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Prof. Dr. Mizanur Rahman

University of Dhaka


Mohammed Shahadat Hossain 41634060
Md. Mehedi Hasan

March 31, 2019
1. Write an application to MBA(Evening) program director / chairman of the
department of marketing mentioning some important points that the
department needs to consider for ensuring quality education in this
March 31, 2019
The Chairman
Department of Marketing
University of Dhaka
Subject: Application of mention considerable points for ensuring quality education.
Dear Sir,
I, on behalf of the students of MBA (Evening) program would like to inform you that the
department should ensure quality education. I am going to mention some key points that the
department needs to consider and focus on it for ensuring quality education. First of all, we
have to focus on governance, curriculum content design & review, student entry qualifications,
admission procedure & question pattern, physical facility, teaching – learning & assessment,
student support service, stuff facilities – recruitment & development, research & extension and
continuous improvement. At first, we have to design a perfect curriculum which is more relative
to our professional life. As, most of the students are doing their job along with their MBA
program, their main focus is to make the perfect use of their knowledge that they learnt from
this program to their professional life. So, the curriculum needs to be more attached to our
professional career. Curriculum should be made by our respected teacher along with discussion
with some successful professionals. Then the entry qualification of the students should be more
standard. Our admission test question should be more standard & qualityful so that no more
under qualified students can enter into the program. For this, written admission test can be
taken. Teaching quality of our respected teacher should be more standard. As this is the
master’s program, most senior & experienced teacher should take the classes. Teacher should
make the class more interactive & attractive for the students. Most of the time students don’t
get the attention or personalization they required. Students lose interest, which plants the
seeds for dropping out or low results. We hope that the teachers will take necessary steps to
solve these issues. Students support service is one of the most important fact. If one of
students faces any difficulties our authority should give supportive hand to him / her. Other
physical facilities should be increased such as sanitation, pure drinking water supply,
comfortable seats in classroom etc. Our stuff facilities needed to be increased. Behavior of the
stuff needed to be improved. Proper training & development of stuffs should be done for the
betterment of students service & teachers as well.
I, hope that you will take necessary steps that the point above mentioned to improve quality
Mr. X
On behalf of the students of
Department of Marketing
University of Dhaka

2. You are a citizen of Bangladesh. Write a letter to your American friend making him / her
aware of Bangladesh human rights situation, democracy situation & economic development
situation in Bangladesh.
Dear X,
Hope you are all well. I’m also fine. Not so much good as you. Because I’m a citizen of
Bangladesh. Here we, faces some difficulties regarding human rights & democracy. I’m also
concern about our economic development. The human rights condition determined by the
social and political values and also with the economic condition. Most of the people of
Bangladesh lead their life below the poverty line. The human rights of Bangladesh are separate
from the western values. The condition of human rights of Bangladesh mainly detected by the
condition of women child minorities and the role of security forces. Bangladesh reported acts of
intimidation and abuse as well as increased scrutiny by security forces. The constitution
provides for freedom of speech and press. However, the government used the EPR to curtail
these rights. In September the government approved the Right to Information Ordinance
allowing journalists and the public greater access to information. Of views via the Internet, local
human rights organizations reported continued government monitoring of Internet
communications. Human rights condition is not so well because of the role of proper steps
against violation of HR. The Human rights condition of Bangladesh mainly focused by the
international community. The mainly focused on extra judicial killings, torture against women
minorities repression. But there not focused on the traditional religious values. So to improve
the human rights condition of Bangladesh, the religion must plays a vital role which ensured by
the government. The security forces, including army and paramilitary units deployed under
emergency rule with the police, committed human rights violations with impunity, including
torture and other ill-treatment and alleged extrajudicial executions. The police force was
inadequately trained and equipped and lacked effective accountability and oversight
mechanisms. Army personnel accused of human rights violations remained almost entirely
outside the purview of civilian judicial accountability mechanisms. Some people held under
emergency rules were accused of “extortion” or other criminal activity. Detainees included over
160 politicians from the main political parties, as well as some wealthy business people. A
number of detainees held without trial under emergency regulations or the SPA were
reportedly tortured or ill-treated. By year’s end the public prosecutor prosecuted 228 cases
against high-ranking political officials, ranging from extortion and money laundering to murder.
Although the government claimed these were legitimate charges, some were considered
politically motivated. Bangladesh has lived through decades of undemocratic rule, and has had
to pay a fortune to return to a democratic process. But the outcome of such rule was the
creation of two major political parties. On the other hand the market-based economy of
Bangladesh is the 42nd largest in the world in nominal terms, and 31st largest by purchasing
power parity; it is classified among the Next Eleven emerging market middle income economies
and a Frontier market. According to the IMF, Bangladesh's economy is the second fastest
growing major economy of 2016, with a rate of 7.1%.Dhaka and Chittagong are the principal
financial centers of the country, being home to the Dhaka Stock Exchange and the Chittagong
Stock Exchange. The financial sector of Bangladesh is the second largest in the subcontinent. In
the decade since 2004, Bangladesh averaged a GDP growth of 6.5% that has been largely driven
by its exports of readymade garments, remittances and the domestic agricultural sector. The
country has pursued export-oriented industrialization, with its key export sectors include
textiles, shipbuilding, fish and seafood, jute and leather goods. It has also developed self-
sufficient industries in pharmaceuticals, steel and food processing. Bangladesh's
telecommunication industry has witnessed rapid growth over the years, receiving high
investment from foreign companies. Bangladesh also has substantial reserves of natural gas
and is Asia's seventh largest gas producer. Offshore exploration activities are increasing in its
maritime territory in the Bay of Bengal. It also has large deposits of limestone.[28] The
government promotes the Digital Bangladesh scheme as part of its efforts to develop the
country's growing information technology sector. Bangladesh is strategically important for the
economies of Northeast India, Nepal and Bhutan, as Bangladeshi seaports provide maritime
access for these landlocked regions and countries. China also views Bangladesh as a potential
gateway for its landlocked southwest, including Tibet, Sichuan and Yunnan.
I’m still worry about the future growth of Bangladesh, our future condition & situation. Write to
me regarding yours. I’m looking forward to hearing all your news.

Mr. Y


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