) Tag

D.िजओ ािफकल इं िडकेशन (जीआय) टॅ ग

D.Geographical Indication (GI) Tag

Answer: D.िजओ ािफकल इं िडकेशन (जीआय) टॅ ग

D.Geographical Indication (GI) Tag

*** In case of any question found incorrect with regards to its adherence to syllabus, translation or logic, the same shall
be discarded and excluded from evaluation process. Full marks equivalent to the discarded question will be awarded to
all candidates irrespective of whether the candidate have attempted the erroneous question or not.***

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