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to enhance listening comprehension skills

in English with the support of mobile technology

in tenth graders at Cristino Naranjo High School

M.Ed, B.A. Irguens Gálvez De Lara


Unit 1 All about you

Activity #_______

1.1 Talking about personal information.

 Look at the picture and answer:

a) Are they at work or at school?
b) How do you know it
c) What do you think the conversation is about?

This activity is aimed at predicting the content of the text by activating students´ previous
knowledge and must be used during the Initial communicative practice in which listening as a
means and listening as an end are both combined at before listening stage. Students have to
use their Zapya app. to receive the files and Gallery app. to see the picture. They have to
see the picture individually and with partners discuss the questions and then with the whole
class. Afterward, students have to listen to the audio-text and verify if their predictions were
right which should be done in pair-work by using Play Music app.

Activity #___

1.2 Talking about present activities.

 Listen to the audio-text and answer the quiz.

This activity which corresponds to while listening activities stage should be solved at
home as independent work in small groups of three because it requires some seconds
to download the audio from the Internet. It is aimed at identifying the main idea and
some specific information to be analyzed in the next class, so it is a listening activity as
an end. The text is located at Listening step-by-step app. Nancy ´s self-introducing.
Activity #___

1.3 Talking about future activities and plans.

 Look at the picture. It is 5:30pm. What are these people ´s evening plans? Write
your guesses in the chart.

 Listen to the interview. What are people going to do? Complete the chart.
This activity will cover the before and while listening stages and is aimed at predicting and
listening for specific information, so it is a listening as an end activity. To solve it, students
work first in small groups to predict and then in pairs to listen and complete the chart during
the guided practice lesson by using first Gallery app and then Play music app.

Activity ___

Unit 1
 Watch the film “Collateral Beauty” and prepare an oral report about the film taking
into account: title, main characters, main ideas and video-maker´s purpose. To report
make a video.

This activity (task) should be solved at home and belongs to Creative application stage of
the learning cycle and involves while listening and after listening stages. Students will work
in groups of four and they have to get the main ideas of the film, so it is a listening as an end
task by using Play video app. to watch the film and to report it they have to use their
Camera app.

Unit # 2 Do you have any suggestions?

2.__ Describing health problems. Giving advice and suggestions.

Activity ___

 Watch the picture and listen

This exercise is aimed at learning vocabulary for
discussing parts of the body in the Initial
communicative practice as a warm-up. The
listening activity allows identifying words and
sounds, so it is a listening as a means activity.
Students should look at the picture with a partner in
their Gallery app. while the teacher writes these
questions on the board to be discussed.

 Where is the man?

 What is he doing?
 What is he wearing?
 What is he like?
Then, students listen to the audio by using Play
Music app. and repeat chorally first and

Activity ____

 Listen to the conversation and practice.

This activity combines both listening as and end and listening as a means and should be
executed during the Discussion analysis and solution stage of the learning cycle to identify
new words, sounds and structures. Students look at the picture with Gallery app. and the
teacher says, ´Steve and Kyle are talking.´ and asks, ´Ïs Kyle feeling well?´ ´What part of
the body does he talk about?´ So, students have to predict and anticipate. Then, students
listen to the conversation with their Play Music app. and verify if their predictions were
correct and listen for gist. Afterwards, students listen again and answer the question: What
is Steve going to do? (listening for specific information). Then students listen and read. The
teacher asks ´What does Steve asks Kyle?´. The teacher writes this sentences on the board
and students have to complete them while listening:
Kyle _____ a stomachache. / Kyle ______ the flu. / Kyle _______really sick.
Then students listen and repeat.
Activity ____
 People are talking about health problems. Listen and number the pictures.

A ___ B____ C___

D___ E___ F____

This activity is aimed at listening for gist during the Controlled practice focused on form stage of the
learning cycle and in the while listening activities. Students listen to the text individually with Play Music
app. and then compare with a partner.

Activity ___

 Listen to people talking about health problem. What phrase completes each
1.Lately, she____________ 3. She gets very bad____________
2.Lately, he doesn’t __________ 4. He´s getting a lot of ________ this year.
 Listen again. Circle what the friend suggests for each problem.
1. A) get something from the drug store. 3. A) buy a new computer.
B) get up and do something. B) sit in a different way .
C) take sleeping pills. C) stop using the computer.
2. A) get more sleep. 4. A) take vitamin C.
B) see the doctor. B) go to the doctor.
C) take vitamins. C) get more exercise

This activity is aimed at listening for details. Students have to listen to the text individually and then
compare their answer in pairs which should be executed during while listening stage at Guided practice
stage within the learning cycle. To listen to the conversations students have to use their Play Music


 Role – play. One person (A) acts out a health problem and the other person (B)
guesses what it is. Use the health problems you heard in the audio texts and give advice
for each problem. Record the conversation with your Camera app.
A) Complaint
B) Guess
A) Say no and continuing complaining
B) Guess
A) Say yes and complain
B) Suggest something
A) React and end the conversation

This activity should be solved as homework in pairs and as an after listening activity at the Guided
practice stage. Students use their Camera app to record the video. Students should have listened to the
text attentively.

2 . Talking about likes and dislikes.

Activity ___

 Listen and number the musical styles from 1 to 9.

This activity is intended at discussing types of music. First, students talk about kinds of music which are
popular in Cuba. Then, students have to look at the picture by using Gallery app. and talk about it. Finally,
students listen to the text by using Play Music app. and number individually but compare their answers in
pairs. This activity which is solved during the Initial communicative practice of this topic and students have to
listen for gist. Besides, this activity contains before and while listening stages.


 Listen to four people on a TV game show. Three men want to invite Linda in a date. What
kinds of things do the like? Complete the chart. Listen again and say who do you think is the
best date for Linda. Why?

This activity is aimed at listening for details in the while listening stage at Guided practice stage of the
learning cycle. Students listen to the text with their Play Music app. in small groups of three and
compare answers

 Listen to daisy and Tom talking about what they like and don’t like. Thick the food and
drink Daisy likes. What does Tom likes? Underline it.

 Listen again. Who says these things? Write T (Tom) or D (Daisy)

__ I don’t like coffee at all.
__ I like orange juice, but don’t like oranges.
__ I don’t like fruit very much at all.
__ I really like banana.
__ I like all fruit.
__ I like vegetables, especially carrots and peas.

This activity is intended at listening for specific information and identifying the speaker and identifying
structures and vocabulary combining listening as a means and listening as an end. Therefore it is
located at Controlled practice focus on form of the learning cycle and students use their Play Music
app. in pairs.

2 . Making an invitation.

Activity ___
 Listen to the conversation between Tom and Daisy´s mom.
a) What is the conversation about?
___ refusing something.
___ talking about likes and dislikes.
___ inviting someone to drink something.
b) Listen again and order the conversation and repeat. Then practice.
___ I´d like some juice, if that´s pk.
___ You ´re welcome.
___ Of course. Would you like some orange juice?
___ Oh yes please. Thank you very much.
___ Hello, Tom. Would you like some milk or water?
___ And … would you like a chocolate chip cookie?

c) Answer this question:

 How does Daisy´s mom invite Tom? Underline in b).

These . activities combine a drill and an activity itself. Students have to listen for gist, identify structures.
It involves a choral drill (whole class, teams and pairs). Thus, students listen to the text by means of
their Play Music app. at Discussion and analysis to the problem stage of the learning cycle

Unit # 3 Memories.

3.1 Talking about past memories and experiences.

 Listen to the conversation and select (X) the correct answer.
a) How many characters are in the conversation? ___ 1 ___2 ____3
b) They are friends ___ They met for the first time _____
c) They are talking about:
___ the last weekend ___ the next vacation ___ their past vacation

 Listen again and complete the blanks:
P: Where _______ you _____ for your vacations?
V: I __________ to Costa Rica. It _______my first time there.
P: ______ you ________ it?
V: Well… yes and now. I __________ to go surfing but the weather __________ was pretty
cloudy and it _________ a lot.
P: So, you _______ surf?
V: No, but I ________ a lot of museums and _______ some movies. What about you Paulo?
P: I ____ a lot of fun.

 Listen and repeat.

These activities are intended to be done during the Initial communicative practice and Analysis and
discussion of the problem stages of the learning cycle and combine both listening as a means and
listening as an end. The former activity is an activity itself and is aimed at listening for gist and students
have to work individually and check with the class, the second one combines listening for details and
listening to identify structures, verb forms and pronunciation of the –ed suffix in regular verbs and
intonation patterns and the last one is an exercise specifically a drill and students have to work in pairs. In
addition, students should use Play Music app.

Activity ___
 Listen to a question like this (´ What did you do on Saturday night? ´) and answer like this
(´I invited some friends for dinner. Then we watched the video´). Then restate the answer like this
(She invited some friends for dinner. Then, they watched the video).
1. A: How was your weekend?
B: It was ok. I stayed home and studied.
2. A: How was your weekend?
B: Terrific. I went shopping. Everything was on sale.
3. A: What did you do on Sunday?
B: I went to Boston with some friends. We took the tour of the city.
4. A: What did you do last weekend?
B: My brother had a party. I saw a lot all friends
5. A: What did you do os Saturday?
B: I studied all day. I went to the concert in the evening.

 Listen to a question followed by a word or phrase like this: (A: What did you do on
Sunday? B: stay home) Answer like this (B: I stayed home)
1. A: What did you do on Friday night? B: go dancing
2. A: What did you do on Saturday? B: work
3. A: What did you do after class yesterday) B: do my homework
4. A: Where did you spend your last vacation? B: go to Hawaii
5. A: What did you do last weekend? B: drive to the beach


 Listen to a phrase. Then ask a question with: What do you do…? Like this: (last night) A:
What did you do last night? Then you ´ll hear an answer.
1. On Sunday 3. On Sunday afternoon 5. Last summer
These On Saturday
activities night should be solved
(exercises) 4. Last during
weekend 6. On Sunday
the Controlled practice focusednight.
on form that is,
they correspond to listening as a mean. Students listen to form linguistic habits. Students listen in
pairs by using Play Music app. and then repeat and interact by acting out. These activities may be
executed in class or at home.

Activity ___

This activity (exercise) is intended at understanding the

pronunciation of past regular verbs. The teacher pre-
reads the conversation. Then, students play the
recording with Play Music app. and listen to the
complete conversation without filling in the blanks.
Afterwards, students play the recording again (twice)
but pause after each line to complete the task. Finally,
students replay the conversation to check their
answers with their partners. It is a controlled activity
focused on form.

 Listen. These people didn’t have a good vacation. What did they do? Listen and circle the
correct answer.
1. A) went away 5. A) went to the beach
B) stayed home B) went to the country

2. A) went to Hawaii 6. A)went skiing

B) went to Okinawa B) stayed home

3. A) went away 7. A) went skiing

B) stayed home B) stayed home

4. A) invited relatives to stay 8. A) went to Las Vegas

B) visited relatives B) went to Los Angeles

This activity is aimed at listening for gist. Students during the while listening stage at Controlled
practice focused on form may listen to the texts by using their Play Music app. Students can
listen to the audition individually and check their answers in pairs.
 People are talking about their vacations. Look at the picture. What do you think it
happens in these conversations?

 Did they enjoy them? Listen and select the correct

 Listen again. What word completes each
answer. statement?
1. The weather was _________________
2. The people were__________________
1. Yes__ No__ 5. Yes__ No__
3. The ski trip was___________________
2. Yes __ No__ 6. Yes __ No__ 4. Their trip to France was very_________
3. Yes __ No__ 7. Yes __ No__ 5. Her trip to the beach was very_________
6. The hotel wasn’t ___________________
4. Yes __ No__ 8. Yes __ No__
7. The shopping in Thailand was_________
8. His vacation was too________________
These activities are aimed at enhance listening comprehension skills such as: predicting, listening for
attitudes and listening for details. The former enables to predict the content of the text by looking at the
picture on cellphones with Gallery app. and students discuss in pairs and with the whole class. The
second and the last ones enable to understand meaning and information from the text by using Play
Music app. Students listen individually and check answers in pairs. These activities may be solved during
the Guided practice and involve before and while listening stages.

 Watch the video with the sound off and look at the pictures. Number them in the
order the woman talks about them.

This activity is intended at predicting and guessing the information of the text. It constitutes the oriented-
base of the homework at the before listening activities stage in which students look at the pictures in their
Gallery app. and name the places. Then, students watch the video with the sound off with their Play
Video app. in pairs and do the activity. Then the teacher give the instructions of the task there are going
to do at home.


 Watch the video. Mention the places Melissa saw in London. What did Melissa say
about each one?
 Watch the video again. Report what Melissa did on Sunday.
 Summarize the video. Then discuss which London sights are the most interesting
to you. Number them and explain. Record your discussion.

This activity (task) is intended at identifying main ideas, specific information, summarizing information,
watching careful to the video and reporting what they saw in the video. It combines listening as an end
and speaking skills and students will work in small groups by using Play Video and Camera apps. This
task corresponds to the Integrative communicative practice stage of the learning cycle and the while
and after listening stages of the listening stage.

3.2 Narrating stories.


 Listen to what happen to these people and check the things that have happened to

This activity (listening as a means) is aimed at identifying positive and negative things that have
happened to someone by means of an audio-text during the Analysis, discussion to the problem.
Students listen to the text with their Play Music app. (individually) and write down what each person
says. Then students look at the picture and read the statements with their Gallery app. and check
their notes in pairs. Then, students listen again and check what they happened to them and discuss
with the class. Then students identify the past phrases. Then, students look at the other part of
these sentences. The teacher elicits the form.
 Listen to questions about traffic accidents. Answer with the second choice.
1. Was it a clear night or was it raining?
2. Were you talking to your friend or were you paying attention to the road?
3. Was the car in front of you making a right turn or a left turn?
4. Were you speeding up or slowing down?
5. Were you driving without a seatbelt or wearing a seatbelt?

 Listen to people talking about events in their lives. Restate what they say like the
Example: A: I was running……………… A: I fell
You: He was running when he fell.
1. I was sleeping at home……..……I found a cheap apartment.
2. I was living with a friend………….I met Ted
3. I was studying in Spanish……….I went to Europe
4. I was finishing school……………I started my own business
5. I was learning to drive……………I had an accident.

These activities are aimed at listening as a means at the Controlled practice focused on form stage
of the learning cycle. Students work in pairs in the classroom or individually at home by using their
Play Music app.

 Listen to these stories about lucky breaks.
a) What were the people doing before they got their got their lucky breaks.
b) How did the events change their lives?
This activity is aimed at listening for specific information and making inferences by working with students´
Play Music app. individually and checking their answers in pairs. This activity should be executed during
the while listening stage at Guided practice stage of the learning cycle.

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