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La importancia de aprender un idioma

Yair Erley Ramírez Gaitán

Instructora: Laura Sofía Cuervo López

Servicio nacional de aprendizaje

Tecnólogo en negociación internacional

Soacha Cundinamarca
Evidencia 5 la importancia de aprender un idioma

¿Qué problema encontró entre las dos partes?

The problem posed by the broadcasters is that they are having an interview
with some people who are in London, they have no knowledge of the

¿la información dada por los locutores fue correcta? explique

no, because those who were interviewing were talking and they translated
incorrectly, making a comedy of the information they were giving as the name
the time they know.

¿Enumere otras situaciones similares donde se presente este problema?

These problems of information can also happen in English texts that when
translating we do not understand the idea to know, also in English movies that
we do not understand or take words from English and give them other
¿que concluya de este problema?
My conclusion is the importance of learning another language to be able to
communicate with people from different regions of the world where this
language is spoken, to continue with a labor process since I know that for
reasons of being in contact with other countries it is important to know this
language to Establish communication channels and have no problem.

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