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Megan Ibarra  

July 2020 
​ O TOs 
Core Values (TIU3) 
Appreciation, Honesty 
Strategies for Success (SS2-7) Provide 2 examples of each 
Learning Styles (TIU4) Learning styles with 2 examples – place a star by your preferred styles 
Style: ex. Kinetic  
Ex. Physical Touch  
Style: ex. Auditory 
Ex. Lecture 
Style: ex. Visual  
Ex. Video 

Activate the Brain – The R’s (TIU7) 

1. Relationship 
Teach the Vocabulary (SS1) 
1. Word Wall  
3. Word Games 
2. Password 
4.Personal Dictionary  

Strategies for Differentiation (SS2) 

1.Tiered Instruction  
3.Flexible Grouping  
2.Anchoring Activities 
4.Compacting Curriculum  
Strategies for Success (SS2-7) – Provide 2 examples of each 
Example 1 
Cooperative Grouping 
Graphic Organizers 
Advanced Organizers 
Similarities / Differences 
Summarizing & Notetaking 
Cues & Questions 
Example 2 
Blooms Verbs (SS8 and SS9)APPS: ​ 
Create CANVA 
Four Questions to redirect behavior (CBM5) 
1. What are you doing? 
2. What are you SUPPOSED to be doing? 
3. Are you doing it? 
4. What are you going to do about it? 
Modifications and Accommodations (E6) 
Quantity  Time  Level of Support 

Definition: Adapt the number of  Definition: Adapt the time allotted and  Definition: Increase the amount of 
items that the learner is expected  allowed for learning, task completion,  personal assistance to keep the student 
to learn or number of activities  or testing.  on task or to reinforce or prompt use of 
student will complete prior to  Example: Provide more division of time to  specific skills. Enhance adult-student 
assessment for mastery.  allow for more classwork to be performed  relationship; use physical space and 
Example: Only provide terms that  so that the students can ask questions  environmental structure. 
will be resourceful for this lesson.  regarding the assignments.   Example: Shorten lessons, keeping them 
Not the entire list of terms for the  concise so that I will have more time to 
course.   provide attention to the students needs 
for homework/classwork.  
Input  Difficulty  Output 

Definition: Adapt the way  Definition: Adapt the skill level, problem Definition: Adapt how the student can 
instruction is delivered to the  type, or the rules on how the learner  respond to instruction.  
learner.   may approach the work.   Example: Constantly observe students 
Example: Provide more learning  Example: Apply more critical thinking  reactions towards lessons or attention. 
materials, not just visual or auditory, problems, rather than multiple choice  Modifying when there seems to be a lack 
try to incorporate kinesthetic  questions. Allowing students to reason  of attention.  
lessons.   rather than use the process of elimination. 

Participation  Notes​: 
Definition: Adapt the extent to 
which a learner is actively involved 
in the task. 
Example: Provide more time to allow 
for group discussion or hands on 
Suggestions for working with Students in Poverty (E12) 
1.Do not require costly activities.  
4. Be a trustworthy individual towards them, they need a strong relationship. 
2.Listen to them.  
5. Boost their self esteem 
3.Quickly stop harassment.  
6.Make it clear that you value your student, not their possessions.  
Reading Strategies to Strengthen Literacy Skills (R8) 
Strategy name: Listen-Read-Discuss 
When / how to use it: Before and During, small groups and whole class setting 
Define it 
1. Listen: Present information to students about the book they will be reading. This can be in the form of a short lecture 
on the topic, using a graphic organizer to guide the lecture. 
2. Read: Ask students to read a text selection. The content should be similar to the material presented during the "listen" 
portion of the lesson. 
3. Discuss: Lead a classroom discussion of the material. Encourage students to reflect on any differences between their 
reading of the content and your presentation​.
Strategy name: Paired or Partner Reading 
When / how to use it: During reading with small groups 
Define it 
1. Introduce paired reading strategy.  
2. Ask students to read in pairs, adjust reading speed, reading simultaneously to stay together. 
3. Have students offer feedback and praise for correct reading.  
Strategy name:Word Walls  
When / how to use it: Before/during/after, individually/with small groups/ whole class setting. 
Define it: 
1. Gradually adding 5 words per week. 
2. Use the word wall daily. 
3. Teachers and students should work together to add words to the wall. 
Making content comprehensible for ELL students (R9) 

1. Prepare the lesson: Graphic organizers, outlines, highlighted text, marginal notes, taped text, adapted text, jigsaw reading, 
leveled study guides. 
2. Build background: Conceptualizing key vocabulary, vocabulary self reflection, personal dictionaries, content word wall, 
concept definition map, cloze sentences, word sorts, word generation, visual vocabulary, vocabulary through songs. 
3. Make verbal communication understandable: appropriate speech, explanation of academic tasks, use a variety of 
techniques, scaffolding techniques. 
4. Learning strategies (this one should be easy!): mnemonics, “i wonder”, GIST, graffiti, think alouds, graphic organizer, 
questioning techniques 
5. Opportunities for interaction: Opportunities for interaction, encouraging more elaborate responses, fostering 
student-student interaction, grouping configurations, variety, homogeneous vs heterogeneous grouping, cooperative 
learning, wait time, clarify key concepts 
6. Practice and application: Hands on materials, application of content and language, discussing and doing, integration of 
language skills. 
7. Lesson delivery: content objective, students engaged & pacing. 
8. Review and assess: review key vocabulary, ways of scaffolding, review of key content concepts, providing feedback, 
assessment of lesson objectives, authentic assessment. 
Write at least 3 strategies / techniques that you could easily implement in your classroom for your content. 
1. Opportunities of interaction 
2. Conceptualizing key vocabulary 
3. Discussing and doing  
1. What research-based strategies will you see in my classroom?

-Setting objectives for daily learning.


- Positive reinforcement

2. What technology will you see in my classroom?

- You will see youtube videos, computer/ipad based web applications
- Engaging applications that increase student creativity
3. What are the important elements of lesson planning that need to be incorporated for
student success?

- Students' prior knowledge and their educational abilities.

4. In classroom behavior management, you learned about rules, procedures, routines, and
organization. What are the non-negotiables for my classroom?
- Non-negotiable rules in my classroom will be respectful responses at all times,
assigned seating.
5. In my classroom, how can I assure that all students have an equal opportunity to master
- It would be my duty to review the students' needs and accommodate them at all
times, which may be difficult but I will ensure that all my students have the same

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