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Larastri Kumaralalita, Achmad Nizar Hidayanto, Dina Chahyati

Laboratory of IT Governance
Compliance Analysis of IT Investment Governance
Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia
Email: {larastri.k, nizar, dina}
Practices to Val IT 2.0 Framework in Indonesian
Commercial Bank: The XYZ Bank Case Study

Abstract—Company becomes more concern on Business Value the simplest

Index (BVI) well documented and more
the role of information technology (IT) as enabler qualitative in its assessment of
of business. To enhance its performance, it needs to benefits and risk
improve service quality, for example by increasing Total Economic values flexibility
IT investment. This paper aims to analyze the Impact (TEI), add more rigor around quantifying
practice of IT investment governance in XYZ Bank intangible benefits, risk, and value
of flexibility or future capability
and sees its compliance with Val IT 2.0 in order to resulting from IT investments
improve the current practices. Our findings show Value IT takes a governance approach
that project management to run IT investment (Val IT) organization that have
initiatives has well established and is capable to implemented COBIT, may benefit
help the company to achieve its objectives. from adopting Val IT
Applied Information offers the greatest rigor
Moreover, our analysis also show that almost all Economics (AIE) for organization which requiring
practices in the current framework can be mapped more quantitative rigor
into Val IT 2.0. It shows a fact that although XYZ
Bank has less awareness on IT investment IT governance has been implemented in some of
governance framework, its current practices enterprise-scale companies, especially in banking
already meet the criteria of such a good IT
sector which depends greatly on IT, including the
investment governance.
object of our research, the XYZ Bank. The XYZ Bank
already has adopted COBIT framework with maturity
level of 4 in 2008. Based on this evidence, we

N owadays information technology is not only as

support for business but also as enabler. With IT
as enabler, companies need to increase investment in
consider that XYZ Bank is a suitable place to assess
its compliance with Val IT.
In Indonesia, the use of IT investment governance
IT. Mentioned by Gartner, worldwide IT spending framework is still rare including in banking industry.
grows 5.1 percent in 2011 with total to be $3,6 billion Although most of them have adopted project
[6]. Therefore in order to increase the value of IT management framework, they only focus on the
benefits, company may increase their investment in financial profit of IT investment, not to IT investment
IT. values as a whole that comprises of tangible and
Value of IT benefits is not only tangible but also intangible values. This fact shows that their awareness
intangible. According to Nelson, the measurement of on IT investment is not as expected.
intangible benefits is more difficult to be quantified Therefore, this paper purposely tries to look up how
[13]. Craig Symons reviewed four IT value far the practice of IT investment governance at one
methodologies that were developed during the past sample of Bank in Indonesia, XYZ Bank, using the
few years and employed in actual IT investment newest IT investment framework, Val IT 2.0. We also
analysis. Those IT value methodologies are Business interested to see the compliance of its current practices
Value Index (BVI), Total Economic Impact (TEI), to Val IT 2.0. We believe that although the XYZ Bank
Value IT (Val IT), and Applied Information has not implemented IT investment framework yet, it
Economics (AIE). The comparison of the four has a good chance to be ready for using the Val IT 2.0.
methodologies can be seen in Table 1. At last, we also give recommendation to the XYZ
In this paper, we take one as framework to more Bank to improve its current IT investment practices.
thoroughly measure value of IT as part of IT
governance. Val IT is also best used for company
which has used Control Objective for Information and II.THEORETICAL FOUNDATION
related Technology (COBIT) as framework for its IT
Governance [14]. A. Enterprise Governance of IT
Based on Van Grembegen [7], Enterprise
TABLE I Governance of IT is the shift in definition from IT
COMPARISON OF METHODOLOGIES governance to be focusing on the business
Framework Name Characteristics involvement. The shift is due to the concept of IT
governance, that emerge in late 1990s, merely

focuses on ‘IT’ in the naming of concept, so it 1) Definition: Val IT consists of set of guiding
mainly stays as discussion within the IT area. principles and a number of processes conforming to
Unfortunately, the responsibility of IT may also those principles which are further defined as a suite
situate at the business side. IT is intended to give of key management practices. The relationship
business value from IT investment that cannot be amongst these principles, processes, and practices
realized by IT, but will be always be created at provided in Fig 1.
business side[7].
Therefore, Enterprise Governance of IT is an
integral part of corporate governance and
addresses the definition and implementation of
processes, structures, and relational mechanisms in
the organization that enable both business and IT
people to execute their responsibilities in support of
business/IT alignment and the creation of business
Figure 1 The Relationship of Principles, Processes, and
value from IT-enabled business investments[7].
Practices [12]
In order to measure how this concept can be
implemented in company, there are two frameworks Other several important key definitions in the context
provided, which are COBIT and Val IT. COBIT of Val IT are:
focuses on IT processes, while Val IT addresses the  Value is the result that expected from IT investment
IT-related business process. COBIT is a freely financially, non-financially, or both of them[15].
available industry framework that describes a set of  Full economic life cycle is economic life cycle of
best practices for management, control and investment program that covered the stage of build,
assurance of information technology, and organizes implement, operate, until retire when the value is
them around a logical framework based on 34 IT gained.
processes [7]. Val IT is a relative new framework  Portfolio is groupings of ‘object interest’
issued by the IT Governance Institute in 2006, (investment programmes, IT services, IT projects,
which mainly focuses on the business other IT assets, or resources) managed and
responsibilities in IT value creation. Val IT is monitored to optimize business value.
complementary to COBIT and follows the same  Programme is a structured grouping of inter-
structures and templates as provided in the COBIT dependent projects that are both necessary and
manuals [7]. sufficient to achieve a desired business outcome and
B. Val IT create value.
Val IT is purposed to help enterprise in  Project is a structures set of activities concerned
optimizing the realization of value from IT-enabled with delivering a defined capability (that is
investments at an affordable cost, and with a known necessary but not sufficient to achieve a required
and acceptable level of risk. With effective business outcome) to the enterprise based on an
application of principles, processes, and practices of agreed-upon schedule and budget.[12]
Val IT, organization may able to [11]:
 Increase the understanding and transparency of 2) Val IT Principles [12]:
cost, risks, and benefits which may result in much  IT-enabled investment will be managed as a
better informed management decisions. portfolio of investment.
 Increase the probability of selecting investment  IT-enabled investment will include the full
that have the potential to generate the highest scope of activities required to achieve business
return. value
 Increase the likelihood of success of executing  IT-enabled investment will be managed
selected investment such that they achieve or through their full economic life cycle
exceed their potential return.  Value delivery practices will recognize there
 Reduce costs by not doing things they should not are different categories of investment that will
be doing and taking early corrective action on or be evaluated and managed differently.
terminating investments that are not delivering to  Value delivery practices will define and
their expected potential. monitor key metrics and respond quickly to
 Reduce the risk of failure, especially high-impact any changes or deviations.
failure.  Value delivery practices will engage all
 Reduce the surprises relative to IT cost and stakeholder and assign appropriate
delivery, and in so doing increase business value, accountability for the delivery of capabilities
reduce unnecessary costs, and increase the overall and the realization of business benefits.
level of confidence in IT.  Value delivery practices will be continually
More information about Val IT is provided below, monitored, evaluated, and improved.
regarding definition, domain, processes, and goals.
3) Domains: To fulfill the Val IT value management 6. PM6 Optimise Investment Portfolio
goal of enabling the enterprise to realize optimal value Performance
at affordable cost with an acceptable level of risk from  Investment Management (IM)
IT-enabled investment, the Val IT principles need to 1. IM1 Develop and Evaluate The Initial
be applied within three domains [12]: Programme Concept Business Case
 Value Governance: the goal is to ensure that value 2. IM2 Understand The Candidate Programme
management practices are embedded in the and Implementation Options
enterprise, enabling it to secure optimal value from 3. IM3 Develop The Programme Plan
its IT-enabled investments throughout their full 4. IM4 Develop Full Life-Cycle Costs and
economic life cycle. Benefits
 Portfolio Management: the goal is to ensure that an 5. IM5 Develop The Detailed Candidate
enterprise secures optimal value across its portfolio
Programme Business Case
of IT-enabled investment.
6. IM6 Launch and Manage The Programme
 Investment Management: the goal is to ensure that
7. IM7 Update Operational IT Portfolio
enterprise’s individual IT-enabled investment
8. IM8 Update The Business Case
contributes to optimal value. There are three key
components of investment management, they are: 9. IM9 Monitor and Report on The Programme
o Business case: is used to select investment 10. IM10 Retire The Programme
program to be executed and manage the To understand more of the relationship between
execution. Business case should be updated in processes in each domains the explanation is provided
the whole of full economic life cycle to support in Fig 2.
the implementation of investment programme Value
VG1, VG2,
including the benefit realization. Governance
VG3, VG4
VG5 dan VG 6

o Programme management: govern all process

which support the execution of program.
o Benefits realization: the set of tasks required to Management
PM1, PM2,
PM4 PM5 dan PM6
actively manage the realization of programme
Each domain consists of some processes which are IM1, IM2, IM3,
IM6 IM10
discussed in the following point. IM4, IM5
4) Processes: is a collection of interacting Management
activities undertaken in accordance with management IM7, IM8 IM9
practices. The total of processes in the three Val IT
domains are 22 processes. Those processes are defined
specifically then called key management practices Figure 2 The Relationship of Processes
(while in COBIT is called the control objective).
5) Goals: Val IT defines goals in three level, they are:
Those processes in each domain are:
 Domain (like VG, PM, and IM) goals that
 Value Governance (VG)
define what business expects from each Val IT
1. VG1 Establish Informed and Committed domain and how to measure it.
 Process goals define what the Val IT process
2. VG2 Define and Implement Processes must deliver to support its domain’s objectives.
3. VG3 Define Portfolio Characteristics  Activity goals that establish what needs to
4. VG4 Align and Integrate Value Management happened inside each process to achieve its
with Enterprise Financial Planning required performance.
5. VG5 Establish Effective Governance
Monitoring Domain goals are achieved by one of the interaction
6. VG6 Continuously Improve Value of number of processes. Each process goals require a
Management Practices number of activities to establishing activity goals. This
 Portfolio Management (PM) cascade of goals in Val IT is different from the
1. PM1 Establish Strategic Direction and Target cascade presented in COBIT. While COBIT’s cascade
Investment Mix runs from IT goals to process goals to activity goals,
2. PM2 Determine the Availability and Source of Val IT‘s cascade runs from Val IT domain goals
Funds (instead of IT goals) to process and activity goals.
3. PM3 Manage The Availability of Human C.Related Works
Our previous study [8] was focus on the support
4. PM4 Evaluate and Select Programmes To
level of IT in governmental organization by using
standard of Balanced Score Card and U.S. GAO. We
5. PM5 Monitor and Report on Investment
also conducted research on human aspect [5, 9] related
Portfolio Performance
to IT as well as technology adoption [10]. More closer Architecture Department, who is involved in Human
work related to our research was conducted by ISACA Resource. The interview is focused on human resource
through the case study at ING Bank which is highly in project.
regulated and known for its IT intensity[11]. This case (4) Senior Manager Planning, Budgeting, Architecture
study is called “Enterprise Value Governance of IT Department. The interview is focused on Val IT’s
Investment, The ING Case Study”. In that case study, domain in investment management (IM).
explain how ING has applied Val IT’s management Documents observed in this study include
processes in value governance, portfolio management, company’s profile and organization structure, IT
and investment management. As result, not department’s profile and organization structure,
surprisingly, it has developed a number of strategic IT policies, IT investment management
correspondingly sophisticated and mature processes processes, IT governance, and corporate annual report.
for managing its use of IT[11]. Results of interview and document studies are mapped
The framework used in this case study is the first to Val IT to check the completeness and conformity
version of Val IT which is issued in 2006, Val IT 1.0. with the activity and process goals from all process in
The analysis described processes in each domain all three domains.
based on current practice in ING Bank using Val IT
1.0. Therefore, in this paper, the research is done by IV. COMPANY’S PROFILE
using the newest edition of Val IT that is issued in
A. Description
2008, Val IT 2.0, in one of Indonesian Bank (with
anonymous name XYZ Bank). XYZ Bank is a commercial bank that has the
biggest asset in Indonesia. It has more than 22.909
employees that are spread among 1.096 domestic
branches, seven overseas branches. It also serves
Data in this research is obtained using qualitative 4.996 ATM, 12.666 links ATM, and 10.104.159
approach. This approach is considered appropriate to account of third parties[4].
map the current IT investment practices in XYZ Bank
B. Organizational Structure
based in Val IT 2.0 framework. The object of this
research is the XYZ Bank that relies heavily on IT for The IT Investment governance in the XYZ Bank
its operations. Moreover XYZ is chosen because it has involves the contribution both from IT and business.
been using the COBIT for its IT governance. The involving parties are :
Currently, XYZ has reached level 4 according to  Corporate Banking, Commercial & Business
COBIT maturity level. Banking, Micro & Retail Banking Directorate,
For the framework, researchers chose the most and and Consumer Finance: units that become product
owner of investment (party who proposed
newest IT investment framework which is Val IT 2.0.
investment and also become the party who owned
Val IT has very close relationship with COBIT
the realization of investment’s benefit).
framework that has been adopted by XYZ and it can
 Human Resource & Compliance Directorate:
measure value of IT as parts of IT governance. Both
through each representative in each directorate,
frameworks also exhibit similar structure, thus it is named Human Resource Strategic Business Unit
expected that XYZ bank will be easier in (HR-SBU), who supply human resource for each
understanding the structure of Val IT. project team based on quantity and quality
The data is collected by interviewing respondents needed.
and observing documents. The total of interviews  Strategy & Performance Group: accountable for
question are 129 items based on process and activities the management of investment program by
goal of the three Val IT’s domains (Value selecting the project prioritization process based
Governance, Portfolio Management, and Investment on the financial side, determine the overall
Management). The questions were asked to four investment budget, and oversee the use of the
interviewee based on their responsibilities in XYZ budget for the whole project.
Bank. Those interviewees are:  Change Management Office (CMO): selecting the
(1) Vice President IT Planning, Budgeting, project through project prioritization process
Architecture Department with. The interview is based on compliance with business strategy,
focused on company’s profile, investment flow, and report on progress through post-implementation
Val IT’s domain in Value Governance (VG) and review.
Portfolio Management (PM).  Risk Management Directorate: to assist in the
(2) Assistant Vice President IT Planning, Budgeting, calculation of project risk.
Architecture Department who is involved in IT The activities of IT investment governance itself are
Budgeting. The interview is focused on project technically managed by one of the group in IT
budgeting. directorate, named IT Planning, Architecture, and
(3) Assistant Vice President IT Planning, Budgeting, Business Continuity Plan Group, especially the IT
Planning Department.
C.Investment Flow payments, retail payments, and corporate centers and
In general, controlling budget and IT investments is self service. Meanwhile, the focus of the directorate is
done by two mechanisms, through IT Strategic Plan the division of the segments to the directorate that is
(ISP) for long-term programme and IT Annual Plan responsible in its implementation. Company has not
for short-term programme. used the portfolio as a whole but can be applied as a
segmented project portfolio.
For the long-term programme, the ISP is prepared
4) VG4 Align And Integrate Value
by IT Planning group then proposed to IT Steering
Management with Enterprise Financial Planning: The
Committee for approval. ISP is driven by business
process to harmonize and integrate value management
strategy, standard and regulation, technology trend with enterprise financial plan, XYZ Bank has begun to
and current IT Assessment. ISP is consist of align and integrate with the value of financial
prioritized IT strategic which will run for around 4 up governance practices with a focus on specific business
to 5 years. segments. However, alignment is still a funding
For the short-term programme, Annual IT Plan is allocation per project for the implementation of
based on ISP which is prepared by IT Group and also investment initiatives so that only projects that
related business units. It consists of collected user provide optimum value is executed. In addition a
demand with feasibility analysis. This plan will run feasibility analysis, business case already has its own
around one year. standards of appropriate IT Annual Operating Plan.
Financial planning projects included in the feasibility
D.Project Management
study on the Cost and Benefit Analysis [2].
Initiatives that have been approved as mentioned 5) VG5 Establish Effective Governance
earlier, executed as projects. In project management, Monitoring: XYZ Bank defines governance
the company uses IT Project Management monitoring through their respective roles in
Framework. This framework is named System governance. Periodic monitoring is based on the report
Development Life Cycle (SDLC) which is an as measured by key performance indicator (KPI)
aggregate between the adoption of Project which have been determined for each directorate.
Management Body of Knowledge and company’s 6) VG6 Continuously Improve Value
current framework[1]. Management Practices: XYZ Bank has not applied
management practice effectively. But the company
V. ANALYSIS RESULT has begun to improve the efficiency of project
One of our objective is to see the current practice of management, one of them by sharing knowledge
IT investment management in the XYZ Bank and map between project managers. In addition the company to
it to the Val IT 2.0 to see its compliance. The revamp the organizational structure to improve
following provides our mapping results for each cooperation between business units and IT in project
processes in the three IT Val domains. Based on this management.
mapping result, we give recommendation for the XYZ After getting each process conclusion, we can see
how the VG domain is achieved. As mentioned
Bank to improve its current practices.
earlier, VG domain goal is to ensure that the practice
of value management in the company has been there
A. Value Governance (VG) Domain so the company can maintain an optimal fixed value
1) VG1 Establish Informed and Committed generated by IT investments since the proposed until
Leadership: The executives role is played through IT retirement.
Steering Committee (shortly IT Committee) and board Based on the six points, it can be concluded that
meeting. The composition and responsibilities of IT XYZ Bank has begun to practice value management
Committee is committed in Director Letter of but not yet thoroughly. The company already has
Decision in 2010 about IT Steering Committee [3]. IT policies through IT Annual Operating Plan that
Committee’s responsibility mainly approves the IT governs the process of prioritization of IT investments
Strategic Plan and any strategic policies, then ratified to gain the initiative that delivers optimal value.
by the board.
2) VG2 Define and Implement Processes: B. Portfolio Management (PM) Domain
Company uses IT Project Management Framework, IT 1) PM1 Establish Strategic Direction and
Annual Operating Plan, and COBIT. IT Project Target Investment Mix : XYZ Bank uses the COBIT
Management Framework is used for managing the framework to ensure the contribution of IT to business
project from beginning to end. IT Annual Operating goals can be realized. In addition, the IT Committee
Plan is used for the selection of IT investment carries out its role to ensure the ISP with the company
initiatives, and COBIT is used for IT governance. has aligned its strategic objectives. Meanwhile, the
3) VG3 Define Portfolio Characteristics: Bank investment mix has not been determined specifically
XYZ defining characteristics of a project based on the but aspects of the investment considerations are listed
focus of the segment and focus directorate. The focus in the feasibility study.
of the segment consists of wholesale, finance
2) PM2 Determine The Availability and earlier, the goal of domain is to ensure optimal value
Sources of Funds: Fund management at XYZ Bank is generated by IT investment portfolio.
the responsibility of the SPM. Regarding the IT Based on these six points, it can be concluded that
investment, SPM governs the allocation of funds for XYZ Bank has implemented a segmented project
each project based on approval of a board meeting. which was implemented as a portfolio, but adoption
Additional funding sources have been identified by has not been thorough. The initiative is run in the form
the company and have been used as an alternative to a of projects carried out by IT Project Management
new capital for investment. In addition, transparency Framework. In each frame has been determined the
also has been realized through the financial statements information, documents, and sign off on whatever is
that are routinely reported and easily accessed by needed since the project began to run up to the live
interested parties. implementation.
3) PM3 Manage The Availability of Human
C.Investment Management (IM) Domain
Resources: Management of human resources is
handled by Human Resource Directorate. This 1) IM1 Develop and Evaluate The Initial
directorate has a representative in each other Programme Concept Business Case : In developing
directorates called Strategic Business Units Human and evaluating the program initiation of a business
Resource (HR-BSU). HR-SBU assists companies in concept, XYZ Bank has so far carried out based on
getting the human resources for daily functions and the content of the feasibility study. For evaluation, the
projects. So far the making of project team members is company wanted to develop in the direction of risk
still done informally. The XYZ makes predictions on and cost benefit calculations in the Val IT to produce a
human resource requirements based on business more efficient and wise initiation.
strategy, for example IT directorate uses IT Strategic 2) IM2 Understand The Candidate
Plan (ISP), which is derived from business strategy, to Programme and Implementation Options : In
predict the quantity and quality of human resources understanding the candidate program and
for four years period. implementation options for the achievement of
4) PM4 Evaluate and Select Programmes To business objectives, the XYZ Bank has established
Fund : XYZ Bank uses a feasibility study and cost & forms of communication with other stakeholders to
benefit analysis. This process is part of the develop the idea of investment initiatives.
prioritization process in the IT Annual Operating Plan. Furthermore, the choice of implementation is done
The funds include the cost of starting IT project and through prioritization.
the cost of maintenance as the project’s product is IM3 Develop The Programme Plan: XYZ Bank
implemented. The starting cost is billed to the unit has established consultation with stakeholders such as
business who owns the project, while the maintenance the IT unit, the other business units, and field director
cost becomes the responsibility of IT directorate. for the preparation of the project plan as outlined in
the feasibility study document. The company gets
5) PM5 Monitor and Report on Investment enough information from the documents regarding
Portfolio Performance: In monitoring and reporting risks, costs, and profit to help controlling costs and
on investment portfolio performance, XYZ Bank risks of the business benefits.
monitors and reports the performance of an 3) IM4 Develop Full Life-Cycle Costs and
investment portfolio in the form of supervision carried Benefits: Cost and benefits with risk considerations
out weekly, monthly, and quarterly. are listed on the Profit / Loss, Cost & Benefit Analysis
IT Committee sees the achievement of strategic and Risk Based Analysis (including mitigation). All
projects to the original purpose of the IT Committee the points are part of the feasibility study.
meets in every three months. Program Committee, 4) IM5 Develop The Detailed Candidate
sees the achievement of the project which they are Programme Business Case: XYZ Bank uses
responsible every month. While the PMO tests the feasibility study and project charter (to initiatives that
performance of the overall project are based on have been approved by the prioritization team) that
weekly reports from the project admin. To control the can be said to be a business case of project initiatives.
deviation, as the initial stage, the program committee Development is done by outlining the details of the
can provide direction. However, if there is unresolved benefits, costs, and risks in the feasibility study so that
issues, it can be escalated to the IT Committee or any comparisons can be made between initiatives of
meeting of directors. projects. Development of detailed project charter also
6) PM6 Optimise Investment Portfolio performed on the activity presented at the high level
Performance: XYZ Bank only funds projects that give project plan.
optimal value. In addition, the company provides early 5) IM6 Launch and Manage The
action if it detects a decreasing in IT value by Programme: The XYZ Bank’s project has been
examining the causes and immediately fixing them. documented by the project administrator then
After getting conclusion of each process, we can see collected by the PMO who then report it to the board
how the PM domain is achieved. As mentioned meeting. Reporting of strategic projects in the form of
weekly presentations, while the less strategic projects
to be reported in full only at the time of closure. In the obtain the profit, then the values of investment is no
event of deviation, it will be directed to the program longer important.
manager. If it is not finished yet, it will be escalated to On the other hand, it also shows that the current
the program committee or higher IT Committee or a condition from the IT organization structure and
board meeting, if it is necessary. policy is settled enough. In fact, the XYZ Bank has
6) IM7 Update Operational IT Portfolios: achieved score of 4 in COBIT maturity level. Having
Bank XYZ has not implemented it because the this evidence, we believe that XYZ Bank can easily
company has not used the Bank's portfolio. It is due to adopt Val IT 2.0 to govern its IT investment.
XYZ Bank is still project-based. Information on the
E. Recommendation
project charter is always updated as additional needs
sometimes arise. In addition the project progress is Based on the mapping of the three domains, we see
reported weekly to the PMO to always give the project that there are some aspects that we think can be
progress. optimized in order to achieve better compliance with
7) IM8 Update The Business Case : The XYZ Val IT 2.0 framework. Below are summary of our
Bank updates project charter regularly by consulting recommendation for XYZ Bank to improve its IT
to the stakeholders especially the product owner. investment management practices:
8) IM9 Monitor and Report on The 1.Using a segmented project as a portfolio (VG3).
Programme: Boards and executives already 2.Using a business case (IM1).
understand the performance and capabilities for the 3.Recalculated the ROI after the implementation of
project and receive a progress report written during investment projects (IM6).
the project closure. In addition, the Change 4.Applying a rotation system with a more
Management Office executes post implementation systematic and more intensive training (PM3).
review to assess the implementation of the project, Once the XYZ Bank implements those steps, it is
and then reports the result to the board and the expected that they are ready enough to adopt IT Val
executive. 2.0 framework.
9) IM10 Retire The Programme: The XYZ
Bank dismisses projects that have achieved the VI. CONCLUSION
expected results or no longer give benefits according The overall objective of the Val IT is enabling the
to the standard in IT Project Management Framework. company to keep the resulting optimal value from IT
The business unit will propose the dismissal of the investments at a cost that can be met and the level of
project if the project is no longer required, functions acceptable risk. Based on the summary conclusions of
or benefits is already covered by other projects too, or the three domains, the XYZ bank has made several
desired outcomes have been achieved. The proposal is efforts to maintain the optimal value from IT
reported to the IT committee or board meeting. If the
investments by using a framework in Annual
project is closed then the project team is disbanded
Operating Plan, namely IT Project Management
and maintenance responsibilities are handed over to IT
Framework. In addition, the company has to consider
After getting each process conclusion, we can see the costs and risks in selecting IT investments using
how the IM domain is achieved. As mentioned before, the feasibility analysis.
the goal of IM domain is to ensure every IT But the company has not been able to see the
investment contributes optimum value. overall connectivity of the project; the effects of
Based on these ten points, it can be concluded that changes to IT infrastructure projects are more
the company has used two approaches; the feasibility comprehensive. Also, it would be better if the
study approach that is based on IT Annual Operating company can calculate the return from IT investments
Plan and the project charter approach that is based on that will improve the quality of governance of IT
the IT Project Management Framework. Company investments.
uses feasibility study to ensure the feasibility of Based on this evidence, it shows that although XYZ
proposed IT initiative to be able to earn optimal value. Bank has not implemented Val IT 2.0, almost all of its
Meanwhile, the project charter is used for ongoing current IT investments practices have complied with
projects to monitor and update information so that Val IT 2.0 framework. This finding implies that the
monitoring will be easier. XYZ Bank actually needs a little effort in order to
D. Summary of Analysis adopt Val IT framework. It is expected that by
adopting such IT investment standard, the XYZ Bank
Based on our analysis to the three domains, it
shows that XYZ company may run its IT investment has better IT investment governance.
aligning with their own goal. They use framework
related to project management to manage approved IT REFERENCES
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