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Annals of Physics 409 (2019) 167920

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Darboux transformations of the

one-dimensional stationary Dirac equation with
linear potential and its new solutions

Z. Alizadeh, H. Panahi
Department of Physics, University of Guilan, Rasht 51335-1914, Iran

article info a b s t r a c t

Article history: We study the Darboux transformation method for one-

Received 15 November 2018 dimensional stationary Dirac equation with linear potential. We
Accepted 20 June 2019 obtain new exactly solvable potentials associated to new solu-
Available online 9 August 2019
tions of the first Hamiltonian and a series of new Hamiltonians
Keywords: are obtained. Finally, as a particular case, we introduce another
Darboux transformation form of the Darboux operator that is applicable to generating
Intertwining relation new potentials.
Exactly solvable potential © 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Dirac Hamiltonian
Linear potential

1. Introduction

The known Darboux transformation is a mathematical plan that intertwines solutions of differ-
ential equations together. This action is done by means of a Linear differential operator, called the
Darboux operator. Darboux proved his theorem [1,2] more than one hundred years ago based on
the possibility of obtaining another solvable equation beginning with the first solvable equation [3].
This eventuality leads to nontrivial products in the easiest state even if initial potential be zero. The
Darboux transformation is also one of the major important tools for generating a series of classifying
solvable Hamiltonian of quantum mechanics. The Darboux transformation has been extensively
applied to the stationary Schrodinger equation [4] especially in supersymmetry quantum mechanics
formalism [5] and the other equations such as the Dirac equation [6–10], a variety of linear
and nonlinear Schrodinger equation [11,12], the Korteweg–de-vries equation and the sine–Gordon
equation [13] and or a class of linear generalization of the Schrodinger equation, such as time-
dependent Schrodinger equation [14], Schrodinger equations with position-dependent mass [15],

∗ Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (Z. Alizadeh), (H. Panahi).
0003-4916/© 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2 Z. Alizadeh and H. Panahi / Annals of Physics 409 (2019) 167920

Schrodinger equations coupled to a magnetic field [16], and Schrodinger equations with weighted
energy [17]. In recent years, the application of this method can be also found in Hirota–Maxwell–
Bloch equation and soliton solutions [18–20], integrable Heisenberg ferromagnetic equation [21],
time dependent oscillator-like potentials [22], black hole perturbation theory [23] and etc.
As far as the Dirac equation is concerned, a Darboux transformation has been constructed
for both the one-dimensional stationary case [24] and the time-dependent equation in (1 + 1)
dimensions [25]. According to Ref. [26], for a one-dimensional Dirac Hamiltonian h0 = −iσ2 dxd
v0 (x) which is a known exactly solvable Hamiltonian, that is, all of its eigen functions as well as
the corresponding energies are analytically determined, then one can obtain a Linear differential
operator L of order one, which satisfies the intertwining relation Lh0 = h1 L with h1 = −iσ2 dx d
v1 (x), that v1 (x) is an unknown real and symmetric potential. The general solution ϕE (x) of the
equation of h1 ϕE (x) = E ϕE (x) is also related to the solution ψE (x) of h0 ψE (x) = E ψE (x) as
ϕE (x) = LψE (x).
The Darboux operator can be constructed by means of a series of definitions and assumptions,
such that according to the intertwining relation, the transformed potential emerges in explicit form.
More details can be found in Ref. [26].
In this paper, we use the Darboux method, proposed in the paper [26], for Dirac equation with
linear potential and find new potentials from the first solvable one-dimensional Dirac Hamiltonian
and calculate theirs eigenfunctions. On the other hand, we interest to obtain a series of Hamiltonians
from the previous one through the effect of the new Darboux operator on its eigenfunctions. Also,
with definition of another Darboux operator, we obtain explicit form of the transformed potentials
by means of intertwining relation.
The outline of the paper is as follows: In Section 2, we review shortly the Darboux transfor-
mations for the one-dimensional Dirac equation. In Section 3, we illustrate the method for linear
potential of Dirac equation and then try to extract new Hamiltonian from previous one as a series
of Hamiltonians. In Section 4, we propose a new Darboux operator to construct new solvable model
with different shape with respect to the obtained model of Ref. [26]. The paper ends with a summary
in Section 5.

2. Darboux transformation for the one-dimensional stationary Dirac equation

The stationary Dirac equation in the standard and original form with vector-like potential U1
and scalar-like potential U2 is as follows [27]:

⃗ .⃗p + β mc 2 + U2 ψ ⃗x = (E − U1 ) ψ ⃗x ,
[ ( )] ( ) ( )
where αi and β are the original Dirac matrices.
In one-dimension with ℏ = c = 1, Eq. (1) can be written as:
[ ]
−iσ2 + (m + U2 ) σ3 + U1 I ψ (x) = E ψ (x) , (2)
where σi are the usual 2 × 2Pauli matrices. Bracket in Eq. (2) can be written as:
h0 = −iσ2 + v0 (x) , (3)
v0 (x) = (m + U2 ) σ3 + U1 , (4)
is a real and symmetric potential, that is
v v12
( ) ( )
m + U2 + U1 0
v0 (x) = 11 = . (5)
v21 v22 0 − (m + U2 ) + U1
According to Darboux transformation procedure, when h0 is a known exactly solvable Hamil-
tonian, one can obtain the new potentials via intertwining relation by using a Linear differential
operator LN of order N, called N-order Darboux transformation operator, as
L N h0 = hN L N , (6)
Z. Alizadeh and H. Panahi / Annals of Physics 409 (2019) 167920 3

hN = −iσ2 + vN (x) , (7)
where vN (x) is unknown real and symmetric potential.
When N = 1, Eq. (6) leads to the ordinary Darboux transformation and the solutions of h1 are
obtained from the solutions h0 by means of the first order Darboux operator L1 as:
ψ [1] = L1 ψE (x) . (8)
The simplest form of the operator L1 is as:
L1 = A + B, (9)
where A and B are 2 × 2 matrices with x -dependent entries and with conditions as follow
[A, σ2 ] = 0, (10)
[B, σ2 ] + iAv0 − iv1 A − σ2 Ax = 0, (11)

Av0x + Bv0 − v1 B + iσ2 Bx = 0. (12)

The x-index is as derivative of x. These conditions are obtained from Eq. (6) after some calculations
and in accordance with Ref. [25], the operator L1 is written as:
L1 = − ux u−1 , (13)
that is, A = I , B = Aσ = −ux u−1 , where u is a solution of Dirac Hamiltonian h0 . The relation
between potentials is also as:
ε1 − ε2
( )
d1 d2
v1 = σ2 v0 σ2 + , (14)
det u d2 −d1
where d1 = u11 u22 + u12 u21, d2 = u21 u22 − u11 u12 . It is necessary to mention that u is a 2 × 2 matrix
and it is a solution of Dirac Hamiltonian (3) and the energy eigenvalue is replaced by a 2 × 2 matrix
λ, i.e.
( )
u11 u12
u = (u1 , u2 ) = , λ = diag(ε1 , ε2 ), (15)
u21 u22
h 0 uj = ε j uj , j = 1, 2. (16)
Now, in the next section, we try to use this formalism and obtain some new exactly solvable
Dirac potential.

3. Dirac equation with linear potential and new exactly solvable models: Darboux formalism

Let us now consider the scalar-like one-dimensional potential in Eq. (5) as U2 (x) = gx and zero
for vector potential, that is, we consider Eq. (2) as:
[ ]
−iσ2 + (m + gx) σ3 ψ (x) = E ψ (x) . (17)
According to Ref. [28], it is easy to see that the two-component spinor of (17) is as:
( )
ψ (x) = N , (18)
( )
1 −1
ϕ1 = (Hn (ξ ) + Hn+1 (ξ )) exp ξ 2
, (19)
2 2
4 Z. Alizadeh and H. Panahi / Annals of Physics 409 (2019) 167920
( )
1 −1
ϕ2 = (Hn (ξ ) − Hn+1 (ξ )) exp ξ2 , (20)
2 2
and Hn (ξ ) are the Hermite polynomials as :
dn √ m
Hn (ξ ) = (−1)n eξ
2 2
e−ξ , ξ= g(x + ). (21)
dξ n g
The normalization constant of N and the energy levels of the Dirac equation are as:
N = √ √ , (22)
(2n + 3) 2n−1 n! π

En = ± 2 (n + 1) g . (23)

Now, we make the ordinary Darboux transformation to the Dirac equation (17) and try to obtain
the associated potential v1 for the following Hamiltonian:
h1 = −iσ2 + v1 (x) . (24)
The most straightforward way to apply this method is to choose
ϕ1 (x) ϕ1 (x)
( ) ( )
u1 = N1 , u2 = N2 , (25)
ϕ2 (x) n=0 ϕ2 (x) n=1

where after some calculations, we have:

⎛ ⎞

2 ⎜ + ⎟ − ξ22
u1 = √ ⎝1 2 ⎠e , (26)
3 π
(2 2
2ξ + ξ − 1
1 ξ2
u2 = √ √ e− 2 , (27)
5 π − 2ξ 2
+ ξ + 1
√ √
with E0 = ε1 = 2g and E1 = ε2 = 2 g. The new exactly solvable potential is also obtained as:
√ ) ξ −4ξ 2 + 3 1 − 4ξ 2 )
(√ ( ( ) )
v1 = − (m + gx) σ3 + 2g − 2 g , (28)
1 − 4ξ 2 ξ 4ξ 2 − 3

where its spectrum and eigenspinor can be obtained from Dirac Hamiltonian of linear potential
(17). Let us now briefly discuss physical aspects of the transformed potentials (28). According to
Ref. [25], it is easy to see that the Dirac equation (17) for the transformed potential (28) can be
compared with the three-dimensional stationary Dirac equation where minimally coupled to an
electromagnetic field. Hence, after some calculation, it is seen that the off-diagonal elements of
the matrix equation give a vector potential in direction x̂ as U1 = −(1 − 4ξ 2 ) and the diagonal
√ of the
) (matrix equation can be interpreted as a position-dependent mass m (ξ ) = −[m +

2g − 2 g ξ 4ξ 2 − 3 ] in the Dirac equation. Therefore after doing the Darboux transformation
procedure on the one-dimensional Dirac equation for scalar potential gx, we can obtain a Dirac
equation with position-dependent mass, coupled minimally to a vector potential.
As another example for obtaining the new exactly solvable potentials, we choose
ϕ1 (x) ϕ1 (x)
( ) ( )
u1 = N1 , u2 = N2 , (29)
ϕ2 (x) n=1 ϕ2 (x) n=2

where from (19) and (20), we obtain

2ξ 2 + ξ − 1
( )
1 ξ2
u1 = √ √ e− 2 , (30)
5 π −2ξ + ξ + 1
Z. Alizadeh and H. Panahi / Annals of Physics 409 (2019) 167920 5

4ξ 3 + 2ξ 2 − 6ξ − 1
( )
1 ξ2
u2 = √ √ e− 2 , (31)
686 π −4ξ 3 + 2ξ 2 + 6ξ − 1
√ √
with E1 = ε1 = 2 g and E2 = ε2 = 6g. Similar to previous example, the related new exactly
solvable potential can be calculated from (14), (30) and (31) as:
( √ √ )(
18ξ 3 − 7ξ −8ξ 4 + 10ξ 2 − 1
2 g− 6g
v1 = − (m + gx) σ3 +

, (32)
8ξ 5 + 2ξ 2 + 1 −8ξ 4 + 10ξ 2 − 1 −18ξ 3 + 7ξ
which has a different shape with respect to the v1 and it is real and symmetric similar to v0
and v1 . The Dirac equation for this potential can be also interpreted as a Dirac equation with
position-dependent mass, coupled minimally to a vector potential.
This formalism can be done for different u1 and u2 corresponding to different n and one can
obtain a series of new Dirac Hamiltonian with exactly solvable potentials from the initial Dirac
Hamiltonian with linear potential.
Now we give the eigenfunction corresponding to potential (28). According to Eq. (13) we obtain

⎛d ⎞
−A −B
= g ⎝ dξ
d √ ⎜
L1 ≡ − ux u−1 ⎠, (33)

dx d
−C −D

A = 2ξ 2 − ξ + , (34)

B = 2ξ 2 + 2ξ + , (35)

C = −2ξ 2 + 2ξ − , (36)

D = −2ξ 2 − ξ − . (37)
It is clear that L1 u ≡ L1 (u1 , u2 ) ≡ L1 u1 ≡ L1 u2 = 0, where it means that the operator L1
annihilates the states u1 and u2 . Therefore, for n = 2, we have
4ξ 3 + 2ξ 2 − 6ξ − 1
( )
1 ξ2
ψ2 [1] = L1 ψ2 = L1 √ √ e− 2
28 π −4ξ 3 + 2ξ 2 + 6ξ − 1

−20ξ 5 − 8ξ 4 + 20ξ 3 + 26ξ 2 + 13ξ − 7 − ξ22
( )
= √ √ e . (38)
28 π 8ξ 4 − 4ξ 3 − 36ξ 2 + 10ξ + 8

The other values of n = 3, 4, . . . , lead to similar results.

In continuation, we want to get the next Hamiltonian from the previous equation, i.e. from h1 .
To this end, we first find the general wave function of h1 which up to a normalization constant
is obtained by
Hn (ξ ) + Hn+1 (ξ )
( )
√ d −1 2
ψ[1] = L1 ψ(x) = g( − uξ u−1 ) exp( ξ ), (39)
dξ Hn (ξ ) − Hn+1 (ξ ) 2
where after some necessary calculations, we get:
ϕ1 [1]
( )
ψ [1] = , (40)
ϕ2 [1]
6 Z. Alizadeh and H. Panahi / Annals of Physics 409 (2019) 167920
) (
√ { −1
ϕ1 [1] = g 2nHn−1 (ξ ) + 2n + 4ξ 2 + 4 Hn (ξ ) − (4ξ + 1) Hn+1 (ξ ) exp
ξ2 ,
( ) }
( )
√ { − 1
ϕ2 [1] = g 2nHn−1 (ξ ) − 2n + 4ξ + 4)Hn (ξ ) + (4ξ − 1) Hn+1 (ξ exp
ξ .
( )}
Also according to Eq. (25), the new matrixu(unew ) for n = 0, n = 1 is obtained as:
−4ξ 2 − 2ξ + 4 12ξ 2 + 2ξ
( ) ( ) ( )
u11 u12 √ −1
unew = = g exp ξ2 . (43)
u21 u22 −4ξ 2 + 4 8ξ 2 − 8ξ − 4 2

Therefore for new Hamiltonian h2 as h2 = −iσ2 dx

+ v2 (x), the potential v2 is obtained as:
(ε1 − ε2 ) a
( )
v2 = (m + gx) σ3 + , (44)
c b −a

35 15
a = 4ξ 7 + 6ξ 6 + ξ 5 − ξ4 − ξ 3 + 14ξ 2 + 2ξ − 1,
2 2
11 19 1
b = 4ξ 6 + 6ξ 5 + 4ξ 4 − ξ3 − ξ2 − ξ,
2 4 2
c=ξ + 4
ξ + ξ − 2ξ − 1.
3 2
The wave function of this potential is also calculated through applying of the corresponding
Darboux operator on the wave function ψ[1] of h1 as:
⎛d ⎞

√ ⎜ dξ − A −B′
ϕ1 [2]
( )
ψ [2] = = L1 ψ [1] = g ⎝

⎠ ψ [1] , (45)

ϕ2 [2] d ′
− C′ −D

−2ξ 5 + 3ξ 4 + 2ξ 3 − 13ξ 2 − 4ξ − 1
A′ = ,
−2ξ 2 + 12ξ + 1
B′ = ,
4ξ 2 − 4ξ + 4
C′ = ,
−2ξ 5 − 3ξ 4 + 2ξ 3 + 6ξ 2 + 12ξ − 4
D′ = .
After some calculations, we can obtain the components of spinor wave function in terms of the
Hermit polynomials as:
g {
ϕ1 [2] = 4n (n − 1) Hn−2 (ξ ) + 16nξ 6 + (24n + 16) ξ 5 + (8n + 24) ξ 4 + (−40n
+12n2 + 16)ξ 3 + 16n2 + 18n − 32 ξ 2 + −16n2 − 12n − 16 ξ − 8n2 Hn−1 (ξ )
( ) ( ) )

+ −25ξ 6 + 16 (n + 1) ξ 5 + (−21n + 8) ξ 4 − (30n − 50) ξ 3 + (48n + 64) ξ 2 + (56n + 80) ξ

( )
−1 2
+8n + 12) Hn (ξ ) + (−8ξ + 10ξ + 9ξ − 22ξ − 46ξ + 6ξ + 6)Hn+1 (ξ ) exp
6 5 4 3 2
ξ ,

g {
ϕ2 [2] = 4n (n − 1) Hn−2 (ξ ) + −16n2 ξ 6 − 24n2 ξ 5 − 16n (n + 1) ξ 4 + 2n(10n − 21)ξ 3
−28nξ 2 + 2n (8n + 9) ξ − 8n(n + 2) Hn−1 (ξ ) + −16 (n + 1) ξ 5 + (20n − 12) ξ 4
) (
Z. Alizadeh and H. Panahi / Annals of Physics 409 (2019) 167920 7

+ (18n + 66) ξ 3 − (142 + 40n) ξ 2 + (20n + 32) ξ − 4(n + 1) Hn (ξ )

( )
−1 2
+(−8ξ 4 + 40ξ 3 − 42ξ 2 + 24ξ − 8)Hn+1 (ξ ) exp ξ .
It is worth noting that the importance of the Darboux theorem lies in the possibility of obtaining
another solvable equation, starting from an initial solvable equation without any use of the solutions
related to the intermediate iterations of the process. For instance, on second step of this procedure,
we have
d d
ψ [2] = L′1 ψ [1] = L′1 L1 ψ = ( − ϑx [1]ϑ[1]−1 )( − ux u−1 )ψ, (48)
dx dx
where ϑ[1] is the fixed solution of (8) with λ = λ2 , generated by some fixed solution ϑ (x, λ) of (3)
in λ = λ2 , that is
( )
ϑ [1] = − ux u −1
ϑ. (49)

4. Another form of Darboux operator: create new potentials

According to Ref. [8], we consider the matrix A in Eq. (9) as a general form that is, A =
aI + b1 σ1 + ib2 σ2 + b3 σ3 which satisfies the condition (10). This condition gives A11 = A22 , A12 = −A21
and so for comparison with the relativistic context, we put A as follows:
( )
1 1
A = I + i σ2 = , (50)
−1 1

hence the new form of Darboux operator L1 is written as:

L1 = (I + iσ2 )( − ux u−1 ). (51)
It is easy to see that the conditions of (10)–(12), obtained from intertwining relationL1 h0 = h1 L1 ,
are satisfied and the new potential V1 is obtained as:
ε2 − ε1
( )
−d2 d1
V1 = A −1
V0 A + . (52)
det u d1 d2

For example, using the potential of the previous section i.e. Eq. (17), we get the another new
potential as
−(1 + 4ξ 2 ) −ξ 4ξ 2 − 3
( ( ))
V1 (x) = (m + gx)σ1 + (ε2 − ε1 ) , (53)
−ξ 4ξ 2 − 3 1 − 4ξ 2
which has a different shape with respect to v1 (x) in Eq. (28). The wave function related to this
potential via Eq. (8) and by using the corresponding Darboux operator introduced in (51) as
d d
⎛ ⎞
−ξ +1 −ξ −1
√ ⎜ dξ dξ
L1 = g⎝ ⎠, (54)

d d
− + 4ξ − 3ξ + 2
+ 4ξ + 3ξ + 2
dξ dξ
Is obtained as
φ1 [1] √ 4nHn−1 (ξ ) − 4ξ Hn (ξ ) + 2Hn+1 (ξ )
( ) ( )
−1 2
Ψ [1] = = g exp( ξ ). (55)
φ2 [2] (8ξ − 4n)Hn (ξ ) − Hn+1 (ξ )
It should be noted that the first non-zero eigenfunction related to potential (52) is for n = 3. One can
also obtain families of new exactly solvable potentials with different values of n. It is worth nothing
that both new potentials (28) and (52) are real and symmetry similar to the initial potential.
8 Z. Alizadeh and H. Panahi / Annals of Physics 409 (2019) 167920

5. Conclusion

Here, using the Darboux transformation, we have obtained new exactly solvable potentials of the
one-dimensional stationary Dirac equation with linear scalar-like potential, where its eigenfunctions
are obtained through applying of Darboux operator on the solutions of the linear potential. Then,
we have obtained new Hamiltonians in a series of Hamiltonians by Darboux method. At the end, we
have introduced another form of Darboux operator and have obtained another new form of general
potential which has a different shape with respect to those in Ref. [26].


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