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Bibliografia sobre China

Paulo de Tarso Ferreira, 20 de junho de 2020

A. James Gregor — A Place in the Sun. Marxism and Fascism in China's Long
Revolution (2000)

A. James Gregor — Marxism and the Making of China. A Doctrinal History (2014)

Adrian Chan — Chinese Marxism (2003)

Andrew G. Walder — Agents of Disorder. Inside China's Cultural Revolution (2019)

Bill Gertz — Deceiving the Sky. Inside Communist China's Drive for Global Supremacy

Byron R. Winborn — Wen Bon. A Naval Air Intelligence Officer Behind Japanese Lines in
China (1994)

Carl Roper — Trade Secret Theft, Industrial Espionage, and the China Threat (2013)

Cheng Chen — The Return of Ideology. The Search for Regime Identities in
Postcommunist Russia and China (2016)

Christian Sorace, Ivan Franceschini, Nicholas Loubere — Afterlives of Chinese

Communism (2019)

Clive Hamilton — Silent Invasion. China's Influence in Australia (2018)

Clive Hamilton, Mareike Ohlberg — Hidden Hand. Exposing How the Chinese
Communist Party is Reshaping the World (2020)

Daniel S. Markey — China's Western Horizon. Beijing and the New Geopolitics of
Eurasia (2020)

David Shambaugh — China Goes Global. The Partial Power (2013)

David Shambaugh — China's Future (2016)

David Shambaugh — Modernizing China's Military. Progress, Problems, and Prospects


David Shambaugh — The China Reader. Rising Power (2016)

David Shambaugh (ed.) — China and the World (2020)

David Shambaugh, Michael Yahuda — International Relations of Asia (2014)

David Wise — Tiger Trap. America's Secret Spy War with China (2011)

Dennis F. Poindexter — The Chinese Information War. Espionage, Cyberwar,

Communications Control and Related Threats to United States Interests (2018)

Dennis Wang — Reigning the Future. AI, 5G, Huawei, and the Next 30 Years of US-
China Rivalry (2020)

Dexter Tiff Roberts — The Myth of Chinese Capitalism. The Worker, the Factory, and
the Future of the World (2020)

Edward O'Dowd — Chinese Military Strategy in the Third Indochina War. The Last
Maoist War (2007)

Elisabette M. Marvel (ed.) — China's Cyberwarfare Capability (2010)

Elizabeth C. Economy — The Third Revolution. Xi Jinping and the New Chinese State

Elizabeth C. Economy, Michael Levi — By All Means Necessary. How China's Resource
Quest is Changing the World (2014)

Eric Enno Tamm — The Horse That Leaps Through Clouds. A Tale of Espionage, the
Silk Road, and the Rise of Modern China (2011)

Fenzhi Zhang — Xi Jinping. How to Read Confucius and Other Chinese Classical
Thinkers (2015)

Franáois Bougon — Inside the Mind of Xi Jinping (2018)

Frederic Wakeman Jr. — Spymaster. Dai Li and the Chinese Secret Service (2003)

Gordon G. Chang — The Great U.S.-China Tech War (2020)

H. R. McMaster, Michael Pillsbury, Kishore Mahbubani — China and the West.

McMaster and Pillsbury vs. Mahbubani and Wang. The Munk Debates (2019)

Huiyun Feng, Kai He, Xiaojun Li — How China Sees The World. Insights From
China's International Relations Scholars (2019)

James Griffiths — The Great Firewall of China. How to Build and Control an
Alternative Version of the Internet (2019)

James Scott, Drew Spaniel — China's Espionage Dynasty. Economic Death by a

Thousand Cuts (2016)
Ji Li — The Clash of Capitalisms? Chinese Companies in the United States (2018)

John M. Friend — How China Sees the World (2018)

Jon R. Lindsay, Tai Ming Cheung, Derek S. Reveron — China and Cybersecurity.
Espionage, Strategy, and Politics in the Digital Domain (2015)

Jonathan Manthorpe — Claws of the Panda. Beijing's Campaign of Influence and

Intimidation in Canada (2019)

Jonathan Manthorpe — Forbidden Nation. A History of Taiwan (2005)

Joseph W. Esherick, C.X. George Wei — China. How the Empire Fell (2014)

Jude Blanchette — China's New Red Guards. The Return of Radicalism and the Rebirth
of Mao Zedong (2019)

Julia Lovell — Maoism. A Global History (2019)

Jung Chang, Jon Halliday — Mao. A Hist¢ria Desconhecida (2012)

Kang Liu — Aesthetics and Marxism. Chinese Aesthetic Marxists and Their Western
Contemporaries (2000)

Kerry Brown — Carnival China. China in the Era of Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping (2014)

Kerry Brown — CEO, China. The Rise of Xi Jinping (2016)

Kerry Brown — China 2020. The Next Decade for the People's Republic of China (2011)

Kerry Brown — China and the EU in Context. Insights for Business and Investors (2014)

Kerry Brown — China's World. What Does China Want (2017)

Kerry Brown — The New Emperors. Power and the Princelings in China (2014)

Kerry Brown — The World According to Xi (2018)

Kerry Brown, Simone van Nieuwenhuizen — China and the New Maoists (2016)

Kingsley Edney — The Globalization of Chinese Propaganda. International Power and

Domestic Political Cohesion (2014)

Kishore Mahbubani — Has China Won? (2020)

Liu Mingfu — The China Dream (2015)

M. Meisner — Li Ta-Chao and the Origins of Chinese Marxism (1967)

Mara Hvistendahl — The Scientist and the Spy. A True Story of China, the FBI, and
Industrial Espionage (2020)

Matthew James Brazil — The Darkest Red Corner. Chinese Communist Intelligence and
Its Place in the Party, 1926-1945 (2012)

Michael Pillsbury — Chinese Views of Future Warfare (2002)

Michael Pillsbury — The Hundred-Year Marathon. China's Secret Strategy to Replace

America as the Global Superpower (2016)

Nicholas Eftimiades — Chinese Intelligence Operations. Espionage Damage Assessment

Branch, US Defence Intelligence Agency (1994)

Paul J. Bolt, Sharyl Cross — China, Russia, and Twenty-first Century Global Geopolitics

Peter Mattis, Matthew Brazil — Chinese Communist Espionage. An Intelligence Primer


Peter Navarro, Gordon G. Chang — Crouching Tiger. What China's Militarism Means
for the World (2015)

Qiao Liang, Wang Xiangsui — Unrestricted Warfare. China's Master Plan to Destroy
America (2017) [ODC]

Ralph D. Sawyer — The Tao of Spycraft. Intelligence Theory and Practice in Traditional
China (2004)

Richard McGregor — Asia's Reckoning. China, Japan, and the Fate of U.S. Power in the
Pacific Century (2017)

Richard Mcgregor — The Party. The Secret World of China's Communist Rulers (2010)

Richard McGregor — Xi Jinping. The Backlash (2019)

Robert G. Sutter — US-China Relations. Perilous Past, Uncertain Present (2018)

Robert Spalding — Stealth War. How China Took Over While America's Elite Slept

Roger Faligot, Rémi Kauffer — The Chinese Secret Service (1989)

Samantha Hoffman — Engineering Global Consent. The Chinese Communist Party's

Data-Driven Power Expansion (2019)
Stein Ringen — Nation of Devils. Democratic Leadership and the Problem of Obedience

Stein Ringen — The Perfect Dictatorship. China in the 21st Century (2016)

Steven W. Mosher — Bully of Asia. Why China's Dream is the New Threat to World
Order (2017)

Steven W. Mosher — Hegemon. China's Plan to Dominate Asia and the World (2015)

Sulmaan Wasif Khan — Muslim, Trader, Nomad, Spy. China's Cold War and the
People of the Tibetan Borderlands (2016)

Tani E. Barlow et al. — New Asian Marxisms (2002) [ODC]

William C. Hannas, James Mulvenon, Anna B. Puglisi — Chinese Industrial Espionage.

Technology Acquisition and Military Modernisation (2013)

William J. Holstein — The New Art of War. China's Deep Strategy inside the United
States (2019)

Xi Jinping — The Governance of China (2014)

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