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The Utilization of Movable Scaffolding Systems

in Large Spans
Antonio Albuquerque Póvoas, President, AP-BCS-Portugal, LDA., Lisbon, Portugal. Contact:
DOI: 10.2749/101686612X13363869853374

The use of movable scaffolding systems
(MSSs) was initially developed for
bridge spans between 36 m and 50 m,
and in very few projects for a maxi-
mum of 60 m. Projects of 70, 80 and 90
m spans were usually executed by form
travelers. The high speed train (HST)
viaducts brought heavier concrete gird-
ers owing to the live loads required for
such superstructures. To perform the
construction of such heavy viaducts,
as for example the AVE-LLobregat
Viaduct in Barcelona, with unit loads of
400 KN/n and spans of 50 m, stronger
MSS were needed. The study of such
bridge construction equipments and
the projects that followed, going up to
60 m span, also for HST, demanded a
step forward in the conception of the
MSS from its structural system to the Fig. 1: Vasco da Gama South viaduct, Lisbon
mechanical equipments required for
its main operations, such as the open-
ing of the formworks and the move- spans between 36 and 50 m, and in The article is directed at both bridge
ment of the MSS from pier to pier. very few projects for a maximum of design engineers and site construction
As a conclusion of the studies made for 60 m between piers. engineers.
long spans with bridge design engineers All projects for 70, 80 and 90 m were
and after the construction of very heavy usually performed by form travellers. Evolution of Movable
60 m span viaducts and road viaducts for
70 m spans, today it can be stated that it is The high-speed train (HST) viaducts Scaffolding Systems
possible to use MSS for spans of 80 and brought very heavy concrete girders as
90 m with the machines developed so far. a result of the live loads required for MSS Evolution in Portugal
As another consequence of those stud- such superstructures. To perform the
The design and supply of MSS in
ies it can be concluded that for such high construction of such heavy viaducts,
Portugal, specially designed to carry
spans it is very important to develop a as for example the AVE–Llobregat
the rebar cages and access the front
joint design of the MSS and the bridge Viaduct in Barcelona, with concrete
pier, started in 1994 with equipments
because the optimal cost solution weight loads of 400 kN/m and spans
designed especially for motorway
can be quite different from the initial of 50 m, stronger MSS were needed.
bridges in Portugal, being the first two
idea of the bridge design engineers. The study of such bridge construction
supplied for the A4 motorway (Porto-
The cast in situ method with MSS being equipments and the projects that fol-
Amarante), followed by another four
the most economical for concrete via- lowed, with 60 m span, also for HST,
used for Vasco da Gama Bridge con-
duct construction, the use of MSS can made a step forward in the concep-
struction, in Lisbon (Fig. 1).
be more popular and achieve higher tion of the MSS from its structural
performances if the bridge engineers’ system to the mechanical equipments The motorway viaducts in Portugal are
community provides factual informa- required for its main operations, such mostly designed using π sections up to
tion on how far and how often the tech- as the opening of the formworks and 45 m span between piers and Vasco da
nique can be used. the movement of the MSS from pier to Gama Bridge had 88 spans of 45 m,
pier. cast in situ girders that weighted about
Kewords: movable scaffolding systems; 250 kN/m, requiring 46 m between the
bridge; construction equipment; live The evolution of bridge construc-
tion equ ipments continues and now MSS supports due to the spans after
loads; long span bridges. the expansion joints. The nose of the
some companies are able to produce
MSS was 48 m long passing over the
Introduction MSS capable of casting in situ spans
front pier.
of 72 m or even larger, with girder
Movable scaffolding systems (MSS) weights up to 300 kN/m in one single The equipments were designed with a
were initially developed for bridge stage. load capacity of 300 kN/m (concrete

Structural Engineering International 3/2012 Technical Report 395

+ formwork) and with 46 m between – Easy suspension of different shapes compensation there was a substan-
the MSS supports. This also meant of formwork. tial economy considering its reuse
that they could already cast in situ – Full autonomy for assembling and in new different sites, now made
55 m span concrete girders of identi- disassembling their own supports. much easier.
cal weight if the rear support could be – Capacity of unloading the trucks
Also during 2004–2005 some orders
placed 9 m ahead of the rear pier. that feed the materials to the con-
were placed to design equipments for
Some important innovations brought struction area.
very heavy slab bridges for the Spanish
by these MSS were: – Preparation for carrying the rebar
high-speed train line–AVE.
and the pre-stressing cables when
– The capacity of travelling from launching. A new MSS was designed for Cornella
span to span hanging the rebar – Reversibility for parallel viaducts, Viaduct (Figs. 2 and 3), with 11 spans
beams and two pre-fabricated i.e. the capacity of building one side with different lengths of 27,35,36 and
diaphragms. of the bridge in one direction and 40 m, with a self weight of 512 kN/m
– The capacity of erecting the supports coming back doing the other side in near the piers and a current weight of
over the piers autonomously without the opposite direction. 368 kN/m.
needing auxiliary cranes or boats. – Minimal man power.
– The constant performance of one The launching operations were done
– Maximum automations in all main mostly at night over the motorway. A
span per week, reaching the unique tasks.
record of casting some spans in five record of 2 h and 15 min to open the
– Radio control for all motion formwork, launch the girder and close
calendar days. operations. the formwork was then established, after
Evolution in 2004 – Maximum security. performing it several times in 3–4 h.
– Transformability into pre-fabricated
The previous MSS were designed decks or pre-fabricated beams In 2005, an MSS for the Llobregat
specifically to use only in that bridge, launcher. Viaduct, a U-shaped, very heavy girder
which made them very economical – Capacity of hanging pre-fabricated with 4,2 m high walls, girder width of
to use for the specific site they were deck sections in span-by-span method. 16,8 m and usable width of 14 m was
designed to, but future reuse in other – Minimal storing space. designed (Figs. 4 and 5).
bridge sites was not optimized. – Easy transportation overseas, i.e., The 50 m span girder had a self weight
In 2004 a new concept of MSS was all parts fit inside regular 40 ft. of 337 kN/m, but considering the local
designed based on the following containers. reinforcements, the average weight
principles: This full range of capabilities led obvi- was 400 kN/m. Because of the high
– Easy adaptation for different spans ously to more expensive equipments walls and the beams of the slab, the
or girder weights. considering one-site-use only, but in formwork weighed about 500 mt, but

2% 2%




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 1213


0,27 0,66 0,73 0,73 0,73 0,73 0,73 0,73 0,66 0,27

0,27 0,27 0,27 0,27 0,27 0,27 0,27 0,27

Polystyrene ∅ 1350
Center of the span cross section
Scale 1:100


0,27 0,27 0,27 0,27 0,27 0,27 0,27 0,27


0,27 0,66 0,73 0,73 0,73 0,73 0,73 0,73 0,66 0,27

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 1213
Cross section of
6,00 × 1,30


Section A-A
A A Scale 1:100

Transversal section over piers

Scale 1:100

A Ground

1 4 7 10 13

2 3 5 6 8 9 11 12

0,27 0,66 0,73 0,73 0,73 0,73 0,73 0,73 0,66 0,27

0,27 0,27 0,27 0,27 0,27 0,27 0,27 0,27

Transversal section at construction joint Piles

Scale 1:100
∅ 2000

Transversal section (Cast "in situ" Hollow Deck)

Scale 1:100

Fig. 2: Cornella Viaduct cross section

396 Technical Report Structural Engineering International 3/2012

Fig. 3: MSS over motorway Fig. 5: MSS over the river

16 800 The initial design of this viaduct con-

1400 14 000 1400 sidered 13 spans of 55 m and two end
spans of 37,5 m, with the particularity
that most of the spans were built over


the water, having 14 piers over sub-


merged foundations (Fig. 6).

Reinforced cross section

Final Design of the Bridge

After checking that the AP-2005 model
600 could build this bridge with a distance


of 63 m between the MSS supports

Current cross section while concreting, it was concluded that
Transversal section over piers
using 70 m spans would reduce the
17 430
number of piers and submerged foun-
Fig. 4: Llobregat Viaduct sections (Units: mm) dations from 14 to 10, reducing the con-
struction time as well, as it takes about
the same time to cover 70 m spans or
the MSS could open it in 10 min and external and internal formwork with 55 m spans with this type of MSS.
launch the MSS in 3 h. self weight casting “in situ” always in The final layout is now nine spans of 70
one single stage. m, one end span of 41 m and the other
With these colossal machines it was
learnt how to deal with such heavy The models used in Vila Pouca de end span of 50 m (Fig. 7).
live loads, to simultaneously open very Aguiar Viaduct, Portugal (60 m The final solution did not penalize
heavy formworks and launch such between piers) and Toxa and Martixe much of the weight of the concrete
huge equipments. Viaducts (HST) in Spain (55 m girder although the height of the box
between piers) had the capacity of sup- girder was raised from 2,65 to 3,20 m,
Evolution in 2009 porting 280 kN/m of concrete weight as the full design was optimized to the
plus 60 kN/m of formwork weight with new geometry. The final concrete sec-
Following the MSS experience of build-
the MSS supports 54 m apart. tion was heavier only by 5% more than
ing certain other heavy bridges for the
Spanish high-speed train line with 55 m All those models could easily fly over the initial design, which was highly
span between piers and 54 m distance 63 m distances between piers. compensated by the reduction in the
between supports the next challenge was number of piers (Fig. 8).
The latest model AP-2005, initially
the mythical frontier of casing in one sin- designed for concrete spans of 55 m, The heaviest section is 8,05 m2, which
gle stage with 70 m concrete spans. with very small adaptations could corresponds to a slab weight of 201,3
The MSS capacity is measured by reach 70 m concrete spans, with a kN/m. The layout of the viaduct is curved,
three values: self-weight of about 200 kN/m for a with a permanent radius of 1200 m, and
motorway viaduct over water. a transversal slope 3,1%, also constant.
– The admissible live load.
– The distance between concreting The pre-stressing was designed consid-
supports of the MSS. Viaducto Do Engano (Nóia, ering the execution of the viaduct from
– The distance between launching Spain) abutment E-2 (right side on Fig. 6) to
supports of the MSS, i.e. flying span. E-1, an initial span of 50 m followed
Initial Design of the Bridge by nine spans of 70 m and a last span
In other constructions during 2006– of 41 m.
2009, the most advanced models pre- The Viaducto do Engano is located
pared to hold 300 kN/m concrete load near the village of Nóia, Galiza coast, The construction joint was always 17,5
have been used, plus the necessary 30 km from Santiago de Compostela. m ahead of the corresponding pier,

Structural Engineering International 3/2012 Technical Report 397

1+477,500 790,00 0+687,500
37,50 55,00 55,00 55,00 55,00 55,00 55,00 55,00 55,00 55,00 55,00 55,00 55,00 55,00 37,50
E-2 P-14 P-13 P-12 P-11 P-10 P-9 P-8 P-7 P-6 P-5 P-4 P-3 P-2 P-1 E-1

BMVE 1,70









PMVE (~5.80)

PMVE (~5.80)

ad o Na


9,04 Ense vio


do e



o E-1


E-2 P-1


2,55 Tc 8,19

P-13 P-2 11,35
2,67 Mb T 16,2
P-3 c
P-4 11,61 15.5
16,60 3
5,50 P-10 P-5
3,1 P-9 P-6 Tc
6 P-8 P-7
Mb 16,96
7,4 1,5

9 3,5 6 Pd
4 17,12
3,8 22.,656
5 8
1481 RIN
Pun CIP 17,27
ta do
Ase 2,2 no
oiro 3,3 6

Fig. 6: Nóia Viaduct initial layout (Units: m)

E-1 E-2
P.K. 0+689.029
16,08 P.K. 1+410,029

P-1 P-2 P-3 P-4 P-5

721,00 P-6 P-7 P-8 P-9 P-10
P.K. 0+730,029 P.K. 0+800,029 P.K. 0+870,029 P.K. 0+940,029 P.K. 1+010,029 P.K. 1+080,029 P.K. 1+150,029 P.K. 1+220,029 P.K. 1+290,029 P.K. 1+360,029
41,00 70,00 70,00 70,00 70,00 70,00 70,00 70,00 70,00 70,00 50,00
Entrada Salida
+16,487 +15,281

Terreno PMVE ~ +2,75

natural BMVE ~ –0,25
0 + 700 0 + 800 0 + 900 1 + 000 1 + 100 1 + 200 1 + 300 1 +400




10 P.K.


P.K. P–1 Y=47
0,02 4149
Pedraplen 9 0
0,00 2 9
1,25 H/1,00 V 0,02
Pedra do Navio P–2 1+
Enseada do Engano P–100,029
Junta de P.K. 0+
NOT dilatacion 9 36
A P P.K. 1+
P.K. 0+ –3 P–9 0,029
870,029 29
P–4 P.K. 1+


P.K. 0+940,02
9 P–5 P–6 P–7 P.K. 1+2

de Dilatacion
P.K. 1+010,029
P.K. 1+080,029 P.K. 1+150,029












Punta do Engano

Fig. 7: Nóia Viaduct final layout (Units: m)

which allowed the rear support of the on the span pier and a rear support considering the location of the rear
MSS to be placed 16 m ahead of the over the cantilever, 63 m behind. support of the MSS at 63, 58,5 and
rear pier in all spans. 54 m from the front pier (Fig. 12).
The MSS was then designed 148 m
long, for 63 m or less between concret- These calculations were done consid-
Design Requirements for the MSS ing supports. This design configuration ering the reduction of the MSS length
of the MSS allowed it to reach 70 m and self weight, and the corresponding
The initial design of the MSS was done
span between piers (Figs. 9, 10 and 11). reactions.
considering that the construction joint
would be at 1/5th of the span, with Meanwhile, some of the calculations After a global cost analysis for pre-
14 m cantilever ahead of the pier, and had been made using 1/4th of the span stressing + concrete + MSS final cost,
the MSS should have a front support construction joints, instead of 1/5th, the client finally decided to use 1/5th of

398 Technical Report Structural Engineering International 3/2012

0,50 1,50 3,50 3,50 1,50 0,50 11,00
3,50 1,50 0,50
walkway road lane road lane walkway 1,50 3,50
0,50 road lane walkway
walkway road lane

Pavement = 0,08 m
3,12% 3,10%





1,00 3,50 1,00

PMVE 5,80
BMVE 1,70


2 Piles ∅ 1,80 m



Fig. 8: Nóia Viaduct cross sections – initial (right) and final (left) (units: m)

148 000

63 000 71 000

Fig. 9: MSS 148 m long with 63 m between concreting supports (units: mm)

139 000

16 000 54 000 70 000

Fig. 10: MSS 139 m long with 54 m between supports (units: mm)

the span joints, and a 9 m shorter MSS its impact on the final bridge cost Movable Scaffolding Systems
with 54 m between supports, which play a vital role, which is worth giv- for 80–90 m Span
became the cheapest global solution. ing it much more relevance during the
design stage of the bridge. Another important conclusion that
was demonstrated was that the tech-
Relevance of the Construction Joint The increase in weight of the MSS nology and equipments needed to
Location steel girder was about 70 t by lowering build large spans of 70, 80 or 90 m in
its span and total length 9 m, which one stage, using span-by-span–cast
The global cost studies made for this corresponded to about 300,000 USD.
Viaduct brought very important con- in situ method, already exists.
clusions concerning the interaction The increase in active steel as a result
of this solution for the whole bridge Considering the same MSS previously
between the concrete design and designed for Viaducto do Engano,
the building construction equipment was about half that amount. It meant
that about 150,000 USD were saved with the rear concreting support 63
design for large span viaducts.
by shortening the span of the MSS m behind the pier, it was possible to
One important conclusion is that the although spending a bit more on pre- cast 60 m between concreting sup-
location of the construction joint and stressing the cables. ports plus a cantilever 20 m ahead,

Structural Engineering International 3/2012 Technical Report 399

at the end of each segment, in successive
stages. Pre-stressing following this
method is highly expensive than when
the whole span is built in one stage
due to the number of joints, as spe-
cial pre-stressing cables and pre-stress
heads for the construction stages are
The optimal design for the viaduct
should be to use just the pre-stressing
and concrete reinforcements necessary
for the dead load and service loads of
the viaduct once finished. With this
type of MSS, due to the weight of the
nose, the reactions over the previous
concrete cantilever become equivalent
to the weight of a traveller.
Fig. 11: Overall view of the Viaducto do Engano with the MSS at the last span This reduction of loads on the canti-
levers plus the elimination of multiple
construction joints, corresponding
11 500 58 500 14 000 construction cables and pre-stress
heads makes the analysis of this solu-
tion almost obligatory for 80-–90 m
spans before deciding to build them
11 500 2500 56 000 14 000 with travellers or MSS.
70 000
There are some limitations for the MSS
16 000 54 000 17 500
method, such as the number of spans,
the weight of the concrete girder, the
total length of the bridge, its width and
the radius of the horizontal layout of
16 000 52 500 17 500 the bridge spans, but the equipments
1500 70 000 built so far can perform 300 kN/m of
slab weight, with 1000 m radius and
Fig. 12: Difference for 1/4th and 1/5th of the span joints (units: mm)
16 m width for 80 m span.

On the basis of the studies made on
long span bridges for very heavy 60 m
span viaducts and 70 m span road via-
80,000 60,000 20,000
ducts, it can now be stated that it is
Concreting possible to use MSS for spans of 80 m
and 90 m with the mechanical develop-
Fig. 13: Concreting 80 m span with the same MSS of Engano Viaduct (units: m) ment achieved so far.
It can be concluded from those stud-
making an 80 m concrete girder sponding pre-stressing cables and con- ies that for such long spans it is very
(Fig. 13). struction joints, and the construction important to arrive at a joint design
rhythm is normally 4–5 m per week, for the MSS and the bridge because
in two directions per pier and pair of the optimal global cost can be a differ-
Comparing MSS and Form travellers. It means that 80 m spans, for ent solution than the initial idea of the
Travellers: Pre-stressing example, can be built in 8 weeks with a bridge design engineers.
pair of form travellers.
Requirements during the The “cast in situ” method with MSS
Construction Stage In that 70 m span viaduct, an average being one of the most economical for
cycle of 10 days per span was achieved, concrete viaduct construction, the use
When building large spans with meaning that even if the 80 m span of MSS can be more popular and can
form travellers, the concrete girder is would require 2 weeks, the construc- achieve even higher performances if
designed with multiple segments and tion with MSS could take 25% of the bridge engineers’ community pro-
variable inertia increasing from the the time needed by the pair of form vides factual information on how far
piers to the span centre. travellers. and how often the technique can be
This construction method requires The concrete girder is also designed for used.
joints every 4 or 5 m, with the corre- carrying the dead load of the travellers

400 Technical Report Structural Engineering International 3/2012

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