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LESSON PLAN GUIDE Name: Megan Ibarra, July 2020

ObjecEve: (C3) Students will observe the lecture regard-

TEKS: (C2) §130.202.4 Principles of Health Science
ing the History of the principles of health science and
evaluate the Lmeline of historic principles/events.

Grade: 9th Subject: Principles of Health


Task Analysis: (C4) Strategy to teach Language: (C4)

What lang. must be taught: Terms regarding med- Word Wall
ical history.
What skills must be taught: Time line referencing.

Assessment: (C5) Oral PresentaLon on a specific period off the Lme line presented to them. They will need to include an
example (if applicable) to our present day.

Strategies for Success: (C6) Element of Technology: (C6)

What history do you know of the top of your head about Padlet cork board Lme to post historic facts regarding med-
medicine? Use the KWL model for this intro topic. icine. Slide show with a YouTube video to Le in historic
Learning Styles Addressed: (C6) events.
Visual – Flash cards with portraits of founding fathers
and arLfacts that are sLll used today.
Auditory-Dialogue from YouTube video.
Resources / Materials needed: (C6) Laminated Flash-
Kinesethic – Game of matching with flash cards to cards, ipads/chromebooks, smartboard, textbook and
terms/individuals of historic content. score sheets for matching game.

Higher Order QuesEons to ask:

(C6) 1. Tell me what would hap-
pen if anLbioLcs had not be in-
2. Discuss the importance of Mr. Louis Pasteur.
3. Order historical events from oldest to most recent.
Hook: (C7) Who am I? What am I? Closure: (C7) Whip around or pair share, depending on
the group of students.
1. Teacher Input / Direct InstrucEon / Modeling: (C6) Hand out laminated flash cards as students walk in the room
with no instrucLon.Allow students to brainstorm the meaning behind the flashcard and the posted objecLve. Pro-
vide mini lesson that includes images/terms on the flashcards.

2. Student AcEviEes / Guided PracEce: (C6) Ask students to open padlet and find a historical event in 5 mins to be
shared on the course padlet link. Create discussion on historic events they found and posted. Where there any
events that they found that were also provided in the lesson?

3. Independent PracEce: (C6) Create a correlaLon between the laminated flashcard and create a word for the word
Wall that can be posted for future reference. The student will also be asked to order the historical event in chrono-
logical order.

Comprehensible Input Techniques: (R6) Direct instruc-

ModificaEons / AccommodaEons: (E6) If Ipads/chrome-
books are not available, then we will brainstorm and Lon, joint construcLon, coached construcLon, monitor-
document events they may have prior knowledge of, cre- ing.
aLng a discussion rather than the padlet usage.

Name: Megan Ibarra
OBJECTIVE: Students will observe the lecture regarding the History of the principles of health science and evaluate
the Lmeline of historic principles/events.

OPENING: Hand out laminated flash cards to students as they enter the classroom with no instrucLon, have them
review the objecLve for today. “Let them brainstorm the correlaLon between the laminated flash card and the ob-

Hook the students with the “Who am I?, What am I?” Discussion of the laminated flashcards.

TEACHER INPUT: Slide show. Include a page with terms they will see. So that they can jot them down to help create
a word wall later. These words will correlate with todays lesson as well as many future lessons. Visual lesson will in-
clude the images that are on the flash cards and the slides. Auditory will be addressed with the short video clip that
will be included. KinesteLc will be addressed by matching game using the flashcards.

MODEL: Graphic organizers will be handed out so that the students can summarize the instructed material. Those
notes will be available to help them with matching game and whip around.

GUIDED PRACTICE: Open up padlet, research a historical event within 5-10 mins. Discuss fidings. If electronics are
not applicable, then an open discussion regarding their prior knowledge of historic medical principles.
Retaining / Rehearsing

INDEPENDENT PRACTICE: Finding a word that will be necessary to be added to the word wall for future reference
throughout the course. Provide a Lme line from the given informaLon from the instrucLon to create a chronologi-
cal Lmeline of events/principles.


1. Tell me what would happen if anLbioLcs had not be invented?
2. Discuss the importance of Mr. Louis Pasteur.
3 Order historical events from oldest to most recent.

ASSESSMENT: Review of score sheets on matching game as well as the graded overview of the chronological order
of events/principles.

RESOURCES / MATERIALS: Slideshow, chromebooks/Ipads, Laminated flashcards, graphic organizer sheets.

CLOSURE: Whip around or pair share, dependent on the group of students.


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