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ufo magazine february 2004

Here's hoping you ISNN 0 9 6 6 - 1 1 07
had a great
Christmas arid
New Year holiday.
With the printing
and publishing
industry being what
it is most readers
would have
received their
copies of January
2004 in December
2003 so may we
major features
first of all take the
pleasure in welcoming you all to 2004.

Here in the UK we have been treated to

UFO sightings and bumper coverage of the 54 future flight -
subject from both terrestrial and satellite
television channels. All the best films have
the shape of things to come
been aired, Close Encounters, Independence
Day and ET along with two of the most
objective and totally unbiased documen-
taries on the UFO subject I have ever seen.

These were the The UK's Real X-Files from

the BBC flagship history programme Time
watch and UFO Invasion, a Sci Fi channel
production. The latter was about the inci-
dent at Rendlesham forest back in 1980.
This was an edited version of a two hour
U.S Sci-Fi channel special, but, although
cut down in size, it still left the viewer with a
very positive version of events.

Not forgetting mankind's most ambitious

journey of space exploration to date: the
investigation of Mars involving several mis-
sions. Our anticipation started on Boxing
Day when Beagle-2 entered the Martian

Unfortunately at the time of going to press,

we are still waiting to hear from the craft.
Not so NASA, who have celebrated the
successful landing of the 'Spirit Rover', their
4 ramey office photographs
mobile science station. Images are being reveal a more complex story
transmitted back to earth via the craft of the neil morris updates readers about
Martian surface with a quality never seen ongoing research on the only public
evidence in existence of the alleged
All this and more features in this our roswell crash of 1947
February 2004 issue of UFO Magazine.

Russel Callaghan 40 alien abduction

survey results
18 'swamp gas' sightings an informative survey into
an interesting look back at one of alleged alien abduction
ufology's classic events T
; l abeled Marsh G ^a s
v v s \ r b o R '

SaucersAre L a b e i e ^

Local Delmtv
> Nation
blue fairy incident lObritain'sx files
photographs, missing time and
multiple witnesses feature in this 16tamworth ufo report
classic encounter from minnesota
25 strange images on nasa website
28 the rock
28 amazing ufo cases
34 experiencers find their voice
36 dana centre ufo debate
44 diary of a skywatcher
45 spain encounters meteorite
52 galaxy's life zone pinpointed
64 new for review
70 subscriptions & back issues
78 alien merchandise
78 correspondence
80 UFO classified

space & / * exoplanets:

what's new?
12 the fleetwood astronoA
witness testimonies
d.c. gary heseltine
takes an in-depth
look at recent events
in fleetwood night w
sky guide \
enabling avid skywatehers everywhere
to enjoy the best 'free show on the
planet: andrew pike's comprehensive
night sky guide and star charts for the
month of february

48 back on mars
success, failure and : m/f yj
technological excellence Ml \m
feature in man's recent
return to the red planet
The LliiilLlrV Qlttelr PfttlMLJLLa[JW i • v ^ _

Much has been published in the last 25 years about the 1947 Roswell incident since the story Other lenses were available, from ultra
re-emerged, thanks to the keen ear of Stanton T. Friedman. Whilst waiting to be interviewed
wide angle to telephoto but they were
on a TV show back in the 70s, the name Major Jesse Marcel was mentioned in association
with an alleged flying saucer recovery. This caught Stan's attention and the investigation grew expensive and changing a lens in the
to be the most famous event in UFO history. field on a Speed Graphic was not under-
taken lightly!
There was never any physical evidence though to back up the case until the story of the
crash and samples of the recovered debris were displayed by the Roswell Army Air Force Andrew's later more thorough results
base two days after the incident. Twenty one year old photographer James Bond Johnson was firmed up the initial indicators, the four
dispatched by the Fort Worth Star Telegram to attend and report - James arrived at the base UTA negatives could be split into two
mid-afternoon and took four photographs. The names of those involved: Marcel, Ramey and groups.
DuBose would become etched in UFO folklore forever.
The pictures containing Ramey were
Neil Morris and the Ramey Photograph Interpretation Team have conducted detailed research taken with one type of lens while the
on the plate negatives taken back in 1947. Their findings are intriguing... images of Marcel indicated they were
taken with another, longer focal length
Neil Morris lens.
hroughout the research into the claimed the debris represents, there were
background of the Ramey Office many other items within the debris which One fact Bond Johnson has maintained
Photographs one contentious did not, and cannot be resolved by refer- as long as I've known and talked with him
point has raised its head time ence to the ML307 target. is the fact that he has no recollection at
after time. Just what were the circum- all of Marcel being present at his photo
stances surrounding the so called "Press In one of our many transatlantic phone session in Ramey's office. He has always
Conference" at which the ROPs had been discussions regarding the photographs assumed, as anyone would, that as the
taken. I say this is a contentious point and the results we were getting, I men- Marcel negatives were kept together with
because the one person able to comment tioned in passing that I had a trouble- the Ramey negatives, and he knew for
with some authority about it, James Bond some feeling about the "look" of some of certain he took the Ramey photos, then
Johnson, the person who took the pic- the images, for example when comparing he also must have taken the Marcel
tures, has consistently maintained there the Ramey/DuBose and Marcel images images at the same time. This was a sce-
was no press conference and he was the side by side. I couldn't quite put my finger nario I myself was happy to go along
sole press man on the scene when he on what was wrong, but as a lifelong with.
took his pictures. Can any light be shed amateur photographer "something" was-
on all this by the photographs them- n't quite right about their geometry. So I But Bond had no recollection of Marcel,
selves? For the first time I now believe it thought I'd put the question, would there and now we had stumbled on the fact that
be any way Andrew's model could actual- the Marcel pictures seemed to have been
ly tell us what type of lens had been used taken with a totally different lens. Here we
Of the seven photographs known to exist to take the original photographs? It might had a mystery, but as we probed deeper
that were taken in Gen. Ramey's office on reveal something, as each camera lens other things also started to fall into place.
8 July 1947, only four original negatives has its own set of characteristics and
now survive in the University of Texas these should be the same across any They also set the Marcel and Ramey
Library's Special Collections and it is with number of photographs taken with that images apart and re-enforced the grow-
these four original negatives this current individual lens. ing belief that the Marcel photographs
research has been mainly concerned. were not taken at Bond's photo-session
Andrew loves a challenge, and after some with Gen. Ramey at around 3.15pm on
The research done by the Ramey-Office intensive research into the Speed Graphic the afternoon of July eight 1947, but pos-
Photo Interpretation Team or RPIT has 5x4 plate camera and its lenses, he came sibly some time later that day.
always been a collaborative undertaking back with a rather startling result.
and this current set of findings is the Though all the UTA negatives were taken
result of just such collaboration. In In taking the four surviving negatives, his with ANSCO film, by examining the whole
attempting to take accurate measure- initial findings were indicating that two negatives it has been possible to discov-
ments of the debris seen in the pho- different lenses appeared to have been er that the two Marcel negatives come
tographs, my fellow Canadian RPIT used! How could this be? from a different batch of film stock from
researcher Andrew Lavoie had been able that used for the Ramey pair. And not
to use computer software to produce We knew from long discussions with only that, the Speed-Graphic camera
what is in effect a "virtual" Ramey Office Bond Johnson that his Speed Graphic used flat sheet 5"x4" film held in a double
in which accurate measurements could had only the one lens, the one his camera sided film holder. The film was held in the
be taken. was purchased with. We didn't know holder by a frame whose outline was
exactly what type it was and Bond only transferred to the negative when the film
These have confirmed that though some recalled it as a "std" type supplied with was exposed.
of the debris seen in the images "could" the cameras. This could have been one of
match the size of materials used in the two types in the 120-135mm range,
ML307 Radar target, which the USAF though a 100mm "wide field" lens was
also supplied specifically for "press use".

James Bond Johnson
The two Marcel photographs were taken after Bond Johnson had taken the Ramey
in a totally different style of film-holder pictures, and this now raises an interest-
from the Ramey shots, unfortunately this ing possibility.
is not a conclusive point in itself, as the
Star Telegram's darkroom had a "pool" of Maybe both sides of the "was there, was-
film holders which could be drawn upon n't there a press conference" argument
and they could have had a mix of the two may be partially right if seen from their
styles. But a further discrepancy can also own point of view. Bond Johnson has and
be inferred from the Marcel image film still maintains he was the only pressman
holder markings. there at his photo session.

The 5x4 cut film has locator notches I believe he's quite correct. At his session
placed in one corner of the film sheet to where he took the four images of Ramey
identify the type of film and, more impor- and Ramey+DuBose he was the only
tantly to ensure the film was loaded into person there, he would be. He was way
the film holder the right way. ahead of the story which only appeared
on the AP wire at 3.26pm FW time, some
From this, coupled with the position of 10 minutes after he had taken his pic-
the shadows as a result of the flash, the tures, which we have timed at 3.15pm
way in which the camera was held to take from a shadow angle seen through
the pictures (if it was a Speed-Graphic) Ramey's window in one of the pho-
could be determined. tographs.
The first three envelope notes are type-
And the orientation of the negative notch- written and concern the two Ramey nega- But how did the Star Telegram get the
es in the two Marcel images would seem tives and one of the Marcel pair, the final Roswel story before the AP? Good ques-
to indicate that the camera taking these Marcel entry was handwritten, this possi- tion, and I can only guess at the answer.
was used in one position, then rotated bly a later addition.
180 degrees before taking the other. A We do know the story had been floating
very awkward way to use the Speed- It seems the negatives may have arrived around Roswell itself since Mack Braze!
Graphic, if that was used. in the ST archive at different times told Frank Joyce about it during his
prompting the handwritten addition to the Sunday radio show on KGFL some two
In fact this could indicate they may well envelope notes when the later arrival was days before. We also know that Lydia
have been taken with an altogether different filed together with the other pictures. Sleppy started to transmit the story to
camera or possibly by two different cameras. ABC news in California probably in the
A final pointer that indicates the Marcel late morning of July 8 until she was
Another piece of circumstantial evidence pictures could have been taken some stopped allegedly by the FBI. So we
also indicates that the Ramey and Marcel time later is to be seen in the Marcel know the story was trying to get itself out
negatives were not handled together but images themselves. In the Bettmann- of Roswell before the AP finally succeed-
separately at the Star Telegram. The origi- Ramey image (though not a UTA image, ed at 2.26pm Roswell time that afternoon.
nal Star Telegram Archive negative stor- its cutiines attribute it to James Bond
age envelope in which the four surviving Johnson by name), Bond's hat can be AP was one of the largest and widely
negatives have lived since 1947 is still seen sitting on the chair behind Gen. subscribed to news services but there
held at the UTA along with the negatives Ramey. In the Marcel shots Bond's hat were many other wire services in opera-
themselves. Its log notes give us the clue. has gone. tion. On checking, the Star Telegram itself
The four negatives each have a hand writ- subscribed to AP, it had four dedicated
ten ID number (1- 4) written on them, but Taken with all the other pieces of evi- lines, but it also subscribed to another
in two different styles and hands, the dence this to me strongly suggests the five wire services and had a complete
Ramey's in one, the Marcel's in another. Marcel images were taken some time room filled with wire service teletypes.


—ftur-Ttfartm fl'»ff fho:«.

L'CER Brig. Gen Roger M. Rarr.c;.\ commanding general of the 8th Air Force
n found in
md altach-

Can we say without certainty one of these

other services may not have caught wind
of what was going on in Roswell before

But we do also know of a another reason

why Bond Johnson may have had an
early and open door to Gen. Ramey's
office. I'm not able to go into details here,
but some time before the events of July
1947 the Star Telegram had assisted
Roger Ramey in matters totally unrelated
to the Roswel events, and as a conse-
quence, Gen. Roger Ramey really did
owe the Star Telegram a very great favour.

But what about the press conference?

Did it happen? Well, maybe... after a fash-

Jesse Marcel recaled a number of press

men and photographers taking his pic-
ture, and he said there was just that one
photo session in which he was involved,
and we have just the two Marcel original
negatives which seem to be the only pic-
tures of Marcel with the debris in Ramey's
office. So let us assume these were taken
at his remembered photo-sessioa But
this was not the Bond Johnson photo-
session, for the reasons I've outined. >
more information. On his desk he found
there were a number of phone messages
from some of the wire services all asking
for pictures, he remembers wishing he'd
taken more shots than he had. It appears
that though Bond was employed by the
Star Telegram, and they had the pick of
his photos, he seems to have been at lib-
erty to sell on any remaining pictures if
he wished.

In the event, Bond must have at least sold

on one picture to the wire services; the
Bettmann Archive image was wired out
not by AR but via INP much later that
night and, by the coding on the cutlines,
possibly from Dallas not Fort Worth. It
also seems that, and this has been con-
firmed by Bond, photo negatives could
be bought, sold or exchanged and trans-
ported across town from one paper or
news service to another when the need
arose, this by either taxi or even by bus.

Might the Marcel negatives have arrived

at the Star Telegram later that evening by
just such a deal? Bought in from some
other source, they would become Star
Telegram property and as such be filed
"later" in the archives joining the other
pictures from that story, being processed
like any other Star Telegram picture.

All this could have been arranged "over

So if Bond Johnson or any other Star the phone" without involving any Star
Telegram reporter or photographer didn't Telegram reporters or photographers, just
Bond was by this time probably back at take the Marcel pictures, how did the two as our source who was there on the night
the Star Telegram processing his earlier Marcel negatives end up in the Star (but not involved directly with the Roswell
photos and he would be totally unaware Telegram's archive? story) has told us.
of any events unfolding back at FWAAF.
I've pondered this long and hard and then In the end the events now indicated by
So could the Star Telegram have sent out just recently I found a possible answer the photographs themselves seem to be
a further reporter or photographer? We staring me in the face, prompted by Bond not as cut and dried as any simple pro or
don't believe so, the one reporter we Johnson's own recollections from that anti press conference stance would have
have spoken with who was there in the evening. us believe.
Star Telegram's offices that night has told
us no other reporters went back out to When Bond returned f r o m the Fort Worth When Bond Johnson was in Ramey's
FWAAF and all the material they printed Air Base with his pictures he remembers office he was indeed the only photogra-
came in either over the phone, or off the that by this time the story was all over the pher there, the story had yet to break into
wire service teletype. wires and people were clambering for the mainstream news media via the
Tom Carey and Don Schmitt
F o r w a r d hv M a j o r G e n e r a l K e n n e r f H e r t f o r d

Yet the paper in question is not seen at ail

in the earlier Ramey pictures, and a docu- The most comprehensive
ment wallet or briefcase, seen on the
same chair in both the Ramey and Marcel
investigation ever made into
pictures, has also gone by the time the the 1947 Roswell Incident
2.26pm (3.26pm FW) AP wire story. Later Newton image was taken. by the two most proactive
that afternoon, probably due to the
increasing press interest, Marcel found There is a logical flow in the way these investigators, Thomas J. Carey
himself paraded out as the guy who pieces of visible evidence appear and and Donald R. Schmitt
recovered the "disc", and again sometime disappear, so linking the images together
later Irving Newton (AAF) was put forward through time: This full colour
as photo-fodder to re-enforce his identifi- journal pre-
cation of the "disc" as nothing more than Ramey images > Marcel >
sents the
a radar target and put the final touches to Newton > Hat/Briefcase >
the cover story. Briefcase/packaging > packaging
granddaddy of
all UFO cases
In a final twist the photos also enable us We still have many blanks to fill in and from a unique
to claim that the Marcel and the Newton maybe some questions may never be perspective, from that of the witnesses.
photos could have been staged in close answered, but the quest for the full story From the
succession. This can be inferred from the behind the Ramey Office Photographs military, the
fact that packing paper in both of these continues. press, to the
images can be seen to be in exactly the
same position in both shots. I won't go into boring details of the math-
involved, we
ematics or computer software used, I'm
sure Andrew would be "witness"
most happy to explain how their
R O B Smiling ft ROB Grim j arpet Stripe Angle Analy»l»
this at length privately testimonies overlap and all tell of the
should anyone be that same spectacular event.
interested. But the bot-
tom line of the calcula- From chapters
tions is shown by these
such as: "If You
two graphs.
Say Anything, You
In effect the slope of the Will Be Killed", to
graph lines, one for "The Government
each picture, is an indi- is Trying to Keep Me Quiet", you will be
cator of the focal length amazed at the personal experiences of
of the lens used in each these brave "witnesses".
case, if all the images
were taken with the Price $9.95 U.S plus $2.00 s/h
ROB Smiling & Marcel Right Carpet Stripe Angle Analysis
same camera and lens, Available from
then each line in the
graphs would have the or
same approximate "This 56 page full colour
slope or angle. You can
magazine style publication
see from the plots that
contains a wealth of new
the two Ramey images
closely follow this rule, information and never before
but the Marcel plot seen photographs. Well written
shown does not, and and well presented this is a
differs by a very obvi- worthy addition to any UFO
ous amount. • researcher or enthusiast's
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 11 1 2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 0 21
Neil Morris, Manchester. UK. Jan 2004.
Carpet Stripes With major contributions by: Andrew collection."
Lavole, Dieppe. NB. Canada.
Ljrraf (Marcrt Right) Un««f IPDB Smilmfl) Russel Callaghan, UFO Magazine, UK

BBC 2 Timewatch. Friday, January 9,2004 .
he two consultants on the programme, in flying saucers, Sir Peter had been invited to a Both Nick Pope
By Stuart Miller
Dr. David Clarke and Andy Roberts, are flat in central London where he was introduced and Andy and Dave J
sceptical UFO researchers ie and Andy in
programme, to Janus,saucers,
in flying and became Sir Peter convinced
had thatinvited
Janus to a were excellent on .
rs Roberts,
and Andyare flat innfcentral London where helbeen
was introduced BothAndy
and Nick PopeDave
and Jm
particular is often quite aggressive ininhie
in his to
was Janus,
\A/ac v tand
r a t p rbecame
r p c t r i a l convinced
of pextraterrestrial n rinin H
origin. a rthat Janus
k p hplipwpc
Clarke believes were
c r r o o rexcellent
screen i and
anrt on '

views on various Internet message boards. As that Sir Peter was set up by British intelligence accredited them-
such, although one shouldn't judge a pro- as a means of finding out just what the Prince selves well.
gramme like this in advance of seeing it, the was up to and whether he himself might be a
expectations were not great that the subject of threat to National security. It's an interesting Dave and Andy's
British Ufology would be treated impartially. and worthwhile theory but difficult to accept as averred intent was /
it doesn't take a great deal of thought to imag- to try to give a fair ||
Not only was the subject looked at in a neutral ine the consequences if the plan had been rum- and unbiased view
and fair light, but bled. Heads of British Ufology
Dr D a v i d C l a r k e a n d A n t J
such was the bal- - y Roberts would have and in my opinion r
ance of the pro- i I m m r o " e d > Possibly they unquestion-
gramme that it was Sf literally! ably succeeded.
perfectly possible
afterwards for both The programme's More of the same
Believers and run through on please gents! The hoped
Sceptics to claim Rendlesham for and predicted audience
"victory". was fascinating prior to transmission was
though brief. It in excess of three million
There was no bias, stood out for but I read at least one
no attempt to rub- ^ ^ ^ one factor alone somewhat negative pre-
bish witnesses and and that was the view (Daily Telegraph)
everybody had a fair jgtlfk W K / f f f ^ * complete beforehand. I do hope that
say. There was one ^ ^ i m f f absence of any didn't put people off, as
statement towards mention of the this deserved as wide an
the end of the programme which did raise an Orfordness Lighthouse. This is the favourite and audience as possible.
eyebrow and that was when the narrator most touted explanation offered by the debunk-
claimed that the end of the Cold War marked ing brigade as a way of explaining Rendlesham
the end of flying saucers. This remark puzzled and the lights seen in the forest but it was
me and I wondered if Clarke and Roberts were never mentioned and as such, at least as far as
happy having this statement attached to a pro- this programme was concerned, the case for
gramme they had been involved with. They both Rendlesham was only strengthened. Apparently
assured me they were but that the statement it was all down to American hysteria because of
should be looked at within the context of their Russia's recent invasion of Poland and the
own views on the subject, namely that sightings outbreak of hostilities in Afghanistan.
are often caused by the World political situation
or newspaper scare stories and the general cul-
ture of the day. Swiney

Probably the strongest case presented was the

Swiney/Crofts sighting from 1952. A trainee
pilot and his instructor saw three discs while
out on an exercise. The principle points were
the quality of the witnesses and the clarity
and strength of their testimony. Absolutely no
attempt was made to debunk them.

This will have caused some confusion to the

non-partisan viewer as the programme swept
from an apparently strong case like this -
to various experts who wrote off UFO
sightings as being down ^ ^ ^
to psychological/socio- ^ H ^ ^ ^ j
logical factors. But with j f l ^ ^ ^ U
no attempt made to dis-
credit any sightings, the
viewer would have been
inclined to believe the i ^ j S m l
witnesses, and the scep-
tical viewpoint faltered. £ /

Sir Peter
David Clarke put forward a fasci-
nating explanation for the Janus
case involving Sir Peter Horsley,
an Equerry to Prince Phillip. Acting
on the Prince's very keen interest
Please have a look at this video clip
from a recent episode of 'Star Trek

If you look over Captain Archer's shoul-

der at the starry background visible
through the window you can see what
look like 'Orbs'. The effect is definitely
beyond the actor as he physically
blocks it from view when he moves in
front of the window.

This suggest to me that they are not in

What we see in the shot is the effect caused by
fact 'Orbs' but an effect caused from the an out of focus light source. This can be created
out of focus lights used to create the on most cameras or camcorders by slightly de-
star field. focussing an image or a street light against a
dark sky or maybe a night shot of aircraft lights.
I have sent a copy of the tape to Paul
France as I would like a professional's According to 'Orb' researchers though the phe-
opinion on this. nomenon appears in photographs where there
was no known light source.
Lee Nichols, Essex Russel Callaghan


This UFO was seen on Saturday,
December 27, between 1:00 and 1:30
a.m. in the "El Patio de la Madera" sec-
tor of the city of Rosario. The luminous
object travelled from west to east at a
speed similar to that of an airliner.

Upon seeing the object, the eyewitness /

ran for his camcorder but couldn't find a f
free tape, so he chose not to waste any /
more time and used his digital camera. f

Rosario is less than 60 km distant, in a \

straight line, from the city of Victoria in the \
province of Entre Rios, which is famous for \
sightings that involve lights similar to the one
shown in the photos below. The witness
states that a fisherman recognized the object
and said that it was identical to others that he
had seen in the past over the same area.
SOURCE: Planeta UFO, January 6, 2004

l l
A Significant Event PART ONE

The Fleetwood
Witness Test monies
By Gary Heseltine
The PRUFOS Police Database witnesses) and the unearthing of an

n 25 November 2003, I amazing and previously unreported
received an email from a sighting in Ireland in 1979. (I plan to
man who claimed to have do a little bit more research before
seen strange lights over the publishing his account. Hopefully
sea at Fleetwood in Lancashire whilst this will appear in Part Two).
out night fishing with a group of friends on
Saturday 22 November 2003. Given my job as a working Detective, I inter-
viewed the witnesses in much the same way
The next day he emailed me again apologiz- as I would do for any crime. At no time did I get
ing for the fact that he'd just realised that I the impression that any of the witnesses were
investigated only police officer sightings. perpetrating an elaborate hoax. All information
appeared to be the genuine 'free recall' of events.
However, a couple of days later on a chance
visit to the offices of UFO Magazine, Russ It should be pointed out that none of the wit-
Callaghan said, "Come and have a look at this nesses realised there was video evidence of
footage". the sighting.They gave their information to me
without that knowledge and in my opinion this
What unfolded before my eyes was arguably adds greatly to the credibility of their testi-
the most important night footage ever record- monies. What follows are those testimonies
ed. But not only that, Russ explained that the based upon my telephone conversations with
footage was recorded over Fleetwood, each of the witnesses.
Lancashire on Saturday 22 November 2003!


I said to Russ, I've got witnesses to that." We r

One of the witnesses has worked for British
checked his list of known witnesses and we dwiim-iifc Aerospace for many years and could not
realised that my contact represented corrobo- explain all the movements of the objects.
ration from another independent source. Not
During the hours of 7-11 pm on Saturday 22
only that, my source indicated that there were November 2003, my friends and I saw what At one point there was a triangle of three
at least six other independent witnesses who appeared to be six UFOs in the sky. From whilst the other three appeared to join up.
could be traced and interviewed the beach they were in the Eastern part of
the sky and appeared to be extremely high This was witnessed for 10 -15 minutes
Given the quality of the video footage I (much higher that any commercial aircraft). before the craft simply faded away.
realised the potential significance of this sight-
ing and decided to investigate it. What follows I also know that other people in the local
At first the six objects were in a straight
is an account over a two week period. area saw the same thing that night, and
vertical line, but they soon split up and
from their movements it was very clear although I remain sceptical, I do believe I
My investigation would lead me to seven other saw something very strange.
that they were not normal civil aircraft.
people (plus links to another three potential

Ill flWJilMl (I spoke with his wife who confirmed his
excited manner upon his return from fish-
I was on the beach at Fleetwood with a I was night fishing with several of my friends ing that night and she stated quite clearly
group of four other night fishermen and on the beach at Fleetwood. We'd got there that her husband had been a little bit
two teenagers. It would be around 9 - around 7pm and spread out at close prox- 'spooked' by the incident. In police terms
9.30pm when one of the group spotted imity to each other along the shore. this is often referred to as 'evidence of
six orange lights overhead. We all Around 9 - 10pm one of the lads said, early report'. This is especially true in sex-
looked at the lights and initially put "Look at those lights" and we all looked up ual cases, and is useful anecdotal informa-
them down to shooting stars but as we at them. I saw six orange lights low on the tion that often tends to corroborate an event.)
watched their positions changed in the horizon which were rising vertically into
sky and we realised it couldn't be that. the sky. The lights were stacked vertically.

We all knew we were watching some- As they rose higher the six lights broke up
thing strange. None of us had ever seen into two groups of three. They sort of
anything quite like them before. made an L shape in the sky for a time. I
would estimate the length of this event as
We watched them for about 1 5 - 2 0 min- being in the region of 15 - 25 minutes.
utes until the lights gradually blinked a
few times and faded away. There was no Gradually the lights began to blink on and
noise associated with the lights and off before completely fading away. I don't
they appeared to be at a high altitude. know what they were but they were defi-
nitely not planes, helicopters, balloons etc.
I don't know what they were but I can
tell you that they were not aircraft, bal- There was little wind and it was cold but
loons, helicopters, natural phenomena not freezing.
etc. As night fishermen we are all used
to looking at lights in the sky and these When I got home I remember telling my
objects did not resemble anything like wife about them and at first she thought I
them. was pulling her leg but soon realised I was
V y serious.


Witness D The UFOs appeared to be at high altitude

and seemed to be heading inland in the
(ex Army Guardsman) direction of Blackpool Tower.
I was with a group of four friends night
fishing on the beach at Fleetwood. There I watched these lights for approximately 10
were also a couple of young teenage lads - 1 5 minutes in duration until they gradually
with us, they were a little away from us fur- blinked a few times and disappeared. I can
ther up the shore. definitely rule out any conventional expla-
nation. They were not planes, helicopters,
It would be around 9pm when one of the natural phenomena etc.There was no noise
lads told us to look up at some lights in the heard at any time.
sky. When I did so, I saw six orange lights
in a vertical stack rising slowly and verti- I do not know what they were but they were
cally into the night sky. They appeared to very odd. I've never been interested in the
be equally spaced. subject of UFOs but after the events on ar In ton
Saturday 22 November I would have to say
As we watched I saw that the six lights that I now have an open mind as to their
divided into two groups of three. Three possibility.
lights went to the left of the other three.

The light rose i n the sky at a slow steady At this point they stopped and the forma-
rate followed by five similar lights. These tions changed, seeming to rotate about
(current Aerospace expert with over lights were perpendicular until all six were each other. After a while some of the lights
20 years experience) visible. Then the top three lights moved at started to fade into the distance as if they
On Saturday 22 November 20031 was on the same pace but went off at an angle of were heading away from us. This carried
the beach at Fleetwood with some friends about 30 degrees, they then formed i p into on until there was only one light left; this
fishing at the sea cadet base at the top of a triangular shape. then stayed on for a little while longer
Beach Road The time was about 8pm and before fading itself.
the weather was clear with no cloud cover At this point they were about twice the
and little or no wind. Out to sea you could height of commercial airliners as you see The lights were not aircraft, balloons,
faintly see the northern lights. the anti-collision lights on some aircraft I flares, or natural phenomena and were def-
would estimate there height at between 60- initely anomalous. I have never seen any-
When we noticed the first of the lights it 80,000 feet. thing like it in all my years of working with-
was twice if not three times brighter than in the aviation industry.
any of the stars or aircraft lights in the sky When the two sets of lights had formed up
at the time. The light came up from the they moved across the sky from right to I believe that some of the commercial air-
horizon from behind the sea cadet base in left over the next 10 -15 minutes covering craft in the area at the time could have
the direction of Garstang. an angle of about 120 degrees. seen the same
lights we saw.

There was no
noise associat-
ed with any of
the lights.

I am aware of
a group of
other night
who may
have wit-
nessed the

red or purple in colour. At first we thought

they must be stars but the lights kept chang- (16 years old)
(16years old) ing position.
I was on the beach at Fleetwood with my
I was with my friend who is the same age We watched them for about 5 - 1 0 minutes friend. We were a short distance away
as me. We were on the beach at Fleetwood before they faded away. from a group of older night fishermen. It
about 100-200 metres away from the older was Saturday night around 9.30pm when
people we were fishing with. (Incidentally, I spoke to his mother, prior to my friend drew my attention to a group of
speaking to her son, and she confirmed five or six orange lights high in the sky
I'm not sure of the time but it was on that when he had got home he had told her above us. The lights kept changing posi-
Saturday night. We'd been there for a while about the lights he had seen. He was very tion.
when I noticed some lights in the night sky. excited and insisted that he was being
truthful. Once again this is evidence of I think I watched them for 15 - 20 minutes
I told my friend to look at them and he did. 'early report' which tends to add credence before they moved away. I have no idea
I looked up and saw six lights that were to the account given by her son.) what the lights were.

I watched them for several minutes
illU before they headed off in the direction of On Saturday 22 November at least 10 wit-
(Civil Servant) Fleetwood. nesses observed a number of unidentified
I was night fishing lights high above the Fleetwood area.
with two friends at the The colour of
top of Red Bank Road the lights was a This is corroborated by the recording of a 10
on the Promenade at mixture of yel- minute video sequence that clearly shows six
Bispham, a few miles lows and blues. lights moving in close formations above
south of Fleetwood. There was no Fleetwood.
We'd arrived there noise associat-
about 7pm and it was ed with the The UFOs were seen from at least three differ-
around 8.45pm when lights. ent geographical locations.
I noticed several
lights in the sky out at (When asked if The UFOs, as described by the witnesses and
sea. they were air- recorded by the video images, do not lend
craft etc. he was themselves to any conventional or natural
It was a clear night quick to rule out explanation.
with lots of stars and conventional
we initially thought explanations. The analysis of the footage will be in Part Two
they were shooting of this feature.
stars but soon ruled At that point I
that out when they asked him if he However from my point of view, after having
kept moving and they had ever seen had the opportunity to see the footage several
remained visible. anything like times, I believe that it is arguably the best
the lights before and to my surprise he UFO night footage ever recorded that is in
At one point one of the lights seemed to said. "Yes". What emerged is an excep- the public domain anywhere.
'dive' down lower into the sky which was tional sighting in its own right which I will
unusual. I believe there were approxi- reveal in the next issue of UFO In Part Two, i will explain why I think the
mately 3 - 4 unidentified lights. Magazine.) footage is potentially so significant in order to
justify such a claim. GafyHese„jne
The PRUFOS Police Database

UFO Sightings anil Experiences

Pam Davey, Stourbridge writes...
UFOs spotted "I tried to look at the stationary
one through binoculars, but it As you have been publishing arti- It was not very Mystery ^
over Huddersfield was just a blur of intense
lights. I watched it for 15 min-
cles on 'Orbs' during the last two
or three months, I thought that you
high above
ground level,

Twinkling Christmas stars may utes and it was still there when may be interested in a sighting we approximately 40
have been replaced by UFOs I went to bed. had during a skywatch in June feet, and it was dimly lit, like a low
over Huddersfield. 2003.1 am a member of UF0RM wattage light bulb. We watched it
"I've never seen anything like it
(UFO Research Midlands). Myself travel horizontally for about 40 -
Shocked pensioner Malcolm before."
Stapp is adamant he saw a and a number of other people 50 feet, for 3 - 4 seconds and sud-
couple of flying saucers in the PC Dave McSweeney, of were on Hartlebury Common, denly it was gone. Then to our sur-
night sky. Huddersfield police, said that Stourport, Worcs. It was around prise another one came along,
they had received no other 11 pm, the sky was still dusky travelling exactly the same dis-
Mr Stapp, 74, of Salendine reports of sightings of UFOs in when we saw an "orb" travelling tance and then it too was gone. It
Nook, said: "It sounds incredi- the early hours of Monday. from south to north, fairly quickly. was a very exciting experience.
ble I know, but I couldn't
believe what I was seeing."

He had been watching a film Gary Taylor writes...

on TV and was going to bed at This photograph was taken in
12.30am on Monday when he the Miles Platting district of
saw a bright light in the sky. Manchester on 29 December
2003. My wife and I were driving
He said: "It was stationary in the car when I asked her to
over Huddersfield for at least stop while I took a photo of the
15 minutes. At one point sun setting The picture was
another appeared travelling taken through the windscreen
north and going very fast - a with a Finepix A202. 2 million
lot faster than the jets that fly (fine) setting. It was when I
over here. looked at the picture that I
noticed an aerial object to the left
"It was certainly not a heli- of the shot as to what it is I
copter or a plane." haven t a clue. Maybe you can
shed some light on it? It doesnt
He added: "Both UFOs were look like a bird? I didnt notice
globular with lots of lights on anything when I took the shot.

See something

and report it..


Tamworth based prototype development

engineer Tony Lenton spotted the following
Compelling Evidence For U F O and Fxtrjlrfrr^truil Encounters
In Art f- Since Ancient Time? report in his local paper The Tamworth
Herald (
and sent it to UFO Magazine.
Did anyone At first I saw nothing, but he
continued to bark and

else see this wouldn't move which made

me stand still. What I saw
'UFO'? next is a mystery. 'My god
it's a big bubble, were my
This was the question posed first thoughts.' I was about
by a bemused Tamworth res- 25 yards away from it and
ident whose name and what I saw was approxi-
"An enthralling journey through the past to a address are known to the mately 2 ft across, transpar-
newspaper. ent with two central bright
new vision of the UFO phenomenon. Not since lights inside it, it just seemed
Jacques Vallee's legendary Passport to Magonia I was walking my dog last to be floating, travelling
Monday morning (1 Dec around 10-15 mph and less
has an author tackled the fact that UFO sightings 2003) at about I am. I was than 20 feet up. It was silent.
and close encounters have been a part of human just passing the back of the It just seemed to roll, chang-
local vets by Stanhope House ing shape as it moved but
history for millennia with such expertise. car park when my dog start- the lights remained in the
This book is an absolute must for anybody who's ed to bark and look upwards. centre.

curious about unexplained phenomena.

Comment The request published in the
A major addition to the field of UFO research." I find this report similar to paper encouraged other resi-
the 'Fleetwood Lights' sight- dents to respond.
Whitley Strieber ed of last November.
. 1 Author of Communion, the
I \ew York Times bcstM-ller
Like your reader, / went to get my
dog from the garden because he
was barking to come in as I stepped
outside / saw this large something
glowing and moving slowly across
the sky. It appeared to be completely
orange in colour and totally silent
ruling out an airplane or helicopter.

I called my daughter to come and

see, and we both watched the craft
Futhennore I can reveal that
until it was just a dot on the hori-
over the Christmas holidays zon.
Joanne England who filmed
QP/REF: XX185 and photographed the lights Friends thought we had lost it when
in Fleetwood along with her
| P iPrice: UK £23.50 we told them what we saw but my
family and a street full of daughter and I know it was no ordi-
Europe: 40f|uros witnesses, has recently dis- nary aircraft. It was indeed an
United States & covered that a local resident unidentified flying object.
Rest of World US$40.00 had informed a local shop-
keeper in conversation that / hoped someone might write to the
Credit card hotline she had seen the objects on Herald and I'm glad they did.

0870 7575 836

the night they were filmed.
I live in the Amington area and
would be interested to know if any-
They were not airborne as
All prices include p&p. such but hovered just a few
one else observed this object.
Please use order form on page 82. feet above the ground over
or order online: www.ufoma^ Patrick Simpson Polesworth.
some common land visible
from her kitchen window.
ISBN - 09541904-1-6 Hardback - 1 6 8 pages Publisher - Quester Publications.
/ personally had a strange experi- / work nights on the l.ichfield Comment Stories like these should
ence on Tuesday 9 December 2003. Road Industrial Fstate, I went out-
Could these phenomena be of great interest to
/ was also walking my dog (I work side for a smoke around 2.00am, I
be connected? Could all both the public and to the
evenings) I was in Sandy Park was looking at the stars when one
the sightings be off the authorities. Perhaps if
near Abbey Green Flats in of them seemed to get brighter and
same craft or craffts they were published in a
Poles worth and I was looking up at lower in the sky. It was spherical
observed on separate straight forward manner
the sky when suddenly something but I can't be sure of its size. It was
days? If this is the case as with the Tamworth
moved into my vision. transparent and had a greenish
then we seem to be in the Herald's report and not
glow coming from the centre. I
middle of a 'UFO flap'. It's spiced up or branded into
It was a clear soil of bubble object stood mouth open watching this
thanks to witnesses like the 'Wacky World of UFOs'
with greenish lights in the centre. / strange object move slowly across
these who know they (such is the label given to
could only describe it as a soil of the night sky. Suddenly, without
have seen something the BBC Time Watch pro-
plasticine glass coloured ball as it warning it shot ojjdgain as if
unusual, and have the gramme aired earlier this
seemed to change shape from going back to the stars.
mind to report and month) then readers and
round to oval as it moved, / would
respond to others asking witnesses alike should be
say it was about three or four feet I told my work colleagues but I
for information and then able to give this subject
in diameter. don't think any of them believed
thanks to keen reporters the respect and investiga-
me, maybe now when they read
on local newspapers for tion it deserves.
It moved quite slowly at first and this they will realise I am no fruit-
getting their editors to Russel Callaghan
then sped off towards the river. cake.
publish such stories.
My dog didn't bark but he did Name and address supplied
If four or five individuals
stand still in his tracks.
have reported seeing
these strange unidentified
John Freeman F Mail
objects, then one has to
wonder how many others
I am a farmer in the Tamworth
saw something but thought
area and over the last three months
better of making their ob-
I have borne witness to strange
servations known. Perhaps
sphere like objects hovering over
we will never know.
my fields. There are usually three
or four of them and they seem to
dance around each other, usually
in the early hours of the morning.

I hope someone will be able to slied

light on this issue.

Chris Pratcliett F Mail

9 H i
This article explores one of the most famous UFO cases in U.S. history, namely the 'Swamp
Gas' sightings in March of 1966, in the state of Michigan. I have recently rediscovered in my
UFO files a long buried, previously unpublished police report that gives the facts on what was
seen and heard by a group of people, which included at least a dozen police officers, on the
night of March 20.

M This police report is discussed and analysed and it becomes evident that the dozens of
people who witnessed this event saw something other than swamp gas that night in Dexter,
Michigan. The role of J. Allen Hynek is detailed. At that time he was the United States Air Force
(USAF) "Front Man" for UFO investigations, and the one who offered up the swamp gas explanation. But Hynek, the
debunker, would do a complete reversal and eventually go on to become the modern day "grandfather of Ufology".

What actually spurred me to write this article I quickly scanned the remainder of the article, If was in March of 1966, that a flurry of UFO
was that picture on pages 8-9 of your "Working Towards An End", in hopes of find- reports erupted in Michigan.
January, 2002 issue (Vol. 21, No. 2J). I had ing reference to the photo but there was no
not previously seen it and it certainly caught additional information. March, 1966, a well Two sightings in particular attracted national
my eye. known time in U.S. UFO history, and one that I media attention. The one this article will focus
was most familiar with, immediately came to on took place on the night of March 20,1966,
I recognized the standing man as Allen mind. near Dexter, Michigan. It was one of a few U.S.
Hynek, someone I have met, conversed with, UFO cases focused upon in the recent first
and been a part of his UFO organization, The In reflecting upon all of this I recalled a police time broadcast of the documentary "Out of
Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS). The caption report that had been buried in my disorgan- the Blue" on the Sci-Fi Channel. The other
read, 'J. Allen Hynek (standing)". I looked at ised UFO files for over a quarter of a century occurred the very next night at Hillsdale
the unidentified man seated next to the stand- which pertained directly to the Dexter case. College, about 60 miles away, and involved
ing Hynek and suddenly realised that I also dozens of co-eds as well as the area's Civil
knew him. It was Doug Harvey, the former The report was obtained from a friend of mine Defense Director.
Sheriff of Washtenaw County, Michigan. who had access to police reports. Knowing
of my intense interest in UFOs and the so Why these two particular UFO stories soon
I checked the photo more closely for clues called "Swamp Gas" case of became front page news across the country,
as to its date of origin. The calendar, 1966, she had dug into no one seems to know. After all, there had
posted just to the left of records and successfully been other U.S. UFO "flaps" in other places
Sheriff Harvey, shows rooted out the report that went relatively unnoticed by the media.
the year as 1966, detailed herein. But in the Michigan cases it was different
and the month Maybe it was because the police were eye
to be March. witnesses in the Dexter case or because
there were so many witnesses in the Hillsdale
case. Maybe it was because the USAF
became entwined in the situation and sent a
representative (Dr. Hynek) to Michigan to find
out exactly what it was that so many people
had seen and couldnt identify. Whatever the
reason, these UFO events enthraled the
media and a circus like atmosphere ensued
for several weeks afterward
Washtenaw County Sheriff's Department
Report, March 20,1966
peared. A continued search of the area was
'<-"' a.™
conducted, through swamp, and high grass, WASHTENAW CQU&Tt SHfeftfFF'8 DEPARTMENT
Bob Vagoer N .c UFO
with negative results... pextar Body Shop
i6 3-20-66
3-20-66 ~

"Upon returning tothe patrol vehicle, the . T«Uphoft^POCX iu,^,

Dap. McPadden k Fltspatrlek and
undersigned officers were met by others who Officers Aligned

had gathered to observed, and the under-

iDdsf Mooiimla Rd, It Mas
signed officer were informed that one of the i air about S00< i down asking a lot or noli
MVESTWlTIOUi "Dispatched to tbeabove location, and Hda contact
objects had been hovering directly over the th* eo«j>l*tnsnt at 10600 KcOlnnls Rosd, Complainant *dvl**d that
HB~id*atified obl*et was presently locatad In the awuap, to tbe r*
arora aentioc«d legation, and bad bean ao located for approxlaent
area where our flashlight beams had been sse-faalf bour, Co^lelnant further related that tba object bad b«

The Sheriff's
lervad to rla* to an altltuda of epproxia^nUy SOO F**t, and th*
ratum to tba ground. Subject *t*ted that •l *\gbf
g » t s wer* obs*i
observed epon tha
seen, and had departed in a West Direction of objset, and that tha lighting turned Troit a fblu*-gre«n to i
rad to a fallow in coloring. Object bad spp**r*d to ba b*v;Ing difficulty

flight, at high rate of speed"

Department Report FRAS5 KAPHII
tba objact !
an attempt 1 . oSJe
R05IALD, bad watebed
iha wooda and swamps, i »
i what I I was. *otb MAI¥«R'3
i of arrival of tha undsi igned office:

The following report, when quoted, is verba- Next the police report describes the talk the ACTION TAO*. Tba undersigned officer, in compel
proo**dad along D*xt*p-Mnckn*y
" " Road
" to
' Tai'ritorlal
~ ' \torla: Head, and tbi
onto Sjuiglsy Kosd, wb*r* a vantag* point waii obtained,
obtain** balng in dlract
tim and includes original spelling, punctua- officers had with the witnesses: Una with tba bona*, and tha araa of tba objecte observation. At this
point, tha patrol vsbicl* was ssourad, and tha afora Mentioned prooaedei
into tba woods, in etteajpt to looata tba awaap edge, and tba *bjsct.
tion and grammatical errors. VMla in tha woods araa, a brilliant light w*» observed from tba far adg«
of tha wooda, and upon approeebWg, tb. light dinsad in brillisnoa. As
TALK WITH FRANK MANNER: FRANK MAN- tba afora mentioned approaohad tba upper ridga, and adga of tba woods, thi
Brilliant light again appaarad,''and than dlseppeared. A contlnuad seer<
of tha araa w*e conduoted, through eWexp, and blgb gr*ss, with nsgsti?*
The report is dated March 20,1966. The NER stated that he had observed the lights result**

nature of the complaint was listed as UFO. comming from the swamp, and had informid that <
' whar* our flashlight
awakened his son, RONALD. BOTH MAN- Dlreetion of f l i g h t ,

The time that the call was received at the NERS then proceeded into the swamps in an
Sheriffs Department was listed as 8:30pm. attempt to find out the object which was
producing the light. Upon entering the lower ion returning to tha patral vahlelo,
tha NcQinnis Road address, vb*r* tt
undorstnged offica;

The assigned officers were Deputies edge of the swamp, RONALD stated "what is fcTAUT WITH FRANK NANSRj
FRAHK KANKSR statad thot hs had obaarved tha
lights conning from |hs ausap, and had vwskened bis son, RONALD. BOTH
McFadden and Fitzpatrick in Car #34 and that thing", and as FRANK MANNER looked MAKR3R3 than prooaadad into th* swamps in sn lltanpt to fln3 out tb* objec
which waa producing th* light* Upon entering the low*r edge of th* swam;
R0KALD statad "what is that thing", and as PJIAKK KAHK2R Looked In tba
they received the assignment at 8:35pm. in the direction indicated, the object was direction indicated, tb* objaet waa obaarPed. At tba instant of obaervatlo
tha aaall lights went out, end in Just an lnstont, re-sppesred across tba
Swsmp, s distance of sbout $00 Ysrds. At this tin*, th* objsot bacar.e
observed. illuminated fron s brllllsnt soiree of light, which riowsd horisontsl batwe<
tha two (2) snail lights. After watohlng tha objact fo • s couple of nlaute
the rays of ligbt from two flashlighta ware observed from t»-a ridge above
tbe objaet. Tba light" froa the object intensified, then went out, end s
The details of the complaint are as follows: whistle simular to tb* sound or s Rifle bullet Ricochet wsa beard, and tha
objact paaaed directly over the KAHN8R3 in Just sn Instant.

"Comp.(complainant) called and stated that At the instant of observation the smal lights DSSCRimOR.OF OBJECTi Obj* c t wss . . . _ . . . of < lalorlng,
there was a strange object in the swamp at went out, and in just an instant, re-appeared Appearing to be Quilted type outside eurfece. OBJ
sn th* bottom, and cane shaped '
' in h*|febt. Two i
. lights eppeersd to be i
tap, hov4v*r, being
utar *dges of th*
the end of McGinnis Rd. It was on the ground, across the swamp, a cKstance of about 500 , glowing in • blui«h^gr*«n lipht, *nd intsnilfins
.red In color. wh*n tb* v*biel* or obj*ct i l l u a i « * t * d , tb* lighting
wea * y*llow-vdilt* in oolor, '»nd r#n bori*ontal b*t«**n th* t«o out*r
went up in the air about 500' (feet) and came Yards. At this time, the object became illumi- Xigbts* allowing some of the obj»ct to b» v£*»*d. Outer body *?P8«r«d
to b* rough in t«xtura.

down making a lot of noise." nated from a brilliant source of light, which PERSORS 0BS5SVIS0 ODJSCTj

flowed horizontal between the two small

The "INVESTIGATION" portion of the report lights. After watching the object for a couple FD3TS?! UUP STOTTZDf Shortly after tbe dapsrtad from 1
C1SL9SA POLICS D2FARTHEHT reported elghting a aimul.
Vlllatge of Chels**, Fovaring, and than departing <
briefly states that the officers arrived at the of minutes, the rays of light from two flash-
furtbar sightin;; i • Bluish-green lights
location and made contact with the complain- lights were observed from the ridge above weaip, Horth S

ing party, namely Frank Manner (correct the object The fight from the object intensi-
spelling is Mannor) and his son Ronald of fied, then went out, and a whistle simular to > SSARCK OF TiiS ARIA

10600 McGinnis Rd. the sound of a Rifle bullet Ricochet was

heard, and the object passed directly over the
They "advised that an un-identified object was MANNERS in just an instant
presently in the swamp, to the rear of afore hovering, and then departing at high rate in a
mentioned location, and had been so located The report gives a "DESCRIPTION OF Westerly Direction." (note: Chelsea is a small
for approximately (') one-half hour. Complainant OBJECT'. Here a very specific description is community about 15 miles from the original
further related that the object had been noted and it was obvious to me that it was not site where the Mannors lived.)
observed to rise to an altitude of approxi- one of swamp or marsh gas:
mately 500 Feet, and then to return to the "A further sighting of Simular Bluish-green
ground. Subject stated that lights were "Object was observed to be of a brown color- lights was reported near the woods and swamp,
observed upon the object, and that the light- ing, appearing to be Quilted type outside sur- North Side of N. Territorial Road, between
ing turned from a blue green to a brilliant red face. Object appeared to be flat upon the Scully Rd., and Webster-Church Road, in
to a yellow in coloring. Object had appeared to bottom, and cone shaped toward the top, Webster Twp., County of Washtenaw, by
be having difficulty in getting off of the ground." however, being low in height. Two small lights Washtenaw County Sheriff Patrol #19, howev-
appeared to be at the outer edges of the er, when attempt was made to get closer,
The report then cites "ACTION TAKEN" by the object, glowing in a bluish-green light, and lights disappeared and were not observed
two deputies. Briefly, the two officers, along intensifing to a brilliant red in color. When the again. Further Search of the area was made
with the senior Mannor, got into the patrol car vehicle or object illuminated, the lighting was with negative results."
and drove to a point where they were on the a yellow-white in color, and ran horisontal
other side of the swamp and "where a van- between the two outer fight, allowing some The report ends with the following: "DISPOSI-
tage point was obtained, being in direct line the object to be viewed. Outer body appeared TION: FURTHER INVESTIGATION AND
with the house, and the area of the object's to be rough in texture." SEARCH OF THE AREA WAS MADE WITH
observation. At this point, the patrol vehicle NEGATIVE RESULTS. STATUS: OPEN:"
was secured, and the afore mentioned pro- The persons listed as viewing the object are
ceeded into the woods, in an attempt to "FRANK MANNER" and "RONALD MANNER" In closing the report reads, "Respectfully
locate the swamp edge, and the object." with respective dates of birth as 5 January Submitted, Dep. Fitzpatrick/McFadden" and is
1919 and 28 January 1947. signed by David G. Fitzpatrick, the officer who
The report continued: wrote the report.
The report ends with the sighting of several
"While in the woods area, a brilliant light was other UFOs in nearby communities: Deputy David Fitzpatrick took several pictures
observed from the far edge of the woods, and in several different locations of strange lights.
upon approaching, the light dimmed in bril- "FURTHER UFO SIGHTED: Shortly after the All of the pictures were taken at or around the
liance. As the afore mentioned approached UFO was departed from the scene, CHELSEA time of the swamp gas episode. All were
the upper ridge, and edge of the woods, the POLICE DEPARTMENT reported sighting a night photos and show little more than blurbs
Brilliant fight again appeared, and then disap- simular object over the Village of Chelsea, of light against a dark background. >

Why It Wasn't Swamp Gas What's more, the term
||ip Wutli'T
Ann A-h®' M t c h ^ n . fc

Several key factors in the Sheriff's report indi- "object" is used no less

Saucers Are Labelec

cate something was observed other than than ten times in the
swamp or marsh gas, which the press later Sheriff's report and the
latched onto as the basic explanation for the term "vehicle" is used
series of sightings. once in describing the
sighting. It's hard to
In legend and folklore a real but rare phenom- beKeve that police officers,
enon has been referred to as marsh gas, jack- who were also witnesses in
o-lantern, will-o'-wisp, and fox fire. It is caused this particular case, would
by decaying vegetation and consists mainly of call a gaseous substance
methane. Sometimes it can ignite and float an "object" as well as a
just above the surface casting a flickering "vehicle".
type of light, with or without faint crackling or
popping noises. It is my understanding that The report describes,
such a gaseous display stays close to the sur- "Object was observed to be
face of the ground or water and cannot attain of a brown coloring ...Quilted
much height. Swamps or marshes are ideal type outside surface-flat
places for this rather unusual and natural dis- upon the bottom...cone
play of nature. This writer has never seen it shaped toward the top ...rough
despite having lived close to a wetland for in texture."
over 30 years.
Also mentioned are bluish- L o c a l De f ,utVs W J * £ ?
Clearly swamp gas was not a feasible expla- green, brilliant red, and yellow
nation for the Dexter sightings. The white lights, and "two small
Sheriff's report states that the object "was on lights appeared to be at the ^ P i c t u r e s I n t r i g u e N a t
the ground, went up in the air about 500' (feet) outer edges of the object". One
and came down making a lot of noise." Swamp of the principal witnesses in this
or marsh gas does not attain heights of 500 case, Frank Mannor, became
feet and does not make "a lot of noise". dismayed at the swamp gas ,,„, ,t» i »o «
explanation focused upon by the
It was reported also that "a whistle similar to press and said: "I spent time on
the sound of a rifle bullet ricochet was heard army maneuvers in the swamps SfcfnU
m •• • • • ...
, v Y
and the object passed directly over the of Louisiana during World War II. w *•«"

Manners in just an instant. Swamp or marsh I've seen plenty of swamp gas. repom
Uhen »<>
gas does not display this kind of capability. This wasn't it."(1) Domestic

As director of the MacMillan Observatory at enthusiasts' who very dearly wanted UFOs to
J. Allen Hynek Ohio State University, Hynek was asked to be interplanetary. My own knowledge of those
examine reports and note those that could be groups came almost entirely from what I
misidentifications of astronomical bodies heard from Blue Book personnel: they were
such as planets and stars. He worked with all 'crackpots and visionaries'. It was useless
Project Moonwatch whereby he organized to remonstrate with the staff of Blue Book per-
amateur astronomers to assist in tracking sonnel; it would have been a clear-cut case of
satellites. 'fighting City Hall'."(2)

In March, 1952, Project Blue Book came into However, by the late 1960s, Hynek had begun
being as a new and upgraded government to lobby for science to take a closer, more
UFO investigative group. Its headquarters detailed look at the UFO phenomenon. He
would eventually be at Wright-Patterson Air noted that not all UFO reports could easily be
Force Base in Dayton, Ohio. Hynek began an explained away by conventional means, and
association with Blue Book as a scientific that there was room for an objective study of
consultant and he continued to this type of phenomenon. He noted in The
that end until Blue Book was dis- Hynek UFO Report:
banded in 1969. In that year the
U.S. government proclaimed that "My transformation was gradual but by the
it would no longer investigate late sixties it was complete. Today I would not
reports of UFOs and that UFOs spend one further moment on the subject of
were not a threat to the nation's UFOs if I didn't seriously feel that the UFO
security. phenomenon is real and that efforts to investi-
For those not familiar with Dr. Hynek, he gate and understand it, and eventually solve
was born in 1910. He earned a PhD in Early in his career Hynek was a it, could have a profound effect, perhaps even
astrophysics from the University of non-believer and sceptic be the springboard to a revolution in
Chicago in 1935. Hynek became involved regarding the UFO phenome- mankind's outlook on the universe."(3)
with a variety of U.S. government projects non. In his own work, The Hynek UFO Report
over the years that were related to space (1977), he noted: But before Hynek would make that final break
exploration. with the established party line he would face
"I had started out as an outright 'debunker,' what was probably the most humiliating expe-
For instance, he was asked to work with taking great joy in cracking what seemed at rience of his life and that experience would
Project Sign in the late 1940s, the USAF first to be puzzling cases. I was the arch make Hynek the butt of jokes, cartoons, and
group which looked into UFO reports. enemy of those flying saucer groups and articles.

UFOs Come To Michigan The News Conference
I Marsh Gas A week before the Dexter UFO event there
were reports from Michigan citizens and
police officers in three different counties of
Hynek's instructions were to release a state-
ment about the cause of the sightings.

Air Force objects moving at fantastic speeds, hovering, As Hynek later said, "It did me no good to
climbing and diving. One report cited a police protest, to say that as yet I had no real idea
Reports officer having a UFO approach his squad car what had caused the reported sightings in the
al uPHlrnl.'"^ llMnc ' to within seventy-five feet, causing his police swamp. I was to have a press conference,
u h?MH * " v > h * r * V J " " ' n "
, m>m » « > « 'I 1 * 1 ' _ , i*ouft »•
radio to stop functioning. Some of these were ready or not."
,„„ | din.' Ptf sliht

" IT^nUlK .on«iU»n<

far better UFO reports for the press to focus
l)r J >i llvnfk
on than what had been reported in the Dexter Hynek then offered a possible explanation for
ijir.nifrt by
case. But it was the latter case, along with the the sightings. Hynek described the properties
Hillsdale case, that captured the attention of of swamp gas, which he said he learned
the press and the nation at large. about from a University of Michigan profes-
•*»<«* -n ,hi;;r7 .0 h»v« p- sor. He pointed out that decaying vegetation
While in Michigan, Hynek was met by hordes can create certain gasses and, under certain
JLti. u » rnull o( • " m of reporters. He donned boots and sloshed circumstances, ignite and cast a flickering
around in the swamps. He rode with police flame. He pointed out that the light can
and described a scene of "near hysteria" as flicker out in one place and suddenly appear
, " , , „ \Urrh J1 „ g i , W » » »«•"
people reported seeing UFOs and squad cars in another place and that this can create the
chase about after fleeting lights in the sky. appearance of motion. No heat is felt, there
shrfSS:^^" He later noted, "The scene that greeted me are no burn marks, no smell, and the lights
was one of utter confusion, much like the can burn for extended periods of time. There
id „ , r » » n n e to « » » •
crowd that gathers around the scene of a cat- may be popping sounds.
k . m h t u not l " * * i astrophe, or perhaps it might be likened to a
ami m • m i l l " o! Ma
circus, with many rings in full action."(4) Hynek repeatedly said that his explanation
•"'•«' chMWtrr
was not, "a blanket statement to cover
; Starving Reds the entire UFO phenomenon", and that, "I
With this chaotic situation in full swing, and
the press calling for an explanation, the Air cannot prove in a Court of Law that this is the
s f l S S & f : . Beaten Oft Force ordered that a news conference was to full explanation of these sightings".
be held on March 25, only five days after the
The Ann Arbor News, in a publication entitled Dexter sighting. Hynek was the man of the As it turned out, a press conference was not a
in stfti* ' •
One Hundred Fifty Years of History, 1835-
imtt ' hour and also the man on the spot. The news place for scholarly discussion of the proper-
1985, selected the swamp gas story as one
i wtW
conference was held at the Detroit Press Club ties of swamp gas. Hynek later would remem-

of its most memorable and historic head-

lines. This is a copy of the front page, dated located in Detroit. ber the scene as chaotic. "Everyone was
March 25,1966. Ann Arbor, Michigan, is the clamoring for a single, spectacular explana-
closest city of size to the Dexter gas event tion of the sightings. They wanted little
green men. When I handed out a statement
that discussed swamp gas, many of the men
simply ignored the fact that I said it was a
'possible' reason. I watched in horror as one
reporter scanned the page, found the phrase
'swamp gas', underlined it and rushed for the

The next day newspaper stories generally

reported that swamp gas was the real culprit
in the Michigan cases and that swamp gas
could explain other UFO cases as well.

"According fo a/i air force spokesman, The story was generally greeted across the
the rfCtnl rssh of U F O was nothing
more th*n J c/oud of iwjrmp las S'a/ turrri country with laughter, ridicule, and derisive-
for an update on the 12 Milwaukee rcudenli
reportedly hdmpped by the \wemp gtt ." ness. Hynek would leave Michigan, as he
later said, "as quickly and as quietly as I
A few examples of political cartoons
could'. >
which appeared in papers across the
country and poked fun at the Hynek
explanation of swamp gas being the
culprit in the Michigan sightings. .WRTTJsrm.N.wx,
These examples were obtained from TO DON'T fAAKE
the files of The Center for UFO Studies
(CUFOS) located in Evanston, Illinois. asm*
™ to that c hemisfrypro&Z
iOf who called
«« swamp gas ?"
By Johnny i

! CS
T -tpeVRB ?<?| I '
tmn&S I
Results Of The News Conference it didn't happen quickly.
There were delays and sev-
Some Michigan citi- eral major universities
zens were outraged at turned down the invitation
the swamp gas expla- to accept a contract These
nation. They put pres- included such prestigious
sure on Michigan institutions as Harvard, the
Congressman Gerald University of North Carofina,
Ford (later President The University of California,
Ford) to call for an and the University of
open Congressional hearing on UFOs. Ford Massachusetts. There were
criticized the USAF's handling of the investi- few who wanted to get
gation in his home state, saying that the pub- involved with such a controversial
ic deserved a better explanation than what and, some said, disreputable topic.
had been offered. On April 5,1966, the first Other academicians branded the topic
open Congressional hearing on UFOs was as not being "respectable" for a univer-
held before the House Armed Services sity study.
Committee. It lasted only one day with only
three witnesses being called, one being Alen However, on October 6,1966, Thurston
Hynek. Hynek made a number of remarks Manning, Vice President at the
before the committee and also suggested that University of Colorado in Boulder, signed
"a civilian panel of physical and social scien- a contract with the USAF for a "Scientific
tists....examine the UFO problem criticaly for Study of Unidentified Flying Objects".
the express purpose of determining whether This report would eventually become
a major problem exists". known as the Colorado Project or the
Condon Report named after the project
Hynek had made this suggestion more than The Committee thought an independent study director Edward Condon.
once before. He thought that a panel of civi- group a good idea The Air Force supported
ian scientists should be appointed to take a that idea seeing a possible chance to get out Condon was a confirmed nonbeliever in the
new and fresh look at the UFO issue and of the UFO business, something they had UFO phenomenon and said so on several
there is evidence that Hynek wanted very sought to do since the late 1950s. The Air occasions. His negative attitude had a major
much to be a part of any future governmental Force took the lead in openly seeking a uni- impact on the final report, released in October
study of the UFO phenomenon although his versity to contract for an investigative study of of 1968. It has generaly been shown to be a
appointment never did come about. the UFO question.. whitewash of most of the UFO field.

Visit With The Former Sheriff-Doug Harvey

In doing research for this article last year, I Most of the literature surrounding the case After the sighting the press and hordes of
sought out the former county sheriff, Doug suggests that Hynek got the swamp gas idea people had descended on the Mannor
Harvey, to get his views on the 1966 case. I from a University of Michigan chemistry or residence. For a time after the incident, he
found him living in a community not far from botany professor who called Hynek about said, cars were often parked nightly on both
me. We met over breakfast Harvey was 72, swamp gas being the possible culprit. Hynek sides of the dirt road for hundreds of yards in
robust, and energetic. He has retired from law reported the same in some of his writings. either direction with people tromping about
enforcement and now owns and runs several
driver education testing businesses. He was However, the Washington phone call, if it did Sometimes, he said, a carload of "religious
friendly, open, and willing to talk. indeed take place as Harvey described, freaks" would drive by and yell things like
strongly suggests that direction on this matter "you are sinners" and "you're going to hell".
"My men saw something that night and I'm was coming from a high government source.
positive what they saw wasn't swamp gas," Ron said that one night the family heard
he told me. He was also sure that Hynek did noises on the upstairs roof. The senior
not view the police report which is detailed Phone Conservation Mannor came out of the house with a loaded
shotgun to find two men had placed a ladder
With Ron Manor against the front of the house and were
The former sheriff described how he took I made contact with the younger Mannor who attempting to get into a second story bed-
Hynek to the Mannor residence so Hynek Ives in a nearby town not far from where the room. Frank Mannor ran them off
could look over the terrain. Later they original sighting occurred. Ron's father, promptly. Ron also took
returned to the sheriff's office. "We sat for a Frank, had passed away some years earlier. more than his share of rib-
while and talked," Harvey recalled. "Hynek The short interview was conducted by phone. bing from friends and
admitted he didn't know what all those people acquaintances.
had seen out at the old Mannor farm. That's I explained to Ron that I was doing an article
when the phone call came in," Harvey on the episode which took place in 1966. In my attempt to get several
said. "The dispatcher stepped into the office photos of the old Mannor
and said Dr Hynek, you've got a call from Ron immediately said he did not want to dis- residence as it might look
Washington." cuss the case and that it was something today, I discovered that the
he wanted to forget Nonetheless, I did man- roads have been reconfig-
Harvey said Hynek stepped out of the office age to engage him in conversation about it ured over the nearly 40 years
to take the call. Returning moments later, for several minutes. He emphasized that what since the swamp gas event
Hynek looked perplexed and a little pale, "It's he and his father observed on that March and the old place where
swamp gas, it's swamp gas they saw," Harvey evening was an actual object and not a Frank Mannor raised 10 chil-
then quoted Hynek as saying. gaseous substance like swamp or marsh gas. dren no longer exists.
This photo was taken close to the old
Mannor residence, which no longer
exists. The exact location could not be
located due to a reconfiguration of the
roads in the area over the nearly 40
years since the incident. Note the radio
telescope dish (operated by the
University of Michigan) located just
above the tree line in the middle of the
picture. It appears almost cloud like.
Hynek quickly dismissed the dish as
the cause of the swamp gas sighting

The Life Magazine Article

On April 1,1966, Life Magazine, published an
believed to be
the key to inter-
'It wasn't no huilabillusion/
eight page article titled "A Well-witnessed planetary
Invasion by Something". This was less than
two weeks after the Dexter swamp gas event
Mannor grew
said the farmer; and 52 agreed
On page 29 of that issue the Mannors1 sight- more indig-
ing was specifically detailed. nant by the
hour. w,
'ith h/iirhiif glare hum \trti
Unfortunately, the flavour of the piece ('It was- tegicnlfl placed hglm in a /„„„.
Ir marsh i left I near Ann Aihm.
n't no huilabillusion', said the farmer) was "People are Mich.. UK Photographer Boh
Gomel re-,' euled former fmttk
slanted toward poking fun at the Mannors' trying to make Maiiiini's dvsceiptitw of the eetie
S'OK he ,«tw U„ this exact spat.
experience. Here are the last three para- a fanatic out The sketch below shows demits
of the "vehicle' Mrmnor (right)
graphs of the Life Magazine page which of me," he son u hen he appi ooched the Ugh;
The sketch bears a striking 're-
detailed the Dexter event complained. semblance to UFO photographed
"They was from a Now ship offthe toast of
California in 1957. Koto its con-
still tramping foam,Hon. nmrnne lights, cabin
Back by Frank Mannors house the road <mtU The rough ,
jammed up with the cars of the expectant; around here "I the object in the photo ap-
pears to f/be with the description
one man scraped away at a violin for an hour at 3 o'clock Mannor and his 19-veat-old son
gore pal ice: "It ma rough and
in the hope of summoning creatures from this morning pitted all am like coral rock."
outer space and another blinked a light in and look at
what he described as a "pi code" which he them now.
They say,
'How much
•witnessed'lnvasion'-by Something money are
you going to
from Australia to WicMean, a
make off
flurry of eerie UFO sightings
this?' That's
crazy. I
don't want
life Magazine, April 1,1996
.'.»•.« '"'iii ni'U"wnf~

no money. I didn't want no publicity in the first

place. I dont want none now. I'm just a simple
fellow. But I seen what I seen and nobody's Leona, his wife, was more succinct: "We ain't
going to tell me different. That wasn't no old Martians they act like you're not human or
foxfire or huilabillusion. It was an object something because you seen it I'm about to
Maybe it'll come back if all these people get a gun and shoot some of these smart
would stay away and we could get a picture alecks if they don't stay the hell away." >
and have verication of it. Anybody wants to
give me a lie-dector test I'll take it."

The "Good" Doctor
Allen Hynek, in m y mind, deserves the title
' J M I
Gazette, Friday November 2 1 , 2 0 0 3
"grandfather of ufology". While he began as a i j p w t My Thanks to Mr. Hayter, Basingstoke

Granddad convinced
true Phillip Klass type debunker, he had the
sense to see that there was indeed some-
thing more than ordinary, earthly explanations
to some of the hundreds upon hundreds of

of close encounters
•actual v « by Paul Stamp

A R E aliens travelling through the

sklos o f the B a s i n g s t o k e a r e a ?
That It the question being posed by a retired
airport worker who has situated UFO activity In
the borough for the last 10 years
Grandfather of two Derek Bridge*, til, says he
has seen amazing sights from his Overton home
the most recent occurrence happening lust last
He believes north Hampshire Is a hotbed of
extra terrestrial activity and has spoken to sev-
eral people llvtng In the area about thetr past
encounters with UFOs
Mr Bridges, of The Green, contacted The
UFO reports that came his way over the Gazette to talk about a 4&-mmute Incident he
witnessed from his garden at midnight on
years. After Project Blue Book closed in 1969,
Recalling what he saw in the sky Mr Bridge*
and the U.S. government was publically out of said "Something was travelling from the direc-
tion of the North Hampshire Downs, near
the business of UFO investigations, Hynek, in Klngsrlen- towards Overton I saw a (lashing
light and I w u looking at the light moving slow-
1973, launched his own investigative UFO He then noticed more craft travelling with the
organization: CUFOS. This worked differently first, which he recognised as a standard plane
"There were pulsating lights there wweprob^
from other UFO organizations of the period ably about six t.. t* aircraft all a r o u n d

such as the National Investigations

Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP).

Firstly, CUFOS, headquartered in Evanston,

Illinois, had a telephone hot line available to ing interested In UFOs.
• Derek Bridges aged 63 and a grandfather
regular visitors to north Hampshire
l-two, it convinced that extra-terrestrials are

police agencies across the country. And sec- He can also recall an occurrence several
months ago when a disc shaped rraft. MM) to find
started to make a gesture to htm "
When the boy's friends followed htm making a
ondly, when a UFO report was phoned into in sue. is.nm^I over Overton towards Andover
Mr Bridges, a tormer member of rock band
lot of noise, the beings shuttled hack into the
craft and It shot silently back Into the sky
CUFOS headquarters, and if it looked promis- The Wildcats who backed iiOs singer Marty M r Bridge* said "A lot of people are fright
Wilde explained: "The trouble is it is hard to
vldau. <Ui you can see Is lights and It is verv dtf
ened of ridicule and don't like to talk about this
In public. People look left right andftvrwa id -. A lot of people are
ing, the report would be passed along to an flcult to put serosa what you have seen " but they don't look up
J of ridicule, and
Various people have met M r Bridge* over the "1 f.vl I should d'j im InL h m u * i u l m u » » h u 1
investigator in that particular state or area. vears .mil i n l ^ h ^ ^ ^ j y m in i umi w i inn M U M » 1 l t . TtH* ts j u s t the tip nf the Iceberg ind
don't like to talk about
store I t m W S r a prHcSHKiV thffl him about a I have no doubt at all In my mind that we are not
close encounter on the Downs that happened
when he was a teenager. Referring to the latest Incident. Caroline Edle, this in public. People look
In late 1973 or early 1974,1 saw Hynek in an Mr Bridges said; He was playing on the
Downs with his mates, and he saw what he
a Ministry of Defence spokeswoman, said:
"There was certainly nothing low flying In the left, right and forward -
interview with U.S. TV talk show host Dick thought was a helicopter He went towards what
he saw, and when he got nearer he realised It
area at that time However, up above Is a busy
piece of civilian airspace that could be used by but they don't look up
Cavett. Hynek explained the purpose of his was a disc. It was hovering about and having dif-
ficult* landing
aircraft at medium level it Is recognised as an
exceptionally busy piece of airspace."
"Five or six things got out of the craft, and
newly formed UFO group and I was immedi- then a taller one got out wearing a silver top He
She added that there is an M o b UFO sighting
hotline oil (MOT 218 2140 that can be contacted if Oertk Bridges
said It had a long head with big eyes, and he people believe they have seen a UFO
ately moved to write to him. I was appointed
as an investigator with CUFOS for the state of
Michigan a few months later.

Before Hynek died in 1986,1 had met with him

several times, often at UFO conferences. He
was often accompanied by his wife Mimi who
SPIRIT has landed
became actively involved in CUFOS opera-
tions. Hynek was always pleasant, easy to
talk with, and a true gentleman.

1 heard him speak numerous times a n d I

often marveled at how he would show one
political cartoon after another which made fun
of his 1966, swamp gas explanation. The
audience was often left howling with laughter.
But then, getting serious, he would go on to
talk about some of the most perplexing cases
that had come his way during his career. He
would point out that science needed to take a
closer look at the UFO phenomenon and not
so readily dismiss the topic. It is the 1966
Michigan swamp gas case that is Hynek's
most remembered UFO investigation and it
made an impact on the evolution of his think-
ing from debunker to supporter of UFO scien-
tific investigation. •
]. The Ann Arbor News, Oct.4,1999. Sec. D, pp 12
2 . Dell Publishing Co., p I
3. Ibid
4, The UFO Encyclopedia by Jerome Clark. 2nd edition, p 531

AIM >1 I T T H E A U T I I O U : IX. Harry Willmu has been following the

U R ) scene lor over 50 year*. He lias been nwociated with a number of
U R ) organisation*, including C U F O S and M U R ) N , and has investigated
numerous cases over the years, lie presently is a consultant with M U R ) N .

Strange object
over Leeds
Darren, a Post Office worker in Leeds,
West Yorkshire, was on his way to work
on Sunday morning, 28 December 2003,
just before 8am. Living in Bramley, a sub-
urb of the city, Darren was driving down
Armley Road close to the prison. Looking
towards the south-west of the city towards
Morley, he noticed in the distance, a
strange object in the early morning sky.

He described a shapeless object, dark in

colour with no visible lights or audible
sound (he was in his car at the time). "It
was sort of like an eighth moon with a
piece missing, it just looked really odd
and I felt as though what I was looking at
was not normal."

The sighting only lasted for a short time

as Darren had to turn off the main road to
get to his office, and on this part of his
journey the view was obscured by build- I have been fortunate over the years to visit
ings. many air shows especially the International
Air Tattoo held at RAF Fairford here in the
However, before losing sight of this UK. These affairs are exciting, noisy and
strange object Darren saw an aircraft
(could have been a helicopter but it was colourful but I have never observed anything
too far away to be sure) approach the as depicted in these two images I discov-
shape "as if it was checking it out". ered on
On arriving at his place of work Darren
scoured the skies but could see nothing. outreach/airshowOI /show, html

Whatever Darren had seen left a lasting Look at the title of the page on microgravity.
impression of strangeness with him. I wonder how that relates to the content of
what is basically a collection of pictures

taken at the Cleveland Air show in 2001. Check out the link above, there's not a sin-
gle airship in sight.
I recall Jaime Maussan bringing some
alleged UFO footage from a south American And talking of airships, take a look at this
air show to one of his UK lectures. It too had design from 21st Century Airships below.
aircraft performing a display but just hung
there, above the main show area, was a cir- I dare say that would cause the phones to
cle of smoke, it stayed there for the duration start ringing at UFO Magazine if it flew over
of the recording which was several minutes. Yorkshire.
To my knowledge it was never explained. Russel Callaghan

Well here is the

March issue of
again on NASA's
website, the cap-
tions read 'spe-
cial effect over air
has lung cancer and Christmas show' and
was a busy time for her. I must 'smoke ring left
admit though when I spoke with
her in December she sounded Now you would
nothing like her 80 years. She think an airship
asked if we could conduct the at an air display
interview early in the New Year would be worth
and our correspondent K T.
especially has it's
Frankovitch who is a personal alleged deposit
friend of Betty's has agreed to has caught the
conduct the interview for us. attention of the
Russel Callaghan photographer.


Gary Hart responds to the many articles
recently featured regarding 'Orbs'. Some time ago while out on a No part of the rock glows in the
He believes he can both explain and hike, John Williams an electron- dark or feels unusually hot or
ics engineer and resident of cold. It weighs in at 2.5 ounces
demonstrate how the effect is produced. Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.S. and nothing rattles about
stumbled across a strange and inside the rock.
The 'Orb'phenomenon, as 'Orbs'only appear in flash pho-
intriguing object that has both
seen in recent issues of UFO tography. No 'Orb'will be visible
puzzled and baffled him ever John is not prepared at this
Magazine and on many 'Ghost/ without the use of a flash.
since. Having done much time to identify the exact loca-
Supernatural'websites is, in my
research trying to identify this tion where the rock was discov-
opinion, a simple case of out of I believe some examples of
'odd' object, John has even put ered but explains that he was
focus photographs. 'Orbs'were snowflakes. If you
up one hundred US dollars of out hiking, trying out some of
get the opportunity this winter
his own money to the first per- his electronic sensing equip-
I did a personal study several take some pictures of snow
son who can convince him just ment when one of his instru-
years ago and proved to myself, falling close to the camera lens,
what this object is. ments suggested a signal was
using both stills and video cam- both during the day and at night.
coming from beyond an area of
eras, that 99% of 'Orbs' are out
As you can see from the pho- thick bush.
of focus dust or water particles. Also, take test shots of rainfall
tographs John kindly sent to
and ice crystals from thrown
UFO Magazine the object is in John was wearing shorts and
These substances, when pho- snow that can be visually seen
fact a rock, but it's a rock with a hiking boots so it was a painful
tographed in certain conditions, to fall within an inch of your
difference. Carefully inserted exercise to get to where the
create the classic circular camera lens using a flash. You
into the solid body of the rock rock was discovered. It wasn't
shaped image with detailed con- should film 'Orbs'.
and protruding from the surface just lying there though, he felt it
centric rings seen in so many
are what appear to be three first with other rocks under his
images. Don't take my word for it - prove
metallic connectors. The con- feet and had to pull it out of the
it for yourself. 'Orb'photos and
nectors definitely seem to have ground, about two inches high,
The technical term for this phe- similar phenomena claimed by
been placed accurately within because if was covered in
nomenon is an 'Airy Disc'; it is a some to be something special
the rock, but for what purpose? baked mud. It was only on clos-
common visual effect for those should be proven genuine
er inspection that the three pro-
who work with complex optical before any claims are made.
John has often wondered about truding pins were noticed.
Such proof must be understand- the rocks origin. Could it be a
Try this test example and film able, repeatable, and duplicable man made object, could it be The bushes around the find
your own 'Orb': - in other words be able to prove something from an ancient civil- were undisturbed and are of a
why 'Orbs' aren't created by the isation or could it be a relic from kind that lives for many years so
Standing at the side of your techniques described above. an alleged UFO crash? who knows how long the rock
camera looking sideways on to could have been lying there.
the area that will be illuminated The apparent sharpness of Although he admits that he is
by the camera flash, take a test 'Orbs'actually proves what they an engineer, and has no geolog- John Williams is not a man who
shot. are: out of focus reflections of ical qualifications, he suggests would be easily fooled, he is an
the camera's own flash light. In that the rock appears to be engineer who has also designed
You should see tiny particles of the UFO field, 'Orbs'seem to quartz and feldspar granite, and and built testing equipment so
dust etc. illuminated by the cam- have generated wild misinterpre- it is very hard. It's approximate this is not just 'acting on a whim
era's flash. These may appear in tations of what is actually taking size is 61 mm long, 38mm wide or making wild allegations' -
your photograph as 'Airy Discs' place. and 22mm high, excluding the some research has been done.
or may not. But the phenomenon Gary Hart
pins. The embedded compo-
can occur because the particles nent is 8mm diameter and the You can read more on the back-
have been so brightly illuminat- Comment pins stand 3mm high with a ground of this story on the inter-
ed by the flash. The focus point 'Orbs' as described by Paul and spacing of 2.5 mm. net and you can also read the
of the camera will be set on Denette France in last month's rules applying to the $100 prize
issue were definitely not 'snow or The pins have been tested for offered by John (http://www.tsc-
some distant object, so anything
ice' and as a professional photog-
between the camera and the electrical conductivity and an
rapher Paul is aware of the com-
focal distance is either selected plexity of stray intrusions into the ohmmeter gave a reading of
by the operator or set automati- focal length of his field of view. either very high impedance or There have been some sugges-
cally by the camera and will be Could it be that, although the above open circuit. The underside of tions as to what the rock might
out of focus by varying degrees, answers some of the questions the rock is slightly magnetic and actually be, these range from
hence some 'Orbs' are bigger or associated with the origin of 'Orbs' the edges of the rock show slight dinosaur implants, reptie keep-
some 'Orbs', are caused by a yet fluorescence under a standard
smaller than others in the same ers egg warmers or alien heal-
unknown factor?
shot. black light (ultra violet lamp). ing stones.

Perhaps we are not too far away music or advertising message
from the real purpose of the without looking too conspicu-
find. ous. Remember it was proved
Who knows what the origins of used mainly for public address magnetic in tests carried out by
the rock really are. loud speaker cables or profes- Could it be a garden loudspeak- John and the ohmmeter read-
sional microphone connections er or transducer, something that ings could confirm a magnetic
I would suggest though from to an amplifier, but why would could be placed among flower coil of high impedance (a loud-
what I can see in the pictures you use this in a rock? beds or displays and deliver its speaker).
that the connector looks like an
XLR plug. This is something I don't want to be a party poop-
er here and I don't want to claim
the $100 reward but UFO
Outdoor R o c k s p e a k e r Magazine is about research and
investigation and in this busi-
ness if you don't act on your
instincts you can get caught
out. I am not suggesting to
John that I think anything unto-
ward is being presented, but
has an amplifier output ever
been connected to the Rock?
Why do I suggest this?

ity make everyone Take a look at this advert from

from. MP Sales and Distribution,
wonder where the music is coming
Ontario Canada.

^^^ , , . f _ _ listening to music while:

Rock Speakers are ideal for fastening
^ working in the yard
relaxing outdoors
or relaxing at the cottage.

f a n d can be p e r m a n e n t l y left outdoors

The Rocks are w e a t h e r p r o o f and can oe p e ^ y j

happened here
d i s g u i s e ^ e s ^ — m p o s s M e to distinguish

" S
^ e r t o l e S
o u « ^ r s from r e a l m s Real rock music
Russel Callaghart

Only $14939 US per Speaker

Aiaziig UFO/H
Eyev ti ess Oases
Flying Disks, Cattle Abductions, Alien Encounters,
all reported hundreds of years ago rust like today. Note: I spent many hours at George AFB
(Air Force Base) back in the 70's, nice
Isn't it amazing how things tend to stay the same? place for a UFO...

In this chapter I have compiled similar reports May 1, 1952. George AFB California, 10:50
a.m. Witnesses: three men on the arms
from today, as well as from history. by j™ Hickman range, plus one Lt. Colonel 4 miles away.
Five flat-white discs about the diameter of a
First an eyewitness report of a flying disk It was the size of a car tyre; about 30 cm C-47's wingspan (95g) flew fast, made a 90s
from 1290 AD... high, with a rounded top that rotated and a turn in a formation of three in front and two
'While the abbot and monks were in the pivot between the base and the top. It took behind, and darted around, for 15 - 30 sec-
refectorium, a fiat round, shining, silvery off very fast. Later the faces and arms of the onds.
object (discus) flew over the abbey and boys became red.
caused the utmost terror.' 1290: Byland, As many of you know, you just don't mess
North Yorkshire: from William of Newburgh's July 29, 1952 Enid, Oklahoma - Sidney with an Oklahoma Trooper...
Chronicle. Eubank went to the Enid police station and July 5,1952. Norman, Oklahoma. 7:58 p.m.
told Sergeant Vern Bennell that an enor- Witness: Oklahoma State Patrolman
Next, early reports of a Hying saucer9 from mous disk had buzzed his car as he drove Hamilton in State Patrol airplane. Three dark
just down the road in Texas... between Bison and Waukonis on Highway discs hovered and then flew away, silhouet-
On the morning of 22 January 1878, John 81. The rush of air made the car leave the ted against a dark cloud. 15 seconds.
Martin, a farmer living six miles south of road while the object flew west very fast.
Denison, Texas, spotted a fast moving dark July 27, 1952. Wichita Falls, Texas. 8:30
object high in the southern sky. When it March 19, 1958, Moscow, USSR - Near p.m. Witnesses: Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Ellis.
passed overhead, he saw that it was the size Moscow, a large, disk-shaped object was Two disc-shaped objects, illuminated by a
of a 'large saucer', it continued on its way seen on the ground. It rose in a spiral phosphorus light, flew at an estimated 1,000
and was soon lost to view. In recounting the motion, then took off and was lost to sight. m.p.h. for 15 seconds.

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human s

event, a local newspaper remarked, "Mr. Next, a few of the lesser know flying disk Jan 1, 1955. Cochise, New Mexico. 6:44
Martin is a gentleman of undoubted veracity incidents that can be found in Project a.m. Witnesses: instructor and student pilot
and this strange occurrence, if it was not a Bluebooks 701 Unknown's file... in USAF B-25 bomber/trainer. A metallic disc,
balloon, deserves the attention of our scien- July 8,1947. Muroc Air Base, California, shaped like two pie pans face-to-face, and
tists". Denison Daily News, January 25, 9:30 a.m. PDT. Witnesses: 1st Lt. Joseph 120 - 130s in diameter, paced the B-25,
1878. McHenry, T/Sgt Ruvolo, S/Sgt Nauman, showing both its edge and its face, for 5-7
Miss Janette Scotte. Watched for an unstat- minutes. Only item in case file was in sum-
More flying disks from Jacque Vallee's The ed length of time while two disc-shaped or mary form.
Maginoia Files spherical objects - silver and apparently
Habbebishopsheim, Germany - An American metallic- flew a wide circular pattern, and Next, here's a cattle abduction report from
soldier saw a disk-shaped object come down then one of them later flew a tighter circle. April 1897. Some still call it a hoax...
rapidly, oscillate, and land. The site could not In a sworn statement dated 21 April 1897, a
be found in the dark. The event took place March 20,1950. Stuggart, Arkansas, 9:26 prosperous and prominent farmer named
35 km northwest of the town. p.m. Witnesses: Chicago & Southern Airlines Alexander Hamilton (Le Roy, Kansas,
Capt. Jack Adams, First Officer G. W. Anderson, U.S.A.) told of an attack upon his cattle at
June 21, 1947 Spokane, Washington - Eight Jr. One 100' circular disc with 9 - 1 2 portholes about 10:30 p.m. the previous Monday. He,
disk-shaped objects, each the size of a house, along the lower side emitting a soft purple his son, and his tenant grabbed axes and
were seen flying at 1000 km/h. A civilian light, and a light at the top which flashed 3 ran some 700 feet from the house to the
woman stated that the objects fell with a dead times in 9 seconds, flew at not less than cow lot where a great cigar-shaped ship
leaf motion and landed before ten witnesses 1,000 m.p.h. It was seen for 25 - 35 seconds about 300 feet long floated some 30 feet
on the shore of the Saint Joe River in Idaho. above his cattle. It had a carriage under-
April 6, 1952. Temple, Texas. 2:59 p.m. 50- neath which was brightly lighted within (a diri-
April 8, 1950, River Road near Amarillo, 75 grey-white discs changed position within gible or gondola?) and which had numerous
Texas - David, 12, and Charles, 9, Lightfoot formation continually, tilted in unison every windows.
saw a disk land behind a hill and touched it. 1 2 - 1 5 seconds during 3.8 minute sighting.

Inside were six strange looking beings jab- from their
bering in a foreign language. These beings spaceship and
suddenly became aware of Hamilton and the scampered off
others. They immediately turned a search- into the woods
light on the farmer, and also turned on some - apparently
power, which sped up a turbine wheel (about never to be
30 ft diameter) located under the craft. The seen again.
ship rose, taking with it a two-year old heifer,
which was roped about the neck by a cable "The Baron
of one-half inch thick, red material. and I gave a
full report on
The next day a neighbor, Link Thomas, the incident
found the animal's hide, legs and head in his back at head-
field. He was mystified at how the remains quarters and
got to where they were because of the lack they told us
of tracks in the soft soil. Alexander Hamilton's not to ever
sworn statement was accompanied by an mention it again," the feisty, 105-year-old Waitzrik said he
affidavit as to his veracity. The affidavit was retired airline pilot recently told a reporter. assumed the glittering
signed by ten of the local leading citizens. silver spaceship was
"And except for my wife and grand kids, I some sort of enemy
Next a reported aerial battle with UFOs in never told a soul. But it's been over 80 invention until the fly-
1917... years, so what difference could it possibly ing saucer scare that
make now?" The aging Waitzrik said he and began in the late
Baron Manfred von Richtofen - the 1940s convinced him that
SHOT DOWN A UFO IN 1917! renowned Red Baron - were flying an early his buddy had shot down a UFO.
BONN, Germany - The flamboyant fighter morning mission over western Belgium in the
pilot known as the Red Baron not only shot spring of 1917 when the UFO suddenly "The thing was maybe 40 metres (136 feet)
down 80 enemy planes for the Germans appeared in a clear, blue sky directly ahead in diameter and looked just like those saucer
during World War I - he also was the first of their Fokker triplanes. "We were terrified - shaped spaceships that everybody's been
human in history to gun down an alien because we'd never seen anything like it seeing for the last 50 years," the awed old-
spaceship! before," recalled the easygoing great-great- ster said. "So there's no doubt in my mind
grandfather of five. now that that was no U.S. reconnaissance
That's the fascinating claim of former plane the Baron shot down, that was some
German Air Force ace Peter Waitzrik who "The U.S. had just entered the war, so we kind of spacecraft from another planet - and
says he watched in astonishment as the assumed it was something they'd sent up. those little guys who ran off into the woods
deadeye fighter pilot shot a UFO with undu- The Baron immediately opened fire and the weren't Americans, they were space aliens
lating orange lights out of the sky over thing went down like a rock, shearing off tree of some kind.
Belgium in 1917. Then, Waitzrik said, he limbs as it crashed in the woods. Then the
stared in disbelief as two bruised and bat- two little bald headed guys climbed out and "You know, sometimes I wonder what ever
tered occupants of the downed craft climbed ran away." became of those guys, anyway."

ipiity; and I'm not sure about the universe. i f

Albert Einstein

UFO Sightings and Experiences car to get out and have a closer look. I had a pair NEAR ALTON, HAMPSHIRE
of binoculars in the car and grabbed them. Ashley Martin writes...
Around 5.40pm on Tuesday, 9 December 2003,1
RATHFARNHAM, IRELAND What I saw was an object, as large as life, and a was standing in our sitting room, looking out the
Brian J. Dwyer reports... shape I had never seen before. It was stationary window towards the wood which runs along our
I have always considered magazines such as and it property, when I noticed a white circular light in
UFO Magazine cater for those who wish to live looked the sky, several feet above the treetops.
out their fantasies. My attitude however has to me
hanged dramatically because of an experience I like a Already, I have had two UFO sightings, both over
had on Monday, 3 November 2003. typical our property, and have video footage to prove
flying that they exist, therefore I know the difference
I was driving from Dublin to Wexford on that day saucer. I between aircraft and UFOs.
and the time would be around 5pm. It was a got a
beautiful evening, the sun had only just gone good I watched the light for a while, expecting it to
down below the horizon and there wasn't a sin- view, so
move away, but it didn't, it just remained in a sta-
gle cloud in the sky, but the remaining daylight much
tionary position. There was no discernable sound
made it impossible to observe any stars at this so, I was
and no coloured flashing lights which a normal
time. able to
aircraft would have. Neither was it a firework, a
what I flare, a shooting star or a comet or meteorite.
I observed two airliners through my car wind-
screen, one following the other. It was their con- clearly observed. I watched the object for about
trails that first caught my eye illuminated by the 15 seconds and then it just gradually faded away. After a while I decided to drive over to the wood
setting sun. to have a look, but by the time I got there the
The two aircrafts' crews must have seen the light had disappeared My mother, who had also
Then, away to the left of the aircraft, another object as well. seen it, thought it was a bit odd. Did anyone else
bright object caught my attention. I stopped the see this?

The Blue Fairy Incit
By Phil Kirk
' .. .m . . . .
Sometimes when a UFO incident
occurs one getsu «a gut feeling
27 September 2003,
ilisinesota USA
u,fti iLj. S o m e t h i nyg strange
a w a s a b o u t to hap-
that this could be something pen jn the early h ours of the mornin ^ to
special. The following case sent t h e w i t n e s s e s featured in this c a s e W h a t our w i t n e s s e s d e s c r i b e d w a s a
to UFO Magazine by Minnesota report. T h e y h a v e a s k e d for c o m p l e t e s o u n d at s u c h low f r e q u e n c y that y o u
researcher Phil Kirk carries the a n o n y m i t y a n d that will b e r e s p e c t e d in
c o u l d feel it, a n d also a feeling of being
w a t c h e d but t h e w i t n e s s e s s a w n o b o d y
hallmark of a very convincing thisarticle
or nothing. E v e n t h e family pets s e e m e d
case indeed. T h e family in question h a v e a n early to disturbed, possibly by t h e s o u n d .
bed, early to rise lifestyle s o t h e r e w a s
The witness's story is backed up 9
nothin unusual about the witnesses Having g o n e outside into t h e street to
try a n d find out w h e r e t h e s o u n d w a s
« « l u . n n l „ u being up a n d a b o u t at 5 a m . W h a t w a s c o m i n g from, our w i t n e s s e s noticed an
on threeevidence;
by photo-
n n i n

strange however, w a s t h e unnerving

graphic series of events that w a s to affect our illuminated object in the early m o r n i n g
evidence that passed the early witnesses. sky. O n e witness, being a n avid photog-
rapher, h a d the p r e s e n c e of m i n d to
evaluation tests carried out by Phil
and hi Ml IFHM MM started off with t h e w i t n e s s e s hearing g r a b a c a m e r a on t h e w a y out in order
ana Dy IVIUI-UN WIN. a strange | 0 W frequency humming to capture anything of interest a n d pos-
s o u n d , d e s c r i b e a s similar to t h e d r o n e sibly associated with t h e noise.
There are multiple witnesses to of a distant aircraft waiting c l e a r a n c e to
T h e witness d e s c r i b e d w h a t h a p p e n e d :
the events and the local police take off-
force confirmed that they had M y thoughts a s the jnvestigator, were "Having g o n e outside it w a s a cool dry
nothing to do with it. Likewise, the could this b e a n early sign of tinnitus, morning, the sun w a s yet to rise but
local airport can confirm that t h e hearing complaint. But a quick a w a y in the distance, a b o v e a d e n s e l y
w o o d e d part of the n e i g h b o u r h o o d , w a s
there was no activity* at the time of
. . . . . .
c h e c k t b e m edical r f! e r e n f books
revealed that this w o u l d not b e t h e case. a strange light just h a n g i n g in the sky."
the incident.
Tinnitus only affects the high f r e q u e n c y T h e area w h e r e t h e object w a s s e e n is a
The key witness reported 90 min- hearing r a n g e resulting in t h e affected c o m b i n a t i o n of hills a n d prairie with a
n u m b e r of t h e large lakes that the state
utes of missing time - and these person hearing a constant whistle or
hissing s o u n d . of M i n n e s o t a is f a m o u s for.
sightings are continuing to happen. hlss,ng sound '
T h e closest airport is s o m e 2 0 0 miles
a w a y f r o m t h e sighting z o n e a n d the
nearest military establishment a l o n g
with a nuclear p o w e r facility is over 1 0 0
miles away. A l t h o u g h t h e r e is a local
landing strip suitable for light aircraft
a b o u t 15 miles away, a quick c h e c k of
t h e a e r o club's logs s h o w e d n o activity
during t h e hours of darkness.

I c h e c k e d with a local law e n f o r c e m e n t

official w h o m a d e it clear that no police
p e r s o n n e l or vehicles w e r e a n y w h e r e
near the vicinity of t h e U F O sighting. A n
important piece of information a s s o m e
sceptics h a v e s u g g e s t e d police vehicle
lights in local w o o d s to b e responsible
for t h e sighting.

T h e witness d e s c r i b e d t h e event as "The

Blue Fairy Incident". T h e sighting lasted
a r o u n d 15 minutes a n d m a n y pho-
t o g r a p h s w e r e t a k e n (pics 1 - 6).

T h e object, although steady in the sky, Area of sighting

h a d a p p e a r e d to m o v e a r o u n d itself
( s o m e m a y say m o r p h ) . But f r o m an
analysis of t h e photographs, t h e object
a p p e a r s to h a v e structure a n d to b e
solid in construction.

T h e witness could only "best guess" the

times involved but t h e c a s e gets e v e n
stranger f r o m this point o n w a r d s .
me Blue Fairy Incident
T h e next thing t h e witness r e m e m b e r s is T h e s e sightings w e r e reported to Brian
w a k i n g at 06:45. If w e account for 15 Vike, of H B C C U F O research, w h o co-
minutes a s t h e duration of t h e sighting coordinated the Minnesota M U F O N
w e a r e left with 9 0 minutes plus of miss- g r o u p to help t h e w i t n e s s e s a n d m a k e
ing time. c o m p u t e r i s e d e n h a n c e m e n t s of t h e
original p h o t o g r a p h s .
C o n f u s e d by t h e events t h e w i t n e s s got
out of b e d - a n d couldn't help but notice T h e p h o t o g r a p h s w e r e shot o n a
a n object passing a c r o s s t h e sky. This Hewlett P a c k a r d 3 2 0 digital c a m e r a .
object w a s m a d e up of 'Orb' like lights M U F O N in turn w o r k e d o n t h e pho-
a n d our witness c o u n t e d 3 0 of t h e m all t o g r a p h s a n d c o n c l u d e d that they
m o v i n g in different directions, s o m e in s h o w e d very little sign of lateral or verti-
formation, s o m e solitary (pics 8 & 9). cal m o v e m e n t of t h e c a m e r a ; they a r e a
very g o o d quality s e q u e n c e of pho-
This p h e n o m e n o n w a s also pho- t o g r a p h s of w h a t a p p e a r s to b e a very
t o g r a p h e d a n d t h e witness said it w a s real object.
o b v i o u s that "these w e r e being intelli-
gently controlled". A s t h e objects m o v e d T h e s e sightings w e r e not o n e off events;
they c h a n g e d colour f r o m a dull metallic they a r e still o n g o i n g with a further
grey colour to a bright g l o w i n g red. sighting o n N o v e m b e r 8 a n d t h e latest
taking place o n N o v e m b e r 30. (pics 1 0 &
O u r witness explained that a m o v i e 11) O n e witness h a s also suffered n o s e -
camera would have shown the move- b l e e d s a n d f o u n d m a r k s o n their p e r s o n
ment. following t h e sightings.

Comments from those who have seen S i n c e t h e s e reports w e r e m a d e , other

t h e i m a g e s h a v e s u g g e s t e d a blurred w i t n e s s e s h a v e c o m e f o r w a r d to confirm
m o o n or police car lights. Well, our t h e s a m e "Blue Fairy" hovering in t h e
research cleared t h e police vehicle a s a skies a b o v e m i d - w e s t e r n Minnesota.
culprit and, a s for t h e claim that it is a
blurred m o o n shot, t a k e a look at t h e For personal r e a s o n s t h e w i t n e s s e s
streetlamp in t h e s a m e p h o t o g r a p h , no w i s h to r e m a i n strictly a n o n y m o u s , a n d
m o v e m e n t or s h a k e is visible. also strongly w i s h to retain copyright o n
all p h o t o g r a p h s that they h a v e taken,
including t h o s e that y o u s e e here.

A l t h o u g h still c o n f u s e d by t h e e v e n t s
Brian Vike of HBCC UFO
they witnessed, they also firmly believe
Research can be contacted
y that t h e s e p a r a t e sightings w e s e e at
\ a r o u n d t h e w o r l d a r e not s e p a r a t e Phil Kirk can be contacted
\ events, but a r e a g r a d u a l build up, at
1 with t h e 'main event' s o m e w h e r e in All rights reserved and
I our future. copyright acknowledged


• 9

Thank you for the January 2004 edi-

My wife Julie purchased m e a Bush

dvd video/tv for Christmas and, at long
last, also got me the entire set of 'Hard
You can imagine my excitement,

Importantly, {after probably twenty hints

on my part) I also received the dvd of
The Journey' (though I had written to
Santa just in case!),

I mention the manufacture of m y dvd

player (Bush), as it allows you to use the
pause/still button on the remote con-
trol, and access 24 frames per second,
Not only can you view all 24 frames
individually, but you also have a facility
to zoom in and magnify each frame,

My reason for this contact concerns

The Journey and to draw attention to
what is either a cigar shaped object of
enormous size, or the largest "rod" c a p
tured on film, It was not mentioned in
the dvd, as Anthony Woods was focus-
ing his camcorder on a daylight disc.

In the dvd, there is a recording date of

16 July 2001, which shows a light travel-
ling across the screen in broad day-

At precisely 8:41:20 as displayed on

the screen itself, the light drops out of

I was watching the dvd for the first time,

and felt sure something else flashed
across the screen at that same time,

If you play back the dvd at that precise

time, you will note the cigar or rod I
refer to,

It is only captured on three frames

(frames 8, 16 and 24) within the 24
frames within that one second duration,

The size and speed are awsome,

I thought I would pass this on to you

and my fellow subscribers, and perhaps
you or Anthony Woods would like to
comment in one of your future issues?

Keep up the good work!

Brian Vincent

riencers find their voice
he Contactee Close Encounter stress that some ETs are bad news, and I
Resource Network', better known as understand why they felt they needed to say
CONCERN, has been steadily gather- this, even though it is not what people want-
ing pace since its creation by Mary ed to hear. Most people would still prefer to
Rodwell earlier this year. It has truly been a believe that all ETs are here to enlighten us,
team effort and now has many Buddies' and and although I personally believe that some
By Philippa Foster Therapists' affiliated with it. The Buddies' are, clearly some are not. Unfortunately our
are experiencers who will talk with other fear of accepting this truth may be hindering
experiencers who need to discuss their our ability to develop a realistic response. It
encounters with someone who understands also makes me wonder if this is the reason
what they are going through. And the the powers that be' endlessly stall on the
Therapists' are qualified in areas such as> release of information about UFOs and ETs.
Clinical Hypnotherapy - for people who want Do we need to demonstrate our ability to
regressions for missing time' incidents, accept the full truth about the ET reality, in all
Counsellors - for people who have suffered its forms, before they reveal it publicly?
the traumatic aspects of some encounters,
and Spiritual Healers - to help people whose What the abductees and contactees have
psychic faculties have been activated by their shown me, is that the human spirit is an
experiences. See C O N C E R N details below. incredible thing, and people can and will sur-
vive this revelation, and even grow from it. I
It has been a real rollercoaster of a year for believe it would be a blessed relief for every-
all concerned'. For me it will always be inter- one if this cat were finally let out of the bag.
twined with the tragic loss of Graham The sufferers of the worst attacks wouldn't
Birdsall. At the conferences we attended to have to suffer in silence. Those who have the
help launch CONCERN, and at the seminars wonderfully benign encounters could share
we gave to find people for the Therapist and their stories without people's eyes glazing
Buddy lists, w e saw a real outpouring of over, as they normally do.
grief at his loss. It was as if it had torn the
heart out of UFOIogy. But we also saw the Those in high places could finally be relieved
emergence of a gritty determination, where of the karmic burden of lying to us for so
people were coming together as a unit to long. And everyone else could say - Yeah, I
ensure the world of UFOIogy would survive knew it all along", like they always do after
his loss and continue the incredible work done the event. Surely a win-win scenario all
by Graham and all at Quest Publications. Much round!
support was shown for Graham's family,
Russell Callaghan and the team who were So we are at an amazingly poignant time in
ensuring the magazine continued despite the history of UFOIogy, where we have so
their great loss. much information at our disposal, and yet we
may actually balk at what it has to tell us. But
Thanks to them we have been given all the if w e turn away from it I believe we miss out
evidence we need to prove that UFOs and on the best adventure humanity could wish
Extraterrestrials are visiting this planet and for. According to T h e Assessment' (courtesy
interacting with humans, regardless of of Command Sergeant Major Bob Dean),
whether the powers that be' admit to it. there are more than twelve ET races visiting
Detailed, scientific evidence now exists, this planet, so the law of averages dictates
courtesy of so many brave souls who've put that we should find some amongst them that
themselves on the line for this subject, giv- w e like! The Contactees themselves have
ing help to those at the sharp end of these mixed feelings about their ET visitors, but
phenomena, namely the Experiencers. nearly all would say they now couldn't imag-
ine life without the ETs, because of the pro-
Being a part of CONCERN has highlighted found effect it has had upon them. But no
for me just how many people are dealing matter what the future brings, this year has
with the UFOIogical reality in their lives. at last given a forum for the experiencers to
privately discuss their own experiences
Reassuringly, many people have encounters amongst themselves, and that is a real
that are benign and instructive, although breakthrough.
strangely these are often dismissed by peo-
ple as being too whimsical. Then there are For further information or support from
the single encounters which seem to be acci- CONCERN contact:-
dental glimpses of ET craft going about their
business, whatever that might be! And sadly
there are the abduction cases, which are
incredibly hurtful and intrusive, and can have
a devastating effect on the abductees.

In relation to this, two particularly striking

lectures I attended this year were by Budd
Hopkins (pictured) at Glastonbury Symposium
and Derrel Simms at Yeovil. The reason I
mention them is that both felt it important to

Scientists freeze Alien Odds Cut

beam of light
7/Mfr//// H I

William Hill have cut their

odds about official confirma-
tion of the current existence
Physicists say they have brought light of intelligent extraterrestrial
life being forthcoming by the
to a complete halt for a fraction of a UK Prime Minister before the
second and then sent it on its way. end of 2004 from 500/1 to
Harvard University staff held a Earlier experimental methods had "In [quantum computers] you 25 December 2003

light pulse still without taking then switched on a single control would have to transfer the infor-
away all of its energy, the journal beam to recreate the signal mation from photon to photon to RUSSIA:
Nature reports. pulse, which then continued on photon. And in order to do that UFO MOBILISES
its way. you have to make the photons
Controlling the movement of light interact with each other such that CIVIL DEFENCE
particles - so-called photons - to On the pulse you control it very precisely," he MOSCOW, 29 (ANSA) -
store and process data could However, in this latest study, told BBC News Online. Russian Civil Defence
lead to the development of quan- researchers switched on two
tum computers. authorities sent a helicopter
control beams which created an Professor M. Suhail Zubairy, a
interference pattern that behaves physicist at Texas A&M to the Russian Siberian
In a 2001 experiment, light pulses like a stack of mirrors. University, said the Harvard region of Kemerovo, whose
were briefly stored when particles team's achievement was a signif- inhabitants claimed having
of light were taken up by atoms As the regenerated signal pulse icant step forward in the emerg- seen an unidentified flying
in a gas. tries to continue on its way ing area of quantum computing object which gave the
through the glass cylinder, the and quantum cryptography. impression of having "land-
The Harvard experiment tops that photons bounce back and forth,
achievement by holding light and but the overall signal pulse Quantum cryptography might
its energy at a standstill. remains stationary. The light provide very secure forms of
beam was essentially frozen. electronic encryption, because Regional authorities quoted
Light speed the process of eavesdropping on by the Itar-Tass news
Light normally travels at about The researchers were able to an electronic message agency explained that in the
299,000 kilometres per second keep the photons would introduce errors early hours of December 26,
(186,000 miles per second), but it trapped like this for in the message, residents of the city of
slows down when passing about 10-20 garbling it. Gurievsk followed the
through some materials, such as microseconds. manouveres of a UFO for
glass. "This would
over half an hour. The
The research was allow you to
The team fired a light beam, conducted by exchange a object, which had the
called a signal pulse, through a Mikhail Lukin, key on a public appearance of a fireball,
sealed glass cylinder containing a Michal Bajcsy channel, but eventually fell to earth.
hot gas containing atoms of the and Alexander whereas any
element rubidium, illuminated by Zibrov of the classical system According to eyewitness
a strong ray of light known as a department of can be broken by accounts, no explosions
control beam. physics at Harvard an eavesdropper, in
were heard, nor were any
University, Cambridge, US. quantum cryptography
While the pulse was travelling reports of fires or toppled
you would always find out if
through the rubidium gas, the Quantum Leap someone was looking at your trees received, as seems to
researchers switched off the con- Mr Bajcsy said that a distant message," Professor Zubairy told occur whenever a meteorite
trol beam, creating a holographic application of controlling light BBC News Online. is involved.
imprint of the signal pulse on the would be in powerful quantum CREDIT: Paul Rincon
S O U R C E : ANSA News Agency
rubidium atoms. computers. BBC News Online science staff

Mysterious Red Light Prompts Coastguard Scramble

14 November 2003 H M P I H B than sorry, but it now appears as if the light It was really unexplainable because I don't think a
Coastguard rescue teams were I may have been a shooting star". plane or helicopter could move that fast."
scrambled after a strange red |
light was reported off the coast fl It follows the sighting of three mysterious He mentioned the sighting to staff at the airport. By
of Stonehaven on the evening Kjftij^^p. bright red star-like objects seen over the air- this time there was only one light visible. One
of November 13 2003. ^ - — port earlier that morning. An Aberdeenshire employee said "It just looked like a bright star but it
man who was travelling from Old Meldrum to the was red, it was also lower in the sky than you
A report was received of what was thought to be a airport just after 5;30am noticed what he described would expect to see a star plus no other stars were
red distress flare over the water off Garron Point as "three bright red lights" in the sky. His sighting visible in that part of the sky."
near Cowie just after 7pm. Two maritime Rescue was backed up by employees at the airport, who
International Lifeboats were launched and the coast were also baffled by the sighting. The man, who The Met Office have ruled out any meteorological
guard search team were called but found no sign of asked not to be named, said: "I have never seen link. A spokesman explained if visibility had been
a boat or swimmer in distress. anything like it, it's the first time I have witnessed poor the particles in the air could have made the
something so spectacular." lights look brighter but he said: "It was certainly not
Calls were made to Aberdeen Airport and The Royal a weather phenomenon."
Navy who confirmed neither were aware of any "It wasn't a plane because two of the lights didn't
flares being released. A coastguard spokesman move and the third did move position-and it had Thanks to Brian Harwood of
said:" In these cases it is always better to be safe changed position again when I arrived at the airport. Mastrick. Aberdeen for this report.

A Night To Remember!
UFO Magazine joins the Dana Centre for a UFO debate

uesday 9 D December
e c e m b e r 22003.
0 0 3 . Venue, The guests were author and presenter
the recently built Dana Centre, John Deveraux (Earth Lights), Nick Pope
pronounced 'Dana' as in Scully. (MoD) and Professor Chris French
No connection intended, I don't (Psychologist). John Deveraux cited
think. Situated on prestigious some good examples of earthlights, but
the recently
Queens Gate, built Dana Centre,
South Kensington, London, John went
then Deveraux
on to (Earth
try andLights), Nick
convince thePope
along sidepronounced
the Science'Dana'Museum,as in this
hi- (MoD) andthat
audience Professor Chrisfrom
w e all suffer French
No connection
tech, multimedia, intended,
user friendly venue I don't
is a (Psychologist).
memories Johnthis
and that Deveraux
suggests cited
pleasure think. Situated
to visit. Brightlyondecorated
prestiqious and some the
even good examples
best witnessed of earthliqhts,
cases mightbutnot
be as reliable as w e believe. Prof. French John Deveraux
well lit one could refer to the centre as a
'modern day speak easy'. is heading a study into alleged alien
abduction (funded to the tune of EU35,000
Guests are welcomed at the box office - not a lot compared to some research
where they are shown to a lower level grants but a lot more than the U F O sub-
cafe bar. An assortment of drinks - hot, ject on the whole is used to). Chris stuck
cold, hard and soft - are available along with his beliefs that sleep paralysis and
with snacks. An ideal place to sit and temporal lobe stimulation are responsible
chat. 'Talking science' is part of the cen- for most abduction claims and that when
tre's mission and the cafe houses giant properly investigated all UFO cases images
video screens at either end with four top appear solvable. Nick Pope was the sub- on large
quality video projectors beaming themes ject's only true believer to present his screens within ^^o*
from the day's event, plus advertising for views and did on more than one occasion the theatres as well as
the Dana Centre's own forthcoming politely disagree with his fellow guests. in the bar.
attractions. Guests can relax above the
bar on the mezzanine area, and make use Prior to the event UFO Magazine w a s The invited speakers presented their own
of several high speed internet equipped asked to provide a selection of UFO clips research, but in all fairness the question-
computers. that would perhaps convince doubters in naires put to the audience were flying
the audience as to the reality of this sub- saucer UFO based. The precise content
Events take place in the two 80-90 seat ject. I offered my services to the Dana of which was missing from the presenta-
studios and again state of the art facilities Centre suggesting I could present a 10 tions made.
are ever present. Audiences are invited to minute film of some of the best clips and
interact with the lecture presentations via evidence available. This was declined. After the three speakers delivered their
a special key pad that enables voting, What the centre wanted was a film that works the audience were invited to throw
Q & A etc. No phone a friend though and could be shown to the audience prior to questions across the floor. Most dis-
definitely no coughing will be entertained, the presentations, so that's what they got. agreed with Paul and Chris, although
a joke. The whole experience is designed Incidentally, Christopher Martin also sent what they presented does account for
for interactivity between audience and a film to the organisers. I was told on my some alleged UFO incidents. Certain
presenters and works very well. arrival that Christopher's tape had members of the audience proceeded to
snapped and they would be only showing
There are plenty of friendly staff on hand UFO Magazine's DVD.
and events are co-ordinated by a 'facilita-
tor' complete with headset, mike and a After putting in quite a lot of effort and
cute Edinburgh accent. It's all very pro- producing a short film that covered many
fessional and the centre and its staff pro- aspects of the subject, I was disappoint-
duce an atmosphere that will encourage ed to find out that the audience would
discussion and debate on many topics. only see the DVD if they chose to visit the
cafe bar prior to taking their seats in the
This all sounds great, so what on earth actual theatre area. It seemed obvious to
could go wrong in a venue so new and hi m e that if you were trying to change peo-
tech? Well nothing technically, but to say I ple's minds about something, it would be
was disappointed was a bit of an under- a good idea to share all the evidence you
statement. have available with them. Alas no. So
really the film w a s a waste of time. Tony
Barker, my colleague, and I counted less 1
The aim of the presentation was to dis-
cuss the reality of the UFO phenomenon than ten people in the cafe prior to the f
-tm I
and, in order to test the water with the presentations, so it's fair to say 8 0 % of
paying audience, w e were polled as w e the audience saw nothing other than Paul
entered the theatre before three guest Deveraux's earthlight photographs. Such
speakers delivered their thoughts and a shame when the Dana Centre has the
ability to show high quality graphics and Event co-ordinators
opinions on the subject.

give a basic briefing o n the h a r d factual
e v i d e n c e that is available, quoting radar,
pilots, police a n d other h a r d to discount
reported c a s e s of U F O activity.

For t h o s e believers in t h e a u d i e n c e it w a s
simply a c a s e of 'we've h e a r d it all
before'. In fact I a m s u r e if a bright blue
U F O l a n d e d in front of certain researchers
it w o u l d b e t h e w r o n g s h a d e of blue to b e
convincing evidence.
Russel Callaghan

Chris French

The cafe bar where giant

video screens show themes
from the days events

Introduction shows that he is one of the few UK scientists

The UFO phenomenon is a subject that inspires taking a serious interest in UFOs and aliens. The
strong passions. There are a wide range of opin- final speaker was Paul Devereux, whose
ions about the true nature of UFOs, and this research into the so-called Earth Lights phenom-
means that the subject lends itself to a debate. enon has been an interesting and controversial
Such debates have previously been held at UFO contribution to the debate about the true nature
conferences and on television, and at Establish- of the UFO phenomenon,
ment venues such as the Oxford Union. But on 9
December 2003, the subject was debated at the The Audience
Science Museum. This does not mean that the Part of the thinking behind the Dana Centre is
Science Museum takes any particular view on that they want to encourage audience participa-
the UFO phenomenon, but the fact that they are tion. All too often the speakers get most of the
prepared to host such a debate is an encourag- time, with only brief time being given for ques-
ing sign for the subject tions at the end. The event organisers take the
view that the opinions of the audience are just
The Speakers as important as those of the speakers.
To ensure that the debate was lively and wide-
ranging, the event organisers wanted to ensure Accordingly, speakers made brief opening and
that the speakers had very different areas of closing statements only, with the rest of the time
expertise and views on the subject I was invited being given over to questions or statements from
in view of my former job running the Ministry of the audience. The audience for the UFO debate
Defence's UFO project. Professor Chris French (which included UFO Magazine's Russel
has a reputation as a sceptic, but his current Callaghan) certainly needed no encouragement
study into the alien abduction phenomenon (fea- on this score, and were forthright in putting tor-
tured in the January issue of UFO Magazine ward their views. Some of the audience were •
people who had previously attended UFO confer- If you saw a bright light moving in the sky would you think it was: Before After
ences, but others were people with no prior A UFO? 4 12
involvement in the subject who came along 1 0
A figment of your imagination?
because they thought the event sounded inter-
A natural phenomenon? 34 37
esting. As was the case with the speakers, it
transpired that there was a wide cross-section of
views among the audience. It transpired that Have you ever seen an unidentified object in the sky?
among the audience were several people who Yes 16 24
had had UFO sightings, and at least one
No 16 23
Unsure 7 7
The Debate
The event was held as a so-called swing debate, Do you think some UFOs could be extraterrestrial in origin?
with the same questions being posed both Yes 25 29
before and after the event, so as to show if and No 5 14
how people's opinions had changed as a result
Unsure 15 11
of what they had heard from the speakers and
from other members of the audience. Voting took
place using state of the art electronic keypads, Do you think we are alone in the universe?
and the results were displayed on a screen at
Yes 2 4
the front of the room. The debate was a lively but
friendly affair, and from feedback that I received No 35 42
afterwards, it seems that everybody enjoyed it. Unsure 7 8

The Results Do you believe the government is suppressing information about

The five questions posed are reproduced here, UFO sightings?
together with the three possible answers. The Yes 24 22
two figures after each answer show how many No 11 24
people voted for each answer before and after
Unsure 9 8
the event. The figures were confirmed to me via
Email after the event, for use in this article.
Table 1. Table 2.
r —
Analysis If you saw a bright light moving in the sky would you think it was: Before After
Mathematicians among you will have spotted
A UFO? 10% 24%
that more people voted afterwards than before,
and that even among the before and after votes, A figment of your imagination? 3% 0%
there were differing numbers of votes cast for A natural phenomenon? 87% 76%
some of the questions. I believe this is explained
by a combination of three factors. Some people Have you ever seen an unidentified object in the sky?
arrived late, so more votes were cast at the end
than the beginning. Secondly, discrepancies Yes 41% 44%
were caused by people failing to operate the No 41% 43%
keypad correctly and therefore failing to register Unsure 18% 13%
their votes. Finally, a few people may have left
the room briefly, and not voted. Accordingly, I Do you think some UFOs could be extraterrestrial in origin?
have reproduced the questions below, and con-
Yes 56% 54%
verted the numerical figures into percentage fig-
ures (rounded to the nearest whole number), to No 11% 26%
better show the nature of the swing. The first fig- Unsure 33% 20%
ure represents the percentage of votes cast at
the beginning of the event, and the second the Do you think we are alone in the universe?
percentage of votes cast at the end.
Yes 5% 7%
No 79% 78%
Conclusions Unsure 16% 15%
I will leave it to the statisticians among you to
debate these figures, but I think they show some Do you believe the government is suppressing information about
interesting trends. UFO sightings?
Yes 55% 41%
The Future 25% 44%
The Dana Centre staff thought that the event was No
a great success. It created just the sort of lively Unsure 20% 15%
debate they were looking for. Accordingly, they k.

may return to the UFO phenomenon in the future,

or look at a related issue such as alien abduction Were it just the Dana Centre, one might be The Dana Centre
or crop circles. If they do, I'm sure that UFO tempted to write this off as a one-off. However, I
Magazine will cover the event As I said at the was recently approached by the organiser of the
165 Queen's Gate
outset, I believe that the real importance of the Cheltenham Festival of Science, and asked to South Kensington
debate was that it happened at all. I wonder if, take part in a debate about UFOs to be held in London
ten years ago, the Science Museum would have June. Ufology may not yet be a recognised sci- SW7 5HE
wanted to associate itself with the UFO phenom- ence in the eyes of the scientific community, but
enon in any way? I suspect not. I think it is an they do seem to be taking a greater interest in
encouraging sign that the scientific establishment the phenomenon. This can only be a good thing
is now apparently willing to embrace the subject. for our subject.

The Object Of ^ H e r a l d - P r e s s

The day alter Chrisima

- *

,hfCCj„Huniinghw Jaw officers

through (he sky over ihe city.


• *«

The Herald Press, Huntington, Indiana

Sunday, January 4, 2004
Olinger h a d finished
his shift at 2 : 3 0 p.m.
The day after Christmas, o n t h e d a y after C h r i s t m a s a n d w a s
w a r m i n g up his car, p a r k e d in t h e lot
three Huntington law a c r o s s M a r k e t Street f r o m the station. H e
w a s sitting in t h e car, facing north.
officers saw something "It c a m e f r o m a long w a y off," h e said,
moving through the sky d e s c r i b i n g the sighting a w e e k later. "First
it l o o k e d like a p a r a c h u t e that y o u c a n
over the city in broad steer, black a n d curved, but there w a s
n o b o d y in it. It started rolling, a slow roll,
daylight - but they can't a n d t u r n e d u p s i d e d o w n . T h e n it l o o k e d
like a giant set of bird wings. It did m o r e
Olinger said the sighting lasted 3 0 - 4 5
s e c o n d s ; H o o v e r a g r e e d it w a s less than
explain what it was... rolls, a n d turned into a n oblong circle that
w a s orange."
a minute.

"It wasn't a n y kind of flying m a c h i n e that I

Olinger r a d i o e d Hedrick, w h o w a s inside c a n think of," Olinger said. "And it's not

hip Olinger w a s w a r m i n g u p his t h e station's kitchen, t o c o m e out a n d like a 5 0 s flying saucer. It w a s that big,
car w h e n h e s a w it. H e r a d i o e d for look. Hoover, w h o h a d just w a l k e d out of but it didn't h a v e a h u m p in t h e middle."
a n extra set of eyes; in fact h e got t h e station's b a c k door, h e a r d t h e r a d i o
t w o witnesses. traffic a n d looked up. "It w a s c o m p l e t e l y circular, d o m e
s h a p e d , " H o o v e r said. "I can't imagine
G r e g H e d r i c k a n d Randy H o o v e r l o o k e d "It w a s s o big, within n o t i m e at all I spot- h o w it c o u l d p o s s i b l y b e anything I c o u l d
s k y w a r d ; t h e s a w it, too. All t h r e e a r e t e d it," Hoover said. " W h e n I first s a w it, it relate to. T h e object w o u l d s t o p a n d t h e n
Huntington law officers, g u y s w h o h a v e w a s going in a flat plane, hovering, m o v - spin slowly," h e said, "a m a n o e u v r e n o
s e e n just a b o u t everything. But this time, ing slowly right t o w a r d the church. k n o w n aircraft c a n a c c o m p l i s h . I w a s
they didnt k n o w w h a t they were seeing. never really afraid, I w a s just in total
" T h e n it s t o p p e d , b e g a n m o v i n g in a cir- amazement."
T h e y ' r e h o p i n g s o m e o n e else might h a v e cular motion, a n d t u r n e d bright o r a n g e ,
b e e n looking t o w a r d t h e s k y shortly after H o o v e r said. It w e n t flat again, a n d hov- Father R o n Rider, pastor of t h e SS. Peter
2 : 3 0 p.m. Friday, D e c e m b e r 26, a n d c a n e r e d over the steeple. a n d Paul Catholic C h u r c h , said h e didn't
at least c o m p a r e notes, if not provide a n s e e anything u n u s u a l t h a t afternoon, a n d
explanation. T h e officers believe the object t u r n e d h a s n ' t received a n y p h o n e calls f r o m a n y -
o r a n g e w h e n it reflected t h e sunlight, o n e w h o did.
T h e object, s e e n f r o m just north of the city "like a c o m p a c t mirror w o u l d if y o u
Police Station, c a m e out of the northwest twirled it," Olinger said. "That's t h e first I ' v e h e a r d o f it," h e said
to t h e steeple of t h e SS. Peter a n d Paul o n Friday.
Catholic C h u r c h , t h e n shot straight b a c k Hedrick, w h o did not return the radio call,
north. It didn't m a k e a n y noise, a n d it re- told t h e other t w o that h i s first impression D i a n e Redlich, o n e of the m a n a g e r s at
mained in their sight for less than a minute. w a s that it w a s "a tire" in t h e sky, but that the Huntington M u n i c i p a l Airport, w a s in
m a d e no s e n s e . t h e air that afternoon, b u t h a d h e a d e d t o
But it w a s big - d e s c r i b e d a s t h e size of a Cincinnati and didn't fly over Huntington.
hot air balloon or a b a c k y a r d t r a m p o l i n e - Olinger said the object c h a n g e d s h a p e
a n d low e n o u g h for Olinger to think it w a s t h r e e or four times. It m o v e d in a straight S h e said, "Several o t h e r p l a n e s t o o k off
g o i n g t o get hung up o n t h e s t e e p l e of line, t u m b l i n g a s it m o v e d , a n d m a d e n o f r o m t h e local airport that a f t e r n o o n a s
t h e C h e r r y Street church. noise. well, but t h e r e ' s n o r e c o r d of a n y out-of-
the-ordinary craft m a k i n g either a takeoff
Normally, s u c h a n object p a s s i n g over "It w o u l d glide, rotate t h e w i d e w a y or landing at Huntington."
the city w o u l d h a v e lit up e m e r g e n c y around, and stay at one level," H o o v e r
lines. But this o n e didn't. N o o n e called said. B o b S c o t t at Fort W a y n e ' s S m i t h Field
9 1 1 ; n o o n e called city or c o u n t y dis- doesn't h a v e a n y c l u e s either.
p a t c h ; a n d n o o n e called t h e State Police. It a p p e a r e d t o b e m o v i n g a l o n g at treetop
level, no higher than t h e roof of the "I w o r k e d that a f t e r n o o n a n d I don't recall
T h e t h r e e officers m a y h a v e b e e n t h e church. It d i s a p p e a r e d f r o m Olinger's anything unusual," h e s a i d . "Other t h a n
only o n e s to s e e it. A n d for a f e w d a y s , v i e w after it w e n t b e h i n d t h e c h u r c h S a n t a C l a u s h e a d i n g h o m e , I don't k n o w
they didn't s a y anything a b o u t it. steeple a n d m o v e d directly north. w h a t it could h a v e b e e n . "

" W e thought p e o p l e w o u l d think w e ' r e Olinger w a s in the p a r k i n g lot at M a r k e t S a n d r a Lux, public relations m a n a g e r at
crazy," H o o v e r said. a n d Cherry; H o o v e r w a s walking f r o m t h e Fort W a y n e International Airport, did not
b a c k d o o r of t h e station to his car p a r k e d return a p h o n e call.
But n o w , curiosity h a d t h e better of them. at C h e r r y a n d Market; a n d H e d r i c k w a s
Did a n y o n e else s e e it? A n d w h a t w a s it? 3 0 to 3 5 feet to H o o v e r ' s left.

Alien Abduction Survey Results
by Marilyn Ruben, M.Sc.
Alien Abduction Experience and Research
The Alien Abduction Experience and Research
(AAER) web site at has just
completed summarizing results of its very popular
Alien Abduction Survey. The world's largest web
site on alien abductions has been gathering data
from its popular online abduction survey for over
six years. The Survey identifies typical experiences
shared by many abductees and will let readers
compare their experiences with those of known
abductees. Readers' anonymous responses were
entered into the database. Out of well over 100,000
surveys received, 91,528 were fully completed
and used for research purposes.

Survey Results:
Readers were asked to respond to 25
"yes'or "no" questions to see how similar
their backgrounds were with other
Abduction "specialness":
abductees. More "yes" responses indicat- OOver half of all readers (50,123) family was asleep in bed, in order
reported secretly feeling they were to meet the alien strangers that
ed a higher likelihood of alien contact or
"special" or "chosen". This taught them many things.
abduction. More than one-fourth of readers
(19,653) answered "yes" to up to 15 ques- response comes from so many
abductees being told how special
Abduction and the
tions, indicating a suspicious number of
events in their background commonly they are by the aliens. While some
paranormal connection:
may question the sincerity of the ©Over half of all readers (54,607)
experienced by other abductees. About
aliens making these statements, the reported feeling psychic. Readers
one-eighth of readers (8,469) answered
bottom line is many abductees know or dream about future events
"yes" for 16 - 20 questions, indicating they
either feel or are persuaded to for themselves, their families or the
had many events in their background com-
believe they are more important world. Some abductees sensed
monly experienced by other abductees. At
than other people. Many readers something was about to happen a
this level, readers were encouraged to
are haunted with a sense or urgency week before terrorists crashed jets
begin exploring the abduction possibility, if
that they must discover what special into the World Trade Center on
they had not already done so. About one
task or mission they are supposed September 11,2001.
reader in eighteen (5,206) answered "yes"
for 21 - 25 questions indicating an over- to undertake. If this were destruc-
tive thinking to the person, or harm- ©More than one-third of readers
whelming number of events in their back- (38,639) reported unexplainable
ground commonly experienced by other ful to friends or family, it could be
regarded as cult-thinking. But here sounds, apparitions, or unusual
abductees. At this level, there is a very events in their homes that they
for abductees, this sense of feeling
high probability of alien contact or abduc- attributed to ghosts. Because ghost-
chosen is just par for the course.
tion and many readers were already aware ly activity is so common among
of it at this stage. 0 Nearly half of all readers abductees, some researchers won-
(38,337) reported having a special der what is the connection between
Demographic characteristics showed 55% place they secretly believed held a ghosts and aliens? Or, do they both
of men (50,316) completed the Abduction spiritual meaning just for them- represent other entities reaching
Survey, as compared with 45% of women selves. As chidren, many readers out through the veil of hidden
(41,212). The Caucasian race represented had a private place they regarded dimensions to communicate with
86% (78,300) of the sample size. Hispanics as a secret place for themselves unsuspecting people?
represented 5% (4,612), Asian or Pacific only, it was not usually shared with
Islanders were 4% (4,040), Blacks were siblings or friends. The significance ©More than half the readers
3% (2,467) and Native Americans of these secret places is the grip (52,526) reported dreams of flying
(American Indians) were 2% (2,109) of the they maintain over the abductee or being outside their bodies. Many
group. More than two-thirds of readers into adulthood. The web site has abduction experiences or encoun-
(62,475) completing the Abduction Survey received many letters from ters seem to occur in dimensions
were 29 or younger, and nearly one third of readers describing their secret other than the conscious waking
readers (22,935) were between the ages of activities as children including state. This includes out-of-body
30 and 59. sneaking outside at night after the experiences that straddle other
dimensions. Going to bed at night lights or keep hall or bedroom lights Abduction fears: Abductees frequently have partial
does not mean going to sleep for on at night to enable them to go to ©One-third of readers (30,131) memories of UFO experiences
abductees. It is often the beginning sleep. Others report taking alcoholic have fear or anxiety over the sub- through their dreams. Upon awak-
of a very busy night of activity. beverages to induce sleep. ject of aliens or UFOs. Not surpris- ening, abductees are torn between
Many abductees have seen other ingly, many readers become hyper- what to believe or not believe. Yet
entities, other people, UFOs, mon- ©More than half the readers sensitive to the topic of aliens or contact with other abductees shows
sters, and all sorts of other worldly (46,746) reported waking up with UFOs, even without a conscious abductees are dreaming similar
things in this out-of-body netherland unexplained bruises or other unusu- memory of alien contact. Yet their things.
between sleep and consciousness. al marks. These marks may be fear is so great, it restricts normal
small scars in the shape of trian- activities of daily life. ©More than one-third of readers
New age sensitivity: gles, dots, or other patterns or (35,705) have seen a UFO while
O Nearly one-third of readers imprints that are typically healed ©Over one-third of readers two-thirds of readers had not.
(26,503) reported having dreams over upon awakening or within a (31,730) reported secretly fearing
where superior beings, angels or day. Some of these have been pho- being accosted or kidnapped if they Seeing UFOs is an important factor
aliens were educating them about tographed and are at the web site. did not constantly monitor their sur- in determining one's connection
mankind, the universe, global roundings. Abductees are appre- with aliens, as many abductees
changes or future events. Aliens ©Nearly half of all readers hensive in situations where other have some conscious memory of
force the abductees to watch (41,289) reported waking up with people are not. Abductees are having seen UFOs in the past.
movies from the future, of terrifying unexplained nosebleeds. Many reluctant to let down their guard
catastrophes that will happen to abductees reported having partial and typically find themselves in ©About one-eighth of readers
Earth. Abductees usually find this or full memories of small objects areas where they feel they must (14,200) have seen a UFO up close
information very disturbing, and are being inserted forcibly up their nos- remain hyper-vigilant for security within a short walking or driving
sometimes told it is not too late to trils, up into their sinus cavities or reasons. While most abductees do distance. People who have seen a
make improvements. However, brain. Despite being told this will not have any concrete reasons to UFO up close sometimes had par-
most abductees usually do not not hurt, many abductees cringe carry on this way, their behavior is tial memories of contact. This is the
know what they can do to prevent with fear at recalling the pain asso- persistent and permanent in this area where readers can "freeze up"
these problems. ciated with these rapid surgical pro- direction. Old habits are difficult to because there is normally a great
cedures break, and abductees are overly deal of fear associated with alien
... sensitive to any intrusion into their encounters.
DiilJIJ Ul'JSb S3JJ-* e-tenth of readers lives from aliens.
Tbi'J i | | J s $ iiiibULiS^ ihb 3JJ !/j- ported X-rays or other ©About one-fifth of readers
jjjjjjjjiujj 'mil sjjdwjj by uinm j j b u - s that revealed unexplain- ©This fear of a potential assault (18,451) reported multiple sightings
flk This iimtbhb^ u\ ihb ird'Jllij ign objects lodged in their situation was reported by nearly of UFOs. A smaller number of read-
i i j i % i b is uiiijj -jiiribuiiiJ i d one-fourth of all readers (18,995) ers have had multiple sightings of
ijwjmiiiwj s i l t e d by ibs -jJii/js. who had seriously considered or UFOs. Readers with dozens of UFO
jy -jbbiJUiaBS s-jy ihb ijJtejjs ion strangeness: had already installed a home secu- sightings were typically able to
ihbsn Mb m siwaSb- an one-third of readers rity system, even if there was no recall alien contact experience in
p iijsj d-juiji/ i d ib b p i t i i t e reported hearing a voice justification to do so. The sense of greater frequency and in more
r^Jis-j ia bimumb\\Q\ biikmab. to them from inside their imminent danger leads many detail.
y^Uu4|is ibb\ ibis s a u s i M y eads which they knew was abductees to buy or install security
iffijjljs Ulblll UJDSb! ID ihb JjJilJJil their own. Unlike schizophrenics systems so they can sleep better at ©About one-tenth of readers
[JJJJil \BTb l\ Si/DJJ!| biSi/i ID JJfDUj or cult leaders who claim to receive night. (10,031) reported having seen a
5u| Emihj iis /ssDU/sis, jjjjii iis divine or satanic messages, UFO up close and were compelled
jjJijjji iijjJ wiWJiiD. abductees sometimes hear instruc- UFO sightings to walk, drive or stand near the
tions or faint voices speaking to and interactions: UFO. Readers who were able to
todudiuj] ami them from inside their heads. Some ©More than one-third of readers remember such an experience were
abductees believe this represents (37,004) reported seeing faces or very often able to remember parts
readers (20,139) communication or a downloading alien beings near their beds at night of their abduction experience.
f?»bHi)lTsuming more vitamins process whereby aliens transmit that were not explainable. This
than other people. Taking numerous educational or informative informa- included experiences from child- ©About one-eighth of readers
vitamin supplements is commonly tion directly into their brains. hood. Many abductees recall how (11,654) reported having a waking
reported among abductees. quickly parents would scold them memory of being inside a UFO or
©Well more than one-third of read- for being afraid of monsters that interacting with aliens. Most, if not
©More than half the readers ers (38,355) reported experiencing came out of the closet as if these all, abductees are given instructions
(54,607) reported having sinus or missing time, which is a period of alien faces were merely the product telling them to forget everything
migraine headaches. Manvabductees time while awake, where they could of over-active imaginations. But they have just seen or experienced.
have chronic sinus or rmgrine not remember what they had done. many abductees know they have
headaches andr arfrfteaw had alien contact since they were
y w m users of This technique is similar to a post-
This experience was most often children, and seeing alien faces hypnotic suggestion where the sub-
p 11 ffifrjlM^Mf ^ify/
noticed after going for a walk or around the bed at night or coming jects are told they will not remem-
JTjilJjl'UlM?'jDjJi; "bt
drive and arriving at the destination out of the closet is a strong clue of ber anything that has just hap-
i/DBDIJJjkD^lij-ji SiUUSJiii
several hours later than anticipated. alien contact. pened. However, some people resist
IjiiS Mb yibW\bl\i 1IJJJUJJIJ i i t f l l
l l h ^ L b b JWplAilJ, 'JJJlJ i i g Missing time does not include any this suggestion as children and
iSS-J/]Jy ]wJkjW!/S Di -jbliDDljDr memory lapses due to drinking, ©Nearly one-third of readers adults, and grow up having full
b^bt'lbhtbS. sleeping, medication, mind-altering (28,542) reported dreaming about recall of these very strange encoun-
substances, highway hypnosis, or UFO's, being inside UFO's, or inter- ters.
.V.w.'c . . . i : . d being lost in reading a good book. acting with UFO occupants. One of
[5'\rJ\2) ib'/Mib*} i&mij sJiajjiw Missing time is an important clue the biggest obstacles for abductees
ijj^pffis. jVJsjjj y •jbdDDiii^ij'ji/^ for readers wanting to know when is separating fact from fiction.
bijjJDDJiy SiiiJJJJJIj 2UUJ WiJJ ii'S abductions could have occurred.
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"Diary of a Skywatcher"
How do you tell children "Look
there's m o r e to the heavens Mum.
than at first sight meets the That's
eye. Joanan, our eldest son, is Jupiter
nine years old. Last night he over
rushed in with his nephew there and
Joram and asked m e to show that one is
him the constellations of Saturn."
Cygnus and Lyra.
She looked up and muttered
W e went outside and started in a low voice: "Don't tell m e
looking up; after a minute he you are teaching him to look
asked me an important ques- for UFOs." At that very
tion: " you believe in moment a fiery streak of
UFOs?" greenish light entered the
atmosphere, heading south-
I raised my eyebrows: "What wards with a hiss.
makes you think so?"
After just a f e w seconds, the
"Well, you read that maga- fireball exploded with a big
zine," he replied..."with alien bang. The kids were scream-
faces and stories about ing and dancing in the yard,
UFOs." (UFO Magazine) Christien stood baffled and in
no time the rest of the family
"Yesterday... Joram a n d I saw c a m e running out, gazing up
one, there was a light in the in amazement.
sky that did not belong to an
airplane, it suddenly stopped "What the hell w a s that?"
in mid-air and after a second my sister-in-law cried
went in the opposite direc- out.
"An exploding star,"
"Impossible..." I argued, "air- Joanan cried out.
planes don't do that."
"An imploding space
"It wasn't a plane w a s ship," I added with a W e had s o m e wonderful
a UFO." grin. enchanting nights under starry
skies, looking through our
I recalled his fifth birthday; he T h e kids were s o excit- telescope or using a pair of
collected his presents with a ed that it took them about an Over the years, the kids, bom- binoculars, hopping from one
big smile and w a s delighted hour and a half to get to barded by space ships and planet to another. Never again
with his first space shuttle sleep... aliens on Cartoon Network, did Joanan mention UFO
model. That night w e went out- began playing UFO Commander Magazine, although it is in the
side; I showed him Jupiter and The 'BOOM' changed our fam- in their sleeping room and house every month.
Saturn and felt his tremen- ily life in a subtle way: c a m e up with questions about
dous excitement in discover- Christien did not mutter any- UFOs, aliens, angels and the Until last night that is: "You
ing the stars and planets for more when w e were dis- existence of God. W e tried to read that magazine and I'm
the first time ever. cussing the possibilities of answer those questions with telling you it w a s not a plane
Christien, my wife, tracing life elsewhere in the great care and had inspiring D a d . . . i t w a s a UFO."
entered the stage universe discussions about the possi-
and called for and aliens bility that somewhere out "Okay," I replied, "tomorrow
Joanan to come visiting there, in the vast emptiness of morning we'll take a look at
in: "It's too cold the space, other beings w e r e dis- U F O Plaza," the (Internet) UFO
outside and cussing the s a m e theme. portal for the Netherlands.
time to g o
to bed."
of people
living in
Spain called
Spain in Close after seeing
balls of fire
Encounter with in the sky.

a Meteorite
Experts think the fireballs In northern Leon province,
m a y have been part of a residents reported seeing a
meteorite burning as it fell ball of fire light up the sky
through the atmosphere to and explode in a mountain-
Earth. o u s area, igniting a fire and
shaking h o u s e w i n d o w s .
"I heard a big explosion, like
an earth tremor, and a white A similar explosion w a s
cloud of s m o k e formed," heard near Palencia in the
o n e eyewitness said. north.

Police later searched the area Fire-fighters extinguished a

w h e r e they thought the fire- blaze behind a roadside dis-
balls would have fallen in cotheque in the Castellon
northern Spain, but they area.
couldn't find any pieces of it.
Rescuers searched for the
S o m e people were worried wreckage of airplanes or
w h e n they first saw the unusual rocks in several
flames, because they thought places, but found no clues.
a plane might have caught
fire, but this has been ruled T h e National Meteorological
"Perhaps someone else has out. Institute said that its radars
seen the same thing." and satellite images s h o w e d
Instead J o s e Angel, director nothing abnormal.
Next morning at 0 7 . 0 0 a.m., he of the University of Santiago's
w o k e m e up: " C o m e on Dad, observatory, said they were Aviation authorities said
let's take a look at U F O Plaza." more likely to be a meteorite they had no knowledge of
crashing into the Earth. any plane crash.
I did not believe my ears:
"Pardon me?" No w a y to "Well Dad"? T h e fireballs w e r e spotted Astronomers at the
escape; w e went down the With an over Santiago de Compostela, University of Santiago de
stairs in pants and t-shirt, early morn- Madrid a n d around the Compostela said they sus-
entered the living room and ing grin I coast of Valencia in the east. pected a meteorite.
started up the computer. After turned my
a minute the screen showed: face to the Wales 2003
"UFO Plaza". I scrolled down boy. "You On 2 October last year this won-
the menu and scanned the lat- were right derful picture was captured by a
est reports to my utter lad." Slowly Welsh schoolboy. He impressed
amazement there it was: w e went up NASA after taking an amazing
picture of what seems to be a
the stairs, he
meteor while he was out skate-
Report from Zwolle (10 miles put his little hand in mine and boarding.
from the place where we live): suddenly I realized our rela-
strange light appeared in the tionship would never be the Fifteen-year-old Jonathan Burnett
northern skies, about 8 p.m. same. snapped the fiery ball as he was
taking photos of his mates doing He took two photos, one of the
Witness reports an anomalous W e shared a secret. skate stunts. 'meteor' hurtling through the
earth's atmosphere and one of it
light. It stopped in midair and
He rushed to his home in South disintegrating and leaving a burn-
suddenly went in the opposite A moment later Christien woke Wales to show his parents and ing trail.
direction. Sighting lasted up with a yawn: "Don't tell me later Emailed it to NASA. They're
about two minutes. he saw a UFO." now trying to decide exactly what But NASA experts can't agree
it is. exactly what it is yet. Apart from a
I sat back in silence; it w a s She did not s e e the smile meteor, they say it could be a
still dark son across my face. Jonathan first thought it was just plane's trail or maybe something
the sun reflecting off the clouds. even more unusual...
waiting behind me.
Jan Blei, January 2004, Holland

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ice. But is it the real thing? That and understanding the coping process and
numerous other questions posed looking at what Contact may mean. "In tackles the idea that there may be disas-
thrflughout the book are only resolved my opinion this will become the bible of ters from space that have shaped our past
at the end. But in-between we guaran- the Alien Abduction Phenomenon and
tee you will be thrilled by tlae multiplicity will make itself apparent in every and will affect our future.
of plots and sub-plots injected by Dan library the world over." Dr. Roger Leir QP/436 PRICE: UK £13.99 EUROPE £15.99
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"We're back" Congratulations are in order
for the team of experts at
NASA responsible for the
epic journey and successful
landing of the Mars
Exploration Rover Spirit.
Members of the mission's flight t e a m at
NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
Pasadena, California., cheered and
clapped w h e n they learned that
NASA's Deep Space Network
had received a post-landing
signal f r o m Spirit. The
cheering resumed about
three hours later when
the rover transmitted
its first images t o
Earth, relaying
them through
NASA's Mars
However judging by the tone in adminis- Here's their version of events anyway. Odyssey orbiter.
trator Sean O'Keefe's statements:
Mars Exploration Rover Spirit successfully "We've got many
"This is a big night for NASA. We're back. sent a radio signal after the spacecraft steps to go
I am very, very proud of this team, and had bounced and rolled for several min- before this mis-
we're on Mars." sion is over, but
Mars Exploration Rover we've retired a lot of
It s e e m s he is unaware of the millions of risk with this landing,"
pounds, dollars and e u r o s m a d e available said JPL's Pete
to embark the UK based Beagle 2 on a Theisinger, project man-
similar mission. I might be sounding a lit- ager for the Mars
tle conspiratorial here but w o u l d adminis- Exploration Rover Project.
trator O'Keefe and NASA have celebrated
our forgotten efforts t o independently Deputy project manager for the rovers,
search for signs of past life on the Red JPL's Richard Cook, said, "We're certainly
Planet with such excitement if w e had got looking forward t o Opportunity landing
there first. It seems the Beagle 2 mission three weeks f r o m now." Opportunity is
could have been d o o m e d before it even Spirit's twin rover, heading for the oppo-
left earth's orbit. site side of Mars.
utes following its initial impact at 11:35
Let's face it, the technology that w a s t o p.m. EST (8:35 p.m. Pacific Standard Dr. Charles Elachi, JPL director, said, 'To
deliver Beagle 2 to the surface of Mars Time) on January 3. achieve this mission, w e have assembled
w a s the same parachute and airbag sys- the best team of y o u n g w o m e n and men
tems that got 'Spirit and an earlier Robotic ' T h i s is a big night for NASA," said NASA this country can put together. Essential
Rover' safely and accurately to Mars. Administrator Sean O'Keefe. "We're back. w o r k w a s done by other NASA centers
I am very, very proud of this team, and and by our industrial and academic part-
Would NASA have accepted second place? we're on Mars." ners."

W e look back at o v e r 4 0 y e a r s of m a n ' s a t t e m p t s t o visit and study o i r n e a r e s t planetary m a t f m r Mars.

• July 2003: U.S. Opportunity rover expected to • December 1998: U.S. Mars Climate • September 1992: U.S. Mars Observer
land on Mars in late January 2004. Orbiter lost on arrival at Mars in orbiter fails in August 1993 as it nears
• June 2003: European Mars Express orbiter September 1999. Mars.
enters Mars orbit in December 2003. • July 1998: Japanese Nozomi space- • July 1988: Soviet Phobos 1 orbiter and
• June 2003: British Beagle 2 lander apparently craft fails to enter Mars orbit in lander fail one month after launch.
fails December 2003. December 2003. Phobos 2, launched five days after
• June 2003: U.S. Spirit rover • December 1996: U.S. Mars Phobos 1, is lost March 1989
lands on Mars in January 2004. Pathfinder lander and Sojourner rover land near the Mars moon after
• March 2001: U.S. Mars on Mars in July 1997. Last transmission which it was named.
Odyssey spacecraft arrives in September 1997. • September 1975: U.S.
orbit October 2001. Continues • November 1996: Russian Mars 96 Viking 2 orbiter arrives
to operate. orbiter and landers fail on launch. at Mars in August 1976.
• January 1999: Mars Polar • November 1996: U.S. Mars Global Viking 2 lander arrives
lander and Deep Space 2 Surveyor arrives in orbit around Mars in following month. Orbiter
microprobes lost on arrival at September 1997. It has returned more than operates until 1987; lander
Mars in December 1999. 134,000 photographs and continues to operate. operates until 1980.

First Look at Spirit on Mars-2 - Jan. 4,2004

apparently carved by
ancient flows of water,
leads into Gusev. The
crater itself, a basin
the size of
was created
by an aster-
oid or comet
early in
Mars' his-

J f.
task is t o
spend the !
next three
months explor-
ing for clues in
rocks and soil
about whether the View From Above Spirit on M a r s - 2 - Jan. 4 , 2 0 0 4 .
past environment at this part of Mars w a s This mosaic image t a k e n by the navigation c a m -
ever watery and suitable t o sustain life. era on the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit has been
reprocessed to project a clear overhead view of
Spirit travelled 487 million kilometres the rover on the surface of Mars.
(302.6 million) miles t o reach Mars after
"Spirit stopped rolling with its base petal its launch from Cape Canaveral Air Force and other preparations necessary before
down, though that favourable position Station, Florida., on June 10, 2003. Its the rover rolls off of its lander platform t o
could change as airbags deflate," said twin, Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity, get its wheels onto the ground.
JPL's Rob Manning, development manag- was launched o n July 7, 2003, and is on
er for the rover's descent through Mars' course for a landing on the opposite side Meanwhile, Spirifs cameras and a miner-
atmosphere and landing o n the surface. of M a r s o n January 25 (Universal Time al-identifying infrared instrument will
and EST; 9:05 p.m. o n Jan. 24, PST). begin examining t h e surrounding terrain.
NASA chose Spirit's landing site, within That information will help engineers a n d
Gusev Crater, based on evidence f r o m The flight team expects to spend more scientists decide w h i c h direction t o send
Mars orbiters that this crater may have- than a week directing Spirit through a the rover first.
held a lake long ago. A long, deep valley, series of steps in unfolding, standing up JPL-NEWS RELEASE: 2004-003
©All images NASA

• August 1975: U.S. • May 1971: U.S. Mariner 8 orbiter fails on launch. • November 1964: Soviet
Viking 1 orbiter arrives The same month, the Soviet Kosmos 419 lander Zond 2 spacecraft flies past
at Mars in June 1976. achieves Earth orbit only. The Soviet Mars 2 Mars, but radio fails and no
Viking 1 lander arrives orbiter-lander arrives at Mars in November 1971; data is returned.
the following month. no useful data received after lan- • November 1964: American Mariner 3
The orbiter operates der burns up. spacecraft fails to fly past planet. Mariner
until 1980; lander oper- Soviet Mars 3 orbiter-lander 4, launched three weeks later, succeeds
ates until 1982. Together, the four Viking space- arrives December 1971; lander in flying past planet in July 1965 and
craft have returned more than 50,000 photographs. operates on surface for 20 sec- returns 21 photos.
• August 1973: Soviet Mars 6 and 7 combination onds before failing. U.S. Mariner • November 1962: Soviet Mars 1 space-
flyby module-Lander spacecraft arrive at Mars in 9 orbiter arrives at Mars in craft radio fails en route its flyby of Mars.
March 1974. Mars 6 Lander smashes into Mars; November, operates until October 1972, returns A second, unnamed Soviet spacecraft achieves
Mars 7 lander misses planet. 7,329 photos. Earth orbit only, fails to fly past Mars.
• July 1973: Soviet Mars 4 spacecraft flies past • March 1969: U.S. Mariner 7 spacecraft flies past • October 1962: An unnamed Soviet spacecraft
Mars in February 1974, but fails to enter orbit. Mars in August 1969 and returns 126 photos. achieves Earth orbit only, fails to fly past Mars.
That same month, the Soviet Mars 5 spacecraft • February 1969: U.S. Mariner 6 spacecraft flies • October 1960: Two unnamed Soviet spacecraft
arrives in orbit, but operates for only a few days. past Mars in July 1969 and returns 75 photos. achieve Earth orbit only, fail to fly past Mars.

Source: NASA

Navigators use radio signals sent and
received by the Deep Space Network
(DSN) antennas on Earth to compute
spacecraft position and velocity. Three
DSN sites are roughly equally spread
around Earth's globe at 120-degree inter-
vals, so that antennas are pointed toward
Mars at any given time as the Earth turns.

If the exact location of any of these anten-

nas is incorrect by just 5 centimetres (2
inches) on the surface of Earth, that math
error builds over the 150 million kilome-
tres (90 million miles) distance between
Earth and Mars, creating a 1500-foot (0.3-
mile) location error at Mars. So hitting a
precise landing site target that is scientifi-
cally interesting on Mars is impossible
unless the calculations of how fast Earth
is rotating on its own axis is known to the
timing of 0.2 milliseconds. At the other
end of the journey, navigators must also
know the location of Mars to the level of
accuracy of several hundred metres.

nyone who's been blindfolded and thrust much during prior trajectory
spun around knows how hard it is manoeuvres because the spacecraft was
to "pin the tail on the donkey", spinning for stability, and when it did
even though players are pointed in thrust, it did so in a way that was easy for Martians Purposely
the right direction when they last look at navigators to predict movement," said
their target. To land in a precise location Watkins. Spacecraft thruster firings are a Screwing With
on Mars after travelling over 300 million significant effect navigators have to deal Earthly Probes
miles, navigators at the Jet Propulsion with, but even the seemingly insignificant
Laboratory (JPL) had to overcome the solar radiation pressure and thermal radi- LOS ANGELES (Wireless Flash) --
head-spinning challenges of calculating ation forces acting on the spacecraft to a Scientists have yet to connect with
the exact speeds of a rotating Earth, a level equal to less than a billionth of the Europe's Beagle 2 Mars probe, but a
rotating Mars, and a rotating spacecraft, acceleration of gravity one feels on the nuclear physicist in Los Angeles
while they all simultaneously are spinning Earth need to be taken into account. has a spacey explanation: Martians
in their own radical orbits around the Sun. are sabotaging the satellites.
Without knowing the acceleration error to
All the hard work paid off January 3 when that degree, the spacecraft would have Dr. Franklin Ruehl says there's been
navigators hit their target at the top of the moved off course by 3.7 km (2.3 miles) so many snafus connected with the
Martian atmosphere to within about 200 over 10 days. Mars probes, especially when com-
metres (660 feet), setting a new standard pared to other space probes, that
for navigation accuracy for all future inter- "We had to know everything from how the Martian intervention can't be ruled
planetary missions. "The trajectory was so iron molten lava in the centre of the Earth out as a cause.
perfect that not only was it within 200 was churning, to how plate tectonic move-
metres, we also didn't need to adjust ments were affecting the wobble of the Evidence of intelligent life has yet to
course in the final eight days of cruise," Earth, to how the plasma in the atmos-
be found on Mars' surface, but
said Dr. Michael Watkins, navigation and phere delayed the radio signals to and
Ruehl speculates that there's an
mission design manager at JPL from the Deep Space Network stations,"
underground civilization purposely
explained Dr.
trying to avoid detection by
Navigators can- Louis D'Amario,
celled two trajectory Mars Exploration
correction manoeu- Rover navigation
team chief. He's not basing his theories on old
vres that were
sci-fi films. Ruehl says there are
scheduled to cor-
many structures on Mars that show
rect the flight path "We assembled
by firing a series of the best naviga- signs of an advanced culture,
small engine tion team in the including the famous "Face on
thrusters. The navi- world with Mars" and a giant cemetery near the
gation team experts in orbit polar caps which features perfectly
researched the exact performance of the determination, propulsive manoeuvre arranged tombstones standing 200
engine thrusters to a tiny fraction of a mil- design, and entry, descent, and landing feet high.
limetre per second to ensure flawless aim- trajectory analysis," said D'Amario. The
ing for the four previous manoeuvres. navigation team has been working Ruehl realizes his theories are not
extremely hard on this mission for three mainstream science, but he figures
"The Mars Exploration Rover spacecraft years - they even sacrificed their holidays to be vindicated soon because at
design team helped our ability to navigate this December and New Year's Eve, and least two Mars probes are reaching
precisely in the sense that they created a they have essentially worked around the Mars in the coming weeks.
dynamically quiet spacecraft. Spirit didn't clock for the last two weeks.
2003-12-31 - Wireless Flash W e i r d News

Using recent measurements with Mars
Russel Callaghan
n •

of Mars
Global Surveyor and Mars Odyssey, navi- I am having great difficulty in understanding some of the
gators know the location of Mars relative so called problems NASA are citing as to the lack of
to the Earth to half a mile or less. colour images being sent back to earth from the Spirit
The navigation team's intense attention to Graham Ennis, UFO Magazine's science correspondent
detail was focused on ensuring that this has suggested all is not quite above board with earlier
mission would be the most accurately colour images released of the Martian surface. Well I am
sure there are those out there who might think we are
navigated in history. Navigators ran up to
off our rockers in making some of the suggestions that
1,000 different location accuracy solutions we have published, but how come NASA expect us to
several times every day to cover the full believe that they can't show us colour photographs yet
range of possible answers. The navigation because the antenna has to be just right and 'well, we
have to twiddle this and turn that' etc, etc.
team also used a tongue-tying tracking
technique called spacecraft-quasar delta Come on, is NASA telling us that the colour images
differential one-way range or DDOR (pro- come down a different aerial than the black and white
nounced "Delta Door"), which utilized ones? If that's the case, did the three dimensional land-
scape transmitted after just 48 hours on the surface,
their knowledge of locations of quasars to have it's own antenna also?
a few billionths of a degree to help locate
the spacecraft's motion in the "up or Something that was announced in one recent press
down" direction in the sky. "Even though it release was the mention of 'having the colour filters in
place and the images stored on board the rover.'
was seemingly impossible to reach the
small science-rich landing site inside While writing this short article I was
Gusev Crater, the dedicated navigation able to download one colour image,
team hit the bulls-eye tonight to put us in referred to on the NASA website as a
thumbnail. It shows nothing but the
position for a winning science mission," rusty backdrop that has long been
Watkins said. associated with images of Mars.

Since writing the piece above NASA have begun
publishing colour images of the surface (two so far,
12 January 2004) but watch out for next month's
magazine. We already have some proof that all is
not quite as it seems with some of the images
distributed by NASA.

If we are correct in our assumptions, the manipula-

tion of images could indeed point to a cover-up on
a monumental scale.

The images shown here with black areas are

according to NASA, missing some of the data (it is
still stored onboard spirit awaiting transmission). To
enjoy the 3D landscape of Mars you will need a pair
of 3D glasses, if not get someone to buy you a box
of 'Quality Street chocolates' and use a red and a
©All images NASA
green sweet wrapper, it works just as well!

Galaxy's life .
zone pinpointed
Australian scientists have
helped narrow the search
for extraterrestrial life.
Researchers from Melbourne's
Swinburne University of Technology
have identified the part of our galaxy
where Earth-like planets capable of /
harbouring life are likely to flourish.

It is called the Galactic Habitable \

Zone - an area where rocky planets \
not only form easily, but can safely \ Professor Brad Gibson
harbour life away from deadly ha2&rds \
such as exploding stars. *

The ring-shaped region contains about 10

per cent of the galaxy's 200 billion or s o m ; • 4
stars and, aptly, includes our own sun. *
• .
Scientists from Swinburne University of
Technology and the University of New
South Wales*wrote the Research paper,
which was published in the journal

The three researchers used a model that

examined whether stars were likely to
have life-bearing planets.
Such stars need to be old, so their planets Stars that were too rich in metal spawned
have time to develop life. giant planets with orbits dangerous to
smaller, Earth-like planets.
They need to contain metal, essential.for
the formation of rocky planets.' j'There is a Goldilocks zone of metallicity:
with too little metallicity, Earth-mass plan-
And they need to be away from super- ets are unable to form, or with too much
novas, or exploding stars, which,can be metallicity, giant planets destroy Earth-
fatal to life in neighbouring solar systems. mass planets," the paper s £ d .
Such stars, the team'found, were cbricen-
trated in the part of the galaxy th|Sy Another of the researchers, Professor
dubbed the G£$actic Habitable Zone, Brad Gibson of Swinburne, said the dis-
between 23,000 and 30,()p0 light years covery of the GHZ did not mean advanced
away from the centre of the galaxy (which life necessarily existed beyond Earth, " R i t
is about 100,000 light years wide). if there is life, we've determined where you
are most likely to find it".
"Not surprisingly, Earth's solar system
falls within the zone, although it's younger "Our Milky Way galaxy is home to hun-
and further from the galactic centre than dreds of billions of stars but until recently
the average complex life-bearing planet," astronomers could only guess as to how
said a co-author of the paper, Yeshe many are hospitable for the development
Fenner, from Swinburne's Centre for of complex life," said co-author Dr Charles
Astrophysics and Supercomputing. Lineweaver from the University of NSW.
AI 14 I , ,

Stars that contain metals are most likely to "What we have done for the first time is to
harbour rocky planets, although those quantify carefully where complex (animal)
with too much metal could be dangerous, life is likely to e$ist."
the researched said.
1st Annual Exopolitics Expo - X-Conference
Hilton Washington, DC North/Gaithersburg - April 16-18, 2004
Paradigm Research Group
announces the speaker lineup
for the X-Conference and STEPHEN BASSETT, DR. WILLIAM B I R N E S ,
G R A N T C A M E R O N ( C A N A D A ) , P H I L I P C O R S O , J R . , PAUL D A V I D S ,
includes 23 presenters from
Kingdom, Canada, Italy, WILLIAM HAMILTON, TERRY H A N S E N ,
and Australia. This is the
L I N D A M O U L T O N H O W E , D R . C. B. S C O T T J O N E S ,
strongest group of experts JIM MARRS, DR. BRUCE MACCABEE,
ever assembled to speak on NICK POPE ( U N I T E D K I N G D O M ) , PETER B O B B I N S ,
the governmental, political
D R . R O B E R T W O O D , RYAN W O O D .
and media aspects of 50+
Contact: Stephen Bassctt,
years of a government Executive Director
Phone: 202-431-2459
imposed truth embargo on
Paradigm Research Group
information confirming an
Paradigm Research Group was founded in 1996 to support the work of research/activist E-mail: ParadigmRGO*
extraterrestrial presence organizations addressing the science and politics of extraterrestrial related phenomena. URI.:
Cell: 202-431-2459
engaging the human race. 4938 Hampden Lane, #161
w w w . x - c o n f e r e n c e . c o m Bethesda, Ml) 20814

Japanese Mars Two fly-bys around the Earth put it back on

mission 'abandoned'
track, but the craft was exposed to a solar
flare that damaged its electrical systems.

Rocket failure
The abandonment of the Mars mission is the
fficials have decided not to put the Nozomi Engineers will continue trying taiix the circuit latest setback for Japan's space programme.
0 space craft into orbit around the planet. so that they can use the probe for pther space
observations. Last month, it was forced to destroy a rocket
Last-ditch attempts to fix an onboard electrical carrying two spy satellites intended to monitor
fault have failed, and the probe will be steered Nozomi, which means "hope" in Japitoese, North Korea.
off into space. was launched in July 1998 and shouldtiave
arrived at Mars the following autumn. Officials said the rocket had to be destroyed
This will stop Nozomi crashing into Mars and after take-off because of an unspecified tech-
possibly contaminating its environment, which But it has been dogged by technical problems nical failure.
may once have harboured life - and perhaps since soon after take off. A technical fault left
still does. Nozomi low on fuel and its flight path had to It came just weeks after China's recent suc-
be radically altered to get it to the Red Planet. cess in sending an astronaut into space.
The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency said BBC NEWS
a final attempt was made on Tuesday to
remotely repair electronic circuitry on the
Nozomi probe.

"But we failed to fix the short-circuit in the

electric system and, as a result, we gave up
the plan to place Nozomi into orbit around
Mars," said researcher Yasunori Matogawa.

A spokesman for the Embassy of Japan in the

UK confirmed that the mission had been

Collision course
Nozomi will now be directed away from Mars
to stop it crashing into the planet.

It will probably end up circling the Sun some-

where beyond the fourth planet. But the
agency has not lost all hope of getting some-
thing out of the mission.

jt: 53
t is difficult to appreciate now Super-jumbo
the overwhelming challenge Airbus's response to the challenge
that faced Wilbur and Orville posed by rising demand is the
Wright as they attempted the A380 - a king-size double-decker
first powered flight on 17 aircraft able to seat a total of 555
December, 1903. passengers, about 155 more than
current jumbos. The A380 will
But as the aviation industry looks house a lounge, a bar, showers

The Shap
towards the next 100 years, it will and a gymnasium.
have to confront challenges at NASA is designing new aircraft for
least as daunting as those faced This "super-jumbo" is primarily the job: 4-8-seater passenger jets
by the Wright brothers. designed for heavily travelled and looking further to the future,
routes such as London to personal air vehicles (PAVs), which
Growth in air travel is expected to Singapore, London to New York it says would be affordable for the
soar over the next 30 years and and Tokyo to Los Angeles. general public and be self-operat-
beyond, and there is a real possi- ed without the need for a pilot.
bility that the aircraft industry will But at US space agency's NASA
struggle to keep up. Langley Research Center in Sats aircraft would also use com-
Virginia, US, researchers have puter display technology called
Manufacturers are also under pres- been working on a different vision "synthetic vision". This provides a
sure to cut noise and emissions for the future of aviation. virtual map of the terrain below the
from aircraft. Innovative new tech- aircraft. This will allow pilots to
nologies may come to the rescue, The Small Aircraft Transportation land safely in low-visibility on
but only if they satisfy a financial System (SATS) offers an alterna- badly-lit landing strips at small air-
bottom line. tive solution to the problem of bur- ports.
geoning demand for air travel.
The UK Government estimates Engine technology is at the fore-
growth in passengers at around SATS, its originators suggest, front of research into future air-
4% per year until 2030. Industry would divert pressure away from craft. One of the developments we
forecasts broadly agree with this the "hub-and-spoke" model of air are most likely to see before too
projection. travel. Hub-and-spoke refers to the long is a move to "all-electric"
typically US model of passengers engines and aircraft.
"Occasionally, things like the Gulf being processed through large
War and the Sars epidemic slow "hub" airports and then on to sec-
that down for a short period, but ondary flights to "spoke" airports
then it goes back up to the same near their final destination.
level roughly a year later," says
David Velupillai, regional spokes- Air-taxis
person for European aircraft manu- The vision of SATS is of a nation of •Super-jumbos
facturer Airbus. air travellers hopping between •Air-taxis
small airports on a point-to-point,
"Looking to the future, passengers on-demand basis in "air-taxis". •All-electric aircraft
will double every 15 years and •Scramjets
triple every 23 years." •Flying wings

Orville and Wilbur Wright

Boeing's Blended Wing Body project

could result in the development of
several different types of aircraft. In
the artist's concept illustration above,
a BWB tanker serves as a "flying gas
station" for several smaller jets.

i / V / f y n £
of Thinqs To Come
The twin-deck
widebody of the
roomy A380 has
meant that some
airlines have
requested on board
showers, an office,
a childrens1 play
area, a gym, a bar,
shops, a smoking
area, and a mini

Small 4- to 8-passenger jets that

incorporate advanced safety and
4 1" -
automation features may operate
from thousands of small airports
i s i L across the nation for a variety of
1 m* l l ^ * ' • B M B B P
different needs.

triple every 23 years"

David Velupillai, Airbus
All-electric aircraft engines would Scramjet engines operate at instead opting for merged shape
provide the aircraft with thrust and speeds in excess of Mach 5 (five that makes it look like a flying wing.
V - Ci.
act as mini-generators to supply times the speed of sound) and
the aircraft with electrical power. have a simple mechanical design Its advocates claim that integrating
I with no moving parts. the engines, body and wings into a
'This would make engines simpler single lifting surface improves the
and more efficient," says Martin They would also permit single- overall efficiency of the aircraft.
Johnson, head of communications stage-to-orbit space vehicles -
for civil aerospace at Rolls-Royce. spacecraft that fly into space in Whether new technologies get
one piece, something that might taken on will continue to depend
Hypersonic planes bring space tourism within the on the business case that can be
The movement towards all-electric grasp of the ordinary person and made for them.
aircraft in the commercial sector is not just billionaires.
a gradual, evolutionary process. But meeting passenger growth and
But elsewhere, researchers have Aircraft with new propulsion tech- environmental targets for the future
been working on a new type of nology may need to be radically means aircraft manufacturers are
engine that has the potential to redesigned. One of the most popu- taking blue-sky thinking seriously,
truly revolutionise air travel. lar concepts of recent years is the says Johnson.
"blended-wing-body" design, origi-
Hypersonic engines or "scramjets" nally conceived by aerospace cor- The matter-anti-matter engine is
Conventional aircraft engines pro- (supersonic combustion ramjet) poration McDonnell Douglas. one propulsion system that has
vide thrust, hydraulics, pneumatics would enable aircraft to travel been floated among futurists in the
and electrical power. But engineers coast-to-coast in the US in about This design does away with the tra- past. But aircraft manufacturers
envisage hydraulics and pneumatics 30 minutes and from London to ditional tube and wing design of say they're not looking at such
being replaced by electrical power. Sydney in about 90 minutes. modern commercial aircraft, things. Not yet, anyway.
CREDIT: Paul Rincon
BBC News Online science staff

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'One In Forty: The UFO Epidemic:
True Accounts of Close Encounters With UFOs' 0N[ IN FORTY
By Preston Dennett, published by Kroshka
After investigating UFOs for more than ten years, I have uncovered cases of virtually every type. I am
constantly amazed by the huge number of reports and the high credibility of the witnesses. It is
extremely important for witnesses to report their encounters because each case contains new informa-
tion. Let's face it, UFOs are still a mystery. We don't know who they are, how they get here, or what
their agenda is. In fact, some feel that we are still at the stage of trying to prove their existence!

The evidence that UFOs are real is, I think, overwhelming, and would convince any reasonable person.
Beyond that, it's anyone's guess. The UFO phenomenon is so vast and bizarre that it is difficult for any
single theory to account for all the evidence. Some cases just seem to defy any rational explanation.

What follows are two cases which I think show some of the strangeness and complexity of the UFO I V x f o n f . Droned
phenomenon. Both are taken from my new book, One In Forty: The UFO Epidemic: True Accounts of
Close Encounters With UFOs, which has been recently published by Kroshka Books.
The Strawberry Field UFOs they didn't look like they were that big. No windows, really soft and gentle. I mean, planes are loud. This
Some UFO encounters are so close, they leave not nothing. It was all a silver-steel color, completely thing, when it came up, it was so quiet that when we
absolutely no room for misidentification. The following closed. They almost seemed to move in a slow whirl, a looked up, it was already there. So we didn't hear it
case is a perfect example. Sally Sanders (not her real very slow whirl, and they stayed in one spot. It was until it was already there. It was really quiet."
name) was only nine years old when she had her like you could see it whirling around, from what I can explained Sally.
encounter. She was working with her parents in a recall. Because it was just staying there. It stayed
strawberry field in Livingston, California. The family there. It stayed there. It stayed there for - it seemed The descriptions and recollections by (then nine year
were immigrants from the Philippines, and their liveli- like twenty minutes...The reason I have a feeling that it old) Sally are important because the encounter dis-
hood depended on the prosperity of their strawberry was probably that long is because we talked about it. plays so many of the classic UFO trademarks including
farm. The family had therefore spent many hours We looked down. We looked up. I don't recall having the disk-shape, the wobbly hovering motion, the quiet
under the open sky, picking the whirring noise, the silvery metallic sur-
ripest strawberries. face. There is little possibility that mis-
perception is involved simply because
Then, one clear summer afternoon the sighting occurred under ideal condi-
in 1953, Sally and her family tions.
became witness to an amazing
close up UFO sighting right over The witnesses were able to observe the
their strawberry field. Sally vividly objects on a clear sunny day from a
remembers how the whole ordeal close vantage point for a period of twen-
began. ty minutes. This was no fleeting glimpse.

They were all busy picking the However, Sally hesitantly mentioned
berries when seeming out of another detail of the sighting which she
nowhere, three small saucer-shaped thought was strange - something that
objects swooped silently out of the should be regarded as highly significant.
sky and hovered low to the ground As Sally says, "I remember feeling,
only a few hundred feet away. The thinking they had mental telepathy so
saucers were very small, only about that we wouldn't be afraid...even at that
twenty feet wide and ten feet thick. time, I knew it was different, it was kind
They were a polished silver color, of scary. I don't know if they were actu-
and the only sound they made was ally communicating with us, 'It's okay.'
a soft whirring noise. As they hov- They might have been. I remember
ered, they seemed to wobble. thinking that in my head, but I don't
know if that's what happened or not."
Sally stared at them in awe. As she
says, "My dad had a strawberry field and it was close the feeling of wanting to run. I don't know if it's Unknown to Sally, many witnesses have described the
to the river. We were all working at the time. And this because there was no place to run to. I guess after a exact same message from UFO occupants. In fact, the
thing didn't make a lot of noise, it was like a soft few minutes, we all calmed down." phrase, "Do not be afraid," is among the most common
whirring sound...but it must have been the sound that messages given by extraterrestrials.
made us look up, because we were busy. I had the Many questions raced through Sally's mind as she
impression we all pretty much looked up at the same watched the objects. She couldn't help but wonder Sally's sighting is an investigator's dream. It is the kind
time. It's like, all of a sudden, it just appeared. We what their intention was or who was inside. As Sally of sighting that just cannot be dismissed as a halluci-
looked up we were all surprised...I saw three of them. says, "They were small. I still to this day have the feel- nation or misperception, The objects were too close,
I'll tell you, one was pretty close to us - really close. It ing that it would hold no more than one or two people. and they stayed there for too long. The incident was
looked so close, like it could have been within fifty to a It just didn't look that big...but it was awful close, and I witnessed by at least four people in broad daylight
hundred feet of us. The other two were spread out in a knew it was really small." under perfect conditions.
sort of semi-circle. There was a gas station about
three miles down the road, and it looked like the last The entire family was perplexed by the strange behav- Many investigators believe these sightings of metallic
one in the semi-circle might have been over in that ior of the UFOs. Why were they hovering in one place disks strongly support the extraterrestrial spaceship
so close to the ground? What were they doing? Sally
area. They all just sat there. It seemed like forever. We theory of UFOs. What else could they be? It was by all
were scared. It was almost like whispering. We were and her family continued working as best as they definitions and craft, but yet, remains totally unknown.
could, considering that three UFOs were hovering
looking up at was really weird. It's like you don't
know what to do; it was right there. It was so close. Itabove them. "We just went and started working. We It seems safe to make the assessment that Sally and
looked so close." weren't working really well now. But it was like we got her family witnessed three extraterrestrial spacecraft
the impression that nothing was really going to hap- hovering at the edge of their strawberry field. It is the
This case is interesting because the witnesses knew pen. Because they were there so long, it was like the single explanation which best fits the facts.
instantly that they were seeing alien spacecraft. There fear had pretty much passed. When they left, they all
was simply no other explanation. As Sally says, "It was left at the same time. They all moved at the same time. What aliens would be doing in a strawberry field
the old saucer-shape that a lot of people talk about... And when they left, it was really quiet and whispering, remains a mystery.

The Aliens at School The differences show only
Many people believe that alien encounters take place that they observed different
only in remote areas. Nothing, however, could be fur- details. It could very well be
therfromthe truth. In fact, aliens turn up in some of that Adlai saw the objects
the most unexpected places. For example, the follow- after Susanne.
ing case involves an encounter that took place in the
front courtyard of an elementary school in the middle According to Susanne, the
of a densely populated suburb in Los Angeles. It also sighting actually lost its nov-
involves one of the clearest and most extensive elty because the objects just
descriptions of alien beings I have ever investigated. sat there, motionless. She
actually became bored and
The witness, Susanne D. worfcs as an Art Designer eventually went inside. Adlai
within ten miles of where her encounter took place. on the other hand, must have
This encounter took place in 1980. At this time stayed out longer because he
Susanne was attending Northridge University earning remembers seeing the
a bachelor's degree. She lived with her mother and objects depart. He also gives
brother in Van Nuys, in southern California. an excellent description of
the sighting.
Actually, her ordeal began with a very dramatic UFO
sighting near her home in the San Fernando Valley. As he says, "We went to the
What is interesting about this sighting is that the UFO front yard and looked up, I
was seen hovering over the highly technical Lockheed guess the south-easterly sky,
and Hughes Aircraft installations and the Van Nuys Air and saw three lights that
Force Reserve Base. appeared to be moving in
unison. We wondered if it
It was a summer night in 1977 when Susanne and two was one craft with three
friends witnessed a triangular formation of lights hov- engines or if it was three dif-
ering in the sky. ferent ones. And they came
and just hovered overhead
As an artist, Susanne is a trained observer with an for a little while and started
acute eye for details and an incredible memory. shifting, moving around at
Because of this, she is able to fully describe her different angles. It seemed
encounter. As she says in her own words: "It was a like they broke formation and
beautiful, beautiful night - very clear, and it was very then reformed, took off, and
warm. I was standing there looking out and I realized away." Adlai finally concluded
that the sky didn't look normal. I'm looking at the that he was looking at one
moon, and I'm thinking, that's not normal. It's all solid object with three lights. her dog around the block. She had no idea that she
orange over there. It's two o'clock in the morning and was about to walk into the single most terrifying expe-
it's orange. And so I was looking at it and I realized He also had trouble estimating the size, but decided rience of her entire life. Here Susanne vividly describes
that what I was looking at was the glow coming off they must have been huge. Like Susanne, he remem- what it is like to have a close-up encounter with
these three objects. There was one really big object bered the strange color. As he says, "Just yellow-hot extraterrestrials.
and two smaller ones on either side of it and above it" white. It seemed like I could have seen a shape behind
the lights, but I couldn't be sure. "I was in college and my girlfriend and I did art pro-
As Susanne studied the objects, she saw that they jects together. We had this one project we were work-
hovered below the horizon of the mountains. She esti- "I couldn't tell if they were connected or even if they ing on - we were 'collecting' shopping trollys that you
mated their distance to be about ten miles, but like were there, because when you were staring at the find hanging out on street corners, lonely shopping
many UFO witnesses, she had trouble estimating the lights, you get like the hue. trollys with nobody to push them around. We had
size of the objects. The object in the middle was huge already collected two or three and we were going to
and the ones on either side appeared to be about one- "But I sensed intelligence and just naturally accepted make this great art project out of them. We thought it
third the size. When asked what the objects looked the fact that I caught a glimpse of somebody going was really esoteric. So we had these shopping trollys.
like, she replied,"... sort of a saucer-shape. I mean, it by."
was flat and they appeared to be rounded. But they "One night I was driving home. It must have been
were so far away that I wasn't underneath them. I Adlai also recalled the lights changing in brightness about eleven, eleven-thirty at night, it was quiet with
couldn't see under them. I was seeing more a profile and intensity. As he says, "The light surface, the disk - very little activity out on the streets. I spotted another
view. They were elliptical." the intensity would move around inside there, so it trolly, I don't know why it didn't occur to me to just
wasn't like a consistent burning intensity. You would stop and put it in my car. For some reason I thought:
Susanne concluded she was seeing three separate get hot and cold spots. But then, staring into one of Well, I'll drive home, and I'll take Sarah my dog for a
objects. As she says, "They were hovering on either them, trying to see what was there puts a strain on the walk, and I'll go get the shopping trolly. And then I'll
side of it, above it So they formed sort of a triangle. eyes. I haven't thought anything other than it was a put it in my car.
UFO. I accepted that as being what it is, just an
"The big one was lower and it was the bottom point of unidentified flying object." "The lonely shopping trolly was down on the corner of
the triangle. I sat there and watched them for a couple Strathern and Amestoy. Amestoy runs in front of Stagg
of minutes, and they weren't moving, All the orange The third witness was unavailable to be interviewed, Street Elementary School, and Strathern runs across it
glow in the night sky was coming off them. but according to Susanne and Adlai, he was also suit- .. so for some reason, I decided that I should take my
ably impressed by the strangeness of the objects. car home and go back and get the shopping cart and
"They (the objects) didn't really appear orange. They bring it home, put it down in my car, and then take it
appeared shiny, maybe metallic, but all this orange The fact that the UFO hovered over major technologi- and go to my girlfriend's house. Looking back at it, it
glow was around them. It was lighting up the whole cal installations greatly intrigued the witnesses. It would have made a hell of a lot more sense to just
area around them orange - like streetlights glow. seemed as if the UFO was checking up on our level of stop and put the shopping cart in my car and drive
That's what it was like, but it was orange." technology. Many UFO investigators have noticed a away. I had a station wagon so the trolly would have
high number of UFO sightings around high-technology gone in the back.
Susanne literally could not believe her own eyes and installations, and that is certainly true in this case.
ran inside to get her friends. She dragged them out, "So I called in home got the dog and I went for a walk,
pointing to the sky. "Do you see that?" she asked. After the sighting, none of them thought that there and we went to get the shopping trolly. I was walking
Susanne's friend, Adlai Fredriksson, remembers the might be future encounters. However, in Susanne's in a circular route. I went up my street to Strathern,
incident well. case, it wasn't long before she had a truly incredible down Strathern to Amestoy, picked up the shopping
encounter - a face-to-face confrontation with two cart, and was going past the school to Stagg. As I'm
But where Susanne remembers the objects being gray-type alien beings. And this encounter occurred in going down Amestoy, I had to go past the school. I was
motionless, Adlai remembers them moving around. the most unlikely place imaginable, right in front of the being carefull not to attract too much attention, I
This dissimilarity actually serves to strengthen the local elementary school! guessed the shopping trolly made me look a little sus-
credibility of their report. As any investigator learns, if picious. There aren't a lot of houses, almost no houses
two reports of the same incident are exactly alike, it is One evening in 1980, about three years following the on that side, because of the school. So I thought it
a strong indication that the witnesses may be lying. above sighting, Susanne decided to take a walk with would be very easy to get it past the school. >•

"I'm making my way past the school, and I got up near they were totally flat-chested. It would have been an has been observed over and over again by other wit-
the front of the school where the administration block elaborate costume. They were identical. And they were nesses. In Budd Hopkins' book, Intruders, he lists sev-
was. There's an open area, a theater, and the adminis- in the spotlights where I could see them. But the light eral cases that involve the simultaneous leaning, blink-
tration area and the kindergarten, ail on the school was behind them, so whatever was on their clothing ing and stepping of alien creatures. It's as if they are
frontage and right in front of the theater, there's a big all just kind of blended into the gray-olive-green color, so telepathic, they are able to predict each other's
illuminated open area with a flagpole. So I'm coming because the light was coming from over their shoul- movements. Still another detail that adds to the
past there and I'm thinking I'm totally alone and I'm ders. So I didn't see a lot of detail on their clothes. It authenticity of her account is how it began.
not going to be seen by anybody. Then I looked to my was mostly silhouette. But their skin was so white, it
right and realized that there were two, what I thought was pretty easy to see their eyes, and the shape of Susanne had the totally illogical impulse to delay the
at first were people. I thought they were just two peo- their head." picking up of the shopping cart until she could return
ple standing there talking. to it and push it home. Her hindsight showed her how
As Susanne walked along the sidewalk, she approached illogical this impulse was. Susanne, of course, had no
"At this time the school's on my right and I was on the to within twenty feet of the two figures. Her fright at idea that many other people's encounters often begin
footpath in front of the school." this point bordered on panic. The two alien-looking fig- in the same way. Preludes to many missing-time
ures had stopped what they were doing and were abductions often involve bizarre impulses to drive or
It was at this point that Susanne first began to realize looking straight at her. She didn't receive any mental walk to certain areas. Susanne had no idea how close
that something strange was happening. She could messages, only an intense feeling of shock and fear. she was to having a full-blown contact As far as she
understand two people standing in front of the school, As Susanne says, "They stopped what they were knows, she didn't have any missing time. She has had
but when she looked at them, she noticed immediately doing. They were standing very close too... well you no nightmares of the incident, nor has she found any
that something was horribly wrong with the way the know, when I started to walk up, I noticed that there mysterious scars on her body that might indicate an
"people" looked. At first she thought they were chil- were two people standing there. And as I started to get abduction. She does admit, however, that it is possible
dren and didn't pay too much attention. But as she got closer, I noticed that they didn't look normal. They did- her experience is more extensive than she can
closer, she realized that there was no way they could n't have hair, and they were pressed almost face to remember. She doesn't remember the exact time she
be children. They looked much too different. face, and that didn't seem normal, they didn't have left her home, nor the exact time she returned.
their arms around each other. And then, as I kept walk-
Susanne continues, "They were facing each other. As I ing, they pivoted. It was like I was walking and watch- However, if she did have missing time, she has no
looked at them, I started to notice they were kind of ing them. desire to undergo hypnosis and dredge up memories
strange. They had on these dark green jump suits. of an experience that was already considerably trau-
They had really big heads, and they weren't very tall. "I felt like I just got more and more scared as I realized matizing.
They were like my height, like 5'4". But I wasn't really more and more that this was something I had never
impacted with their presence until they turned to look experienced before. They didn't move like humans. One detail that made Susanne doubt she saw aliens
at me. They turned simultaneously away from each They didn't look like humans. They didn't say anything. was the lack of a UFO. It wasn't until much later that
other and both towards me. So instead of facing each The point at which I would have had to start looking Susanne even connected what she saw to the concept
other, it was like they opened a book, absolutely simul- back over my shoulder at them, by that point, I was so of extraterrestrials, simply because there was no craft
taneously and without moving their feet. They just sort scared, all I could think about was just getting the hell associated with the encounter. She does admit, how-
of hovered and turned." out of there. And the whole time I'm pushing this stu- ever, that it would have been quite easy for a large
pid shopping trolly, and it's rattling down the road, spacecraft to have been landed in the enclosed play-
At this point, I asked Susanne to describe exactly what clug-clug-clug-clug. ground of the school.
they two figures looked like, with all the details she
could remember. She proceeded to give one of the "Sarah my dog didn't freak out at all. She just kept It may seem incredible that her encounter took place
clearest and most complete descriptions I have ever walking next to me the whole time. She sure didn't go in front of an elementary school in a crowded suburb,
heard. up and try to sniff them. So I was very scared. I was however, as any UFO researcher will tell you, this is not
terrified. I mean, I didn't know what they were. I didn't. at all unusual. I have investigated several other
In Susanne's own words: "Okay. The heads were really I thought my God! They're going to follow me home! Oh, encounters that have taken place in the oddest loca-
big; they were abnormally large, like twice the size of no, I'm going to die! I'm so scared! "So I was walking tions including hotels, condominiums, on freeways,
a human head. The skulls were grossly exaggerated. as fast as I could without running, and without making an even inside hospital rooms! It seems that the aliens
They didn't really seem to have any ears or nose, and enormous amount of noise with the stupid shopping have reached such a high level of technology that they
they seemed to have some slight indication of a trolley. Once I got out of the light and a little way down can easily elude detection.
mouth, they had really big eyes. I don't really remem- the road, there was a clump of bushes. I ditched the
ber seeing whites in their eyes. I just remember they shopping trolley in the bushes and just, well all I want- In fact less than two miles from the above account, an
had really big dark eyes, big almond eyes, their heads ed to do was just get out of there without running, with- entire family experienced a dramatic series of UFO
were - well, it was like they had a big crease in their out being obviously frightened to death. I didn't run. I encounters that started with simple sightings of star-
head, like two lobes. It was like you could see the walked as fast as I could straight home without look- like objects darting about the night sky, moved to dra-
lobes of their brains sticking out. ing over my shoulder. I felt like they were right behind matic bedroom visitations by gray-type aliens, and cul-
me the whole time. I didn't look over my shoulder." minated in at least four abductions complete with
"Their arms were just hanging at their sides. It seems bizarre experiments and a baby presentation aboard
like they had hands. And their skin was all just pale - Susanne's encounter with extraterrestrials, although an alien craft! All this, of course, took place over a
really, really white, like they could have been dead they extremely frightening, was actually totally benign. densely crowded suburb in the San Fernando Valley.
were so white. You know, if they had been human, They never hurt her, followed her or made any aggres-
they would have been dead." sive actions. Her fear was based solely on her own The above accounts, and over A I I C I I I rnnT
shock at seeing something so totally out of her normal thirty other dramatic firsthand UFO l/flt ill r(JK I,
"I don't remember seeing any feet and their jump suits experience. In fact, the shock of seeing them was so encounters can all be found in my
were all this dark olive-green color, and it came up in great, that Susanne says, "It was like being woken up book ONE IN FORTY - THE UFO ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
like a mandarin collar around their necks and it was when you're awake." EPIDEMIC: TRUE ACCOUNTS OF ^ • f l i f W
just very plain. I didn't notice much of anything". CLOSE ENCOUNTERS WITH UFOS,
At the time of the encounter, Susanne had no idea which has just been published by • M p n
Kroshka Books, a division of Nova ^ ^ ^ H ^ U
"At that point, when they turned to face me, I was par- what she was seeing. She had never read anything Science Publishers. The book
allel with them. I was in a straight line with them. about UFOs, and her knowledge of the subject was details virtually every type of UFO
They're standing and I'm walking past. First I see limited to her own recent sighting. Yet her description encounter including: star-like I V m ^f M Wii
I'lifvtiin Drnnrll
them. We see each other and as I keep walking, at the of the alien beings matches the descriptions of other UFOs, intelligent fireballs, noctur-
point which I was straight in front of them, they were witnesses, detail for detail. The large bald heads, the nal lights, silvery ships emitting
both standing, facing me and at that point, I realized short stature, the white skin, the large almond eyes, beams o f lights, UFO contactee accounts, Bigfoot
that they weren't normal - they probably weren't the total lack of visible ears, nose and mouth, the encounters, UFO waves, missing-time abductions,
face-to-face encounters with extraterrestrial beings
human. They didn't move like humans. They didn't greenish jump suite, the aliens' identical appearance,
and even stories of the government study and cover-up
look like humans." all these details corroborate exactly with other reports of crashed UFOs and alien bodies. It contains 343
of which Susanne knew nothing. In fact, Susanne sim- pages, is a hardback book, and is fully illustrated by
I asked Susanne if the figures could possibly have ply assumed that it was a unique experience. It bewil- award-winning UFO artist, Kesara.
been children wearing Halloween masks, but she dered her to such an extent that she told nobody about
vehemently denied this possibility. As she says, "No, I it for several years.
To order, send $19.50 (plus $2.50 S&H)
didn't really think they were children in masks. They to Kroshka Books; 6080 Jericho Turnpike,
were too big to be children, unless they were maybe One detail that absolutely astonished Susanne was the Suite #207; Commack, NY 11725.
boys. They couldn't have been girls, I mean, unless way the figures moved in perfect unison. This detail Or order by phone at (516)-499-3103.

But Dr Brownlee was sceptical. He
thought they were "sinkholes", which
formed as the comet lost material.

"I don't think they are actually impact

craters; I think they are erosion features
for the most part, where the more volatile
material has formed the huge jets and the
atmospheric coma that we see around
The NASA prob the comet."

had a dramati
Comet Wild-2, passi
km away from the mountainous
ball of ice, rock and dust.

Big jets
Comet Wild-2 is probably
5.4 km (3.3 miles) across. Dust from Wild-2 was scooped up by a
v It sailed past the probe at robotic collector filled with aerogel - a
a relative speed of very low-density glass - and stowed
21,960 km per hour inside a sample-return capsule.
(13,650 miles per hour). This will be delivered to Earth on 15
January, 2006; the capsule making a soft
A mass of data collected in landing at the US Air Force Utah Test and
the course of the encounter Training Range.
was due to be fed back over

V more than 30 hours, including Time capsule'
about 70 images. If the return works, the particles would
represent the second robotic retrieval of
"These images are better than we extraterrestrial material since 1976, when
had hoped for in our wildest the unmanned Soviet Luna 24 mission
dreams," said Ray Newburn, a co- brought back samples of rock and soil
investigator for Stardust. "They will from the Moon.
help us better understand the mecha-
nisms that drive conditions on comets." NASA's Genesis spacecraft should be the
first since then come September, when it
The first pictures showed a roughly returns samples of the solar wind it has
spherical comet nucleus that was heavily collected in space.
pitted. Four or five major jets of material
could also be seen bursting from the Scientists believe in-depth terrestrial
object. analysis of the Wild-2 samples will reveal
much about comets and the earliest his-
The spacecraft's dust flux instrument sug- tory of the Solar System.

he craft sent back startling images gested Stardust flew straight through two
of the object and grabbed particles of these big jets. Chemical and physical information locked
streaming away from its nucleus for within the cometary particles could be the
return to Earth in two years' time. "We expected the flux to increase as we record of the formation of the planets and
approached and then decrease, but we the materials from which they were made.
The flyby occurred in deep space 389 mil- also saw big bursts of particles which
lion km from Earth at 1944 GMT, 2 January. would have terrified us had we known "Comets are made of ice and are very
about it in advance," said Tom Duxbury, cold and have been very cold since they
Scientists say the probe's data will yield Stardust project manager. were formed," said Dr Simon Green, an
valuable information on the early history Open University, UK, scientist on the
of the Solar System. Old and cold Stardust project.
The surface pockmarks, some of them
"The comet co-operated better than we cavernous in size, have already drawn "That protects the material of which they
could have expected and the spacecraft comment from researchers and journal- were made from any process of heating,
worked wonderfully well," said Don ists. so they haven't been changed since they
Brownlee, of the University of Washington were formed, right at the beginning of the
and the principal investigator for the Such features have never before been formation of the Solar System.
Stardust mission. seen on a close-up image of a comet
nucleus and raise the intriguing possibili- "So we can have almost a little time cap-
"We've collected dust from a comet and ty that these "dirty snowballs", just like sule of what things were like 4.5 billion
we're bringing it home for analysis in lab- planets, moons and asteroids, retain the years ago."
oratories all over the world." scars of past impacts. BBC NEWS

\ m i w m w

Time for a Cover-up

Steven Q'Mullan Heaven's Gate. This cult, founded by a
solid theories, yet credence is given to
similar theorists within ufology, none of
whom can provide a theory that's backed
up by facts or research. Blind faith is all
UFOs and religion. Two sub- man and a woman known as Bo and they have, but they expect us t o take
jects which over the years Peep (!), claimed that comet Hale-Bopp them seriously. Why? None of them are
have consistently found was being followed by a saviour space- ever right and they simply bring an
themselves intertwined, but ship which would take them all to heaven. unneccesary degree of lunacy to a sub-
aren't they worlds apart, in more ways ject already suffering from a lack of
than one? Cult members commited mass suicide for respect from "serious" scientists. If a
these beliefs. Heaven's Gate is thought to highly regarded researcher like Graham
Recent world events lead have had less than 200 mem- Hancock can't garner respect from a
me to believe we will soon bers maximum, yet they sceptical scientific establishment, how
be subjected to yet another managed to achieve interna- can we expect ufology to fare any better?
round of "Aliens are com- tional press coverage thanks
ing to save us!" Hogwash. to this self immolation. Can we ever expect governments to fund
research into the UFO phenomenon when
At the time of writing, the All these groups have beliefs we're so preoccupied with questions of
world has just emerged involving UFOs and extrater- theology? Would Tony Blair set aside
from a heatwave more fero- restrials, some frankly ridicu- money for an investigation into the possi-
cious than any other in lous. Others, such as the bility of the second coming of the
recent history. America has Aetherius Society, have inter- Messiah? Of course not • and if he did,
suffered devastating power esting theologies which the taxpayers would be up in arms. So
cuts costing citizens mil- seem no less valid than how can ufologists and serious UFO fans
lions of pounds. The year many mainstream religions. ever expect the government to take ufolo-
has already seen a war All of them, however, are gy seriously?
come and - not quite - go, with the reper- damaging ufology with their outlandish
cussions still being felt. and unscientific claims. This article is not supposed to put down
or ridicule religion -1 believe religion has
On top of all this we have a growing pub- Have any of these doomsday cults ever its part to play in the world but it should
lic awareness of the "pole shift" theory actually been right? No, I believe not. not be allowed to hijack ufology for its
which suggests the world is going to be Rather inconveniently for some of them, own ends. It's time we took stock of the
subjected to disasters of all sorts when the world's still here! Now I realise not all UFO community's public face and
the magnetic poles flip (all this assuming religious UFO commentators are mem- brought a more level headed, fact based
a meteor doesn't hit us first!). bers of cults but to an outside observer it approach to things. Sure, cloud cities
all amounts to the same thing - a glaring bringing salvation to mankind makes a
2003 appears t o have had more than its lack of credibility. nice story, but it isn't going to happen
fair share of global catastrophes and it anytime soon. Until it does, we should not
seems the world is going through a par- Take as a parallel the so called be giving the religious fantasies so many
ticularly desperate period. History has "Pyramidiots". Egyptologists still find well column inches.
taught us, that in times like these, the one respected theorists like Graham
thing that always rears its head is religion, Hancock, Alan F. Alford and Christopher The Ministry of Defence is regularly
particularly in connection with ufology. Dunn rather distasteful and just plain accused of covering up dangerous infor-
wrong - despite the fact that they can pro- mation. I would suggest that it's time for
There are the well known sects like the vide detailed research, well thought out ufology to cover up the romantic beliefs
Raelians with their claims of cloning, the arguments and even respected scientists engendered by the false prophets, who
Church Universal and Triumphant whose to back up some of their claims. are harming our genuine quest for knowl-
members made doomsday prophecies edge.
only to change them when they didn't Egyptology has ignored these people for Steven O'Mullan
come true, and most controversially of all, years and many of them have genuinely

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Reviewed by Stuart Miller
a junkyard. So, thanks for the last 150 Here could be seen the construction of writes here. He makes mention of India's
very good
years Charlie but we now need to be monumental structures, the formation of National Institute of Oceanography and
good considering other possibilities about how towns, the move to agriculture away their discovery in 2000 of some anom-
average we got here. Shame really. It was a nice from hunter gathering, organised work- alous objects 80 feet under water off
comfortable idea that seemed to fit but forces, specialist skills, and, especially in the Coromandel Coast. They called in
avoid the holes the author blows in it are just Sumer, an intellectual development that Graham Hancock to take a closer look
too big to patch up. was triiy breadth taking. In Sumer (mod- and Graham made a fascinating docu-
ern day Iraq) they invented irrigation, mentary on the project that I remember
THE GENESIS RACE Okay. So perhaps we didn't crawl out of kilns, writing, the wheel, bronze, the char- well from a couple of years ago. They
were looking for iost cities and based on
•AUTHOR: Mil HART the "soup" to start off with and maybe iot, sailboats, mathematics, astrology,
what Graham filmed and showed us, I
we didn't move along after that as schools, and the concept of a trade or
•PUBLISHER: BEAR & CO profession. Pretly well the entire founda- had no doubt that that was exactly
Darwin proposed. So what other alterna-
• ISBN 159143018 8 tives are there? At the moment, to be tion of future human civilisation. Bearing what he had found, and not just there
< PRICE: Ttie UK distributors tell me it will go on precise, two. The more scientifically in mind that humans only 500 hundred either. But the programme was balanced
sale in l e UK in December al £15.09. II has been inclined theory is Panspermia as originat- miles away were still living in mud huts and offered other points of view, and
experts were called in who disagreed
on sale for a while now al Amazon UK al £9.55! ed by the Swedish physicist Svante and had no idea about sticking a seed
with Graham's interpretation. Hart makes
Arrhenius in the nineteenth century and in the ground and watching it gow, you
developed further by Francis Crick the have to ask, why the vast disparity? no mention of this and takes the evi-
Oh I do love these types of books. The
co-discoverer of the structure of DNA. dence of Graham's discoveries and
objective in brief is to prove that
These places stood outfrom the rest of assessment as a given fact,
mankind is a seeded race put here by
extraterrestrials and that essentially the Crick proposed that Life was seeded on the world in very sharp contrast. What
stories in the Bible are true except that Earth by spores from outer space that was going on there to cause all this? The chapter on China is, quite simply,
you replace the word "God" with "ET". got here via rockets from another planet fascinating. It is not well known that there
where Life had evolved to a higher The creation myths from these geo- are about 100 pyramids located in a 70
Far fetched? Ridiculous? Burn the heretic technical level beyond where even we graphically unconnected areas are very mile radus of the city of Xian. Only one
at the stake? Well Will Hat isn't the first to are today. I do not know how Life was similar. Gods, appearing as superior westerner, a German by the name of
put forward such theories in recent times meant to have formed originally on this humans, descended from the heavens Hausdorf, has been able to briefly see
and he won't be the last, Who's going to other planet first but that, for the and created human beings as we now them back in 1994. As is tiresomely
be offended the most? Well, Creationists moment, is by the by are, and gave them civilisation. Hart usual, the Chinese government remains
will rejoice in that he picks insightful holes believes all this was caused by "intelli- extremely wary of letting anyone near
in Darwin's Theory Of Evolution but the let Lata, Fred Hoyle and his colleague N. gent extraterrestrial intervention". Not one them and apparently has not attempted
down for them is that he inevitably Chandra Wickramasinghe claimed that of these lost civilisations claims in their to investigate them themselves, Hausdorf
arrives at a different conclusion, these spores got here on the back of creation myths that they themselves dis- is convinced they're hiding something.
comets that crashed to earth, a theory covered the talents that made them so
Darwinists, already slowly on the retreat, that was greeted with ridicule, in fact unique. They all claimed it came from But the really fascinating part of this
will shrug their shoulders end take yet Wickramasinghe recently claimed that the Gods. chapter is a story that Hart acknowl-
another step backwards into the shad- the SARS virus might have got to earth in edges is extremely difficult to verify.
ows that they have begun habituating. a similar way too. After Sumer, he takes a look at Egypt
and in particular focuses on the Great It's not the first time I've come across this
I'll give them another twenty yeas or What gradually gave these theories Pyramid and The Sphinx and specifically, tale but there is more detail here than
maybe less before we begin to look some credence and scientific accept- the uncertainty about how these pro- I've read before. It involves the 1938 dis-
upon them in the same way we look ability was the result of an accidental jects were built He implies strongly that covery of a number of strange skeletons
upon The Flat Earth Sociely. experiment. The bacterium Streptococcus we would have difficulty building a pro- near the Chinese border with Tibet.
Mitus, a throat ject like that even today and while vari-
Yes, things really are infection, inad- ous archaeologists have offered expla-
changing that fast, The vertently hitch- nations and even tried practical experi-


because of you've ed a ride to the ments to demonstrate how they were
moon in the built, he remains unconvinced So who
guessed it, science!
late 60s on built them? • AUTHOR: DANIEL M. SALTER (AS TOLD TO

Darwin himself knew of
the Achilles heel in his board one of NAfilCY RED STAR)
theory, which is that there the cameras There is also the little matter of the Great • PUBLISHER: U6HT TECHNOLOGY PUBLISHING
is no fossil evidence of mounted on Pyramid's properties. It is a geodesic ' I S B N 1 881824 37 8
intermediate links h the
Our Extraterrestrial DNA
the Surveyor 3 marker of the centre of the earth's land- «PRICE: $19.95.
evolution of Evolution. landing mod- mass (facing due north) and the ratio of £11.44 on tine at Amazon. Or straight from
arid the True Origins of the Species ule. The Apollo its height to its perimeter equals the ratio
12 mission res- of the earth's radius to its circumference.
the publishers al www.lighttgchnology.Eom
In other words, there is no
record of those species ® cued it safely Pi is incorporated in various features. Publishers might be wort!) checking out as they
that would have devel- without leaving have an interesting catalogue ot oler books.
oped under Darwin's the- JJKHHFTft- any contami- Little is known about the Water People of
ory but failed owing to nation behind the Indus Valley, heated in southeastern I have found this the hardest book I have
the "survival of the fittest" ® * and when Pakistan and western India. This is mainly had to review so far slmpty because I
dictum. brought back due to the fact that we haven't been cannot tell if the contents are true, partially
to Earth it was able, yet, to decipher their language true, or totally made up by the author.
And there should be discovered that and many of their discovered cities have
loads of evidence. the bacteria yet to be excavated. They appeared at Daniel Salter was a witness in Steven
Hence the term "The had survived around 3000 BC and like the Sumerians, Greer's Disclosure Project back in 2001,
Missing Link." It's actually and was still they built two story buildings in brick and
missing links. viable. And that stone, developed sewer systems, streets, Greer collected together a large num-
was after more than a year of sitting on and even put up the first ever billboard. ber of insiders who had waked on UFO
In fact these doubts about Darwin have the moon in a very inhospitable environ- matters during their mainly military
even been breaking out into the main- ment. This added a lot of credence to Unfortunately, we can't read it! They careers and presented them to the
stream media and more than once I the Panspermia argument. Life it seemed to dsplay a similar level of press in Washington in the hope that the
have read that random mutation and seemed could survive the extreme cold development to Sumer and there is evi- publicity would force the American gov-
natural selection cannot account for the and intense levels of radiation in outer dence of the two groups trading, They ernment to go public on what they
complexities of Life. It is true that Darwin space. were peaceful and multi racial and knew about UFOs and ET. The plan has
never actually addressed the origin of seemed able to spread themselves and so far failed, but has nevertheless
Life itself, preferring rather to pick things Hart spends a bit of time on these theo- expand over a considerable area with- brought into the public domain people
up after that point. Nevertheless, you ries and obviously has some respect for out violence, They also appeared very like Salter who would otherwise have
might already be wary of reading them. But they are not his way. He is egalitarian, as there is no evidence of probably gone to their graves without
astronomer Fred Hoyle's now infamous struck by the sudden and dramatic gand palaces and large, exclusive homes. their stories ever having been heard.
statement about the chances of Life increase in human innovation and activ-
originating in an organic soup being as ity from around 3,500 BC in six key areas There is for me in this chapter an inter- My own feeling is that some of what he
likely as the assembly of a fully function- around the world: Mexico, Peru, Egypt, esting reference that allows me to look writes might be true and some of it
ing 747 by a whirlwind passing through Sumer, the Indus Valley and China. a little more objectively at what Hart

These skeletons could not be linked to Even dogs come under his microscope If you are
any known human racial group and with him challenging the vague belief already well
were very thin with large, overdeveloped we hold these days about the original into the sub-
heads. There is also the matter of the domestication of mutkins from the wolf. ject of
hundred stone discs found nearby and He's not having that either. Neither is he Ufology
the story that is related in them and convinced by the Sumer's sudden then this
more recently, the discovery, in the acquired skills in metallurgy. In fact, he Cosmic Company isn't really
remote province of Quinghai, of a mys- questions virtually everything, for you as
tery 180 feet tall pyramid and strange the informa-
metal pipes located close by. Truly There have, of course been other books Sfth llmuk <M Alt I tarwtt
tion contained is"*
intriguing but you'll have to buy the book like this before, though certainly some of fairly basic. It is also
to find out more. his ideas are new to me. And indeed, fairly conservative in its opinions but that
while I'm sure there are a pile of archae- is understandable. Seth Shostak is heavi-
The same unexplained puzzles about ologists and other eminent specialists ly involved with the SETI project, which
how and why concern the Olmec peo- who would be pleased to form an looks for signs of alien life via radio sig-
ple of Mexico and the Chavin people orderly queue in order to have their turn nals. If there were strong evidence, as
from Peru. Where did they come from, in knocking his ideas down, they would far as he is concerned that aliens either
how were they able to build the large need to go some to convince me oth- did or did not exist, then he would be
and strange monuments they left erwise about the holes in our knowledge out of a job as there wouldn't be any
behind, how did they learn to become of ancient man. The problem that some point carrying on looking. So his
as sophisticated as they were and will face is not about those gaps which approach is cautious.
above all, where did they go? are self evident, but in accepting his

With the way the world is in its attitude

solution. The next hurdle for them to
climb is suggesting an alternative to his
COSMIC COMPANY- Chapter titles, which give a good indi-
THE SEARCH FOR UFE IN THE UNIVERSE cation of content, are as follows;
towards the Mayans these days, I ideas and that's where it gets quite diffi-
expected Hart to work himself into a cult, because he does make sense. • AUTHORS: SETH SHOSTAK ANO ALEX BARNETT Habitats For Life
frenzy in this chapter, but he only really • PUBLISHERS: CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS What Might Aliens Be Like?
covers the major points that anyone So what are we left with? That ancient ISBN: 0 521 82233 5
interested in the subject will already be Intelligent Life
man was created and helped towards • PRICE: £19.95 Visitors from afar.
familiar with. In fact if I have a com- civilization by advanced human like
plaint, it is that he has left it until this How might we get in touch?
creatures from another world. This book is not unlike Alien Life by Barry The Drake equation
chapter, virtually the middle of the book,
Pcrker, reviewed in the last issue of UFO The future.
before he seriously addresses in detail This is a superbly written book, as much Magazine, in that it is a general sum-
one of the most amazing facts about all due to the author's style as well as the ming up and overview of the Universe The book is beautifully produced. The
these sites - their geodesic alignment. It content. If I have a slight criticism it is and the possibiity of other life forms paper is a delight to touch and the
has been mentioned previously but that he sometimes repeats the same existing elsewhere. It's a shame really quality of the photographs is impressive.
almost h passing and it is here that he point perhaps too many times, If you've that this was published a little too late
goes into much more detail. never read anything like this before then last year to make the December issue There is also a light streak of wry humour
not only will you enjoy it but you may as this would have been a good book that pervades the entire book, with
He questions how our staple crops of also be disturbed by it too. This book is to recommend as a Christmas present extremely funny models of how aliens
wheat, corn, potatoes and rice came capable of shaking your current belief for a younger relative. Alternatively, if you might look and even a picture of a tin
about. How they suddenly seemed mys- system and that is always unsettling and are a teacher, it offers a sound basis of of Campbell's Primordial Soup.
teriously to evolve and haven't changed challenging. But it is a challenge you data on which to pitch a lesson or talk
in 10,000 years, and how since then, should not avoid. Read it. to an age range of between eight and
despite modern technology, we haven't An enjoyable, slightly lightweight read.
fifteen years.
invented another staple crop since. ••••• • ••••

UFO secrecy is as a result of pressure publicly after they detonated their first By now you will have got the general
from the oil industry. We already have nuclear explosion, the Americans were idea of this book and there is a great
an alternative to fossil fuel and it's free allowed to recover the spacecraft and deal more of this type of information in
CO'JML iii (electromagnetic energy), but introduc-
ing it would cause the oil industry and
took it back to Wright Patterson Air Force
base in the States in a gigantic C5
it. Sceptics wouldn't touch it even if you
w other affiliated businesses to collapse. Galaxy.
paid them to. I certainly found it an
enjoyable read, in fact enthralling at
times, but it left me confused. Did I or
Both the United States and Russia have Salter alleges this case is significant didn't I believe him?
been warned repeatedy by an Alien because as a result of this recovery, the
civilisation about not using nuclear Americans were able to back engineer That is a question for you to answer if
weapons, not just in space but any- the captured craft and produce the you buy the book. I cannot help you
where. Around 1962, the Americans Black Manta, the first Flying Triangle. here. Part of the problem when reading
launched a missile with a nuclear war- books like this is that the author's ego
head attached aimed at the moon "to These machines he says have three gets in the way and often it is a case of
see what would happen". It never engines; a jet engine to take it out of "How marvellous I am that I have done
reached its goal as a UFO shot it down. earth atmosphere and two electric this or seen that and I know something
atomic engines to get the craft up to that you don't." That is not the situation
He claims to have seen film of an warp speed. here. Salter's style is modest and unas-
above ground extraterrestrial base on suming and that adds to the problem.
the dark side of the moon. He could He claims that Foo Fighters, the balls of
clearly see roads and bridges inside light that both Allied and German pilots But, whether it's true or not, I can't get
three glass biospheres and that some of saw during World Wa II were in fact away from the fact that I enjoyed read-
the structures had collapsed. The German weapons designed to interfere ing it and on that basis, what better rec-
Americans were told by ET to leave with the electrical systems of Allied ommendation?
these buildings alone as they belonged planes with the intention of causing
won't be, which isn't really fair on you, to another alien race who intended to them to crash. They didn't work. •••••
the reader. However, in his defence, the come back and reclaim them at some
Disclosure Project didn't just accept any- point. According to Salter, there have Cattle mutilations are laser and plasma
body to go and stand in front of the been three further attempts by the experiments in blood transfusion by the
press, and so his credentials will have Americans to go back to the moon and American government using alien tech- H you have produced
been checked out as will his story. check out these sites, one in the 80s nology. material on a UFO subject -
and two in the 90s, All attempts failed as
And what a story. He started off working a result of non-hostile interference by ET. written a book, produced a
Among the many underground bases
in the Cryptographic Center at Langley and cities around the world that the video or edited your own
and working at Cosmos clearance He makes mention of a major crash American military has constructed, there magazine/newsletter and
gave him access to information on retrieval in May of 1989 in the Kalahari is one that runs from the Bentwaters
UFOs and ET's. At other times he has would like to see it reviewed
dessert. This is actually a very con- American Air Force base in Suffolk out to
woiked forlhe NRO, and theACIO tentious case that many now regard as under the North Sea He says that some in these pages, send a copy
(Advcnced Contact Intelligence a hoax but Salter says it happened. The of the Black Manta FTs have been built to Stuart c/o:
Organisation); and he was also a Chief UFO crashed because it was shot down there.
Conrad Courier - one of the two people with a laser cannon launched from two Stuart Miller Reviews
who always accompany the President Mirage jets belonging to the South The Phoenix Lights and the Gulf Breeze Quest Publications International Ltd.
and carry the box with codes in that African air face. The cannon, an experi- sightings were demonstrations by the
allow the launch of nuclear weapons. Valley Farm Way, Wakefield Road,
mental weapon, had been loaned to American military that it had no fear of
the South Africans by the USA h return going to war with either Iraq or North Stourton, Leeds, LS10 1SE,
Some of the claims he makes are as for supporting the South Africans Korea. West Yorkshire, England

and computers at more than
100 degrees Celsius below
zero, without life-giving elec-
trical power trickling from
the probe's Solar panels.

By Boxing Day, I had given

up my quest for information
about our British probe,
now another great British
defeat. Some part of a lonely
Martian field was now forev-
er England. Nearly all the
computers were shut down,
the TV screens silent, and I
picked away distractedly at my
lunch. I brooded about the mad-
ness of sending a dustbin sized
space-mission across a hundred
million miles of cold space, to an
Revealed for the equally cold and forbidding planet,
where even if some small remnants of

first time: The secret life were still

struggling to sur-
vive, it was clear
American pictures that that most of that
World was as dry,

show lakes and liquid dusty, and lifeless

as an Egyptian
water on Mars. Then as I sipped
my after-lunch
coffee, I could
hear the soft per-
sistent chime

s Christmas Eve unfolded into the ringing from my
small hours of Christmas Day, and study that indicat-
people partied and celebrated, I was ed I had Email.
tucked away in my study, glued to a set of
glowing computer and TV screens. The When I read it, I
Graham "Cyberbubble" was working flat out, breaking TV pictures from an ancient, dried- was dumb-founded. A long string of stunning
as I watched satellite TV and the Internet for up Martian seabed. reconnaissance photographs were soon
breaking news. I watched as the British rolling off of my printer, courtesy of an "Old
Beagle II Mars mission separated from the Unlike the American probe that landed a few Friend" at NASA. For the first time, I was
Mother-ship and began its long fall to the days later, Beagle II was heavily equipped staring at the unexpurgated images, previ-
surface of the Red Planet. If all went well, a with instrumentation specifically designed to ously kept secret, that suddenly justified the
weak radio signal no more powerful than that look for traces of alien life on the Red Planet. entire effort to find life on Mars. They were
of your mobile phone would soon beam up Drills and borers, for penetrating rocks, TV taken by the American Mars Orbiter space-
from an ancient dried up sea-bed, and we cameras for looking for plant life on the sur- craft, as it circled endlessly round the planet,
would be in business, as Beagle started its face, and a miniature laboratory that could with high definition cameras developed from
project of searching for traces of life on the snare even micro-life as small as bacteria, those onboard Cold-War spy satellites.
fourth planet from the Sun. were all on board, incredibly miniaturised,
and packed into a space no larger than a The accompanying Email explained that the
Alas, it was not to be. As the hours went by, domestic dustbin lid. It was the best chance secrecy and holding back of some of these
an increasingly anxious Professor Colin so far to detect life on our neighbouring world, pictures had required a Congressional
Pillinger, head of the British Mars Project, and now it was lying lifeless and inert at the inquiry, and a law-suit in the American
was finally confronted with the news that all bottom of a steep, narrow crater amongst the Courts by dissident space-scientists, to get
contact had been lost with the Planetary lan- rocks and the ice. The deep freeze condi- them released. All 27,000 of them.
der, and we would not be seeing ground- tions there would kill its onboard batteries

e: N A S A JPL M S 5 S MOS MOC S P ? 34006 w w w . m i t s . c o m moc gallery a b l m 0 4 . l m o g . s SP254006.html
Mare Location: Longitude I M . i y W . . Latitude J 4 . l t * N . L net Mare Chart M : Caeiue An oblique reconnaissance image that was kept secret until
recently. It shows a mountainous area of surface, covered in
steep slopes of ice and snow, and what is clearly an Earth
type Alpine lake feature. What appears to be a small glacier
is feeding melt water and flow water into a blocked valley.
Across the valley bottom, is a large dam of ice, holding back
the lake. This lake probably contains two cubic kilometres of
water. According to the official physics of the Mars atmos-
phere and climate, it cannot "Officially" exist, just like the
other lake features cannot. Local volcanic ground heat, and a
supply of glacial water flow, may be the explanation for this
"Oasis" of clear liquid water that provides conditions for the
survival of life? Not only was this picture officially classified
secret by the American authorities, but it has never been
explained by them scientifically. It was simply (until recently)

When I started to look intently at them, I Tropics on Earth. Not at all sure now, I asked
could see why. There were things there that over a biologist friend, who stared silently for
This was taken by orbital reconnaissance cameras
went completely against the carefully crafted a long time at the photographs, then said
and shows a huge network of tangled, tree-like
American official image of Mars as the dead something surprising. He had seen such growth on the surface. The image area is about the
dry Planet. Firstly, there was the water. Not vegetation before. "Where?" I inquired. "In same as the size of Trafalger Square in London. This
just a few patches of snow or ice, but billions the Canadian High Arctic". These were intricate and complex web of trunks and branches
of tons of it, thousands of kilometres away plants that had adapted, over long has been dismissed as a "Geological structure", or
from the long known polar caps of Mars. periods of time, to very cold "Rock formation". But they most resemble the
dry conditions in an tropical terrestrial Banyan tree. As Arthur C. Clark
ice desert. said, when shown the picture: "looks like a tree to me".
What I was seeing were mountain glaciers of
ice, amongst some steep equatorial moun-
tains, but even more startling, were the
lakes. There, in one amazing image was a
high lake, kilometres long, full of unfrozen
water, and surrounded by steep slopes of
rock and ice. Other pictures showed small
ponds and pools, all of liquid water, lying on
the open surface, and thin small streams of
water flowing across the floors of valleys.

Now scientists have always maintained that

any water left on Mars was frozen solid, and
that the very low air-pressure meant that any
liquid water that appeared would instantly
evaporate, as it cold-boiled in the ultra-thin
air that was a hundred times less dense than
that of Earth. Also, the freezing Martian
weather, with temperatures seldom climbing
above zero should have turned everything to
white and solid ice.
The Red Planet is sometimes green and white. This stun
What I was seeing, however, in these pic- ning HUBBLE Telescope image, taken from more than 100
tures was pure scientific heresy. If there were million miles away, shows the often reported but seldom
lakes and streams on the Martian surface, well photographed "Greening" of Mars that takes place
even if only in a few areas, then something — w i t h the changing of the seasons. The
veteran American astronomer Percival
very peculiar was happening. There were Suddenly, I Lowell, who frequently observed and
obviously whole areas of Mars where the was on firmer E* described the effect, thought it was due
temperature was high enough for liquid ground. Another P to vegetation blooming in the Martian
water to exist, one of the absolutely basic scientist, at least, — J t . Spring. Official explanations today are
requirements for life. Then there were the thought I was not com- almost completely absent, apart from vague references
other images, even more stunning, that pletely mad! to "Optical illusions", or "Tricks of the light" or
showed what could only be vegetation. I was "Duststorms". Curiously, in this picture, the main areas of
green are in the Southern hemisphere, at Spring. Also
stunned. Looking at the pictures, it was quite After a very sleepless night, filled with notice the equatorial white area on the right, just visible
obvious I was seeing some sort of bush or strange Martian dreams, I sat down to com- at the Planet edge. It's a huge system of water clouds,
tree, plus some huge areas that looked like plete this article, held over right up to the not surface ice. Mars has weather, as well.
the ancient Banyan trees that grow in the magazine deadline, whilst we waited for >•
* This shows an extensive, changing area
officially described as "Rock formations,
news about Beagle and the other space
^ together with "Little rocks", and "Rocks"
probes. Over breakfast, things sort of fell that cluster together and intertwine, mim-
into place. It was clear that what had been ' icking Earth "Trees". The "Growths" are
captured by the orbital cameras was defi- <
huge, measuring hundreds of feet across.
nitely life, of some sort, even though it might
not be, as Captain Spock in Star-Trek would
say, "Life as we know it, Jim".

Aeons ago, when the Martian Seas were full,

not the dried up frozen mud of today, and the
atmosphere was thick and warm, life must
have teemed and swarmed on that planet,
where the thick air had acted like a green-
house, and kept the temperate regions in a
sort of perpetual Spring-like condition, cold
but tolerable to life. Now all that remained
were a few stubborn remnants, clinging tena-
ciously to life, under almost unbearable con-
ditions, worse than those at the tops of the
Himalayas or Andes on this Earth. But life it
was. That single extraordinary fact, that in a
vast universe, life existed literally right next
door, just one planet away, in a small and
"The fringe of Life?"
Down on the Southern ice cap, there are large, semi-arid "Dry valley" areas, just
LS*1W like the dry valleys of Antarctica. Fringing them are long strips of what appear to
be vegetation. Allegedly "Rock formations", they change colour and extent with the
seasons, and are most extensive when the Martian Spring arrives. (Rocks that
behave seasonally like plants?) _


M03-Q73$6 99-OB-07 Ls=1S4

M04-01220 W-CB-16 U=1BT

The closest vegetation

on Earth that matches
M07«0Sfi! the bizarre "Growths"
on Mars are the Banyan
trees of the tropics.

They look like trees to Me... Arthur C. Clark

This is one of the most extraordinary images to
come from Mars, although it does not look particu
larly impressive. The bottom picture is clearly not
of rocks, but of large, tree like objects, sticking up
through the snow and ice on the ground. Some of
them are more than 100 feet high. The closest
resemblance is to terrestrial Xmas trees! Note: All
these "Growths" change with the seasons, and if
they are rocks, they are very strange ones.
A large "Melt water" lake on the edge of the Martian
Antarctic, late Spring. This shows something that simply
should not be there. This is a large water feature, kilome-
tres across, with large bergs of floating ice in it. An expert
said that at first he had thought the picture was of Earth
origin, and showing the Earth Antarctica. Clearly, there is
often free liquid water on the surface at certain seasons,
in large quantities, but in only limited locations.
Remember that these ice and water features are infre-
quent and isolated. Most of Mars is still dry desert, all the
seasons of the Martian year.

"What a tree expert said"

A trained and experienced forester,
when shown this image, had no
difficulty pointing out the emphati-
cally tree like structures in the pic-
ture. He was clearly able to spot the
branch and trunk system, and other
features. His view is that this was a
very old, extensive, but very slow
growing system, in marginal terrain
and conditions. He hazarded a guess
that the "Growths" might actually
be very old indeed, perhaps thou-
sands of years.

very typical star-system, has implications

that g o far b e y o n d a few stunted, arctic-type
trees a n d bushes. If there, t h e n probably
everywhere, w a s m y instant thought. Life
(even if it is not quite as w e k n o w it, Mr.
Spock), m u s t be very c o m m o n , even in the
m o s t inhospitable and marginal of places.

Liquid water, a little sunlight, a n d s o m e cos-

mic biology, and the precious essence w o u l d
spring up. O n w o r l d s that were closer t o
their Suns, hot, fetid steaming planets like
s o m e t h i n g out of our Jurassic era, life w o u l d
absolutely swarm. Perhaps. T h e n I w o u l d g o
and look at t h o s e ghostly images of trees
and b u s h e s struggling u p out of the Martian
s n o w and ice, the few liquid lakes (probably
s w a r m i n g w i t h micro-organisms), and a
small sense of w o n d e r w o u l d g r o w in me.
Even there, life w a s u p o n the face of the
iource; N A S A J k l - M s s s MuC « M 0 8 - 0 4 6 B 5 @^mages/MD8/M08D458
Giant Individual Plants In U p p e r Half a n d a D e n s e Thick C a r p e t e d G r o v e of T h e m J u s t Starting in L o w e r Half

Red Dawn
The successful landing on the
Martian surface of the American
"Spirit Mission". TTie panorama
shows the flat desert, ending in a
distant range of hills, but not all
Mars is desert. It is now clear that
there are large areas of ice, and
some of this melts into ponds and
lakes, in limited areas, seasonally.
Liquid water is the absolute pre-
requisite for life.

L o c a t i o n o n Mars: L o n g i t u d e 284.38 d e g r e e s W e s t - Latitude 8 2 . 0 2 d e g r e e s S o u t h

J. P Skipper (1st report Dr. Tom V a n F l a n d e r n ) ' Z o o m 1 8 2 % • Giant Vegetation »2a More @
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& Astronomy Andrew Pike BSc MSc PGDip FRAS

o date we have not seen 318 times that of Earth. This when I said that we will even-
any of the exoplanets means the least massive exo- tually discover systems like our
directly. They are all too planet is still 38 times the own and we are not likely to be
close to their parent stars and mass of Earth and the most an odd ball' system in the end.
therefore hidden in their glare. massive comes in at 3,180
Their detection is mainly down times the Earth's mass. We In other words we need not
to measuring small variations can immediately see that there worry. Thankfully, I have been
in the Doppler shift of an exo- is some way to go before we proved right, things are looking
planet star's spectrum as the detect Earth-mass planets. far more familiar these days. The number of planets discovered
star is pulled towards and
away from us when the planet
orbits. There have been some
Orbital shapes also vary. For
the closest planets, the so-
Planetary Classifications
Most of us are familiar with the
orbiting stars other than the Sun has
detections made in other ways
also, like transits across the
called Hot Jupiters', orbits are
circular like in our own Solar
Star Trek programmes and the
phrase from the Captain to
now exceeded the one hundred mark.
star's disc, but even these are
not seen direct like the transits
System, but for those exoplan-
ets orbiting further out there is
"scan for an M class planet".
Much has happened since I first
of Venus will be this coming
June. They are seen as a slight
a mixture of circular and ellipti-
cal (oval) orbits.
Apparently this means a planet
like Earth containing an oxy-
reported the discovery of the first
drop in the star's brightness.
However, not all of these stars
gen/nitrogen atmosphere. Well
it did not take long before
three planets orbiting stars 51 Peg,
At the time of writing more
than 115 exoplanets are
have just one exoplanet orbit-
ing them. Two stars (Upsilon
astronomers adapted this
same idea for exoplanets. 47 UMa and 70 Vir way back in
known, orbiting their parent
stars at distances ranging from
Andromedae and 55 Cancri)
have three exoplanets each, These planets are now divided 1996. As a way of bringing things up
while eleven other stars have into five classes ranging from
to date I have devoted this month's
0.0225 to 5.9 astronomical
units (remember one AU is the two planets in orbit. class I to V. Roman numerals
same as the Earth-Sun dis- are favoured over letters
tance of 93 million miles or 150 Despite the variations it is one because star classes are given column to the state of play today and
million kilometres). To put this of the earliest discoveries letters, our Sun is a G class
into perspective compared with which bears a remarkable sim- star while M class means a red
dwarf star. Nevertheless the
a look into the next few years.
our own Solar System the dis- ilarity to our Solar System, 47
tance of Mercury form the Sun UMa. Here there are two plan- principle is the same.
(the closest planet to the Sun) ets orbiting at 2.1 and 3.7 AU,
is 0.39 AU while that of Jupiter however their mass ratios of Without knowing the exact
is 5.2 AU. 3.2 to 2 (3.2:2) is almost the type of atmosphere surround-
same as that of the Jupiter- ing exoplanets (although this is hot for water to condense into The class into which each of
The orbital periods of these Saturn figures! Could it be that about to change) the I to V clouds. Class IV have temper- these types fall depends on
exoplanets range from just 1.2 all that worry in 1996 surround- classes are arranged accord- atures greater than 900 Kelvin the distance of the planet from
days to 14.7 years. Again com- ing this system and sugges- ing to the temperatures of their and are 'close-in' worlds. They its host star. Let us take Sun-
pare this with Mercury and tions it hinted that our Solar outer atmospheres. have clouds consisting of sili- stars as an example. We
Jupiter at 88 days and 11.9 System being an odd ball' was cate grains (rock forming would expect class I planets to
years respectively. Although unfounded? Could there be Class I is a Jupiter like temper- material) and iron deep in their be at a distance of 4 to 5 AU
we can see similarities with our several smaller planets closer ature of minus 123 degrees atmosphere. Class V are the or greater. Type II planets at I
own system there is one major in to 47 UMa like our own sys- Celsius (150 Kelvin) or less. 'roasting worlds' with tempera- to 2 AU, type III at distances of
difference: planets are forming tem? If so one might be of Class II are the water planets'. tures in excess of 1400 Kelvin. less than 1 AU, type IV at
much closer to their parent Earth-mass and might contain about 0.1 to 0.2 AU and type V
stars than in our Solar System, life, maybe even of the intelli- These are closer to the M They are the closest and at distances of 0.05 AU or less.
for example an exoplanet gent variety. It is an interesting class worlds in Star Trek with hottest of the exoplanets, the
year' lasting only 1.2 days is thought that maybe astro- surface temperatures of 250 true Hot Jupiters'. Here silicate Obviously for a less luminous
quite something! nomers in that system on a Kelvin containing water cloud and iron clouds will form high star the corresponding dis-
small rocky Earth' are looking dominated atmospheres. in the atmosphere with the sili- tances will reduce and for a
at our system thinking the cate layer above the Iron giv- more luminous star these val-
But what of their sizes? Masses
same! ing rise to 'iron rain', an alien ues will increase.
range from 0.12 times that of Class III are planets with clear
Jupiter to 10 times that of or gaseous atmospheres and world worthy of the Star Trek
Jupiter. To give some idea of I would like to add at this point temperatures of 350 to 800 storylines yet its fact not fiction!
this, Jupiter has a mass about my comments given in 1997 Kelvin which makes them too

at's New?

Artist's concept of a
Jupiter-mass planet
orbiting the star, 55
Water Worlds Cancri.
Alain Leger of the Institut d'
Astrophysique Spatiale,
France, has suggested a new
class of exoplanet called a
Water World' (not to be con-
fused with the water planets'
described above). Such worlds
would be completely covered
in water with no land masses.

They would have twice the

diameter and around six times
the mass of Earth with orbital
distances from their host star
about the same as the Earth (1 Such migration is likely to be Kepler and Eddington The Eddington mission is run about a decade or so we
AU). They would have a metal- common place in exoplanetary Missions by ESA (European Space should have found alien Earths
lic (probably iron) core about systems. It explains a lot of NASA's Kepler mission is due Agency) and will launch in and even the odd alien Mars
4000 km radius, surrounded by features observed there, in for launch in 2007. It is 2008. It carries precision pho- or two. Moreover, we should
a rocky mantle 3500 km thick, particular how the Hot Jupiters designed to seek planets in, or tometers capable of detecting have a good idea which of
and be overlaid by a layer of formed. near, the habitable zones of brightness changes as small these planets have the condi-
ice 5000 km thick covered by other stars. The regions will as one part in 10,000. As well tions suitable to contain alien
the liquid ocean 100 km deep. These Water Worlds are still in contain planets with liquid as monitoring star themselves life forms!
the realms of speculation but water and therefore possible the mission will also investi-
Finally, the planet would have there are alot of good reasons life. Its wide field CCD pho- gate planetary transits and The only thing missing will be
a gas atmosphere to retain its to believe they might exist and tometer will continuously moni- should be capable of detecting our technological advances in
liquid surface preventing evap- their detection might be closer tor the brightness of around planets as small as Mars! space travel allowing us to visit
oration into space. than we think. Should one of 100,000 main sequence stars such worlds, but that too, one
these Water Worlds pass in simultaneously for a period of The next decade or two should day, will be within our grasp.
Water Worlds would start life in front of a Sun-like star it would four years. This period should see the subject of exoplanets
a similar way to Uranus and cause a dimming in the star's be long enough to detect any explode out of all proportions. When it is we can then visit
Neptune in our own Solar light of one in a thousand parts terrestrial planets like Earth these worlds and give the
System. However, in these which is well within the scope and might find hundreds of Amazing stuff seeing as less inhabitants some UFO sight-
exosystems they might then of planned detection projects candidates. The mission than ten years ago we knew of ings to report to their authori-
migrate to the warmer inner like the Eddington and Kepler should also detect other closer no planets orbiting stars other ties! •
regions heating up as they go. missions. in Hot Jupiters. than our own Sun. Now in

Andrew Pike's
Saturn is still visible in the south western
sky in the evening. For northern latitude
observers the planet will remain on
show for several hours after midnight at
magnitude -0.2. It is well place high up
in the constellation of Gemini close to
Castor and Pollux.

Saturn will be 4 degrees south of the

gibbous (three-quarter) Moon on 3

February Meteors
This months meteors will be largely spo-
radic in nature. There are no obvious
showers during the month, however,
meteors can appear without warning at
any time.

FEBRUARY 2094 Comet C/2002 T7

and C/2001 Q4
These two comets should be prominent
February sees Jupiter becoming more prominent as it approaches summer features during April and May.

opposition next month, while the slow decline of Saturn begins The two have brightened at the stage
when astronomers were expecting a

following its December opposition. Mars continues to hang on in decline in brightness so hopes are high
for a

the west after sunset with Venusfinallybecoming better placed for good
northern latitude observers. At pre-
Jupiter sent
Aldebaran (0.8)/Betelgeuse (0.4)/Rigel jupiter remains visible as a bright object they are
Bright Stars (0.1 )/Sirius (-1,46)/Procyon (0,4) all rise in in the constellation of Leo. The planet not best
Many bright stars can exhibit strange the east in the early evening remaining will c o m e to opposition next month (3 placed
effects unfamiliar to the casual observ- on view for much of the night, By mid- March) when it will be on view through- with
er, like colour change or disappearing night they are close to setting and will out the night appearing due south at Comet
behind haze especially when low on have set by 04h. Saturn can currently midnight. At magnitude -2.5 it has T7 near
the horizon, As always I have included be seen just above Aldebaran and brightened slightly since January as it Pegasus
the brightness (magnitudes) of the most close to the Pleiades star cluster. becomes more prominent in the sky and Q4
prominent stars after their names in leading to its opposition, Jupiter will moving northwards from the region of
brackets. This should also act as a appear in the east shortly after sunset the winter constellations of Canis Major
and will remain on view until dawn during
guide when comparing brightness of
objects throughout the guide. The mag-
THE PLANETS January. Jupiter will be 3 degrees south
and Orion towards Ursa Major in July.!
will continue to keep readers informed,
nitude system works such that the lower Mercury of the (just past) full Moon on 8 February.
the value the brighter the object with Mercury is not visible to observers in
particularly bright objects having northern temperate latitudes. However,

Northern Stars
Increasingly negative values. for observers further south the planet will
be visible low on the south eastern hori-
Arcturus (-0,06) and Spica (1.0) are low zon before dawn, but only for the first
in the east around midnight at the half of the month. The planet will bright-
beginning of February rising by 20h at en during this time from magnitude -0.2 1 st February midnight 15th Februaryl 1.00pm 29th February 10.00pm
the end of the month. To find these fol- to-0.6.
low round the handle of the plough and 50'
you will first arrive at Arcturus then Spica, Venus AURIGA
Venus remains visible as a brilliant fea-
Vega (0.04) and Deneb (1.26) hover ture dominating the western sky after
low on the northern horizon. From British sunset for some 3 hours. By the end of
latitudes they are circumpolar meaning the month its angular distance from the
they never set below the horizon. Sin will continue to increase as it
However, Vega skims the northern hori- approaches a maximum separation
zon with Deneb to its left and if haze is next month (46 degrees) by which time
present either may disappear only to it will be on show for almost 4 hours
reappear as they climb in altitude later after sunsetl During February the planet
in the night. will brighten slightly from a brilliant mag-
nitude of -4.0 to-4.1.
Altair (0.77) in Aquila will be setting
close to the western horizon in the eariy Venus will be 3 degrees north of the
evening, rising again in the east at 04h crescent Moon on 23 February,
at the beginning of the month, and by
2.30h at the month's end. Antares (1.35) Mars
in Scorpius is rising at the same times Also in the evening sky is Mars which will
but further around the eastern horizon. continue to linger for some time yet.
Now in the constellation of Aries it will
Regulus (1.4) in Leo rises in the east by fade further in brightness this month
about 18h at the beginning of the month from magnitude +0,7 to +1.1. Mars
and by 16.30h at the end of the month. with its characteristic red tint will be a
noticeable feature and for those in
Capella (0.05) is still high up overhead British latitudes (50 degrees north) will
for much of the night, remain on view until about midnight,

Castor (1,58) and Pollux (1,16) in The reluctance Mars is showing to fade
Gemini are on view for much of the from view is due to the planet moving
night appearing due south at 22h at north in declination. For those in British
the beginning of February and 20h by latitudes this means it gains in declina- Looking South
1he end of the month, Jupiter is current- tion to compensate for the earlier set-
ly close by giving an unfamiliar appear- ting. Mars will be 1 degree north of the
ance to the constellation. (almost) half Moon on 26 February,



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OlSAPPOiTTH) This matter of wishing or pre- why do some people deliPer-

coggoing crop circle designs ately fake crop circles? Are
I have read everything you is nowhere properly examined; they paid Py the government
have puPlished aPout Crop he sights a drawing Py an (see Colin's revelation aPout
Circles, and made my way American woman which, he how the British Army 'set-up' a
through several Pooks includ- says suPsequently turned up in Pogus circle right in the mid-
ing Crop Circles - Signs of nature yet the circle cited has dle of his supposedly scientific
Contact Py Colin Andrews. almost no similarity to the 'Operation BlackPird'), or is the
drawing I CIA behind all the fakery? Or
I a m disappointed, for he are they serving a secret alien
gives us no answers. The Pook base on earth?
has no storyline, just an accu-
mulation of disjointed chap- My second question is: what
ters and several errors 'refer- do all these increasingly com-
ring to Military Intelligence as plex signs mean? Going from
'M-Fifteen', plain circles to the Julia set
and other complex mathe-
Colin tells us firmly that Crop matical and astronomical
Circles appear only in cereal designs, what are the (pre-
crops, Put the Pook opens sumaPly alien) creators trying
with another so called expert, I accept that one can easily to tell us?
Stephen J. Spignesi, telling us distinguish Petween genuine
that he wished for a circle of a and hoaxed circles, so why Isn't it o d d that, if these really
specific design and it does Colin's catalogue illus- are alien creations they should
appeared in a field of grass. trate all the fakes without dis- be utterly incomprehensiPle?
(He didn't think to photograph tinction, and why are their sites And why hasn't Colin Andrews
it and it disappeared the next not identified? or his many supporters tried to
day,) figure out just what if anything
This comes over as sheer slop- they mean?
RELIGIOUS CHAOS? someone digging u p their gar- Colin then admits that many piness, and like so much of
den and finding a one metre circles appear in rapeseed the book it undermines Colin's As I said: I'm disappointed.
Would people knowing the long skull. They then phone the fields. In succeeding para- claims. In the end I a m left Can anyone provide some
truth really cause religious newspaper, reporters arrive graphs he says foreign Circles with two major questions; and, properly supported answers?
chaos? take a few pictures, then it's all have different designs to the until these are answered, the Without a single clue, the
over the papers. Next thing you ones found in the UK Put they whole Crop circle thing whole topic seems pointless.
I often hear it said that if the know the "Men in Black" are are the same as ours. remains a fuzzy puzzle. First,
people were to find out the getting involved. People are Ken Lake, Loughton, Essex
truth aPout UFOs and extrater- threatened, the skull is confis-
restrials, society, as we know it, cated, the story is dePunked I hired a Picycle and set off
would collapse into chaos due and the man who found the from my Pase in Parguera tak-
to the religious Peliefs of Pillions skull is m a d e out to Pe a ing the short route through the
of us Peing shattered. lunatic or a hoaxer. We would hills. After 30 minutes or so I
have an all-new culture of realised I was lost. It was early
There's no douPt that if the claims and counter-claims, morning so on passing a
governments of the world sud- researchers and dePunkers, house I stopped and asked for
denly announced that there is sightings and hoaxes. directions.
intelligent extra-terrestrial life
residing on the Earth, it would Humans are an incrediPle It so happened the person I
be a historical moment. But species. We know so much asked actually waked for the
would society really descend aPout the universe we live in police department. After initial
into chaos? There would Pe having Parely ventured away pleasantries were exchanged,
some concerned citizens, and from our own tiny part of it. In in broken Spanish-English, I
I'm sure there would Pe a few only one hundred years we was told that this person had
gun toting rednecks getting have gone from propeller dri- a close relative who worked
ready for Armageddon. But the ven planes to orPiting space for NASA at the Aerostat instal-
aforementioned rednecks look stations and landing remote lation, and that they have 'lit-
for any excuse to Pehave like proPes on other planets. tle creatures' down therel
that, rememPer Y2K? They When I asked for more infor-
were sitting in underground There is still an infinite amount mation they told me it was
Punkers with 3 years worth of for us to learn, Put I think we are AEROSTAT SIGHTING Laguna Cartagena where dangerous to say more. (I a m
c a n n e d food and enough ready for the next step. there have been many UFOs being purposefully vague in
guns and ammunition to effect Regarding the article reported entering and exiting their description.)
a "regime change" on a small Matt Johnson 'Snapshot from a cruise: An the water for many years. I
country, while the rest of us Aerostat Sighting', UFO was told by a man and his The puzzle is why would NASA
were out partying. I'm sure Magazine, Jan. 2004, page wife who live near the lake operate a Drug Trafficking
some of them are still in those FACE IN BALL PLASMA? 30. I can confirm that the that on one very early morn- oPservation Palloon? Many
bunkers waiting for the radia- photos were indeed of the ing they saw three differently Puerto Ricans are also puzzled
tion to suPside so they can The strangeness of this suPject infamous Aerostat Radar shaped 'Ovni' flying aPove the Py the situation.
emerge to do Pattle with the has long ceased to surprise Balloon located at La lake area shining Peams on M Prentis
mutants. me, therefore it was really only Paraguera, Lajas in Puerto the ground. Nottingham
with a mild shock when I saw Rico. It is sited in a natural dip
I'm sure in this day and age the what I perceived to Pe a head making it difficult to see when
large majority of Christians above the presumed hand grounded although it is just a
Pelieve that the BiPle isn't liter-
ally true. And recently a
rails, of what now might Pe the
souPriquet of 'Fiery Chariot'
few hundred yards from the
spokesman from the Vatican ("Engaging the Dragon', UFO aloft of course it is visible for
has Peen quoted as saying Magazine, Jan. 2004, fig 5). many miles.

"extraterrestrials exist and are
Refunds are being paid back in order of
our Prothers". Muslims also The head I have visited Puerto Rico a receipt and although taking longer than first
have no proPlem with ET life. or per- few times mainly because of
Apparently it's all covered in the UFO situation in that coun-
anticipated it is a continuing process.
haps it
the Koran, should Pe try. Many of the local people We thank you for your patience and under-
called 'a question the government's standing over the last few difficult weeks and
Dinosaurs are never men- face' is reason for the Aerostat (to
tioned in the BiPle, or any other apparent- comPat illegal drug trafficking) assure you that all refunds will be made.
religious texts to the Pest of my ly intent on looking down over and wonder if its real purpose
knowledge. Yet the discovery the side of its chariot, mayPe is to monitor the coming and
of massive ancient reptile peering Pack at the humans going of the many UFOs Christine Birdsall is dealing with the refunds
skeletons hasn't caused chaos that were looking at it. It has the reported and seen there. personally and can be contacted at this email
amongst the religious commu- mien of a man.
nities. The same cover-up On one of my trips to the address
could have Peen applied to Mr A.Calvert island I decided to visit and
them. You could just imagine Barnet,Herts. explore the equally infamous

13th Annual
International UFO Congress
Convention & Film Festival


Situated on the banks of the Colorado River, the Flamingo Resort Hotel in Laughlin, Nevada will
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the world. Laughlin is less than 90 minutes drive from Las Vegas, and within striking distance
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Meteor Crater, Red Rock Canyon, Area 51, Little A'le'lnn,, Nellis AFB & The Grand Canyon!
• Eight nights hotel room at the Flamingo Resort -
(arrive Saturday, February 7 - depart Sunday, February 15)
•Admission to all Speakers' Presentations
(No simultaneous presentations or extra-charge workshops!) •MATTHEW HURLEY (U.K.)
•Admission to all UFO Film Festival Presentations •JOE McMONEAGLE
•Admission to the Wednesday "Meet Your Speakers Party" -
(Wine & Cheese Tasting, Door Prizes & Dancing)
•Admission to the Saturday evening Grand Finale Banquet and
EBE Awards Ceremony • DR. CLUADE SWAN SON
•Optional participation tor Experiencers in special evening group •ADRIAN DVIR (Isreal)
sessions led by a qualified counsellor •RUSSEL CALLAGHAN (U.K.)
Early registrations received on or before January 5, 2004 the full package is $399.00
Per Person Double Occupancy and $529.00 Single Occupancy •RICH DO LAN
Registrations received between January 6 & February 3, 2004 are $439.00 Per •HAKTAN AKDOGAN (Turkey)
Person Double Occupancy and $569.00 Per Person Single Occupancy •STAN GORDON
•(Persons wanting the Double Occupancy Price, but don't have someone to share
with, we can match you with a roommate for an additional $10.00. Please complete
•MARY RODWELL (Australia)
necessary info on registration form. Reservations requesting us to find you a room- • BUDD HOPKINS
mate must be received by January 24, 2004) & CAROL RAINEY
$285.00 Per Person for registrations received on or before January 5, 2004
$310.00 Per Person for registrations received between January 6 & February 3, 2004
Persons attending less than the full week, the hotel room rates are: $27.00 per night •A. J. GfVAERD (Brazil)
Sunday - Thursday and $49.00 per night on Friday & Saturday. (Prices are the same •COL. WBNDELLE STEVENS
for Single or Double Occupancy, and include all room taxes. These rates are available
only when booked in advance through the Congress.)
(3:OOpm MT). After that time, please contact the hotel for room / (Mexico)
reservations and availability. (Direct rates with the hotel will be slightly
higher.) Conference event tickets may be purchased at the door.
(Rates at the door will be slightly higher. Banquet seating may be limited.) • DANIEL SHEEHAN
There are several airlines and charters that fly directly into Bullhead City, OF 15/jA/2003 THIS SCHEDULE IS SUBJECT
AZ Airport, which is just across the river from Laughlin. (The Flamingo has TO CHANGE - BUT ONLY IF NECESSARY !
complimentary shuttles to and from this airport.) For those who fly into Las
Vegas, there will be a discounted shuttle service available throughout the
week. Special car rental discounts will also be available.
* Complete transportation information is provided in the information packets.

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W e s t m i n s t e r , CO 8 0 0 2 1 .
Tel: (303) 543 9443 Fax: (303) 543 8 6 6 7
UFO MAGAZINE Classified - reaching 100,000 UFO enthusiasts around the world
UFO groups •THE B L A C K VAULT is run by John
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where you can leave details of your Exchange information with like-minded • services
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0010 or write to: Chris Rolfe, (UFOMEK), discussion forum, dedicated to all
23, Brabner Close, Folkestone, Kent, things UFO related. • miscellaneous
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BT national rates.
•MUFON, (Mutual UFO Network),
and related matters answered for a fee. ~ n internet
America's largest civilian UFO " • commercial products
organisation and publisher of the world - O p e n pals(£1.50)
renowned (monthly) MUFON Journal. •SPACE TRAVEL USA PAYMENT E N C L O S E D * / DATE / / Send to: UFO Magazine,
Subscription enquiries to MUFON, 120 U.S space sites (The Guide) Advertising Department,
Cheque or PO payable to: Quest Publications Int. Ltd.
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303 932 7709 Fax: 303 932 9279. Copy close date for all advertisements for M a r c h 2004 UFO Magazine is 6 Februar
•J.ALLEN HYNEK Center for UFO •LUCY PRINGLE offers a wide
Studies, publishers of the world variety of crop circle merchandise
renowned (quarterly) International UFO including photographs, calendars,
Reporter, edited by Jerome Clark. postcards, etc. For further details,
Subscription enquiries to: please send a SAE to: Lucy Pringle,
IUR, 2457 West Peterson Avenue, 5 Town Lane, Sheet, Petersfield,
Chicago, Illinois 60659, USA. Hampshire, GU32 2AF.
Website: Tel/Fax +44(0)1730 263454.

• •' Pi i


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GALWAY, IRELAND. 11/13 June 2004.

videos. Crop circles, Cryptozoology. A number of U.S. readers have
Organised by Betty Meyler, President,
Free lists. Lionel Beer, 115 Hollybush complained that some retailers have been
UFO Society of Ireland. Website:
Lane, Hampton, TW12 2QY. marking up the cover price of UFO Magazine or email by over-sticking labels. The cover price of U F O
Tel: 020 8979 3148. Magazfrw; is £2.75 (UK); US cover price is
See page 81 for more details. * UFO Magazine™ welcomes $6.99; Canadian cover price is C$7.99. If you
•BOOKS, VIDEOS, AUDIOS, articles, photographs, case believe that allowing for state tax, a retailer
has overcharged you for the magazine, our
Magazines, UFOs, Conspiracies,
UrU -rii£j: iJUfLJjJE files, special reports, news- distributors have promised to take the
Paranormal. For details send 45 pence
to: Ms. S. Stebbing, 41 Terminus Drive, lai-haiiVs bosv U f Q clippings etc. These should be appropriate action. Please e-mall any such
example of illegal price-fcdng to:
Heme Bay, Kent, CT6 6PR, England. iotwmation Hatffflo brings referenced and presented as a russ@ufom
Email: yfiu tile lausst n o u s ffl the hard copy and supplied on
WSflkf or Utclegv. 4 Lipcausc floppy disc or CD for Mac/PC.
u£vsUl\ eaoli Saturday WE ARE NOT ALONE.
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answering s e i \ ice
roundup/index.shtml Weekly UFO
Please supply any images

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Visit the website for further details.

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• *

speakers. .
First Irish International UFO Conference bETTV»MEYUER (Ireland)^
Betty is t h e Founder and President of the UFO Society of

* ' 11th/13th June 2004 ' . . IrelarKl. She has witnessed many UFO sightings and is
dedicated t o t h e task of disseminating i i r o r m a t i o n
about UFOs and is t h e only person in Ireland collecting


infornration about sightings in Ireland. Her Presentation"
w i l l be e•n t i t l e d "The• UFO Scene
• in Ireland".
Eamonn is t h e Director of Kingsland ^ ^
Observatory, Ireland. He is a SETI scientist / A f B
.and has conceived and developed a unique \ ^ j j f J
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ WELCOME to the First ever Irish International UFO Conference which All-SkyTracking system dediqpted t o seeking
out AOPs (UFOs) that may indicate t h e first
will be held at National University of Ireland, Galway from *11th to • scientific evidence of extraterrestrial intelligent probes.
^H W^ ^ 13th June 2004. This Conference brings together a-panel of flistin- His Presentation w i l l be' e n t i t l e d "Search for
Extraterrestrial Visitation (SETV)". '
* ^ffl' H guished Speakers who are well known internationally for their work
on research in various aspects of the UFO phenomenon. RUSSEL CALLAGHAN (U.K.) •
« • •
^ Russel has worked f o r over 25 years in t h e
- The VE^UE is the O'Flaherty Theatre of National University of Ireland, / & \ commercial and broadcasting television
('* \ ^ world as both c a m e i a m a n and editor and
j J J ^ Galway. As the'Theatre seats only 360, it is advisable to book early, as V n casts an experienced eye over m y c h of t h e
•Sationa! i Jmin ofin+.nfiCaluay reservations will be on a 'first come, first served' basis. alleged 'UFO material' that crosses his desk
at UFO Magazine. Some images simply fail, but
he w i l l present a collection of unusual clips f r o m
The University is set in spacioGs.grounds.on the banks of the River Corrib and is one of the most around t h e wo'rtd. His Presentation w i l l be e n t i t l e d
v attractive university sites in Europe. It is within easy reach of the town and'its. strategic location on "UFOs the Video Evidence".
the West Coast of Ireland gives visitors easy access to the. surrounding beauty spots. The friendliness
of the people»of Galway will ensure that leisure periods between conference sessions will be.looked Stanton was awarded t h e first ever
back on with.much pleasure so why not take advantage of this break and bring the family. There is 'Lifetime Ac hievement Award' at t h e J f
lots to fee and do... • * , 2002 Leeds UFO Conference. He was t h e
original civilian investigator of t h e Roswell incident and
Ji 1 •• . has lectured at mpre than 700 colleges ana professional
groups in 15 countries. His Presentation w i l l be e n t i t l e d
Galway itself -. known as "The City of the Tribes" is a vibrant city with excellent shops, superb "Star Travel? YEi!" •
restaurants and lively traditional pubs, many'with live music. You havn't lived 'til you have seen
'the Sun go down on Galway Bay!' To make the most of the city take a walking tour or an open top GARY HESELTINE (U.K.)
Gary is a Police officer w t t h the British
bus tour, or perhaps take a rives cruise on .'The Corrib Princess' or visit the lovely off-shore Aran Transport Police and he has been collecting
Islands. Nearby attractions include the Galway Irish Crystal Heritage Centre as well as Thoor | fl* A information f r o m fellow Police Officers w h o
.Ballylee, once, the summer house of the world famous poet William Butler Yeats and lots, lots _ J have had UFO-related experiences. He is t h e
founder of PRUFOS Police Reporting UFO
. more... ' < • , . • Sightings. His Presentation w i l l tie e n t i t l e d
• . • "Evidence throuyfi Police Eyes".
Galwajr is easily reached by air, ferry, train, bus or car - some websites to visit for more information
are:'ie,,, MICHAEL HESEMAMN (Germany) '
Michael won t h e award for »Best Video o j a. (
www.shannonairport«com, wv^ UFO Subject' for his 'Ships of Light' in the V V | /
• 2002 UFO Magazine Awards and is a much
The Conference opens on 11th J u n a 2 0 0 4 at 6.30 p.m. with a Wine Reception hosted by the UFO travelled international researcher. He has^i vast library
of startling UFO footage gleaned f r o m around t h e w o r l d .
Society of Ireland in association with Ireland West Tourism. This will be followed by the Opening His Presentation w i l l be e n t i t l e d "The, Secret KGB UFO
Files". *
Forum and Introduction of Speakers. . t

• • Dr. ROGER.LEIR (U.S.A.) *

Roger has done pioneering work in t h e surgical
On Saturday 12th and on Sunday 13th the Conference will start at 10.a.m. and finish at 6 p.m. removal o f alien implants f r o m abductees
MtBNrt and h i s scientific research uses academic sci-
» I S 1 ence f r o m which he draws his conclusions.
Accommodation ranges from very comfortable \ J l y He is t h e author of numerous books on t h e
Details of times .of individual Speakers will be • subject. His Presentatkyi w i l l be e n t i t l e d
rooms in the Corrib Village on the University
announced at a-later date. For information on Speakers Campus at very reasonable rates to excellent Bed "Alien Implants in Humans".
and Breakfast Guesthouses and first class
. - click 4 & 5-star hotels.
Philip has spent many years researching t h e [ )
UFO phenomenon and is t h e author of , V M M i /
• ,
Corrib Village, the on-campus accommodation at many books on t h e subject!. He was particu- X f l j p r
Gala Dinner - savour true Irish hospitality and enjoy the National University of Ireland, Galway, is beautifully larly interested in t h e controversial 'Alien
situated along the banks Autopsy' footage. His Presentation w i l l be e n t i t l e d #
'craic' at the Gala Dinner on Saturday 12th June at the "Alien Autopsy Update".
of the river Corrib. The
4-star Radisson Hotel, Lough Atalia Road, Galway at 8 Village comprises of 3 and | .PHIL MEDLEY (U.K.)
4 bedroom apartments Phil has seen over 50 UFOs including several craft #
p.m.» Superb buffet with a wide choice of dishes to suit together at t h e famous Gulf Breese in Florida. He has
with kitchen-cum-dining
all tastes prepared by award-winning chefs. area. On-site been in comrminication w i t h an ET pilot f r o m a c r a f t for
• t h e last 7 years and his contact w i t h ETs has involved
facilities include a shop travelling all over t h e world. His Presentation w i l l be
and launderette, both of which are open 7 days a e n t i t l e d ' T h e Stargate G r i d " .
Music by "Rock 'n' Reel" a well-known Irish duo of week. A complimentary Shuttle Bus Service oper-
Father and Daughter. They are one of the most sought ates from 12 noon to 8 p.m.daily between the MIKE MURRAY (U.K.)

University and the City Centre. Mike is one of t h e three founding Directors o f '
after acts on t h s present Irish circuit and t^ey bring
their own unique style to a mix of songs and tunes - To book accommodation at Corrib
V i l l a g e : complete the Registration Form on our
they even have a song of their own - on UFOs!! Interseti (EUROSETI until 2003), most
website or e-mail:
| f a m o u ^ f o r their 'outing.' of t h e SOHO satel-
TICKET PRICES:- • # • f lite images of UFOs at t h e UK National
Wine Reception and Opening Forum - Friday 11th June -€15 Other Accommodation in Galway: Space Centre in 2002. This w i l l be t h e first
Conference : Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th - €35.each day t i m e these images w i l l have been shc^vn in
Galway has a wide range of Failte Ireland
Ireland. His Presentation w i l l be e n t i t l e d "Behind the
which includes tea/coffee breaks and a Box Lunch approved Bed and Breakfast and Hotel Veil of Secrecy". *
All-inclusive price for 3 days €80 - Members only €75 Accommodation. * CARL NALLY (Ireland) ' •
Saturday & Sunday €65 - Members only €60 Carl*is t h e co-founder, together w i t h Dermot Butler, of
For details .on how to join the Society and so avail of this For a full listing and reservations contact: U.P.R.I. - U.F.O. and Paranormal Researcn Ireland,
offer click on Ireland West Tourism, which conducts independent and objective research into Forster Street, unidentified flying objects and t h e paranorrraJ scene
Gala Qinner - €50 per head which include* wine generally. His Presentation w i l l be e n t i t l e d "The •
Galway City. Phenomena of Hypnosis and Altered States". •
Tel: 353(0) 91-537700 Dr. NABIL SHABEEN (U«K.) , • Nat>il, who is an actor, w r i t e r and film-maker, w i l l pre-
Or telephone Betty on 353(0)71 9662844 Fax: 353(0) 91-537733 sent a talk about his personal UFO research and w i l l
£mail: describe some of the very e A r a o r d i n n r y UFO experi-
Email: info@irelandwestJe ences t h a t he himself has had. His Presentation w i l l be
entitled "Of course it's true. But are they just.tourists?"


Conference CD ROM
4TH A P R I L 2004
Crichtom Miller "The Cross and the Serpent"
Reg Presley "Wild Things they Don't Tell Us"
Philip Mantle "Alien Autopsy Serpent"
Paul Vigay "Crop Circles: The real life Adventure"
Busty Taylor "UFOs and Crop Circles, ^ ^ ^ Never before seen Australian
Is there a connection?" UFO phenomena
David Kingston "The Power of Positive Thought"
2000-2003 photographed
TICKETS NOW ON SALE by Chris Beacham
Admission £18.00 per person advance booking
Or £25.00 on the day (If available) More than 250 colour images and
over 30 mins of UFO daylight video
Programmes are 70p each
U K / E u r o p e £9.50 A u s t r a l i a Aust$29.95
(with full details on the lecturers and a local street map).
U S A (and r e s t of World) US $19.95
Please order yours with your ticket as they
(Visacard,Mastercard, Backcard, International Money
are all usually sold out before the day. Order payable to: Chris Beacham)
Telephone, 01305 889108 *all prices include Air Postage
or w r i t e to: (delivery 1-2 weeks)
C o n f e r e n c e 2004, (Win/Mac)
1, G o l d c o m b e F a r m C o t t a g e s ,
Box 141 Avalon Beach NSW 2107 Australia
Martinstown, Dorchester,
D o r s e t . DT2 9 H Y E n g l a n d . Phone Orders: 0 0 1 1 6 1 9 9 1 8 6 3 6 3





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5 I N C E 1 J A N U A R Y 20D1, OVER NINE M I L L I O N 'HITS'












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