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By Jimmy Ombom 
Self Published 
Nairobi, Kenya. 
Read Now 
The anecdotes in this book are based on J ​ immy Ombom’s​ research. The case study is from the 
works done by the author in the past few years and the insights gathered from the experience. 
In all cases, names and identifying information have been changed.  

This book​ is based on a project that I undertook in 2019 against very big companies who had 
millions of dollars in resources. I had never undertaken such a huge project in my life. When the 
opportunity came, I did not shy away. I never knew it would result in my writing a book. The 
insights I got from the project allowed me to excel in some other areas which always seemed 
Just as the name suggests, this ​SEO strategy​ is a rich green design that keeps your website 
ranking high with quality content. In SEO content is king. SEO 2020 and beyond is all about 
making the website easily accessible to crawlers and having the best content for the users. 10 
years ago, SEOs made content for the search engine other than making content for the people 
who use the engines. Google has over the years developed very smart algorithms that are able 
to give the best content to the users. It makes sense that Google is in the business of satisfying 
the intent of the users in the first search. Would you love to order for a pizza and get cakes 
Google is very smart, but it still needs help. Every day, it works on its technology to go further in 
its exploration of the web and deliver the best results. However, there are limits to how it works. 
While ​good SEO​ will bring you thousands of targeted visitors, a bad operation could bury your 
site, or plunge it into the depths of search results. Your visibility will then be insignificant. In 
addition to making your content accessible to search engines, your S ​ EO​ improves your ranking, 
your positioning in the voice and classic search results. Your content is then much more visible 
and thus attracts more customers to your site. On the internet, competition is increasing every 
day. Companies that optimize their SEO have an undeniable advantage. 

Do you need to be techie to learn search engine optimization? Not necessarily. However, it 
would be an added advantage especially when we talk about t​ echnical SEO​. Although there are 
many simple tools that have been created to help with this section, it would be great to 
understand why you are using that piece of code.  
I have written this book in simple language that can be understood by anyone. This is because I 
understand that today many people do not need to be rich in language to start an online 
business. The internet has simplified the corporate way of doing business. And this book 
simplifies the art of marketing to a modern man, who has been programmed to be lazy and 
spoilt by technology. (No hard feelings though!) 
When caterpillars come to life, all they want to do is eat and eat. But not everything. That means 
the mother butterfly has to make sure that the eggs are hatched on edible leaves which suit the 
appetite of the larvae being. I will teach you how to make your website evergreen and 
authoritative in the eyes of Google and other major search engines, so that search engine 
crawlers would love your site. Just as the caterpillar feeds on the evergreen content, you must 
continuously update your web content to ensure that it's fresh. This is why I call this method 
‘​Caterpillar SEO​.’ 
I would suggest that as you open the first chapter of this book, you should have the following;  
1. A domain name: You should not register it just yet. I have ideas of how to choose the 
best domain that will encourage better rankings. 
2. A hosting account. The faster the server is able to pull out your information, the better 
the user's experience will be. 
3. A website (Not a Must though. You can have it developed since you will need to optimize 
it as you read later chapters).  
4. Social Media Pages (Branded.) 
Before embarking on a new project it is better to know where you are and if you have any 
chance of getting results. For this, nothing better than knowing the type of SEO strategy that our 
competition does. We will not always be able to appear for the terms that we would like or for 
those that our client would like if we work only on-page aspects. 

We will have to use other media such as 

● mentions, 
● reputation, 
● social media, 
● press releases, 
● link building​, 
● working a blog to create related content, etc ... rather off-page factors.  

But as I say, the ​type of SEO​ we do will depend on the type of page we want to be. 

Where SEO is applied 

As we have already said, SEO is a technique that is used to get search engines to recognize the 
content of our website and position it based on them. To do that, they use a series of internal 
parameters that, by the way, search engines like Google change every time. The reason, in 
addition to improving its functioning, is to separate the grain from the chaff. That is, see which 
websites are active and which are not, depending on whether they update their content and 
adapt to the new parameters or not. Thus, those that are updated frequently will get a better 
position than those that do not. 

Here are the main types of SEO that could be implemented 

● On-Page SEO:​ it consists of optimizing the HTML code of the site so that the search 
engine algorithm tracking gives you the best position in the results in the preference of 
internet users. What does this mean? Well, the better the internal code of your website, 
the better position the browsers will give you. 
● SEO On Content:​ Site Content SEO is the optimization of the written content of the pages 
of a site. This part of the SEO application requires professionals who handle the correct 
use of language and the best strategies that make the most of the analysis and use of 
the so-called Keywords. We commonly get it part of ​On-Page SEO​. That is, the better the 
content of your website is written, including the keywords that users write in search 
engines to find information, the better positioned your website will be. 
● Off-Page​ S​ EO​: These are the actions that specialists in these techniques perform 
outside our website to improve its position in search engines. It is the most complicated 
part of SEO positioning because it involves the development of links of related sites with 
which you want to position yourself complying with the requirements of good search 
engine practices. 

It is also very common to think that web ranking is the same as SEO. SEO is just one of its 
specialties. Having a well-positioned website is vital for any business or project that requires 
visibility on the Internet. And where its relevance is most clearly seen is in electronic commerce. 

According to the eCommerce Study in Africa, in 36% of cases, the brand's website is the main 
source of information used by consumers before buying, even ahead of social networks! (which 
only influence the purchase decision by 27%).  

Do you understand now why it is so important that your website has visibility? And it is precisely 
the way to acquire that visibility that allows us to distinguish between different alternatives to 
make web positioning. 

Different types of web positioning and SEO 

Above we have already talked about SEO and the different types that exist. The big advantage of 
SEO is that the results last over time, as long as the natural SEO positioning is worked, without 
incurring penalized techniques.  

There are other positioning techniques: 

● SEM Positioning: 

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) also seeks to position a site in the first results for certain 
searches or keywords. The difference is that with the SEM​,​ you position yourself on a booklet 
basis, through sponsored links on platforms such as Google Adwords. 

This type of advertising works through a real-time bidding system that establishes a Cost Per 
Click (CPC). But in Adwords, the highest bid is not guaranteed the first place in the sponsored 

Google wants to make sure that the ads are useful for users and for this it adds a factor related 
to the quality of the campaign and the landing page to which it leads: the quality score.  

The position or ranking in which your ad will appear depends on the CPC and the quality score. 
and the success between the click and the conversion, on the landing page of the ad (the 
contact page, the landing page), etc. 
The S​ EM​ has the advantage that it works! According to a survey, 40% of SMEs that invest in a 
marketing product do so in Adwords advertising. Against him, and unlike SEO, the results 
disappear the moment you stop investing money. 

● Social Media Optimization (SMO) 

This type of positioning specializes in social channels (blogs, platforms, social networks ...). The 
SMO fulfills two basic functions. 

1. Use social media to generate web traffic. 

2. Position your page on the social networks themselves. 

Both approaches are compatible and complement each other within a global marketing 
strategy. The actions within the S
​ MO​ are focused on creating corporate content, diversifying 
them in different formats, sharing them on several channels, encouraging them to be shared, 
generating conversation, seeking virality, etc. 

One of the biggest advantages is that, in addition to generating traffic to your website and 
acquiring visibility within other channels such as s
​ ocial networks​, SMO is important for 
branding. This opens the doors to another type of positioning, which consists of installing your 
brand in the minds of users. One of its main disadvantages is that, although it can provide you 
with peaks of visits, the actions have a very short life, which forces you to do a constant job. 

Which of these options is best for my project? 

All of them are complementary. Most advisable in most cases, it is a strategy that combines 
SEO, SEM, and SMO. Because if you make your brand known from minute one with social 
channels, you get short-term clients with sponsored links, and you do a serious job of 
optimization in the medium or long term ... What can fail? 

Table Of Contents 

Preface 3 
Where SEO is applied 4 
Different types of web positioning and SEO 5 

Table Of Contents 7 


CASE STUDY: Brand X 17 

About the Project 18 
Project goals and challenges 18 
What we did 18 
Technical audit 19 
Keyword research 19 
Content creation 19 
Link building 20 
Schema implementation 20 

Domain Names 21 

A short, clear and easy to remember web domain 21 
Domain Factors Affecting Organic Ranking 23 
Why Simple Web domains? 27 
Web domain renewals 28 

On Page SEO 29 

On Page VS Off Page SEO 30 
SEO Audit On Page: Checklist 31 
Why do an SEO On Page Audit? 31 
The importance of Keyword Research for On Page SEO 33 
How to Optimize Content for On Page SEO 34 

Keyword Research 35 

What is a keyword and what types of keywords exist? 36 
Keywords are the articulation of concepts that your target market might be interested in.
How do I find SEO keywords? 37 
Does Google look at keywords? 38 
How to generate a list of potential keywords 40 
Steal your competitors' keywords 41 
Create a list with keyword combinations from the most likely searches 42 
How to find keywords with many searches and web traffic 44 
How to find easy to position keywords 45 
Google manual search 46 
Number of results on Google for that keyword 46 
"Competition" column in the AdWords Keyword Planner 46 
Use specific keyword analysis tools 47 

Keyword Cannibalization 49 

SEO practices, like so many business tips, lose value as technology changes. 49 
Keyword Overload: Too Much of a Good Thing 49 
How to Avoid SEO Cannibalization 50 
Keep Your SEO Hungry 52 
How material of a website affects its SEO 52 
Don’t Use Same keywords In Every Page 53 
Prevent From Using Copied Content 53 
Add Canonical Element In Your Republished Blogs/Post 54 
Ways to restructure your website 54 
Note 55 
1. Get ready to start 57 
2. Find valuable keywords 58 
Gather ideas 58 
Get Search Data 59 
Assess the competition 61 
Analyze trends 64 
Use advanced tools 65 
Make the Right Keyword Choice 65 
3. Write naturally 66 
4. Optimize Content for Google best practices 67 
Use keywords in the Title 67 
Put a friendly name on the page 68 
Prepare an attractive meta description 69 
Use headers 70 
Optimize links 70 
Optimize the images 71 
5. Stay listening 71 
The secret to effective SEO writing 72 

Meta Tags 74 

How can I check the meta tags of my website? 74 
Do meta tags help to improve the SEO of a website? 75 
Ranking high on Google today in 2020 has much more to do with 75 
What kind of meta tags exist and which are the most relevant? 75 
Does Google use meta tags as a positioning factor? 76 
What do Meta Tags contribute to your SEO? 76 
Why doesn’t my meta description/meta title appear in the SERPs? 77 
Best practices in meta tags for SEO 78 
What is the currently accepted length for meta descriptions or meta title? 79 
Can I control the meta description shown in the SERPs? 80 
Can I force my meta description to appear in the Google SERPs? 82 
Goal Description: Tests and Observations 83 
Should each page have a meta description? 84 
Can the pages still have a high rank without a meta description? 84 
Does Google use the meta description to position a page? 84 
Lessons learned from the tests 85 
Meta Keywords – What are they? Best practices for SEO 86 
Meta Robots – What are they? Best practices for SEO 87 
How Google treats the “noindex, follow” in the meta tag robots of the pages 90 
Does Google use meta tags for Googlebot when it comes to “ranking” a page? 91 
What about meta titles or page titles? 92 
How to write effective meta tags: meta description and meta titles 93 
Speed ​Optimization 94 
Google Mobile Optimization Test 95 
Search and navigation 95 
Links and Buttons 96 
Google Mobile-First Indexing 96 
Maximization of Functionality 96 
You better know your visitors 97 
Do not neglect the industry news 97 
Touch experience 98 
SEO Tools for Website Optimization for Mobile 99 
Principles for Mobile Navigation 99 
What is a Responsive Website? 101 
Errors to Not Make on a Mobile Site 102 
Practical suggestions 104 
The Three Main Questions 108 

Mobile Optimization 109 

Importance of Mobile SEO 109 
Conversion rates for Mobile E-Commerce 111 
Website SEO optimization for Smartphone and User Experience 112 
Optimization of Layout Elements and Responsive Design 113 
Mobile Version and Responsive Website 114 

Images SEO 115 

Choose the right image format 115 
Optimize the size of the image file 115 
Save images at lower resolutions 117 
Resize images to scale 117 
Reduce the file size using plugins 118 
Delete all irrelevant or unnecessary metadata 119 
Removing Metadata From Photos in Windows 119 
Removing Metadata From Photos in Mac 120 
Name your images and add alternative descriptions to make your SEO successful 120 
Optimization of your images, in summary 121 

Structured Data Markup 122 

What Is Schema? 123 
Difference between structured and unstructured data 124 
Structured Data Markup with Examples 126 
Product 126 
Local Business listing 129 
Article 132 
How to analyze and improve the loading time of your website 137 
How to use Google PageSpeed ​Insights to analyze the speed of your website 138 
Why is website loading slow? 138 
What is a good loading time for a website? 140 
How to improve the loading time of your website 141 
3 essential elements that influence the loading speed of your website 141 
Plugins 142 
Install WordPress plugins 142 
How to know which plugins make my website slower? 143 
How to improve the loading time of your website 143 
And a plugin to optimize WordPress? 144 
The images 144 
How can I get my website to load images faster? 145 
How to optimize an image for my website? 145 
Optimize image with Photoshop 146 
Hosting or web server 146 

AMP Speed 148 

What is AMP? 149 
AMP features 149 
How does AMP work? 150 
Advantages of AMP for the mobile device market 151 
What about the responsive design? 152 
AMP in Google results 152 

What are backlinks? 156 
How important are backlinks for SEO? 156 
Quality over quantity 158 
What is a high-quality backlink? 158 
The relevance of the field 158 
Backlink Checker Tools 159 
What to keep in mind to decide how to do the link building? 159 
Backlinks Profile 160 
Criteria to analyze your backlinks 160 
The amount of inbound links 160 
The diversity of ties 161 
The anchor text 161 
Why vary your text anchors? 162 
Use long tail to vary your text anchors 162 
Example 162 
Use keywords LSI 163 
Tips to get quality backlinks 164 
Types of backlinks in SEO 164 
How do I know if a link is “do follow” or “no follow”? 165 
How do we get backlinks? 165 
Start with the easy! 165 
Do you know the technique of broken link building? 165 
Guest Blogging 166 
Exchange of links 166 
Comments on blogs and forums 166 
Comments on social networks 166 
Take advantage of trust! 167 
How NOT to do link building 167 
Fix third-party links 167 
Betting on quantity 167 
Generate reciprocal links 167 
Generate many links in a short time 168 
Do not count on Nofollow links 168 
Neglecting the format of links and anchors 168 
Buy links 168 

SEO and Email Marketing 169 

Email Marketing definition 169 
How does Email Marketing work? 170 
Benefits of Email Marketing. 170 
What is an Email Marketing Strategy? 171 
Email Marketing Strategies 171 
Personalization of messages. 171 
Segmentation 172 
Examples of segmentation 172 
Mobile Friendly Emails 173 
How to set up Email Marketing. 173 
Email Auto-responders 174 
Email Marketing Tips 175 
Advocacy technique. 175 
After sale awards. 175 
Timely reminder 175 
Holiday Gift 175 
Carrying out Market Survey 175 

SEO and Social Media 176 

Content is King, you are the content 176 
Go Further with Social Networks 177 
Influencers 177 
Get links from your contacts 178 
Networking and Events to Improve SEO 179 
Conferences 180 
Centralize and Coordinate with Sector Groups 180 
Gifts and details 180 
Contests 180 
Help others “selflessly” 181 
Conclusions on how to Improve Search Rankings 181 

YouTube SEO 183 

What is YouTube SEO? 184 
How Does The YouTube Algorithm Work? 184 
Keyword Research for YouTube SEO 186 
YouTube Autocomplete 187 
Competitor keywords 188 
Creating High Retention Videos 188 
How Long Should My Videos Be? 189 
How Often Should I Publish Video Content on YouTube? 190 
Optimizing your existing YouTube presence 191 
Optimizing Video Titles 191 
Optimizing Video Descriptions 191 
Adding Tags To YouTube Videos 192 
Adding Cards To YouTube Videos 192 
Playlist Power 193 
Optimize Your Channel Page 193 
Promote Your Video in Organic Ways 194 
Posting a blog to accompany your video 194 
Adding your video to your email signature 194 
Sending it out via an email newsletter 194 
Posting it on your social media accounts 195 


Which is the best SEO Tool 2020? 196 
Finally the best SEO tools for you 197 
Google Analytics 198 
Google Search Console 198 
Keyword Planner 199 
Moz Toolbar – Moz is one of the best SEO tools 199 
SEOWorkers Analysis Tool 200 
Woorank 200 200 
Google PageSpeed ​Insights – It cannot be missing from the best SEO tools of any 
specialist 201 
Alexa Rank Checker Tool 202 
XML Sitemaps 202 
Find Broken Links – Repair broken site links 202 
Answer the Public – What it is and how it works 203 203 
CanIRank – Tool for Google ranking check 204 
Google’s Mobile Friendly Test – Mobile testing tool 204 
Seed Keywords – Free keyword research 205 
SEMRush – The best web marketing tool 205 
Seobility – SEO analysis of a free site 206 
Keywords Everywhere – Keyword research 206 
BROWSEO – Analyze your pages as a search engine 206 
UberSuggest – free SEO tool 207 
Google Search Console 207 
Keyworddit – Find out what keywords they use on Reddit 208 
Screaming Frog – Perhaps the best seo tool there is 208 
Keys4Up – Simple keyword research 209 
Yoast SEO WordPress Plugin – controversial but still useful SEO plugin 210 
Panguin Tool – Have you been affected by a Google algorithm update? 211 
WordTracker Scout – keyword analysis on the fly 212 
Lipperhey – SEO analysis of online competitors 212 
Bing Webmaster Tools 213 
Dareboost 213 
Siteliner – For SEO Technique it is one of the best SEO tools 214 
KWFinder – Find long tail keywords 215 
Varvy SEO Tool – Excellent free SEO tool 215 
Bulk Google Rank Checker 215 
LSI Graph 215 
Ahrefs’ Free Backlink Checker 216 
Check My Links 216 
Copyscape 216 
DataBlip 216 
Google Adwords Keyword Planner 217 
Google Keyword Suggest Tool 217 
Google Safe Browsing Test 217 
Google TestMySite 218 
HubSpot’s Website Grader 218 
Keyword.Guru 218 
Linkminer 218 
LongTail Pro 218 
Open Site Explorer 219 
Remove’em 219 
Search Simulator by Nightwatch 219 
SEO Quake 219 
SERPs Rank Checker 219 
Spyfu 219 
Netpeak Spider 220 
SEO Project Management Suite 221 
Webtexttool 221 
Zadroweb SEO Auditor 221 
Website Penalty Indicator 221 
Small SEO Tools 221 
Linkstant 221 
LinkPatrol 222 222 222 
WebpageFX 222 
Dibz 222 
DeepCrawl 222 
Botify 223 
BuzzStream- Data Extractor 223 

Afterword 224 
Glossary 225 
A 225 
B 225 
C 226 
D 226 
E 226 
F 227 
G 227 
H 227 
I 228 
J 228 
K 228 
L 229 
M 229 
N 229 
O 230 
P 230 
Q 230 
R 230 
S 231 
T 231 
U 232 
V 232 
W 232 
X 233 
Y 233 
Z 233 


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