Mlitt, The Assistant Dean of The Faculty of Arts and Letters

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1st letter

Greetings in the name of St. Thomas Aquinas,

I am Hanah Paulin N. Cruz, a student of the Faculty of Engineering- currently enrolled in the Electronics
and Communications Engineering curriculum. I am also a San Lorenzo Ruiz scholar at the Faculty of Arts
and letters, AB Dean’s Office.

An oath-taking was held last September 11, 2019, where policies and guidelines were presented. As
written, scholars are not allowed to shift to another program or course. The reason for this is because of
conflict in schedules that might affect in creating stable working hours because a student whom shifts
might become irregular. I am well aware of the given policies regarding SLR scholars and I pay my
respect to this as well. However, I wish to shift to a given course because of the following reasons

- Chemical Engineering was my true passion but I felt really lost along the way and wanted to try
something new, which is why I first chose Electronics and Communications Engineering. I felt
hesitant with my decision after seeing my subjects since I felt that I didn’t belong and I didn’t
want to commit to a career path that I know I wouldn’t love in the end. I saw myself in a
predicament whereas I would face difficulties that I won’t be able to surmount. Another source
of my frustration was a certain subject in senior high that was ECE-related and it presented me
with cumbersome tasks. I was at my wit’s end and inevitably decided to shift to Chemical
Engineering due to crippling anxiety.

- During my senior high years, we had research related to Chemical Engineering and our
developments are on the process of being patented. Our success sparked my inspiration to
pursue Chemical Engineering instead of ECE. By the time I was led to my final conclusion of
changing courses, I had already enrolled to ECE and I was unable to shift.

- Concerning my being an irregular, I have attached another letter to inform your office that all 1 st
year students of the Faculty of Engineering are undergoing the same subjects regardless of the
program, signed by Assoc. Prof. Richard S. Balog, MEngg, the Assistant Dean of the Faculty of

On another note, I have also included a recommendation letter from Asst. Prof. Narcisa Tabirara,
MLitt, the Assistant Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Letters.

Being a studious child, I have been in awe of the thought that I will be able to leave a lasting impression
on the world. Our research made me love to work on a clean energy project and I am looking forward to
an internship that can help make my dream come true. In conclusion, fascination, multitudinous
opportunities, curiosity and inclination to learn makes me passionate about chemical engineering.

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